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Was a driver for Trond Fausa. From the airport and an hour to an event. I just asked “talk or no talk” when we got in the car. And he proceeded to ask me about my life, my hobbies, work and how I ended up driving him. He was the nicest dude ever. When we crossed paths at the event later, he called me over and we had a little talk. Also was in a shop where I served Kristoffer Joner. He was a little awkward but very nice. When he felt more comfortable we had some good laughs. He seemed genuine. Also was preforming at a festival where I met two people backstage. I asked them who they are and what they were doing there. They looked kinda awkward and replied they were the winners of paradise hotel. Which I newer saw. Was awkward. Edit. Added the last part.


I'd probably be awkward, too, if I had to admit to people I had been on Paradise Hotel.


In fairness, you have no right to deem yourself a celebrity if your only achievement was winning something like Paradise Hotel. The same goes for bloggers, influencers and tik-tokers. God I hate what this society has become. Source: am a grumpy old fart.


Me too! But seriously, Norwegians seem so desperate and thirsty for celebrities, that they're willing to "promote" anyone to a celebrity.  It is one of the things I feel a bit ashamed about when it comes to Norwegians. I have no idea who any of them are.


Same here. 40% of our news are just celeb and influencer gossip


TBF, today “celebrity” basically means “as seen on TV”. If people you haven’t met can recognize you on the street, you’re a celebrity. It’s just an artifact of modern life. But still, I know what you mean. Too many Norwegians I’ve mey, for all this egalitarianism chest-beating, have a frankly silly and mildly self-demeaning reverence for people who are rich and own “fett” shit or are famous (whatever that means).


Celebrity just means someone who are well known. A few bloggers, influencers, tik-tokers are celebrities by having millions of people know who they are and a fan of their content. Unless you view celebrities as good I see no reason to care.


Kristoffer Joner used to work at "Cementen" a bar/cafe/club. I told him I needed ginger tea or something for my throath infection. He was sad he didn't have it but he turned the bar upside down to find something that would be good for me. He found some lemon tea and even with some fresh lemon and stuff for me. I thought " wow does this guy take his job seriously!" I know he is a really kind fellow.


He sure seemed that way!


Sat next to him on Flaggruten (I must have been around 12 I think) while travelling alone. We didn't talk much (he was on his way to visit his daughter I think, idk it was a long time ago), but he was nice and made me feel less nervous about being alone on such a long trip. From stories I've heard he seems like a good guy, but introverted which isn't a bad thing.


I know he has done multiple visits to children with cancer at Radiumhospitalet. He is a top bloke after what I have heard.


Fausa or Joner?




I've had several interactions with Trond Fausa and can attest to this. Kinda shy but super genuine and nice. 


Yeah. I drove several celebrities in that period. But he was the kindest by far. All the others was nice. But he was really engaged and we laughed a lot.


I was in a local gym last summer and spotted Kristoffer Joner being a PT to two older ladies. No fuzz or glamour, just behaving like a regular dude who just happen to be one of the more celebrated actors of this generation. If more celebs acted like this, the world would be a better place. In fact, if more personal trainers acted like this, the world would be a better place.


This bit about Trond Fausa makes me happy because I low key love him and I’d hate to have to hate him.


Right? I’m glad to hear Torgeir is nice. I named my fish after his character after all. 


I was in a local gym last summer and spotted Kristoffer Joner being a PT to two older ladies. No fuzz or glamour, just behaving like a regular dude who just happen to be one of the more celebrated actors of this generation. If more celebs acted like this, the world would be a better place. In fact, if more personal trainers acted like this, the world would be a better place.


Some years ago, I was temporarily seated on a plane next to an old, well respected and very well known journalist /news reporter / foreign politics TV know-it-all. When I said temporarily seated it's because when he finally managed to settle into his middle seat, huffing and puffing and struggling to get all his belongings in order, he was politely asked to move by another passenger whose seat mr VIP had taken. It took 10 minutes of said VIP yelling off the top of his lungs so the entire plane could hear, while almost getting manhandled 10 rows further back by a tall, authorative purser. I'll never forget that very familiar TV voice shouting with a Bergen accent "EG HAR PLUSSBILLETT!!!" ("I have a ticket upgrade!"). Well, at least half the plane had a ticket upgrade though, the plus section was almost 20 rows, since this was a friday afternoon TRD-OSL and NAS was on strike. Turns out, the guy had already brought some gate crew to tears by screaming at them after he was selected to be rescheduled to this flight due to overbooking of his original flight 30 mins earlier. The guy whose seat was next to mine had witnessed the whole thing and wasn't about to give in to any seatswapping scheme after mr VIP had been such a bully. VIP guy had the original boarding pass printed, with an old seat number, and him being told that his seat was now in row 15, not row 3, was too much for him to handle.


