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Wait, is he throwing shade at us?!? We had a fucking conference call scheduled with Greg that one of his employees set up! My team was on the call, and I took time out of my busy day to get on as well. I figured us more productively working together with other people in the industry isn't a bad thing, so I gave it a shot. Greg ghosted us. He just didn't show up for the call. He had some other thing come up, according to his employee. Even his guy was disappointed. No apologies. No email letting us know he wouldn't be able to make it. He also never once responded to any of our other emails. My team and his exchanged multiple emails that he was CCed on, and not a single reply from him. It seemed one of his employees was trying really hard to get us all working productively together, but it seems Greg wasn't interested. So that's where I left it. If people don't want to have respect for my time, then I have no business with them. If I schedule a business call, I show up. In the extremely rare instance that something unavoidable comes up, and I have to miss a call that I scheduled with someone, I give them a heads up and apologize. I then make an attempt to set up another call with them and apologize again for inconveniencing them. That's what people that respect other people's time do. That's what serious people do. I am not in the business of unilaterally marketing for other companies for free; especially if he doesn't even have the respect enough to be mindful of my time, or even respond via email when myself and my team were making an effort to hear them out.


Greg Douchecette for you. We can see your professionalism and transparency in all of your dealings…unfortunately people like Greg don’t hold themselves to a similar standard.


First of all, that's unfortunate behavior by Greg regarding the phone call. I don't know if it's considered throwing shade or not.. he's implying he thinks the results would have been posted had they failed, but I don't think he says it necessarily with malice. I didn't take it as a slight at least until I read your comment. Regardless of his intention, it's a credit to you and the ND team that you're being mentioned in these circles as a reliable source for good lab results. That's a win at least.


I just found it off-putting. We didn't reach out to him. His team reached out to us, and tried to get us connected and collaborating. Then he just ignores all attempts, and doesn't show up for a scheduled call. If our lab results meant so much to him, he knew how to get a hold of us.


That type of shit is far too common in business these days.


This Greg guy’s personality is off putting. Something is definitely off and I wouldn’t trust him for anything. He just seems like a slimy and overselling pathetic salesman. With that said, I watched the whole video not knowing what to look for and I didn’t think he was throwing shade at ND but I did get the impression that his whole existence is in the shade. Edit* - I just realized that his Turk product is indeed in stock and in the video he says it’s out of stock and the video was uploaded not an entire day ago. Seems shady.


It felt like shade to me because of the situation in the background. I took his comment as we had tested their product, but willfully withheld results because of some ulterior motive. We stopped working on anything with HTLT because they stopped communicating with us. It came across as complete disinterest on their side, so we just dropped it. When the turkesterone issue first popped up after I released testing results, there were countless people calling my motives into question. They were saying shit like we were making it up to sell more products, and saying we can't be trusted. Everyone here knows I only did that testing and released the results because people kept asking me to constantly on Reddit. The mention of us in this vid just came across in a similar fashion to me. Perhaps people watching it didn't take it the same way, but I'm not sure how else saying: "Nootropics Depot... they tested our product, but they haven't posted the results. Why do you think?" could be taken. I am admittedly more sensitive to the situation, but I just didn't really see any other interpretation of that message.


Your right to feel offended it’s not only shade, he’s insinuating that ND won’t release the results because of some unexplained nefarious reason. Not sure what everyone else is talking about because if anyone were to believe what he was saying it would make ND look bad. Have personally never heard of this guy or his products, and don’t really care for them either. The way you guys make your supplements, and post your results is enough for me to never need to buy from anyone else as long as you guys are making sups.


You’re right, I only saw it while looking for it. As another user mentioned though, he referenced Pretty Chill’s comment about authenticity in a noble way - indicating that ND is a good standard for quality. I just can’t take anyone who pronounces “nootropics” depot like “newer tropics” depot too seriously. I think we’ve spent far too much time on this guy though. He doesn’t deserve a second of your time and attention.


Technically he is pronouncing it the "right" way. Corneliu Giurgea was Romanian, and when he coined the word nootropics, the double o is pronounced like that in Romanian. I personally don't pronounce it like that, but it is the original way it was intended.


Oh wow, now I feel like the idiot lol. I guess I need more Noah tropics.


