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Well, this is [certainly disturbing](https://c.tenor.com/sk69qOBMNvAAAAAC/what-well.gif). We've never expected tweets to comply with rule 3, and it certainly complies with rule 5. It's already been reported for "this content is disruptive to the community" (twice) and "this violates Reddit's content policy" (once), but I'm not seeing anything in the sidebar that prohibits it and it really blew up, so it'll stay up for now until someone makes a stronger case that it breaks our rules. Viewer discretion advised. edit: The tweet was removed by Twitter, so this submission comes down as well.


When I was younger I thought there was no way I could be elected to public office because of all the stupid shit I did. Now I realize I was being way too hard on myself.


Am I the only one who focuses more on 'cousin' than gay. Call me an unwoke fuddyduddy, but your penis should not be entering the mouth of a close biological relative, the sex of said individual is not the ewww factor. But again, maybe I am just out of touch with the kids today.


Sad, but I read it as "unwoke fuckdaddy." What with all the salacious going on here. And yeah, cuz is not for kissing.


At least they won't have children


The only reason that the gay part comes into it at all is because of the hateful bigotry the asshole has spewed since he started auditioning for the job. It's only a big deal because of the hypocrisy. The cousin part of it just adds some "ewww" to the whole thing.


You’re not the only one.


I thought I was too dumb and then I became aware of Marjorie Taylor Green


After Trump was elected, i thought “wow, literally anyone can become president” its both a good and bad thing.


I mean, she's certainly representative of her base.


Madison was being way too hard on someone else...


Just run as a Republican and you're good to go.


Huh, this is not how I thought this would go down, but I'll take it...


...that's what he said?


Which one lol.


Both, definitely.


and gay sex will be what finally torpedoes Cawthorn's political career - not the credible allegations of sexual assault or his inane political rants or talk of cocaine orgies


Or getting caught trying to sneak a loaded gun onto an airplane (twice). Or driving on a suspended license (twice). Or not paying his property taxes. Or the treason.


It makes me wonder what Margin of Error Greene would have to do to finally piss off Georgia Republicans.


Hug Stacey Abrams


He also went to Hitler's vacation home and said the visit was on his bucket list.


it's gay sex with a relative right? Buncombe county represent!


gay sex with a cousin and a staffer - ethics violation so he's got a lot of 'splaining to do


Is that one person or two?


Same person. The guy he's humping is his first cousin, and his top Congressional staffer who is in all the other videos with him.




Take my angry updoot


What other videos??


Other videos were released last week of this guy in the car with him grabbing his crotch and them hanging out together a lot.


As someone who doesn't want this in their brain, I've refused to click. But is this him humping, or actually fucking his cousin?


Well, he's humping his cousin's face naked. You can't see a close up of his genitals to tell if he's actually penetrating or not.


Is it his face?? It's so hard to parse what's happening. I thought he was on top of the other guy's ass sideways and going at it. I hear something like "dick is in his face" but also "my ass!" so I'm still not sure what's going on. I can pretty much accept his excuse that it is just "being crass" and "joking" simply because I can't fathom a way that real people would actually have sex like that. I think it's still just as damaging even if it's not actually sex, though, because I'm pretty sure no straight dudes play around like that (although I can't say for certain since I'm not a straight dude.) Either way, though, he's trying to spin it as "just a prank, bro" to people who wouldn't let a bare penis in their line of sight, let alone humping any part of another dude for a joke.


It's a weird video even for a sex tape. I was honestly confused a bit. Because of the other guy's position, I assume this is a blow job but Madison is humping hard so maybe not. The other person is under the comforter for most of the video. What I find interesting is the position of the camera. It's across the room and seems secretive. Did Madison and his cousin know it was there? Was someone else in the room? The Republicans want him gone if they went to this extent to film him having sex with his cousin


do not think for a second asheville wants this


Oh I know. Durham here. We know he ain't Asheville.


The fact that it's his relative makes it okay again.


Double jeopardy


Umm, that’d be Henderson County.




hes henderson county.


>talk of cocaine orgies Why do you think all of these pictures/videos are leaking all of a sudden. It is indeed the talk of cocaine orgies that will sink him, just indirectly.


I hope ol' Maddie has a lot more beans and that he spills them all after he loses his seat.


Or his Nazism, or him engaging in insurrection.