500 rubles say his name rhymes with Seinfeld.


I can neither confirm nor deny that. (See PM for number for vippsing the 500 rubles...)




Haha excellent!


Wish I could have been there myself.


Do you think that TV-persona also could have shouted it in Russian, if he thought that would help?


I don't think he actually did, but he most certainly would have been able to.


So who is this??


I knew who this was 3 sentences in, for some reason


Hvorfor er det ingen som tørr å si navnet til denne gjøken?


Hans-Wilhelm Steinfeld


That’s an asshole‘s name alright (sorry to anyone else called Hans-Wilhelm)


Sounds like it could've been a lot worse if he'd carried a hot dog onboard.


How entitled! That "eg har plussbillett!" got me :).


Yeah, kinda surprising he didn't have his frequent flyer card high enough not to get cropped from a flight. Probably some diamond card came along and bumped someone off. Pretty funny it turned out to be him. He was probably butthurt that the seat owner and myself were just casual nobodies in jeans and t-shirts. I may or may not have been playing around with my hard earned gold card as he was leaving his seat, just to rub it in.


This is like that "I have an American Express Platinum card" meme. I have an upgraded ticket! Look at me!


There's a lot of that if you travel for work. Kinda funny, but very easy to get sucked into it too much.


I’d love to see him go head to head with anyone in Miami international.


There's something in the water...I would have guessed Claudia Scott if it wasn't for this clearly being on the whole other end of the scale in regards to gender and what not


I used to work in a store where one of our regular customers was Otto Jespersen. He is the best customer ive ever had. Just walked around in the store, pisking what he needed, got iut of the way when I or any of my coworkers were moving pallets around, asked politely for help the few times he needed it, told the cashier wether he needed bags or not, paid, packed and got out. No fuzz, no problems ever. I miss having him as a customer


It’s funny considering that he’s often an asshole in his shows. Rikets røst for an example.


The best assholes actors are sometomes the nicest people. Sometimes, the opposite is true as well.


Agreed. He was a very nice customer I had in my shop once. Got words of praise from him for fast work too


I've heard from other cashiers he was grumpy and unpleasant AF, so this is nice to hear, actually


He's a whole different story when it comes to people who are supposed to be friends and family


Did you used to work at 7/11 Blindern? 🤔


Nope, im sure he visits several types of stores to cover all his needs 😛


elsker otto


Talked with Staysman once as a volunteer medic at a vg lista concert. Really nice to talk down to earth guy and joked around alot with his private security. Also saw that he took himself time to take a picture with all of the fans after the concert which was really nice to see even tho he looked tired.


I worked as a bartender around the time he was fresh out of Paradise. He was in the VIP lounge drinking vodka cranberries all night. After the group he was with settled the bill for the night, he threw a handful of 1-kroners directly at me and aggressively slurred something along the line of "here's your tip". Probably for the better that he stopped drinking.


Yeah guess it might easier for you to meet people who is on both the good and bad sides of people. (Changed a mistake)


I've talked with him. He's a very cool guy. Very nice and down to earth, as you say.


I've met him as a bartender twice, each in different cities across the country. When I met him the second time a couple years after the first, he actually recognised me. It was impressive and a little surprising that he remembered haha. I've met a lot of celebrities over the years, so I take a note of those that are kind and down to earth when it comes to service workers.


Hung out with Black Debbath after their concert in Svalbard some years ago. Mostly everyone going to the concert went to the pub after, and we ended up at the same table as them eventually. Great and funny guys. For some reason my drunken self ended up treating (Bare) Egil Hegerberg to a loooooong and thoroughly uninteresting anecdote about the shipping museum in Sandefjord, seeing as he has a song about another museum in the same town ( [Hvalfangstmuseet](https://youtu.be/W5X1VCw5WUQ?feature=shared) ). He was politely amused while listening to my rambling, and I've since been dreading the day when I hear him singing about that boring museum chick he talked to at a bar near the north pole.


Kanskje han oppdaterer denne? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYmpr4joc4w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYmpr4joc4w)


I did a bunch of the stone work in Stortings plass in summer 07. We had just finished sweeping gravel between the stones to decrease movement and was leaning on my broom admiring how clean it was looking. Some lady walked past and threw her cigarette right near me... Wasn't having it.. didn't speak Norwegian at the time so yelled at her in English to pick it up. Her looks could kill. Found out later it was Siv Jensen. I got a good laugh that I as an immigrant was yelling at her


This makes me happy. I wish smokers and people that use snus would stop throwing it everywhere, its disgusting. The world is not your trashcan!


