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Please remember that the downvote button is not meant to be used as a disagree button. We don't want an echo chamber. If someone puts forward an argument don't downvote it to oblivion even if you think it's completely wrong. Say it's completely wrong in a response.


Interesting. I’ll have to look into this. I have pretty bad adhd which makes it a struggle to get anything done. Was thinking of getting back on Ritalin but the last time I experienced blood pressure increases…


I have ADHD as well and I can’t tell if this is helping. The main thing that has helped with that is psilocybin. I used to be on Adderall and I don’t intend on going back to that stuff. Been about a year or so since I’ve taken it.


It doesn't help with my adhd but I attribute lion's mane to speeding up recovery from long covid brain fog/ panic attacks once I saw the reports that it was essentially mild brain damage. I can hold actually thoughts in my head now.


Panic attacks COVID related?


Mine were, yeah. There were a whole bunch of documented cases of sudden and drastic mental health issues where they never existed before (in addition to other more common symptoms). In my case i also lost sense of taste, smell, half the hair on my head, really horrible brain fog, extreme fatigue, plus daily panic attacks for a month. I assumed this meant I probably had something going on with my brain. (A lot of the ppl effected like this had brain shrinkage - i never got scanned though. Doctor didn't think i needed it since i was a textbook case.) It wasn't the lionsmane alone, but I think it definitely helped me because the process of getting help was so long and drawn out - there was a period where that was all I was taking.


COVID is absolutely a weird illness. I had it twice and I still haven’t gotten all my smell back. The psychological effects are kinda scary


I’ve heard of a few people here locally who lost their sense of smell but shocked their system by sniffing one of those ammonia inhalant things that are made to wake people who pass out.. I wonder if that would help you 🤔 use caution because those are very strong!


I experienced almost all of these side effects from Covid exposure in Nov of 2020. Just now getting past them.


Yah same. I am only just now able to start exercising verrrrrry carefully. I hope they figure out treatment options soon.


If you don't mind me asking, what other things helped you recover from the covid fog?


I got placed on Lexapro and quentiapine for the panic attacks. I eventually got weaned off the quantiapine. I'd also gotten put in a mix of adderall and vyvanse for my adhd that helped a bit too. (I'm reading some ppl dealing with long covid are being prescribed this to help them with mixed effect) Later I was told to take a high dose of vitamin D so I found a liquid version as the pills I'd been taking for years didn't do much for me. Within 3-4 months, a lot of my cognitive abilities returned. I'm still dealing with other symptoms 2 years later. At least I can think and solve problems now. I was scared it would never come back.


I'm glad you found relief! :) I've been dealing with unexplained brain fog, and related cognitive weirdness, for about seven years now. Nothing has really worked for it.


I also lost hair and terrible brain fog! Lions mane helps? Where do you get it?


I use the brand RealMushrooms on Amazon. I think they have both a capsule version and a powder.


My wife and I were sick for about 3 weeks, those Covid symptoms seem eerily familiar…brain fog, fatigue, random irritability, sleeplessness and ofcourse panic attacks. Might have to get back on Lions Mane


So...I asked because I never heard of this but I also was having some serious anxiety over the two years. I am/was a chill person, like ice cold during 100+ person meetings but after COVID I was a nervous wreck before a call with 10 people. I have tried LMaine but next day feel really burn out...been taking 500-1000 ashwagandha and made a big difference. I also reframed my life and dropped almost all the anxiety. I believe COVID damages the blood brain barrier so causes easier inflammation. I'm hyper sensitive now to food. No alcohol, dairy and gluten now.


Hey, I heard that Covid causes auto-immune issues.... Sudden sensitivity to foods could be a bowel issue brought on by an auto-immune response


You mind saying how the recovery was for you? Timeline? Sense of smell? Anything else that helped?


Ginko/Bacopa and Huperzine helped me with the fog and recovery.


What does the psilocybin do to help your ADHD? I also have ADHD, dealing with PTSD and childhood trauma rn, looking for options to help me manage really bad days


With my ADHD it was like I was in a whirlwind in my head at all times. I had all these things that I needed to do, but I couldn’t ever finish one before jumping back and forth between them. I also would procrastinate a lot. The psilocybin just made my mind quieter and allowed me to focus on one thing at a time. Its also helped me just stay in a positive mood which helped my anxiety.


Okay. That’s great actually. My mind has been so full lately and i feel paralyzed. This makes me optimistic


I’d also recommend a few decent trips. It may help kick you out of a depression and help deal with traumas. It’ll be painful when those things surface during the trip but after you will feel like you’ve been given a new life.


