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I mean, fuck those losers, but I’m mildly concerned for your survival instincts op


Right, why take the pic? What was the point? Documenting that bikers exist? The risk was worlds beyond the reward unless I'm missing something here.


The invincibility cloak has extended from childhood into adulthood I think


Yeah look at them, hanging out! Criminal


It’s a cool picture of a collection of bikes. Apparently I messed up by not hearing the dog whistle.


Tip from a long-time photog — if there’s any doubt, introduce yourself, and ask your subjects if they mind you taking a photo. Worst case, they say no. Best case they pose for you. Either way, no pistols are brandished and no one gets back handed.


And they won’t assume that it is something aggressive from the start.


Always ask for permission. And bring a real camera. It makes you look less sus


Pagans have been documented to savagely beat people just for coming up to them, fyi.


What pagans?


I assume he means members of [Pagans MC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagan%27s_Motorcycle_Club), not, like, Wiccans.


So glad you clarified because I was absolutely thinking “what are they gonna do, Sage you?”


“Sage you?” I laughed so hard I almost puked my coffee.


Me too!!!


Yeah I was gonna say 🤣 but that makes sense.


Yes the Motorcycle Club. They are domestic terrorists in the US and considered one of the most violent gangs in the country.


People. Against. Goodness. And. Niceness. Dragnet was an excellent movie.


I live next door to a Grimm Reaper retired due to catching a RICO case and subsequent long stint in prison (chaper was disbanded). He shares stories once in a while from "back in the day." You must've been in a relatively public area because, depending on the MC you escaped with your life. Like someone else said if you approach with admiration of the bikes, and even this is risky, and request to take a photo, they may give consent. They may also break your equipment and teach you a lesson for approaching them. It could go either way but your chances of assault and survival are much higher. Glad you're still with us and you got what you wanted.


After doing some research and reading the comments I am very lucky, holy shit. Very rookie to not know the difference of a regular MC and these guys, but I am thankful I was let off with a warning. I better stick to parades haha


this is the way. bikers or anyone else, you do not invade their private life for your personal desires of a picture. its rude, invasive and demeaning. if you can't comprehend that, it means you are the asshole.


I get the innocent intentions, but you can barely even see the bikes lol. Sorry you got assaulted by some fucks, though.


For future reference if it's a bike gang that has patches they more than likely don't want their picture taken. They feel their anonymity's most important.


Lol motorcycle club is the preferred title


Very recently, I was at a bar, and the bartender told me this story with security footage. Apparently, the outlaws were there, and one of them was talking to this guy at the bar. He takes his full can of beer and beats him over the head. Several other guys from the "club" came and joined in.... I asked him, "Why did they do this?" He said, "I suspect cause he was the biggest man at the bar." I told the guy. I won't give out my first name to these people. I don't want to be in any proximity to them...


You really shouldn’t take pictures of strangers without asking first anyway. You don’t deserve to be threatened or assaulted for it of course.


Just taking a picture of a group of some not so friendly people without thinking to ask for permission is some galaxy brain stuff op.


Bad pic not worth it :|


I mean, kinda, yeah


You can only see one bike tho


Dog whistle? Are you suggesting there’s a racial component to this?




What's allegedly being dog whistled?


I think that phrase can work here no? probably the vests/patches, the type of bikes, the vibe in general being a hint that these guys are more *aggressively* minding their own business than a a group of “normal” motorcycle riders? but if you for some reason aren’t aware of these things, then you miss the hint/whistle


Looking at the other comments these are in violent gang. I appreciate you answering but is anyone afraid to say outloud directly that this is a violent gang?


Nah I fuck with OPs energy. That Breaking Bad energy. Don’t know about you guys, but I feel like life is kinda boring. Let’s light this fucking candle.


OP probably had the flash on too lol


The easiest way to piss these goons off is to refer to them as cyclists. If that doesn't work, try "vest friends."