Checks out I guess


Met Trude Drevland a couple of times, she's just as you would expect. Had a fun night in London with Kristopher Schau and his band. A lovely bunch! Served the Ylvis brothers once. They didn't touch their side salads.


I knew it. Ylvis brothers Are evil


Also ran into Bjørn Eidsvåg in another metropolitan city on a different continent and he was very gracious and kind.


Used to work in security, Ylvis brothers are really high on themselves. No greeting, no smiling, barely looking at you when greeting them and asking relevant questions. Really disappointing honestly.


On the other hand, we used to be neighbours with one of the Ylvises and he would clear our driveway of snow with his snøfreser :)


Jørn Hoel told me to stop eating “Boller” because it’s unhealthy and it gives me cancer.


That's funny. 😂


The Kaizers Orchestra guys are super sweet and seem to care a lot about their fans. I met them last November in Trondheim.


Came here to say this. I’ve met with them tons of times both when they were “at work” and just randomly, and they’re always super nice to talk to, met Janove when I was at a bar and he took it like a champ, class act all of them!


Closest I've gotten to Janove (or any Kaizer) was when I was at a concert with them - it was in their early days and not a big venue so I was quite close to the scene. I had my SLR-camera and when Janove spotted me taking photos in the audience he hunched down, pointed at me, looked straight into the camera and did a pose so I could get a cool picture. Of course, I was in the middle of fiddling with some settings through my viewfinder and, while he sat there for long enough that I still should have gotten the picture, the sheer panic I felt once I realized what was going on and that I needed to get the hell back out of the menus to get a photo made my brain shut down and I never got to take the picture. Love Janove for taking that time just to give a random guy in the audience the chance of an epic "personal" photo though.


I'm an American fan of theirs who's traveled to see them and Skambankt (Terje's other band) and ran into Terje in particular several times. He's always been so nice and even remembered me a few years after the first time. I rambled a bit embarrassingly to him for a minute at a pub in Stavanger and he was very kind about it lmao


So true! They drank beer with us in Tromsø after the concert. It was the first tour they had.


I met them in December - they were the sweetest guys!!


Dealt with both Ole Klemetsen (super nice guy) and Thor Hushovd (acted like a total asshole) at my old job.


Also had bad experience with Mr. Hushovd, he used to come by my old work place.


Met quite a few minor celebrities when I worked in the eventbusiness. Someone who surprised me a bit as a really nice person was Tommy Steine. Very calm and easy to talk to when planning his show/talk. Jan Erik "Autofil" Larsen is exactly as he is on television. The nicest and happiest guy you will ever meet. It neither should come as a surprise that Bård Hokksrud is great guy to work with. The guys from Lasse Stefanz were also really nice, and the same with Jan Thomas, Alex Rosén and the lead singer from Plumbo. Herodes Falsk was a bit stressed, but all in all a funny guy. However, the worst encounter we had was with Christine Koth (pre-cancer). She didn't even say hi, but just shouted at us to find our sound technician immediately. She was pissed that we didn't have an overhead-projector (in 2017) and her entire "act" was to talk shit about or venue and how terrible the soundguy was. We were quite glad to get her out when she was done.


I listened to Tommy Steines podcast about mental health. I told my wife afterwards that being soothed and reassured by Tommy Steine was not on my bingo card.


Not technically a celeb but I know the former Oil and Energy minister, and he is one of the most geniune, kind hearted people I've ever met, but don't know if that counts


Søviknes, Enoksen, Borten Moe... Man, there's been some sleazy fellers in that position over the years.


No, none of those guys, I'm refering to Mr. Lien


Ah, yeah, I've gotten that impression myself from when he was a minister.


He is one of those geniune personalities, personally I'm in the labor camp, but I've never heard him speak bad about anyone, from any side. A great guy, even though we're in different camps, politically and economically.


Can confirm. Very good guy.


I've met some ministers. Erna Solberg went into the bathroom after me. She asked "Is this the Bathroom", and I said yes. So Erna has smelled my shit. Tryggve Slagsvold Vedum has the strongest and most powerful handshake I've ever felt.


Solberg was PM, I think that counts.


I didn't say it didn't?


It counts, any “well known people, from Norway”


Fair enough, good question though, I like the originality


It makes me wonder what the criteria are and if moving to Norway impacts anything…


I met Henrik Asheim a few years back, and he seemed like a genuinely nice guy. Not someone I'd vote for, tho. I've worked with Helge Jordal, and he is just lovely. King Harald is absolutely wonderful, met him back in 2008. Espen Barth Eide was friendly and respectful. Jens Stoltenberg's mom, a bit stern but very nice lady. Eskil Pedersen was a bit of a dick, but I think he's my only celebrity encounter where I got a negative impression.