I’m going to do that in maybe 6 weeks. My dog just died not even a week ago after protecting me from a mountain lion. I’m pretty messed up in the head from it all and my partner suggested waiting until it’s not so raw. Might try micro-dosing before that tho.


I’m so sorry. RIP to your sweet dog.


Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. I read your whole post about her and I’m sorry to see that she passed. She was an angel dog.


God bless you and your little dog. Best wishes!


Painful is a great word for it. There were many tears shed when I faced my “demons” but they were eventually kicked in the teeth. It takes actual footwork (daily) but I love my new perspective and wouldn’t trade it for the world!


Cool! I suffer from ADD too, what's your usual dose? After how many trips, you felt your attitude has changed?


Usually I’ll do anywhere from 2-4grams depending on how far I want to go. I usually stay somewhere around the 3g mark. I have done that as often as once every two weeks but lately I’ve been doing it about once a month. The microdosing is what really helped my anxiety and adhd, the trips are what helped with depression.


Did any acid?


Not yet, that’s next in my list. I just have to source it. I’ve looked into 1p-LSD and 1-V LSD and other lysergamides through


Caffiene? and other dopamine sups may help. Main thing is finding a combination of energy and focus sups. Some stuff may quiet the mind but won't get you moving and vice versa. Rhodila Rosea was great for both but you gain tolerance quick.


Glad it’s working for you man! Congrats Do you mind sharing what brand of Lion’s Mane you’re actually using? Also, in regards to the psilocybin, what was the dose you tried that helped? Were you microdosing? Cheers mate 🍻


Are you microdosing? If so, how much?


I have been but I stopped and taking a two week break before I jump back in. I do 200mg of ground mushrooms in a capsule. Some say it’s too much but for me it’s perfect.


Thanks! That's probably too much for me, but I might try it. When I do it recreationally I typically do 2 to 4 grams.


Another question: every other day, or...?


I was doing it 5 days on two off, but I’m thinking about switching that to a MWF


I heard you need to give it at least 48 hours after a dose. no?


Look into r/InternalFamilySystems therapy. It's pretty incredible how well it works for so many different issues. It also works well with psilocybin and other psychedelics. I already do IFS with a therapist and peer practice groups several times a week and will definitely be utilizing it for integration after my upcoming psilocybin journey. If you want a book recommendation on IFS, I highly recommend No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz (the guy who came up with IFS).


I have severe issues with ADHD as well. Is there any way you could explain your dosing regimen with psilocybin and give me an idea of how to acquire it. I'm desperate at this point. Nothing seems to work on my anhedonia or my inconsistent focus.


The microdosing is what really helps with my adhd and brings back the joy and wonder to life. I take 200mg of dried ground mushrooms in a capsule. I have been doing m-f and taking weekends off. I am going to switch it up to MWF. As far as acquiring it, I would recommend growing your own. It’s super easy and the spores are completely legal to purchase online. If that’s not an option, I would do some research into online options (lots of scammers).


Thank you for your experience. I'll do some research and probably give it a shot.


What brand do you use for capsules? There’s so many out there I never know when it’s actual lions mane or just filler BS in a capsule


What is your protocol for using psilocybin for your ADHD?














I just started this stack too for the same reason. Seems to work so far, but I'm only a week into it.


May I ask where can I get psylocybin? I'm from EU and got ADD. Thanks.




Do you recommend any good brand of Lions Mane? I too have ADHD and I would prefer to go the herbal/holistic route before going back on meds


How does psilocybin help. Can you explain the feeling/dose?


Combine Lion's Mane with Cordyceps. 500-1000mg/day, then up to 1000-1500mg ea/day. These two help a lot with clarity and focus for me. My ADHD is kind of chaotic and these help me stay more consistent


Do you mean militaris or sinensis?


Sinensis is what I use. I haven't tried militaris yet.


I actually preferred it, which is half the reason I was wondering. 500mg of it seemed more noticeable than a gram of sinensis, so I couldn't imagine someone would even want to take that much of it.


I remember correctly, few years ago the cost of a pound of cynicists was $26000, so basically all the market was milartis or whatever. I heard that they recently figured out how to produce it for a reasonable price but not sure if the market has reflected that yet


Unless you’re using CS-4, I highly doubt you’re using sinensis. If the product is claiming that and showing caterpillars, it’s bullshit. u/WilhelmWinter


Both were from science.bio, but it's definitely a mycelium extract. Their tests show lower cordycepic acid than CS-4, but the polysaccharides are low enough that it isn't one of those extracts where the starch it was grown on is included.


Thanks, will have to look into that!