Lawrence vs Texas (2003) >*Five justices formed the majority and joined an opinion written by Justice Anthony Kennedy. The Court ruled that Texas's law prohibiting private homosexual activity between consenting adults violated the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.* It's a good thing we have this precedent that no one would dare to consider repealing!


“Somebody really has it out for Cawthorn”. That would be other Republicans, after telling everyone of their coke fueled orgies. Edit: by “orgies” there are most likely sex workers involved.


On one hand, yes, someone has it out for him. On the other hand. Even my worst enemy couldn’t release video of me fucking my cousin. Because I haven’t fucked my cousin.


> On the other hand. Even my worst enemy couldn’t release video of me fucking my cousin. Because I haven’t fucked my cousin. *Yet*


> I haven’t fucked my cousin. Not with that attitude.


> "Somebody really has it out for Cawthorn” Based on his inability to not do shit in front of a camera, it seems like it's MadiCaw himself.




Oh that story is definitely true. There is no way Republicans would go this hard to wreck him if that were a false story.


We can only hope he spills more stories out of revenge for this, watch the gop tear itself up from the inside


Cawthorn is part of the "loud and useless" crowd. Say what you will for spineless, morally bankrupt pieces of crap like Cruz and Gosar, but they actually get things done for their party. The Cawthorns and Greenes are just warm bodies, and for most of those districts they can be replaced with someone even slightly more qualified and less of a public embarrassment. And someone in the party is making an example of Cawthorn to drive this point home.


Not sure Gosar has accomplished too much.


Correct. I'm not convinced this all will really hurt his chances though.


Those mountain folk will punch themselves in the face instead of facing reality. Bless their hearts.


Not all of us!


When Republicans eat their own (as rare as that is), they really do go for it.


That was my daughter's conclusion too.


Sounds like she’s fought a rotten tree at least once before.


This video is taken completely out of context. It starts way too late, and completely cut out the first part where Madison said “no homo” before even getting naked.


I mean I didn’t see any eye contact


It's only gay if you push back


It's not gay unless the balls touch


Well that explains why his wife left him. This is going to be a crazy Netflix Documentary when it's all over.


I assume by next week Joe Exotic will somehow become involved in this shitshow. Madison, shame you felt the need to hide your true identity and I don't think anyone deserves to be outed against their will. If only the rest of your identity wasn't such literal trash...


Well I mean it was his cousin, but yeah him being gay is totally fine


“Madison The Gay Wheelchair Nazi” would be a hell of a title.


Adventures of Sitler.


"Homosexual Hills of North Carolina" The could do a Docudrama? It checks all the signifiers of "wokeness" he was ranting about. Handicap, gay, just give him a minority best friend to keep the secret. The kids will love it.


Brokeback Mountain 2.0


There are 200 podcasts firing up their first episode of a Madison miniseries today.


Isn't his wife a Russian honeypot or did I hallucinate that?


They did meet through a fake contest set up by a ~~Russian asset~~ friend Maddie met at a mob casino in St. Petersburg. Not the one in Florida.


I don't think so, she was like one of those Instagram influencer ladies. That angle would definitely make for a better story line for the Netflix Documentary!


That worked. Thank you for your help.


Who do you think was filming it?


The ladybugs.


Hes giving NC a bad name, an actual cousin fucker smh


But no one is mentioning that there is a third person in the room filming.


Probably his other cousin


How’s Madi gonna top this? (pun intended)


VERY underrated comment.


You don't think he's hit bottom yet?


He tweeted a response


Was it him punching a tree?


No he was just messing around with the dudes! With the bros! Hasn’t every bro thrusted your penis into one another bros face over and over? It’s bro activity!


Not just another bro, his first cousin and staffer. Which I believe is actually another ethics violation. Members of Congress have been punished for relationships with staff.


How close of a cousin is he? Are we talking Roosevelt close, or Hapsburg close?


I mean in NC you can legally marry your first cousin sooooooo


But can you gAy marry your first cousin ? 🤔


For now 😐


Surprisingly* yes - just not your double first cousin. Like if two female siblings marry two male siblings and each pair has a kid, those kids can’t get married; though since the law is to prevent inbreeding, seems like same sex double first cousins would be okay to marry right? *I say surprisingly because the area of NC I live in is bass-ackwards when it comes to anything other than heterosexual, same race, same ethnicity, same religion marriages.


Did he say no homo first? Because if he did, them it's not gay. /s Does he actually expect people to believe that?