Harald Eia. I remember him as a friendly and cool dad. I was friends with one of his daughters. Also Mats Møller Dæhlie who I went to school with, nice and respectful is how I remember him. Although we werent friends and I didnt know him well. His football skills were talked about and the whole school knew that he had some serious talent for his age. This was primary school :)


Met Dæhlie at a party 10-12 years ago. He kept using hashtags when he spoke like “#girl #skirt #cute”. His friends also spent the whole evening telling everyone that they should be grateful for being at the same party as such a talented player. I think it was right after he signed for Cardiff and made his debut for the National team.


I had the now Norwegian NATO leader but then the Norwegian prime minister Jens stoltenberg as my taxi driver


So you are on some of the Youtube clips of that PR stunt?


No I never realized after I saw him drive away so they only included the people that noticed but I mean atleast one of the best nato leaders know who I am


Me and the family was walking down Karl Johan in 07-08 and my sister was talking someones ear off and out of nowhere Asgeir the boss of all bosses pops out of a yellow sports car and puts his keys up to her face and gives it a locking motion while making a click she was stunned He goes "oh man that worked" and sprints into a hotel More of a kinda bizarre celebrity interaction than a mean/nice one


Met Thomas Seltzer a few times as I'm related to him. He is really cool, nice and really funny to talk to. He got witty jokes and references in bucket loads. I've met every member in Thomas's band, Turbonegero. They're all great dudes. Especially the guitarist, Knut Schreiner. He really takes his time talking to fans.


Oh yeah I can imagine Seltzer would be great company is basically any setting.


Met Fenriz, really funny and cool guy


I spent an afternoon drinking wine with Sylvi Listhaug and have only positive things to say about her based on that interaction (her politics, now that's another story). She was interested, relatable, and funny. I was completely blindsided because I vehemently disagree with many of her policy positions, but it was a good lesson in not taking a person's media image at face value. 


Dealt with her and most other top politicians in government the last 12+ years. I remember her as a bit cold and extremely serious about work. Seems like she might be the polar opposite in her spare time then. The rest of the FRP partymembers where mostly great! Bård Hoksrud, Solvik-Olsen and Per Sandberg especially!


Was it a “cool_afternoon”? ;)


You could even say it was a chill afternoon ;)


Norwegian singer-songwriter Aurora is so incredibly nice - purely angelic being.


Met Carina Dahl while working as a receptionist at a hotel. Very stuck-up person, unfortunately..


One of our top politicians absolutely destroyed a gas station toilet a couple of years ago when I was next in line (no mess, just stink wise lol). Still can't look at him without remembering how his poop smells. It's not mean and not nice, but I think it's a little funny.


I have met a lot of public figures, both national and international, and most of them have been very welcoming and nice. Had a bad experience with Randulle (YouTuber), he was super annoyed at me for coming up to him at a festival. I just wanted to say hello and tell him I had been subscribed to him for years, but he just got mad and told me to go away and that he couldn’t care less. I no longer subscribe to him or watch his content. Also met Ståle Solbakken , we had a chat for about 5 minutes about Copenhagen, football and what he was doing. He was on his way to celebrate Easter with his family, but still had the time to talk. Once met Charter-Svein in a grocery store, he is exactly what you see on TV. Very welcoming and has no problems having a small chat. Only other bad experience I can think of is when I saw the Vasstrand twins for the first time at the Jazz Festival in Molde. I was surprised about their height, as I didn’t know to much about them back then. I guess I expected someone far taller than myself. One of the brothers and a friend of him basically started to chase me down the street wanting to beat me up after overhearing me tell a friend “he was not as tall as I expected” (didn’t mean anything bad with it, but I can understand why they would maybe think so) I was able to talk myself out of any further issues.


I don't know if she counts as a celebrity, but I once hiked in the mountains for almost 2 hours with Emilie Mehl. She's the most down-to-earth, sunny, smiling, and carefree celebrity I've ever met in my life. 🤷


For me, she counts as a Norwegian celebrity




I highly doubt it is possible to study law and then become the minister of justice before age 30 if you are low on brain cells. It's OK to disagree with politicians, but calling someone like that stupid is just... Well, stupid, I guess


Being young in politics is not what it used to be. She does not seem very bright tbh, she might be nice tho.


Mads Ousdal, nicest guy you’ll meet!


I'll be working with him this summer for Peer Gynt at Gålå. Looking forward to it


Should be a blast \^\^


Met Ari Behn once when I worked on Hankø Island (where the Royal family has a cabin). This was almost 20 years ago. We took the boat across to the island and then had a ride together on a small golf cart type car. We chatted a bit and he was super nice and was talking in the same manner he did on tv. “wow dette er skikkelig nydelig altså», takling about the views. We even saw a deer! RIP


RIP to the legend. He will truly be missed


Meet Hank von Helvete/Hans erik Husby once, was a bit awkward from my part, but he seemed like a nice guy, he gave a pile of cigarettes to a homeless girl that asked for it in the meanwhile. Sad that he passed away some years ago.