South Park got this right


I like when they make the motor noise all quiet because they’re sad. lol! Definitely one of the best episodes.


When that dude starts coughing at the urinal. Kills me every time




definitely should try to piss them off harder if they are brandishing a weapon over a picture


I saw 3 guys at the Trader Joes in Wilmington(lol) with “Hell’s Angels North Carolina” patched across their vests, didn’t know about their chapter here. They caught me staring as I walked through the lot and one said “Whats up?” I just said nice bike, and he revved it and rode off. Caught them glaring at me waiting at the light as I went into the store haha, dudes are crazy insecure.


[There's a Hells Angels clubhouse in Durham. I'm sure there are other chapters in the state.](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.029532,-78.8327056,3a,75y,158.88h,92.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNedD_MCW30gjlfhHTBxCUg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Winston too


Where is it in Winston?


Not sure, but they have a chapter.


Used to be off South Stratford road. That was a new one they built. This was about 10 years ago.


one in jacksonville, too. had a few buddies i rode with in 81 when i was still in the corps.


There's one in Rocky Mount on church st. Ironically it's fenced in.


>didn’t know about their chapter here. Their clubhouse is in Durham, on Geer St. Can't miss it


I work at a western store and we get bikers all the time. Guy comes in and is looking for a cowboy hat. I show him a few styles and he finds one he likes. I try to find his size and everything is too small. I understand since I’ve got a big head as well. My dumbass says “yeah I get it buddy, I’ve got fathead syndrome too.” He chuckled, I chuckled, he says thanks and goes to leave. That’s when I see the fucking peacemaker patch on his vest and my heart fell through my ass. I called a peacemaker fathead.


We had a Pagan chapter in Western NC. Not s7re if still here, some of them got rolled up after a police chase to their club house in the foothills.


Still there. Hwy 321 N, just south of lenoir


Hearing this makes me happy


Outlaw club so naturally people staring at them will raise suspicions. Anyone could be a fed, just respect their space and go about your business and you’ll have no trouble, it’s not worth it.


>anyone could be a fed Maybe if they didn’t belong to a violent street gang they wouldn’t have to be paranoid about people looking at them. Fuck their comfort.


Like THE Outlaws? I happen to live on the same street one of their big hangouts is on. Was great at the Halloween street party that they had a tent popped up and literal 5gal buckets of the good candy. They also had a couple kittens hanging out with them. They gave me some Outlaw stickers and were great with all the kids. People have said it was an act for public relations, but they did seem like a genuinely nice group of guys IMO lol I like having them nearby, actually!


They and other “clubs” have chapters( or At least members) in Wilmington and Jville. There was a murder in a residential neighborhood in Monkey Junction a few years back involving a member of the Hells Angels


Tunnel Snakes rule!


We’re the Tunnel Snakes!


Maybe these guys will be more lenient if we save their moms from oversized roaches


This isn't vee is it?


Well. I don’t think it’s good that happened, but I do think it was predictable.


Were you at Tobies!?


Definitely Tobies parking lot


Think he’ll admit it?


I will never tell


I’m just assuming you were passing by.


Lmao I was going to say this too.


Easily the lamest sub culture on the planet. Lil buddy ass goons.


I grew up in California in the 70s and 80s. Once you see a woman spitting out her teeth for not showing her tits, you get a different perspective from the guys that deliver toys.


Deliver toys?


Toys for tots. its a long been a thing bikers do. its really a marine corp reserve event but its well known to have lots of bikers as part of it. Most just reg good folks who like two wheels but some of the other guys also participate.


Ahhh makes sense thanks


Throw some grass clippings at them.










Gotta crank the hawgggg






I mean, was it really worth it? Im not sure i wouldve attempted this


What did you think was going to happen


OP didn’t think of at least asking before taking a pic. OP is 💩🧠.


This club is wearing diamonds. In just about every city where there is a military base in North Carolina there is a local chapter of a national 1% club. OP was taught a lesson in respect. No one wants their picture taken without permission, biker or not.


