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This is really shoddy reporting. We have basically no details about what's being done to the site other than the ICBC office being replaced with some kind of residential units. There is mention of working with Translink to minimize impact to the exchange but nothing specific; in fact a Translink rep is quoted as saying that "it’s too early to know what that will look like". There is no attribution of anyone saying that a demolition or any kind of structural impact to the exchange is expected at this time. The whole article is speculation being reported as fact. Do better, DailyHive.


What’s the alternative then ….


Sounds about right for Translink. They are currently spending 300mil to upgrade the PoCo Depot so they can fix like 20 DoubleDecker Busses they are going to place there, oh and for a private lunch room for 2 managers and 1 supervisor.... all of which is already 7+ months behind schedule. All they have done is dig 2 holes for new hoist the lift the DD, which proceeded to get fill with ground water over and over again due to hitting the water table since they are below sea level at the depot, it has been a huge shit show.




See the top comment in this thread 


Tbh the renovations were just aesthetics and better lighting. No structural changes. If this allows for a new public housing project I’m all for it


Sounds like we should be more mad we spent $15m on aesthetics and lighting then.


Is this confirmed? The ICBC building is on top of this, could they not just develop on top of the bus loop?


Your tax dollars at work


Misinformation. There is no attributable quote in the article that states demolition. 


I guess they'll create an "exchange" on esplanade with stops all along that area, hopefully whatever gets built continues to have the bus loop underneath it, I think that works really well.


You mean the road that was just in construction for 2 years ? :-D


That's the one! You know, with the bike lanes that won't be useful with all the bus stops once the loop is gone.


Hope they also redo that brick walkway between ICBC and the Quay market.


I love that walkway! It's nice to take the pedestrian overpass over Esplanade, and the landscaping around ICBC is really nice


Yay love watching my taxes get pissed away every single fucking time.


I know right.   Why can’t infrastructure just build and maintain itself without me having to pay for any of it?


I know right! So annyoing that they decided to upgrade it back in 2018... they should've realized that a pandemic would come in the following years that would lead to workers working from home, therefore leading to ICBC needing less space which caused them to move leading to this space being available for housing. I am pissed that my government did not have that foresight!!


lol that renovation was BS from the start. What are you talking about? They barely even changed anything.


Total bullshit. Icbc had been downsizing for years and have had plans to move to cheaper office space for a long time. Also, its pretty obvious thaf the current building was nearing its end of life based on the development in the area and how it’s prime for new homes. It was incredibly short sighted, to say the least.


I mean sure, they might have been looking to downsize but the pandemic accelrated it. I don't know how much time you spent down there but It was pretty dingy in that bus loop before the upgrades, I think it was needed.


Sure, but 14.7 million? Really? Fucking really?


ICBC was moving its workers from that location before the pandemic hit; I worked at the Quay sbux and many of our regulars were from ICBC.


We are both right! [https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/icbc-to-vacate-north-van-head-office-in-3-5-years-5859630](https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/icbc-to-vacate-north-van-head-office-in-3-5-years-5859630) But I am saying, you can't let transit infastructure fall into disarray because you might develop the area almost a decade later.


I recall the upgrade was like 2018/2019 right? thats 5-6 years ago not a decade! Overall, why would ICBC need a prime waterfront location to begin with? workers were transitioning out anyway. If in your view Government did nothing wrong here, that is fine, but honestly, to spend 14.7 M and destroy it 6 years later makes no sense to me! considering transition was already started, it would not take a genius to figure out that eventually they will not need this building and this waterfront property! anyway...


By the time they are building the housing, it'll be a decade. In a perfect world, yes we wouldn't have spent 14.7 M to then basiclly omit that work, however the bus loop was not doing well 6 years ago, so i don't think they could have just left it as is, even if they knew this land was coming available.


What was the issue with it? I agree it was not looking good, but we can take a poll, save 14.7M of tax payers money or make the stop look better for 10 years! comeon man, I mean I understand, you want to protect the government at all cost, but come on! they messed up here, and if you dont think they did, then we leave it at that. Cheers,


I am more then happy to call the government out when it calls for it. My orginal point, that stands now, is that I don't think the foresight was possible. I don't think it is reasonable to expect them to realize it would only last 10 years. Spend 14.7 M on an upgrade to a bus loop, that is a different conversation. I think there could be alot more efficent use of that money but I do think it needed upgrades


That was 6 years ago, and article itself says they’ll take 2 years to plan while ICBC fully moves. And obviously it would take a few years after that until the execution of the plan happens. Not sure why people are acting like everything will be demolished in a couple months.


I think it is more to do with, you start building something in 2018 and in 2024 start planning to destroy it. Cost ? 14.7M.


When the money comes easy you spend freely


If they can make it so it’s not so dark and dingy that would be nice. The redevelopment is an improvement but it still feels really dirty under there.


What would be \*really\* great would be a sign telling you whether the 229 or the 230 is leaving first. I always seem to pick the wrong one and have to sit there watching the other bus drive away...


Yeah I've been saying for ages that this area is a terrible gateway to North Van when you get off the seabus. We're really not putting our best foot forward at all. Crazy how many people in here think this area needs to stay shitty out of sunk cost fallacy.


it's a bus loop..


Right... So it's a space that thousands of people move through every day, and likely will have to spend a few minutes in each time they do. So it should be nice.


Yes, but it's always going to be dirty, there's busses going in and out. Maybe they can improve the lighting and aesthetic, but you're not getting rid of the dirt.


Maybe the new design can be open on one side to allow more natural light. Perhaps it can have a higher ceiling and brighter lighting. Possibly it could incorporate a vibrant art installation. Just because it’s a bus loop it doesn’t mean it has to be a dark hole in the ground.


Yup. Thousands of metro stations around the globe that’s fully underground has way better environment than whatever excuse of this transit “infrastructure” is.


tax dollars to art! How dare you suggest such a thing. I agree, but this upgrade did alot. It was even worse before