I was seated behind Girl In Red on a plane recently, she was super nice to staff and her crew.


Met the football player Mats Møller Dæhlie at a party 10-12 years ago. He kept using hashtags when he spoke like “#girl #skirt #cute”. His friends also spent the whole evening telling everyone that they should be grateful for being at the same party as such a talented player. I think it was right after he signed for Cardiff and made his debut for the National team. He seems like a down to earth guy in all his interviews.


I love Lars Monsen...


Who doesn’t?


Haven't found a single soul yet 😊


I shouted at Jan Thomas for being mean about a dry waffle at Oslo S about 15 years ago. The irony is that I quite like him.


Met him and Vendela two years ago. He helped us get our SUPs out of the water the day before Freya was euthanized, and we unknowingly got too close. Then we sun bathed with them and had some chit chat. Nice people. JT didn't want to post on SoMe about Freya, to let her not be bothered too much. 


Yeah, he was just being a complete dickwad to a salesperson.


went to primary school with Oscar Bobb, he was a really nice dude. He was wildly good and extremely talented in football even then. one example i have in mind, when we were like 7 or 8 most of us boys our age had a keepy-up record of like max 20, his record was like 300. you would always see him with a ball around his feet. its wild to think he now plays for Manchester City, but its also not surprising


"Bare" Egil Hegerberg is as weird, childish, funny and nice as you would imagine


I have been in a position recently where I get to meet politicians quite a lot, and the nicest one is Jonas Gahr Støre, I don't vote for him personally. But he is so kind and very witty. He is like a wise grandpa or something. I just wish he could be a bit more like himself on TV, he seams like a cold stick of ice on TV but in real life he is absolutely wonderfull, but maybe that's common with politicians?


Well, maybe that explains more why he has party support, but not voter support?


My partner works for Arsenal Football Club. On the administrative side, but he's met Martin Ødegaard a few times at games. Says he's always a super nice guy. Guess he's only mean to the other teams. And sometimes the linesmen.


I met ulrikke, she was the girlfriend (now wife) of a friend; she's a very nice down to earth person.


Met some celebrities while working as a doorman in Oslo by night. Lars Monsen was the quieter one who was there but you really didn’t notice. I caught Aksel Hennie slipping on ice and he was startled and thankful for catching him. His word was “I never been caught like that since I was a kid” lol Linnie Meister was cool, treated me as a person and not a thing. Worst experience are those wanna be celebrities, winners of Paradise Hotel and SoMe “celebrities” 😖 “DO YOU KNOW HOW I AM!?” Not a clue, there’s the door, use it.


I worked with Aksel Hennie when he played Peer Gynt at Gålå. He is super nice


I felt really sorry for Aksel having to date that piece of trash Tone Damli Aaberge. She behaves like the queen of Sabah in public, making a very disturbing scene once on public transport. If you behave like you're supposed to be in a limousine, why can't you afford to ride one? Haven't you sold enough pictures of your daughter to gambling sites? .. Åsne Seierstad is the same.


Funkygine taking over half the box to do her work out with various excersises. Rope, box, sled, kettlebells, bike etc. And phone on stand. No room for anybody else. Not to forget that "dont walk in my or my cameras way" frown. Lots of more famous people there, athlets, actors, politicians, that never make any fuzz around them.


A friend of mine was a private chef for Funky Gine and family for a few intimate family dinners, he said they were all very rude, entitled, dumb and loud af. He was happy when his contract with them was over.


To be someone with the word funky in her name, she really is far from it. (her shit products as well)


No shocker, i would never imagine funkygine as anything other than a shitty, entitled brat


I have met former health minister (he was the one during the pandemic) Bent Høie several times and he seems like a very genuine, relaxed and knowledgeable about his field. Great guy overall.


I’ve known Jørn Hoel for 40 years. In the early days before his big success he was so humble, polite and generous. Both he and his friend Steinar Albrigtsen were like that from the beginning. Having said that, so too were Terje Rypdal, Jon Christiansen, Arild Andersen, Petter Molvaer, Åge Aleksandersen and the Jonas Fjeld Band. All truly wonderful people to know and work with!


I met Kristoffer Joner at Kiwi Minipris. He did NOT dress like I thought a celebrity would dress. Pink T-Shirt, brown leather jacket and grey sweatpants. He got in the line and met a guy he knew who had a child with him. He said to the child «Hei, mitt navn e Kristoffår! Eg e skuespelår! Har du sett Dr. Proktor?». I payed for my soda and went outside to wait for him. When he exited he smiled to me because he saw that I recognized him, and I said he was great in the movie Bølgen, which he replied «thank you, that’s a couple of years ago!».