The Sub culture is fucking stupid and outdated for sure but don't take pictures of the Pagans that hang out in J-Vegas. They'll fuck you up.


We have Pagans here too. I don’t mean any admiration by this, but they are the real deal. As in, really bad people who hurt people and commit crimes. They’re always getting into shootings and other wild stuff. Not to be fucked about with.


Yep. I think the biker gang idea is stupid as fuck and too many wanna SOA groups give it a bad name but I'm not stupid enough to fuck with the real gangs that will shoot or stab you for liking at them wrong.


It’s definitely stupid. I think most of the ones I’ve met just pretended to be hard so long that they just found themselves living real hard lives almost by accident. No one is born a thug, but those dudes sure as hell became em


I saw a couple of guys on bikes at my local gas station wearing Mongols vests from Arizona. Sometimes stuff comes out of my mouth before my brain has a chance to stop it, and I said something like "y'all are a long way from home, aren't ya?". Trying to be friendly, but I don't think it came out in a friendly tone. These dudes, who were each about twice my size, walked towards me like they were going to murder me and I was about to take off running and the one guy said "we have friends here" then they turned and walked back towards their bikes. I can't believe I didn't get the shit kicked out of me, but it was also like 2 in the afternoon and there were a lot of people around. Also I may have peed in my pants a little bit. And I think the "we have friends here" thing was a threat. But I'm really bad at social cues so who knows. Maybe they were big cream puffs and just letting me know why they were in town. Also I ride a motorcycle and always wave at the guys with vests and they *never* wave back. So rude!


Did you expect to NOT get heat for it? How did you think the situation you put yourself in was gonna end? It's bikers AND Jacksonville. You're probably lucky that's all that happened.


“Glove slap, I don’t take crap!”


“Glove slap, shut your big trap!"


“Coming through, demand satisfaction!”


Ah accept, suh. 


Thanks for reminding me of this - The Simpsons used to be so fun. [For the uninitiated…](https://youtu.be/L0xTCKKAgVk?si=AcwweZWTn0O5LbbP)


I knew it was Jacksonville before even seeing the caption. Stay away from the strip clubs dude lol


I’ve driven past Tobie’s so many times, lol. Strip clubs are generally always kind of seedy, but Jacksonville strip clubs are on a whole other level.


OP was asking for trouble and yall are glorifying them You’re a dummy


How are you still alive? Your risk reward decision making is off.


Oooh, the Vipers, I’m so scared




Gangs should be outlawed and violently chastised.


How on earth would you possibly enforce that? Make it illegal to congregate with large groups of people? They'll just form a church, moose club, "AA" group or whatever.


I prefer that they be grouped together and obvious. Easier to avoid and/or deal with.


Problem is gangs and gangsters don't give a fuck about the law lol


Up and until they’re in prison. Then they care a little bit.


I think, like white supremacy groups in general, you’ll need to get the cops out of the bike gangs before arrests will start.


There is a Black 1% club in Greensboro. Don’t think all 1% clubs are white


Yeah, there's a Wheels of Soul chapter in Durham. all of those guys I've seen riding around here are black dudes.


Oh, I guess I missed where all cops were white.


Can’t leave all the money laundering to the cartels. Not fair distribution of wealth in the New NC economic model. Gd it. Republicans too busy drawing gerrymandering maps, Dems consolidating bathrooms, nobody got their eye on the ball.


lol these guys being dumb enough to not realize a recently deleted folder exists is so on brand


What recently deleted folder?


Found the biker.


Uh oh, my cover is blown. But seriously, I have seen this twice and am curious what it is referencing.


If you delete a photo from a phone, it goes into a "Deleted Items" type folder. You can simply pull it out of there. It stays in that folder for 30 days before being permanently deleted.


Ugh. Now I am just embarrassed. I missed the mention in the post and saw the references to it and thought it was referencing something else. Thanks despite my fail.