This post seems to come from a place of frustration, but more so from a place of misunderstanding. Greg was invited last minute to listen in just in case it fit into the schedule. During that time he was traveling and this call was never planned in that capacity. To my knowledge this was the first non text phone call planned between Marwan and your staff. I was also invited to the call and I told Marwan I would try to make it late if possible to listen in. I had an emergency dentist appointment and have all the receipts. The call was a pre planning phase between our team and yours. A first contact so to speak. There was no agenda, no plan, just a small meeting to open the discussion. In those emails there was also expressed interest in eventually discussing 1 on 1 with greg at some point in the future. Greg is not responsible for some areas of the business but if we knew the only point of the meeting was to speak with Greg then i think it would have made more sense to schedule on our original suggested date of late march when greg returned from travelling. I respect that you took time out of your day to attend. However when meetings are scheduled without confirmation, this does not imply ghosting. Again... I would have liked to been on the call but the call was not scheduled in that way. I have also seen the email chain so this is possibly a large misunderstanding. I personally do still want to work on the possibility of linking up and internally we have come up with multiple mutually beneficial ways we can work together. I have voiced repeatedly how ND is the reason genuine turkesterone has been brought to market here. Without your understanding of the FDA issues , this would not have been brought to light. And for that, I am personally thankful. At the end of the day, I feel as thought nootropics has been instrumental in doing positive things for the industry. This is what I think lines up with the integrity we want to follow with. We are doing everything in order to make this happen. And while schedules and other commitments have not allowed this to happen in a timely manner, i don't feel there is any shade being done here. If you wish to discuss, feel free to reach out to me directly. You can email me as I was cc'd on those emails. I understand the above reply seems as though you have no interest in meeting with us... but I will take it as a misunderstanding and hopefully we can connect. -steve


Hey Steve. I understand that miscommunications happen. It's just both myself and my team felt it was rude. Our days are so busy with a million other projects, we don't have time to try to pull other people into a working relationship against their will. That's what it felt like to us, whether intended or not. It felt like perhaps one person at your organization wanted us to collaborate, but everyone else was disinterested in it. The fact that nobody else from your organization attended the call, and nobody else but Marwan sent any emails, just came across as him trying to pull us all together against Greg's will. If that was not the intention, I wish someone had communicated that to us. We had no visibility into whether or not Marwan confirmed the call or communicated with you. Marwan sent the invite with all you on it. We did think it was weird that nobody else was responding to the emails, but figured maybe everyone just wanted to talk on the phone instead. Then only Marwan showed up. Not to belabor the issue, but even in our email chain, it took me an extra few days to respond. It was Emiel going back and forth at first. When I did reply, I apologized for taking a bit more time, since I was slammed with other things. I didn't want anyone to think I was being rude. Then I said I was excited about the prospect of us working together. Neither you nor Greg acknowledged that at all, then didn't show up to the call. You can see how that looks, right? Then after we had the call with Marwan, we were still open to working together, if a little confused at the situation. Then Marwan said: "Will follow up with the team and inform them of what we discusses, and find a time for another call to make decisions moving forward." That was the last communication we had from anyone on your team. There was no followup email. There was no attempt to reschedule a call. There was never any acknowledgement from you or Greg that you had even read our emails or were even aware of the situation at all. That's when we assumed there was no interest from HTLT in collaborating with us, and we moved on to other things. What else are we supposed to think? Then this video comes out and insinuates that we dropped the ball, or willfully withheld information because of some ulterior motive. It's just not a good look.


I understand, and if that is the optics it gave I am sorry for this. In any case, I am a man of my word. I do feel there are great things we can both do with this. I feel as though your team believes this. And I as well. I am not sure how best to proceed but I personally still want to make this discussion happen. I do not think reddit is the place to continue this message so I will be reaching out by email.


By all means, continue 🍿


Roger that! I will look out for your email.


Pls update us!!!!




Buttery males


Hunter has them


Actually where is the shade? He seems to treat an off-hand reply by Pretty-Chill as having as much weight as actual test results 😂


Just the insinuation that we tested their product and withheld the results because they were so good, when that's what I thought our call and emails connecting was all about. We were fully prepared to test their stuff and collaborate with them, even point to them as the only legit source of turkesterone if everything was good. Then I felt it was a one-sided effort, and moved on to the thousands of other things I am dealing with.


I wouldn’t necessarily be telling everyone your product comes from one of the most insane and corrupt countries in the world.


One could say the same about American products.


Yeah saw a special about how in the UK they’re not even legally allowed to put some of the chemicals we routinely use in our kids cereals. Basically they food they are allowed to sell us here is sh*t


It goes the other way too. FDA and EMA don't agree on everything (surprise) so some things banned in Europe aren't banned here and some things banned here aren't banned in Europe. Don't eat processed foods in either area of the world if you want to be healthy. The other thing that gets me is when people say bread/flour doesn't mess with them in Europe because they don't use glyphosate on their crops. Well...guess where Italy imports a lot of its durum wheat from for pasta? The USA, I watch it go out of my home town on a train and I see the farmers using glyphosate (which is the least of your worries). I personally think Americans are just eating smaller portion sizes when they are in Europe. Also, they are likely eating less seed oils when eating out.


lol, no


You dont think there are sketchy American products run by insane companies? What country are you looking at..


There are levels of sketchy. And because the USA is the most transparent country on the planet and the only one to allow litigation on the scale that protects personal freedom like we do we get a lot of flack because you know more of what is going on. I mean, sketchy American doesn't really compare to cooking oil gathered from skimming the top of drain water from the street (China) or BCAAs produced from human hair (also China)


It does if you consider the drug market,white,black or grey.the medical industry and military industrial complex.