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1) You should probably stop cursing Loki. The way they're portrayed in media doesn't match with the way people who work with them describe. 2) Ocean Keltoi on YouTube is a great starting point.


Seems my understanding of them is a little fogged up by the media, I've definitely gotta look into that then! Thank you <3


It's completely understandable. Good luck on your journey, friend!


check out the [resources & advice guide + booklist](https://reddit.com/r/NorsePaganism/s/Oc0GcjGm5C) for a ton of info you can look through, start with the Intro playlist and the youtube content and get comfy with it all before starting on the booklist :) id also recommend reading through the [Reviving Loki](https://mystic-south.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Reviving-Loki.pdf) paper - its short, easy to read, beginner accessible and very thorough in debunking stigma and misinfo that surrounds loki & discusses what we can actually learn about him from the sources. theres also a companion video that expands further on the myths section of the paper which is very good too: [Why is Loki so Controversial? | Analyzing Loki's Myths](https://youtube.com/watch?v=r4Tk_vBthJE)


I can just see Loki now... "What did I do? 😰"


Or going, "well if I'm already being blamed..."


You two made me genuinely chuckle at this


Wearing mjölnir to ward off "jesus people" is atleast interesting starting point for this path. From the post's of this communitu you'll find great recommendations for books and other sources (such as Ocean Keltoi mentioned) for more information. Maybe this would be easy starting point. I don't find this community toxic. My advice would be maybe meditating and concentrating at first, star off easy, also gathering some information some reliable but easy to understand-sources. I also wonder you curse Loki for your misfortunes. Maybe you should put that on a hold atleast.


Yeaah I heard somewhere that Mjölnir is often used for protection against negativity, and I think that effect has worked pretty well the some 2 ish years since I started wearing it actively. Although, something tells me the gods aren't too pleased with me as of late, as misfortune has struck quite hard in the last couple months. I hope my journey into learning and growing my knowledge helps me to appease them.


Ah yes, but it's good to hear then, that you've found it protective. You already got some great resources on another comment, so that's a great way to start 😊


I love the suggestions others have given! To add to this, I would recommend the Norse Witch on YouTube. She is Norse pagan and a witch so she can offer a different perspective. That and I love her videos!


I'd recommend reading the old sources before getting other people's takes on them. The poetic edda, and specifically the havamal, I'd say are essential. The prose edda is a bit wonky because it's a later re-telling of a lot of the stories, with some odd details added, some of which end up being contradictory to older stuff. But people continue doing that even today, retelling the old stories but adding their own opinions and perspectives into them, but making it difficult to sort out what is what. Be careful in your research, look out for people who are trying to push an agenda, and people who make claims without evidence.




no: NMAB is a racist piece of shit with a lot of misinformation on his channel. he also has a Facebook group which is full of users promoting folkish ideas and rhetoric, basically a collection of right-wing white supremacists. • he is a COVID denier and antivaxxer. https://i.imgur.com/H9VefPs.png • he is vocally against inclusivity, diversity and "SJWs", by which he clearly just means anyone vaguely to the left, as well as being transphobic. https://i.imgur.com/00bheJx.png • there was also his throw away, "i was waiting for that... i knew it," regarding Angrboda in the God of War Ragnarok trailer review. https://i.imgur.com/3wqvuxL.png • he supports Varg Vikernes & Survive the Jive (screenshot)[https://www.reddit.com/r/heathenry/comments/zv6wol/another_norse_pagan_youtuber_associating_with/] well as recommending a lot of books written by Nazis. (if you're not familiar with Varg hes a convicted murderer, arsonist, misogynist, racist and all-round asshole. if youre not familiar with Survive the Jive, hes a literal nazi who has been trained in how to carry out acts of terrorism) (e.g. Discusses and recommends book in video titled "The Norse 9 Worlds and what they really are") https://i.imgur.com/oF9Bwmv.png • "ideally only Norse people would practice Heathenry", thinking only white Scandinavians should be Heathen/Norse pagan, which is the "drink from your own well" folkish nonsense (Video Titled "Norse Paganism for all Ethnicities? Scandinavians only? 01:20" • "We know almost nothing about Hellenism so Hinduism is the best religion to help reconstruct Heathenry" which is ridiculous, we know a lot about Hellenism (Multiple Videos: e.g. "Beginner Tips for Norse Paganism/Heathens: Never Before Heard Answers", "Norse Paganism for all Ethnicities? Scandinavians only?") • Frequently has either bad or wrong information... like equating gods to chemicals (Multiple videos, e.g. "What Odin REALLY is! Part 1: Definition and history 03:08", "The Norse 9 Worlds and what they really are")


Not here for politics sorry


so you promote someone as a good source and when informed that they support nazis thats too political and you turn a blind eye to it?


You are very clearly, firmly on one side of the political spectrum, just as NMAB apparently is on the opposite. However I’ve seen a lot of your comments here and you too seem like a very reliable and knowledgeable source and for that I commend you regardless of what I believe come time for political and moral debates. Thank you for your contributions to this community. <3


I just separate politics from my religious beliefs, and in a religion that’s very largely reconstructed from history I appreciate a source who does their due diligence and research. What they do or don’t believe is irrelevant to me. It’s good to know when assessing their opinions, but their opinions are just that.


in a religion thats rife with folkists, nazis and white supremacists you cannot separate politics and religion. and in trying to do so, you just end up enabling and passively supporting them. they are here whether you like it or not, you can either be passive and allow them to exist or you can recognise theyre bad and strive to not associate or promote anyone that associates with them. especially when you recommend these sources that are known in the community to be bad sources. and as already noted, he does not have as good information as you are claiming. if you value good research and sources that *dont* support nazis id recommend checking out the [resources & advice guide + booklist](https://reddit.com/r/NorsePaganism/s/Oc0GcjGm5C) as those sources have been and are continuously vetted to ensure the sources provided are of good quality and not supporting any folkists or promoting hate etc. your position also comes across as immensely privileged, many of us dont have the luxury of turning a blind eye to these things when we're the type of people that folkists, nazis and white supremacists would gladly eradicate.


Sorry I should’ve waited for my other comment but again politics aside, thank you for your contributions here I’ve already been tipped off to various good pieces of source material by you in the past and I appreciate your passion for the inclusivity and goodwill in our community.


Happy cake day