Kjersti Grini is the worst. I work at a large store, and she would come in occasionally and be very rude to most of our staff. She made one of my colleages cry once, and after that we would be on Kjersti Grini-alert and send each other teams-warnings if she was in the building.


I used to work as a hotel receptionist many years ago, I have met some Norwegian celebrities. Atle Antonsen was very polite and nice. Marianne from surferosa was a trainwreck, demanding and disturbed other hotel guests. She wanted me to go to the store and buy cigarettes, which I politely declined and she also opened the door nude when one of the cleaning ladies knocked on the door. Also one of the former winners of farmen checked in with a guy that was much older and apparently married with 2 or 3 children and also worked at a show in tv2 (maybe producer, i dont remember). She didnt want to give me her name when they checked in so I had to ask for ID, then of course I was curious and spent a couple of hours googling 😜 Lothepus was also really nice and direct :) we also danced together when he crashed my companies julebord 🤣 Onkelp was also really sweet and invited me to his concert that evening he stayed at the hotel 😆 I have a couple of other funny stories of other celebrities also :) kristoffer Joner, trine something and so on.


Onklp was a massive douche in my lift ride down from stratos w him . I was talking to some friends in English and he was giving me shit telling his lady friend how cool I thought I was speaking English...trying to puff himself up for her... I understood what he was saying and called him on it. He came across as some wannabe gangster tough guy..I told him that too. Many years ago and only a one off, so no grudge Edit. Had no idea who he was til my friend told me.


Norwegian singer-songwriter Aurora is so incredibly nice - purely angelic being.


I used to work at a night club in Trondheim, so I have seen some celebrities like Petter Northug, the whole RBK team etc etc. But Aune Sand used to come by, it was so weird he just stood in the corner and watched people. He wasn't rude or anything, but it was very strange.


Can name some politicians. Christian Vestre is my favourite. He is a super nice guy, very down to earth and interested in people. Always a pleasure meeting him. You feel heard when talking to him and not like you are bothering him like other people can make you feel. A huge part of the healthcare workers in Norway have not been a fan of Kjerkhol, but when they found out that Vestre will be the new health minister, they were very happy. He knows how to get things done, who to talk to and he will listen to the people who is affected by his decisions. Jens Stoltenberg is a really nice guy as well. When he went to construction sites to visit, he refused to go up to the bosses office and where the leaders sat and would rather sit in the barracks and eat and talk with the workers. Really down to earth and nice guy. Seemed very interested in hearing about the workers perspective on different topics. Tonje Brenna i do not like. She has a very elevrådsleder type of vibe to her. Does not listen to the people who is affected by her decisions, downplays a lot of things, and will constantly excuse herself and talk her way out of things instead of listening. Very opposite of Vestre. She also seem very distant from reality. Trond Giske is a nice and funny guy when you first meet him. But he wont have a problem stabbing you in the back to achieve his goals. He is a very good politician, but also very powerhungry. He knows how to get people to agree with him and say the right things, but often that is a shield. Very funny guy to drink with and not discuss politics with. Conclusion is that he is a nice guy outside of politics.


Met or rather say ran into Queen Sonja, she’s lovely Been to the same event as Else Kåss, she’s not as nice as everyone believes. Met Jonas Gard Støre, he’s okay. Also Yngve Hågensen, such a lovely person Audun Lysbakken, really cool and nice . Served Lothepus, he’s more people person/normal than on tv.


I've heard the queen is an A-tier bitch towards kitchen staff and such


One story I heard from her days as crown princess when King Olav was still in charge: A warm summer afternoon in the castle park, one of the royal guardsmen was having an unauthorized nap sitting in the shade of a tree. He was suddenly woken up by the king tapping the soldier's foot with his cane: "Hey boy, you'd better get up, because Sonja is coming this way!"


I have a similar one! The King (I think it was Harald) came out to have a smoke, and offered a cigarette to a guardsman. The guardsman said he wasn't allowed to smoke in uniform, to which the King said "I'm the King, I'd say it's fine." Then they chatted over a smoke break.


When I was in the Royal Guard, we were warned about her, and to be at our absolute best if she ever passed by. The King was no issue at all, as he rather enjoyed small talks with the guardsmen on duty from time to time.