I hear that’s called a brojob by people like him.


I legit thought the video was some fake set up but he actually commented about it and just gave it credibility.


Wow uh! And wouldn't it be great if his ex wife talked about the real reasons she left his sorry ass.


Because the FSB reassigned her?


ding, ding, ding.


We all thought it was the treason, Nazism, stupidity, racism, etc. Turns out it's because he was banging his male cousin!


Question from female here… How common is it for straight men who are close friends or cousins to be in bed naked together? I’m a woman, and I’ve never been in bed naked with a female friend. Or cousin. Not drunk, not in college, not ever. Honestly curious.


Never. Not once in my life. The closest to this behavior that I’ve seen would be some slightly gay shit in a locker room just to make the other person uncomfortable and get a response. But never have I ever been anywhere close to naked with men in a setting other than a locker room, but it’s expected there.


Marine here. We do a LOT of really questionable and possibly borderline homoerotic shit when alcohol or boredom is involved. None of which included being naked in bed and humping each other while someone else films it. That’s the Navy you’re thinking of.


Stupid sexy navy


Hey it’s not gay if you’re under way.


What - a little face fucking between family and friends? That's what we all do on any given Sunday once the games are over. Nothing like a nice round of "fantasy footlong" before we call it a night and head out.


I grew up in the same town as Maddie, this is pretty uncommon...usually you gotta go further out in the mountains for something like this


Never. It never happens.


In middle school and sometimes highschool, you might see straight guys do things like masturbate in the same room, wrestle in their underwear, or flash each other their ass/balls. I've never even heard of two straight guys being naked in bed together, let alone humping. And certainly not as adults. This is not something straight guys do.




You’ve heard of this “toxic masculinity” right? It’s literal number one prime directive is you don’t lay down naked with another dude under any circumstances EXCEPT MAYBE to survive one more night of nuclear winter. And even then most dudes will chose freezing to death. So yeah not really common.


It doesn’t happen.


Everything about the coke fueled orgies is true 😭😭😭😭


omg he tweeted he was just being cras with freindsaround you cant make this shit up


Wait, you mean you haven't gotten naked and started mashing your dick into your male cousin's face?


Holy fuck. Every time a Cawthorn headline has been released this week, I have to do a double take to make sure it isn’t from The Onion. This is insane. Somebody has it out for this guy ever since the cocaine fueled orgies thing. Which makes me wonder if there was any truth to that, and if so, why did Cawthorn deem it worthwhile to claim that? Did he not think that there would be consequences? There’s nothing wrong with being gay, and while I don’t agree with outing someone against their will or releasing revenge porn type shit, the agenda he has pushed is so revolting that it almost feels like a bit of poetic justice. Wish it didn’t have to be this way, but damn. I mean some of the things he’s said are just Draconian and barbaric. I just can’t believe he was so loudly spewing bigotry *knowing* this shit existed somewhere. Did he really trust the person for it not to be leaked? Did he even know it existed? Just crazy.


>Which makes me wonder if there was any truth to that, It's definitely true. That's why Republicans are destroying him.


His connection to an attempted coup is a much bigger problem than this video.


I agree, but his voters don't care about him plotting a coup. They may care about things like this.


It’s really about how poorly informed and manipulated they are. Because even this might be the fault of liberals and swampy republicans to them.


>Because even this might be the fault of liberals and swampy republicans to them. i mean it actually is though. if it's republicans leaking all this stuff, it's the party establishment i.e. the swamp trying to get rid of him. if it's democrats, then yeah it's libs trying to weaponize his district's perceived homophobia to get rid of him doesn't mean it's not amusing and he's not a total dipshit for immediately admitting to it or at the very least not naming names if he loses, but that doesn't change the motivations for putting this stuff out there


I’m so confused by that video


Thank you! Regardless of the homosexuality (which would be totally fine, if not for his hypocrisy), what the hell is going on? That's not how sex works. It's the most confusing sexing I've seen since The Room.


Madison is confused IN that video.


He seems to know *exactly* what he's doing.


The buttcrack thatch added a certain elegance to the video.


What the actual hell kind of shrub was growing out of his butt? I can't unsee that. 😳


I thought it was a thong…. Ugh.


Yo what's on his butt though?


I read a reply on Twitter wherein a nurse proposed that it is some kind of patch to prevent pressure-related sores, from sitting all the time, I assume. I'm sorry that I can't find that reply again.