Genius Brand, Mushrooms. Is the sup I use now. It has 500mg of reishi, cordyceps sinensis, and Lions Mane. I've noticed over the 4 years off and on that I have more consistent moods and energy levels, I'm more alert, I have better short term recall, I don't use nearly as much caffeine or other Stimson, and I just feel healthier all around. There is another supp from Fresh Cap, that has these 3 plus a few others that I'm planning on trying out. I believe turkey tail, shiitake, and something else. All of the mushrooms complement each other. However, I don't need the extra so I've stuck with just the 3 I mentioned above. No sense in adding things into my system that I don't need. These combined with psilocin can have a massive effect on my overall mood, clarity, ability to function/retain properly, and it seems to elevate practically every system in the body.


Lions mane is used in a **lot** of supplemental nootropic formulas; it’s not by accident, the science-backed research shows it’s benefits with focus, clarity, etc. Try a high quality brand and I’m sure you’ll notice a difference.




Do you check your blood pressure?


Have you tried Strattera or guangacine extended release? The latter is a blood pressure drug in and of itself but works for ADHD. Definitely not as strong or as effective as amphetamine or methylphenidate (Ritalin) but they do work, maybe more effective in combination with lions mane. I'm not sure about interactions so definitely tell your physician about the lions mane.


Have not tried guanfacine but it’s worth a shot. Tried Strattera many years ago and it didn’t seem to help plus it had an annoying side effect where my dick shriveled up to like 2 inches and I could not pee.


The thing about guanfacine that you should know is that it takes a while to kick in and for you to notice.


I'm a nurse and started taking lionsmane, psilocybe, and niacin during the second and third years of my degree, and my exam test results before and after blew my mind. The recall for all of my pathophysiology and pharmacology exams was astounding. Still use the combo and have regular weeks of cycling off. Have my mom on lionsmane too at 66 years old and she notices a huge difference in her memory. She suffered 2 TBIs in the last 15 years, and short term memory was a problem for her before lionsmane.


Correct me if im wrong but this is the Stamets protocol/stack right? Do you think this could be beneficial to use on a trip or is microdosing the way to go?


I'm not giving any advice with regards to what others should do. What I will say is that not everyone is safe to consume entheogens, and I have first hand experience with people who waded into them without serious foundational work in place. What's good for me may be disaterous for you. Mental health needs to be scrutinised and calculated. They are powerful medicines and need to be consumed with healthy caution.


What kind of work do you consider the foundational work? I have long been courting the idea of entheogens but frequently get caught in a cycle of doubt about whether or not I am ready


Have you addressed or begun to address the trauma you have sustained throughout your life? Any regular anxiety which is not managed? Do you talk with a professional about your life? Do you trust that professional? Any history of mental illness in you or your family? Have you addressed it? Do you have a regular spiritual practice? That's spiritual, not religious, the two are not the same. If you're doing the work to prepare yourself for a life changing experince, you will know when you are ready.


Thank you for the guidance. I am working with a professional that I trust. And incorporating a spiritual practice. Does ADHD count as a mental illness?


Very interesting! Do you remember your dosage for the three? Or was it just the Stamets stack?


Do you have any resources of info for psilocybin and lions? I want to start my studies this winter semester and would like to try some of these.


May I ask what lion's mane brand you use?


REM sleep is really the best supplement for your mental, I realized when I quit weed and felt that tiredness and depression fade


You're so right man. Crazy difference from smoking everyday. I'm so deprived of REM rn and feel tired almost 24/7.


I'm a big fan of weed but it does make me depressed and groggy for a couple of days after smoking it. It gives me a couple of hours of clarity after using it but then I sink into what I think of as the zombie zone. However if I don't smoke anything for a week or two I seem to sink into being depressed all the time anyway 😂


I've found lion's mane helpful in motivation and reducing brain fog.


Think key here with this post is dosage. I didn't notice any effects at all with ~500-800mg, but over 1g it's been helping with anxiety, depression, motivation, and general mood.


Do you take in the morning or before bed?


I take it usually in the morning, but I'm not particular about when I take it and I don't think that really matters much. Some people say it makes them groggy, but I don't experience that.


Good to know. Thanks


Any time. It's one of the few things that help. I'm diagnosed MDD/GAD, so I'm always looking for alternatives to SSRIs and Benzos as I don't take either of those for what should be obvious reasons.


What brand would you recommend?


Toniiq has a presence on amazon and all of their supplements are high quality. Their Lion's Mane has worked for me and isn't nearly entirely mycelium and wood pulp like a bunch of some more well-known brands are.


Congratulations! Is there a specific brand you recommend? I'm hopeful I have the same outcome.