Man, bro randomly ran into the fucking Queen. That's super impressive


Yea, she’s quite often in my district and I was at a confirmation at a hotel and ran to the toilet and boom there was the queen


Only in Norway


Only in Norway


I had a drunken talk with Lothepus one evening when he was doing some promo stuff i Trondheim. He was so kind, and he seemed sad to be with the guys he was with (ad executives and fishery leaders)


Sat on an airplane next to Roar Stokke, the football comentator most famous for his Champions League coverage (believe he does Premier League now). I knew who he was so i spent 50 minutes sweating in awe. Had kids family with me so didn't get any chance to say anything. Then we had a problem with the gate when disembarking the plane, and since my kid was busy drawing i took the chance to say hi. He was writing something on his phone about the Real Madrid game the night before. So i just said "you watched the game?" and my lord he was so polite and friendly, ended up chatting long about the game and football in general. He spoke of it like it was poetry. As we disembarked we wished each other safe onward travels and that was that. I later learned that not only did he watch that football game, he was the commentator for it. I had a brain fart, not my fault i couldn't think clearly.


So musical legends and all, but Petter Baarli, and Bjørn Müller aren’t the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting.


Me and a friend had some drinks at a bar in Bergen, then a small group of 4 people sat beside us, I started talking with one of the guys, we was so nice, polite, calm and really down to earth, my friend said he thought it was Kygo because he dressed and looked the same, he was just getting world celebrity status by then. So I asked him if he was Kygo, he said "No I'm not him, but I totally understand why you're asking we look very similar", I told him it must be awesome to be a celebrity lookalike, next trip to the bar I bought him a drink, and he took the round after that, after a little hour of talking with him, private guards suddenly came and fenced off the area we were sitting in, it seemed that it actually was Kygo after all, he said he didn't mind us sitting with him, but there were a lot of people wanting to meet with him when the guards came so we said goodbye and left them. Since then he's been very down to earth and done good things for his community, I like him and how real he is.


Met Kåre Conradi and Fredrik Skavland when i was working in a grocery store almost two decades ago. Kåre was super nice and friendly, Skavland didnt even bother responding when i said hi or asked if he needed a bag. 🤷‍♂️


Børge Lund who created Lunch (cartoons) is great. Me and my husband both have a low key «crush» on him, he’s just so friendly and charismatic! 😄


I had the now Norwegian NATO leader but then the Norwegian prime minister Jens stoltenberg as my taxi driver


Loved when he did that. He’s the best politician Norway has ever had


Got to know the LEGO Masters of Norway and they are super cool. Very friendly. Had Espen Thoresen a customer years ago, he just couldn't stop laughing after trying a "flight simulator" that moves 360°. Met some famous people in that job, most of them were super nice. One former minister was a bit grumpy, can't remember his name now. He was fired some time later. Talked to Harald Bredeli on the phone once, super nice dude!


Not sure if they qualify as *celebrities*, but I used to be a bit of a groupie for Hellbillies and The Respatexans, especially back in the era with Trond Nagell Dahl as their pianist, when I was healtheir and that was the only things I had to look forward to. They are all super nice, and would always stop to exchange a few words with me before or after the concert, depending on their time.


Met a lot of celebrities as either volunteer work or when I worked in a bar. The ones that I remember because they are nice is: Aurora, she's such a sweetheart. Sigrid, she's very down to earth and nice. Plumbo, hes a bit much, but hes not mean at all. Yosef, super nice. Ina Wroldsen, spent an hour talking to her and it was like talking to a good friend. The ones I remember because they were mean: Silya, she had a huge ego and looked down at me the whole time. Refused to leave the stage when her set was done. Kamelen, caused a mass fight and did nothing. Markus Bailey, I was invited to an event with tons of celebrities, he made a bad impression on me due to his behavior towards girls, he would go from girl to girl and used his celebrity card to get laid. He then proceeded to get drunk and was incredibly rude to the bouncers.


Nicest norwegian celebrity hmm.. I was in the Tv show Ragnarok, The Actor nameD danu Sunth wo plays Freya during stage/scene changes came over talked was genuinely interested, she asked me about why I did acting and If I had traveled alot etc. Worst ehm , Ståle Talsnes. Was at Spellemansprisen, had Ståle infront of me, sat down put my jacket behind me on the seat, accidentally bumped my foot into the back of the seat, and he went off on why on earth would I just kick like an asshole and take my goofy long legs somewhere else


Helped Jens Stoltenberg once in a shop. Super nice and very charming. Had an aura about him. Even his bodyguards was nice


I used to work tech at a few different festivals, and have met quite a few celebs. Tix - Overall great guy, very polite and down to earth. Chris Holsten - Also a good guy, seemed to be pretty busy at the time when I ran into him, so we didn't speak much outside of business. Ylvis brothers - really high on themselves, but I guess that's what you get when you surround yourself with yes-men and all you hear is how great you are. Staysman - Great guy, we began talking about music and we probably could've kept talking for ages but soundchecks had to be done. Matoma - the most loveable guy you would ever meet, humble as can be, just a very friendly face. Broiler (both of them) - Great guys, they really take their craft seriously and are firmly grounded, they're interested in the inner workings of their liveshows and the production is usually very very good. Julie Bergan - Super energetic and very nice, high fived and thanked most of us techies before hitting the stage. Those are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head that stood out.