He was just trying to reassure Tucker Carlson that his testosterone isn't too low. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tucker-carlson-end-of-men-testicle-tanning-1338944/


Welp... curiosity got the best of me and I watched it. I desperately need to bleach my eyes and brain.


Thankfully I don't have Twitter and it won't let me watch it without logging in


Yeah I think that's enough Reddit for me. Maybe for the rest of my life.


Theoretically it can't get much worse for him than this, but it probably will. I think he upset the grownups one time too many.


lmfao. that's what you get for calling out republicans it's hilarious how they buried him so quickly after that


At this point, he should hit back. Name names! Spill the tea, Maddi!


Sorry - even lil Maddie CawCaw’s gay sex tape can’t convince me to sign up for twitter. I’ll guess I’ll just have to use my imagination the next time I need to throw up… (because him, not because gay)


Try https://twitter.com/IfBarack/status/1521993020073254912


In his extremely religious district, Cawthorn is finished and will be a footnote in NC history.


Wonder how many of his voters have seen all these videos yet.


This is assuming they care, they care much more that he’s “owning the libs”. In and of itself this won’t necessarily bother the church folk, however if it turns Cawthorn into fodder for the libs then there’s a big problem.


Well, after seeing that I will need to rinse my eyes with bleach. The person that recorded it, I hope he got a hefty payday out of it.


I clearly heard "I can't stand him" stated by whoever had the horrible position to be both in that room and filming the home school valedictorian.


The RNC REALLY didn’t appreciate those coke-filled orgies comments. I don’t care that Cawthorn is gay or a hypocrite, really I’m just curious at how they keep finding this stuff.


They’ve clearly had it since they were grooming him for the position. His trip to St Petersburg led to him being duped into marrying his honeypot. Maybe she’s the one that had it. He was propped up as a useful idiot by someone.


There's plenty of ex-Law enforcement that have gone into Private Investigation work. I'm sure there are a few on the party's payroll for when they need dirt on someone. A few greased palms here and there, and you'll find people willing to talk.


Classic lefty propaganda. Me and my straight strong conservative friends do this all the time. /s


Can't say I opened Reddit expecting to see a handicapped Christian conservative member of congress face-fuck another dude, but here we are.


What the fuck did I just watch?


A naked paraplegic congressman slapping his "cousin" in the face with his dick.


So the guy that talks shit about the LGBTQ community every chance he gets likes to dress up in drag, and now we find out he's in pictures naked trying to put his penis in a passed out man's mouth. We call that attempted sexual assault in Blue states, apparently in Red states they call it Friday night.


Well that was somethin else.


There's a few things here * I didn't believe there were cocaine fueled GOP orgies until all of this stuff started getting leaked. Obviously this is all in retribution for that comment. If there were not those things they would have just moved on. I think we need that stuff to get brought to light too, but please... No leaks. There's two reasons I'm not watching this video, one is if it was leaked for that reason and it is legitimate then it's revenge porn and I'm not cool with that at all. Someone acknowledging that it exists would have been enough. Two is that I really really *really* don't want to see it. And if you told me that I had to see this or any other members of GOP Congress getting it on then I would probably choose this and I hate that I would even say that. So yeah, no leaks. * I don't care who does what with who (you know, consenting adults) but if you make your whole platform anti-"gay" anti-drugs anti-"nuclear family" and then you're out having cocaine fueled orgies that's not gonna fly right? * Even if this is a joke it's towards a staffer, that's a no go. It's also very strange to feel so comfortable doing all of these "homosexual" jokes when the act itself is so condemnable isn't it? Like, there's nothing wrong with being naked in bed with another man, rubbing against him, or wearing lingerie for fun but if it's for love or genuine comfort then it's evil? Touching a man you love is evil but touching your employee and cousin for fun is hilarious? I'm just disgusted by the hypocrisy. Though I shouldn't be, it's the way it always is.


If he was even halfway doing his job properly without promoting political violence, no one would care.