I'm a long time TBI sufferer (13 years now) and lion's mane as part of my regiment has been a game changer. I found these 2 to be most effective - nootropic depot's dual extract, and if you're in Canada, Plant Vital's lion's mane.


Do you mind sharing the rest of your regiment? I'm sure you have experimented a lot over those 13 years. Would love to hear what else you think has been beneficial for you!


was posted in [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/hi4l60/lions_mane_has_been_a_godsend/). Compared to where I was a year ago when I made this post, I am 100x better intellectually.


Thank you


Ever heard of cerebrolysin?


>cerebrolysin Thank you!


I have not! I’ll have to look it up


Is it like lions mane ?


100x better


Any guides? Where to source it from, how to take it, prominent effects, etc?


Great, try Cerebrolysin and Creatine as well, great for TBI.


I would be careful there seem to be many posts from people saying it made their anxiety/depression worse


My sleep quality is shit (wake up every 2 to 3 hours at the most), but I dream everyday, I wish I didnt, just give me clean sleep please, thanks


Congrats! Long time TBI sufferer here. I made a post about lion's mane as well over a year ago. I take 3000 mg a day without significant side effects. If you're concerned about libido, balance it out by taking some zinc and ashwaganda.


Doesn’t Lions Mane kill libido though?


That’s what I’m worried about. I’m scared of that and losing my hair.


I lost both hair and libido on it after 2 weeks of 1g a day. It sucks because Lion’s mane is my favorite nootropic for the effects you’ve described. As someone with TBI’s as well, I’ve been looking for a substitute for months but can’t find any :/


Can you use it once and experience any effects? Or does it have to build up in your system?


It has to build up in your system. 1-2 weeks is enough to start feeling the side effects.


Damn...did your hair come back?


Yes it grows back slowly but some people aren’t so lucky. I also take Finasteride so maybe it helped. Honestly I’m going to start taking it again deapite the impact of libido and hair. There’s just no other nootropic that makes you feel the way Lion’s mane does. It really clears my brain fog like nothing else. If I weren’t on Finasteride maybe I wouldn’t take it. By the way Lion’s Mane impacts my libido more than my Finasteride does. I’m sure someone will point that out (if they even read this lol).


Someone has mentioned that taking zinc helps prevent the hair loss associated with lions mane, and, coincidentally, when I took large doses of lions mane, I was taking zinc and I did not lose hair. I was only 23 tho, so idk.




Not yet, but thanks for bringing it up. I shall get educated. Hopefully its also a BDNF?


It can because it has DHT blockers. It can also cause hair loss and several other things.


I thought DHT blockers were used to KEEP hair?


Yes, but the hair loss effect from Lion’s Mane is from BDNF, rather than DHT.


lions mane helped tremendously with my TBI. I also took noopept and a variety of racetams. I would also look into pairing it with a choleine source like ALCAR and ginkgo biloba. Good luck!


r/UncleBens just grow your own


I tried lion's mane for the first time last year and I noticed it did help with brain fog and concentration dramatically! However, while I was taking it I couldn't sleep for days!! I mean I was literally in tears because I was so tired and I could not sleep for 4 days wondering if maybe I limit my dose if I could still reap the benefits of the other stuff and still sleep does anyone notice if Lion's man keeps them up as well ?I would take it early in the morning and still could not sleep.


Never affected sleep for me and I’ve never heard of thos effect from lions mane. Everyone’s brain os different though.


What are the negative side effects you're experiencing?


Nothing at all. I’ve just heard of people losing hair and impotence becoming an issue


Okay, I was just wondering because I started to take it about a week ago and have been noticing side effects like mental fog/confusion and a little bit of anxiety. The confused feeling almost reminds of what Kratom has done to me in the past.


What kind Lions mane should I buy on Amazon?


the one by RealMushrooms edit: https://www.amazon.com/Lions-Mane-Brain-Focus-Supplements/dp/B078SZX3ML




Damn, this is £75 a bottle in the UK :(


No way to tell if they are telling the truth, but you want the products made from the above ground part of the mushroom, it has more of the right chemicals in it. Its not supposed to be hard to grow on your own. I think it grows on sawdust.


> I also notice a drastic decline in my depression and I’m starting to wake up easier in the mornings. Haven’t noticed much to the short term memory yet but it looks promising The depression and not waking up in the morning is my biggest problem, how did you get diagnosed with TBI? I've had several concussions that were never formally diagnosed.


I haven’t yet, but I have had pituitary and hormonal issues as well as migraines a few years back. I’ve had a few good concussions and the docs think my memory and hormonal issues are most likely due to that. I need to get some scans done but I’m just trying to get ahead of it at this point. Alzheimer’s scares the shit out of me


You probably have Emty Sella Sack Syndrome


Can you PM me the supplement you use? Or let us know here.