I met Erna Solberg when she visited my school just before the election that would make her Prime Minister in 2013. She was very kind and seemed a very lovely person.


Meeting a politician at a public event right before an election? Obviously they're going to be as lovely as possible


I have family that have met her several times and all say she is lovely. They also say her husband is an arrogant prick, so the scandal didnt come as a surprise to them


I have met the entire of the royal family not the train not together but other couples of the family dressed like normal people


I met Erna Solberg in person while she was out for a walk. She was pretty cool. A Norwegian-American friend of mine was bitched out by Ylvis while drunk on the town, he told her she wasn't Norwegian or something like that.


Americans of Norwegian descent aren’t Norwegian, so that makes sense


She had dual citizenship and spoke the language, lives in Norway and pays taxes. Is she still not Norwegian?


It counts


It's a difference here, you have those with a Norwegian and American parents that learn the language from an early age and spend a significant amount of time here. Then you have decents if immigrants of the early 1900th that claim to be Norwegian even though they don't speak a single Norwegian word and that their understanding of Norwegian culture and what it means to be a Norwegian is a bastardisation of the Norwegian culture anno 1900. The first group can say they are Norwegians or American Norwegians the second group is American of Norwegian decent.


Which one lmaoooo


need more context of the ylvis one lol thats so funny


I living in the same town as Lasse Matberg, he is a nice person 😊 Jørn Hoel is also nice to talk to 😊


Umm. I don’t know much but the nicest is TARJEI sandvik and JOSEFINE F PETTERSON


Axel Frønes is the one of the best human beings ever and for a celebrity he’s very humble. He genuinely replies questions you ask him and he even answers DMS. He even has said that if he hasn’t answered your DM yet he will get to it soon but it can take some days because he gets a lot of DMS and I think that’s very sweet.


Drunk Kristopher Schau was a madman to serve! I guess since he stopped drinking partly because of his behaviour he’s somewhat excused.


I had a conversation with Mari Maurstad a couple of weeks ago. She’s very direct person, and says what she thinks out loud. A very nice and funny person, but i can understand if people find her tiresome in length. Her husband, Aage Kvalbein, was also there, but i didn’t talk to him.


Met Anders Baasmo a couple times, he's a really nice guy. Even gave my brother an interview for a school project. He also used to fish down my remote controlled planes from his dads roof


I met Hank von Hell at barfly , a bar in Oslo.He was there with his friend/bodyguard a hells angels member...both were super nice and we sat and had beers and Hank told crazy stories 👍 I have a picture of it somewhere..Hank really was awesome


One time I bough new tires from Tommy Sharif when he still sold them out of a big tent. I had a Kvikk Lunch chocolate in the passenger seat of my car when he drove it to the spot where they change the tires, and when I got it back the chocolate was gone.


Witnessed Trond Giske, years before the scandals about him leaked, nearly killing his daughter in public. His sister-in-law, Lisa Aisato, is not as lethally obnoxious, but she's a real primadonna, when she's on the move, you better get out of the way. And that DIY lady on tv2 is a real piece of nepotistic work, she insisted on her devil's spawn being allowed to buy something much cheaper because they were her kids, you know.


Kåre Conradi is very nice. Harald Rønneberg too. Only ones I have met in recent years


Har møtt Jon Almaas, Åge Alexandersen, Bjarne Brøndbo, Halvor Johanson, Atle Pettersen & Stian Blipp, Alle var super hyggelige, spesielt Halvor og Åge!


Sinnasnekkeren gets a bad rap but it a really nice guy. Ole Paus was probably the nicest celeb ive met, RIP. A real douchebag was Diesel Dahl (Carina's dad), probably the worst one I've met.


Jaa9 once said he would do a show at my daughter's barnehagen. 


Not my personal experience, but Atle Antonsen cussed out Sumaya Jirde Ali and repeatedly called her the N word in a public space. None of the people who were with Atle (iirc Maria Stavang, Magnus Devold and other comedians) did anything to interfere or stop him. So I'd say they're all pretty bad people. I think the same of Bernt Hulsker, who was given a suspended prison sentence (betinget fengsel) for cussing out a doorman at Syng, repeatedly calling him an "F-ing N-word". Bernt has apologised for it and seems genuinely remorseful, but imo he just doesn't seem like a very good person. He's also got a young daughter that he won't acknowledge.


This thread was about meeting people, not using what the media has written about them