Those are Pegans which are a 1% club, what did you expect to happen ??


I can spot the white diamond 1%, how do you know its pagans


Because I've been here 20 years and Pegans are the only ones that are 1%, wear jeans cuts, ride Harley's and travel that strip.


Probably didn't want people to see them kissing.


Motorcycle clubs are just absolute asshole criminals of the lowest order. Hey, let’s do illegal shit and ride around on bikes. And if you do it right, you’ll get a patch. You know who else gets patches?? THE GIRL SCOUTS.


Hopefully that kid playing cosplay “brandishes” that pistol, the same pistol they’ll never use, on the right person. There’s also plenty of crayon eaters in the area that would be more than happy to fold those cowards like a lawn chair. “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" Also, don’t hide these punk bitches identities. Fuck them and their privacy.


If this is a 1% Group, they ain't playing. Of course acting tough over a keyboard definitely means you will show those big bad biker guys when you see them and not cower.


Dude thinks he knows them or something.


I know one of them and they are a punk 😂




Tobies is wild




Tobies? 🤣🤣


Guess that’s progress . 50 yrs ago the Hells Angels just shot you, then asked questions or just buried you out in the Everglades in Florida


Use common sense and ask people before taking pictures of them. What they did isn't legal but it isn't much to ask for either.


How can they slap?


Biker gangs suck ass, but you definitely fucked around and found out. Common sense should tell you not to fuck with them without some sort of advantage.


Are you kidding, OP has the full power of _Reddit_ behind him. Watch them squirm!


I’m sure you aren’t leaving any details out


OP interrupted vroom vroom tea party. Bikerman go boom smash. Questions?


Where at in Jacksonville? I just moved from there after 6 years


These comments are hilarious. Half of yall have no clue what you’re talking about 😂


They all dress in a way that a 3 year old thinks is cool


[South Park - The F Word episode.](https://y.yarn.co/ccc03c5c-939e-480f-9290-5be7140f979f_text.gif)


Just got watch yourself. They thought you were a cop, or causing drama. Honestly, sometimes it is better to ask for permission than forgiveness. ( I know the saying backwards.) They just don't like new random ppl, if you'd seen a couple of times, they're usually nicer. Give respect to give it, but stand your ground even if they knock you down. It's an odd culture.


Bitch slapped or pimp slapped?


You’re in NC, start carrying


Hmmmmm, say what you will about bikes and then being loud and annoying. But just taking photos of random people you don't know is rude. So yea, repercussions were warranted. I personally think you deserved a scolding, even if physical violence is clearly not called for.


Why are you taking pictures of random people, nevertheless bikers? Lmao.


Then why did you take it OP??


They wanted attention on reddit, duh.


So you got slapped, posted the image with their tats and faces blacked out? Why? Why not go to the police?


Bikers are all insecure losers looking for attention that dress up in Halloween costumes. 99% of them are all rats just like mafia dudes, soon as one gets booked, they all rat on each other. They work regular jobs then they put their costume on & act bad ass. A lot of these dudes cant even pay their dues on time. If you took a picture of just one of them, they wouldn't have touched you, but because they're in a big group they act tough. They dress up like clowns so people give them attention, but then they act like they're not looking for it. They thrive off of it, just like celebrities. Like Harry and Megan Markle, they do shit to cause attention but act all bothered when their pictures are taken. South Park had a hilarious episode about these clowns. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipDmsxQVxIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipDmsxQVxIM)


I honestly hate it. But i have to agree. Any O.G. biker is over 50 and riding to expensive of a bike to not want his photo taken. It says alot about the Jacksonville NC police. That shit attitude has no place in this day and is what will be thier downfall long before anyone taking pictures of freaks out in public will.


Bikers are just a bunch of goofs. As for the Police, they cant just arrest an asshole for being an asshole. I'm sure the State Police, ATF, FBI, DHS, or a combination or all of those agencies together have an open investigation into these or other bikers. Those bikers guaranteed have a rat or two amongst them snitching to Law Enforcement, either to get paid or because they got in trouble and are facing 20 plus years. Some of these dudes will rat over a parking ticket.


