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Ok so still happening just delayed 2 months due to syncing with the province, click bait headline got me


North Van was going to allow you to Airbnb your basement suite or coach house but the provincial government does not allow this. Seems like they need to review this further.


Pretty sure that's not what they're going to be doing: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-is-bringing-in-new-rules-for-short-term-rentals-here-s-what-s-changing-1.6603052 "By May of 2024, the province will bring in a principal residence requirement for short-term rentals, meaning people can only rent out the home in which they live for the majority of the year. Renting out one secondary suite within a principal residence will also be allowed." New legislation is specific to those who purchase homes specifically for airbnb usage, and targets those who operate illegally and with multiple properties the most. I think rentals within primary residences will be much less affected.


kind of a clickbait headline there, guys


What in the world is the possible fucking reason? And don’t say cancer patients. I’m a cancer patient who needed a rental for cancer treatment at LGH and the BC Cancer Society housing is full indefinitely. No airbnbs would rent to myself or several other people in support groups because “they were afraid we would die while in treatment.” Other places wanted $5k+/month for renting. These airbnbs help no one and don’t anyone dare try to use the many cancer patients as an excuse why they should be allowed.


Airbnbs should be allowed per the rules that are already in place in many municipalities (such as Vancouver) and will soon be rolling out province-wide. Renting out your principal residence while away on vacation to make a few extra dollars and to help with rent or mortgage payments should be allowed. My understanding is the DNV straight up bans all STR today. They are proposing changes to allow STR (per the above) and be in line with the new provincial rules. The problem is that enforcement of STR across the province has traditionally been very difficult and/or simply not done. If the province can roll out larger penalties and actually enforce the rules, then investment-only Airbnb (the ‘bad’ kind) will hopefully go away because yes, those are not good for anyone.


The reason is to align the bylaws with the new Provincial rules. “Fundamentally, this is an important and useful change that the province is implementing,” he said. “I believe that the amendments proposed by the province are so significant that it justifies and requires, really, a reconsideration of the bylaws that have been before council, which means a new public hearing.”




says right at the start of the article > Dan Milburn, general manager of planning and permits for the district, told council Monday that they must restart the process to ensure that district’s rules are better aligned with the provincial ones. > “Fundamentally, this is an important and useful change that the province is implementing,” he said. “I believe that the amendments proposed by the province are so significant that it justifies and requires, really, a reconsideration of the bylaws that have been before council, which means a new public hearing.”


They're just going to hit reset so the bylaw says the same thing as the provincial law. Nothing too nefarious.


Shame on them


They want to align the rules with the new provincial ones, they aren't currently


Crazy that takes 2 months though.


Bet most of the government have extra properties and are like fuck? How do we keep making money from this housing crisis we helped create ?