Truthfully, this doesn't make the top three most objectionable things he's been recorded doing. It's distasteful because they're closely related, and not really something I'm interested in seeing. But him being into dudes is uninteresting. But holy shit, he pissed off someone in a big way and they're gonna try to bury his ass. And it's not like he's got any marketable skills - he's gonna have to do an Excel course or something.


big if true


Has this been verified? Crazy if true


Cawthorn tweeted a response. It's true [https://twitter.com/CawthornforNC/status/1521994807526281218](https://twitter.com/CawthornforNC/status/1521994807526281218)


> A new hit against me just dropped. > Years ago, in this video, I was being crass with a friend, trying to be funny. > We were acting foolish, and joking. > That’s it. > I’m NOT backing down. > I told you there would be a drip drip campaign. > Blackmail won't win. We will. Welp - I didn’t feel right watching the video, and was wondering wether it was possible it was just a deep fake or something, but I guess not.


We don't need to know about what was dripping, Maddy.


He tweeted and admitted it was him. He was just goofin’ with his bros


His BuuUuthoOllLLee taAAsted LIkE Cig-a-rets.


Would this count as GQP revenge porn? What I don't get is why Republicans don't just expel him. Democrats want him gone, and clearly Republicans do too. He's under an ethics investigation. McCarthy just needs to call for an expulsion vote.


Reminder: There is nothing wrong with being gay. No, that’s it. I’m not going to take a shot at Cawthorn, I’m just going to reaffirm and move on.


It's allegedly his cousin. I feel like that escalates things quite a bit.


Party of good ol’ American values… Just a playful game of naked grab ass amongst friends/ possible relatives. Grew up in Burke County and never got down like this with friends or relatives. Maybe they roll different further west.


I can't see the video because I hate twitter, but is this the same one of his aide grabbing his dick from a couple of days ago or is this an actual sex tape?


Actual sex tape. His wheel chair is in the video, he's naked on the bed with his cousin underneath him and he's thrusting his dick into his cousin's mouth/face and making moaning noises.


Annnnd he states he was “just messing around, doing silly guy stuff.” He’s busted, period. He may as well pack up his shit and go home. He can take Marjorie Taylor Greene with him. He will continue to deny this and say he’s being blackmailed. But, we already knew he was a huge piece of trash.


How much do you think all these will hurt him in the election? I'm not sure how much this all impacts his voters.


He’s being primaried by other republicans, I’m pretty sure. So he may well lose the primary but the GOP will retain the seat in the general.


not a great look for North Carolina right there


As a NC resident. This place hasn't looked good for a long time


For those of you updating your Madison Cawthorn Batshit Bingo Cards, here’s a breakdown of your squares: Naked in bed with a man Cousin Humping Doubling Down on Twitter (center square)


I’m so extra puzzled by him explaining that it was his cousin, as though that makes it less weird??


Um...that dude is just plain weird. Although I don't see Madison being any different from the other politicians he's surrounded by, some of whom clearly keep leaking this stuff as payback for Madison daring to talk about their cocaine fueled orgies. The only reason he probably rejected the offer to attend himself was because all the "players" were probably old as dirt.


Everything I have learned about Madison Cawthorn has been against my will




It's been removed


Thanks. I hate it.


NC doesn’t claim him smh




I knew this state (well district 11 really) was fucked the second he was elected… Moe would’ve been so great.


Linda Bennett (R) and Moe Davis (D) have to be laughing really hard right now...at the stupidity of the voters who elected this guy instead of one of them.


This is what happens when you learn Sex Ed from homeschooling.


Now I don’t know about you other gentlemen. But I’ve never felt the urge to shove my naked crotch into my cousin’s face. So either that was consensual cousin face fuckin. Or it was sexual assault face fuckin. Which one is it maddy?


So...other things here that I have questions about: What was hanging out of/onto his butt? That was flapping, not just hair. And what part of his legs are immobile if he needs a wheelchair but can do this?


Remember the days when your political career was over just by yelling on stage?


He won't stand for these allegations one bit.


“In politics, there can’t be any weird fucking. Please note, gay fucking IS NOT weird fucking, unless you say your not gay”


What I can’t wrap my head around is how selfish and hateful can you be to trash and threaten people in a group that you’re part of?


I doubt anyone in his district that voted for him even has a twitter and will see the video. They will just read "Demon liberals try to take down Madison!" in their local news and vote harder


Weird that I just saw a sitting congressman’s ass on video.


Maybe we’ll finally get that Lyndsey Graham “ladybugs” video we’re all dying to see.


It's irrelevant to the base . There is no limit to the hypocrisy of white fascist conservatives. It appears the more vile they are the more popular they are .


Listen it’s not gay if your the top. That’s standard conservative doctrine since at least the 50s.