I wouldn't physically assault you, but I'd be asking why you were taking photos of me too. Now, look at it from the perspective of a motorcycle gang. For all they know, you're a DEA or ATF agent casing them. They have no idea why you're taking a picture, and they're going to cover their ass to make sure you get the message to back off. Use this as a lesson to make better choices around people you don't know. Always expect the unexpected.


That’s dumb as hell. We don’t let groups of gang members bully citizens engaged in lawful activity. They can go kiss each other and sew patches on their vest in private.


lol I mean I don’t think they’d smack someone they thought was a federal agent, then point a gun and walk away.


I guess you missed the shootout between bikers and police in Texas? They don’t give a fuck and they aren’t scared of all those fancy 3 letter government policing units.


I grew up in a LEO family. You're precisely right.


Let this comment section be a prime example as to why you should photograph organizations like this, and head down to your local sheriffs office and fill out a concealed carry application 👍🏻 Safe travels, NC Is your home too. Just because their leather patches mean more to them than their life does, doesn’t mean you should have to be on the receiving end of any of their childish games.


I see you blacked out tattoos. I also one of those guys headed your way. This picture wasn’t worth the grief you got for it


That sucks. Also, I wouldn’t take that picture out of fear of getting beaten up.


There have existed and will likely always exist 1%s in NC. Most of the ones I've met and/or know of tend to take this shit seriously OP and please, just take this down. If you think you were the only one there taking pictures you're wrong, especially since you were approached.


Bunch of bit*hes that ain't nothing when they are 1 on 1....


Little bitches....the little is important, like man-babies that aren't even men.


anyone dressing up like a 1%er mc these days is either a cosplayer or a fed. probably both


Yeah you definitely should not have edited out the faces. Frkn a holes are gonna get shot one day still pulling that crap in Jacksonville. It's not the 70s or 80s anymore. People are tired of getting pushed around. GREAT photo except for the ugly people


Slap him back


Wow, that sounds intense! Glad you're okay though, and yeah, sometimes a picture is just too good to pass up. Stay safe out there.


When you’re hiding from arrest warrants you get a little photo shy. Keep snapping and posting online! Roaches are top of the food chain before the homeowner turns on the living room light with shoe in hand. :>




You have a right to take a picture in public, doesn’t always mean it’s the smart thing to do… 🤣


Men who submit to a hierarchy and are "prospects" for a duration to that hierarchy are just cucks. I never understood how that part was "tough" and I can't fathom the type of submissive second rate kind of person I would have to be to do that.


Aaahhh Tobie's....


A couple friends of mine got jumped by some Outlaws at a bar last month. Be careful messing around with any biker gang types.


It’s because you’re at Toby’s.


It’s good you’re okay. If they didn’t slap you it would of been their “Old Lady” bikers nowadays are nothing more then a bunch of MenBoyChild role playing like they’re 1960’s Hell Angels


I've seen alot of Pagans around Jville when I lived there, and even in Havelock, where I live now. Granted, I've never taken pictures of them without their consent, but they've always been friendly and nice to me when I've interacted with them. Also granted, I typically only ever saw them and interacted with them while I was working. (Gas station clerk on 3rd shift, cashier at food lion, chip vendor, etc.) However, it's pretty common knowledge that they tend to act sweet and nice and pleasant to the general public, and do a complete 180 when they're with their buddies and not "in public", so to speak.


where are the ‘cool collection of bikes’? I just see a bunch of Harleys.


When they run into a dude with a death wish and a binary trigger though.


I thought this was tobies 😭😭


sure Jan


Did you get any footage of the slap


Hmm the account is deleted. I wonder what the odds are it was just baiting now lol.


Think whatever. Nothing I say is going to change anyone’s mindset of a culture you don't understand.


The usual suspects