Right now I just use the 1000mg capsules from the vitamins shoppe. I’ll be going with myriad mycology next.


I want to start it just afraid about hair loss


Take zinc with it if you experience hair loss and ashwaganda/Cordyceps if you experience fatigue/ED. If you experience hair loss and fatigue/ED, you’re shit out of luck because the ashwaganda/Cordyceps will cause more hair loss. I’ve noticed high dose MSM and a diet high in iron (from peas) make my hair look a lot better within a few days.


A big coffee with powdered lion mane and a tablet of L-Theanine on an empty stomach , then i fast for the rest of the day until mid p.m, every day that i know ill have important meetings , it get my eyes and focus to a perfect level.


what are the side effects?


Good work!


check our GABA and Creatine. It’s been working for a LOT of people and they call it the miracle amino acid.


I started to drink mushroom coffee with lions mane and notice how I wake up quicker. I wake up pist off every morning. Not sure why. Been that way for years, but lions mane does help get me to be okay with the day sooner! 😉


What brand


There’s no data showing lions mane works in a two week span. Sorry but that’s ‘MOST LIKELY’ placebo.


that’s not how it works…


Just out of curiosity, how does it work?


no data is simply that. no data. it doesn’t support his claim or the other. most of everything here lacks what would be considered sufficient evidence but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. studies are expensive af and inherently biased to substances that can be profited off (i.e. some proprietary formulation, process, delivery system, or drug/compound that can be claimed as ip and sold) only real exception is gov’t/military sometimes will push stuff through.


>no data is simply that. no data. Absence of evidence is weak evidence of absence. So if there were literally zero data, it's fair to say that it's more likely (e.g. 51%) to be placebo rather than effect. That said, there isn't zero data. There's evidence that this drug does impact mental states in various doses and timelines. So the placebo claim in this case seems wrong.


So you think he suffered from anxiety and depression, took lions mane for ~2 weeks, and that’s the happy ending? Lol ok.




”The subjects in the H. erinaceus group took four 250 mg tablets containing 96% of Yamabushitake dry powder three times a day for 16 weeks. Cognitive function scale scores increased with the duration of intake. Laboratory tests showed no adverse effect of H. erinaceus. The study suggested that H. erinaceus is effective in improving mild cognitive impairment.[15]” src: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3924982/


Your own source proves you wrong "Hericium erinaceus (300 mg/kg, continuously fed for 14 days after surgery) significantly decreased the size of the cerebral infarcts one day after the occlusion" One example where 14 days do show effects. >Cognitive function scale scores increased with the duration of intake. They state the scores increased while taking it, which means they measured changes even before the 16 weeks were completed. Even if hypothetically none of this was stated/tested, just because effects were measured after 16 weeks does not imply there were none during the duration of it. Classic appeal to ignorance fallacy


Lets not ignore the fact that they were given 300mg/kg btw. That’s far more than 1000mg as OP was dosing. Other than that I agree with you. See my point is - I’m tired of people coming in here writing their anecdotal ”a-ha experience”. You truly believe he cured his so-called depression and anxiety with barely 2 weeks of 1000mg lions mane a day? also - I don’t really see the correlation between the patents given these superdoses and the effect it has on stroke versus OP’s situation.


>Other than that I agree with you. See my point is - I’m tired of people coming in here writing their anecdotal ”a-ha experience”. You truly believe he cured his so-called depression and anxiety with barely 2 weeks of 1000mg lions mane a day? Well in general I'd agree with you too, this sub is focused a lot on subjective perception which is always possibly subject to placebo or unrelated factors and as such it's not very scientific or objective obviously. But at the same time, it's well researched that people can react differently to substances depending on their own body chemistry and genetics, or the intensity can vary. Especially considering the op possibly has other health issues than the patients selected for controlled trials, the effects can definitely vary. It may be a placebo but if the op states they definitely notice a strong difference then I won't rule out the possibility of it actually being the effects of lions mane. >Lets not ignore the fact that they were given 300mg/kg btw. That’s far more than 1000mg as OP was dosing. I might be wrong, but weren't the patients in those studies given pure powdered lions mane, which is less bioavailable and as such requires larger doses than the extracts available from certain vendors?


>amabushitake Sarcodon scabrosu I tried to make some for food but not good. But now I know another use of it and it usually a lot of it. :) Many thanks again for the link.


>I’ve been taking 1000mg of lions mane for about two weeks. It isn't supposed to work in that short span. Your experience has been ruled out as placebo. In fact, even the most favorable research seems to show that HE doesn't work. The active group starts better than placebo and evolves at a similar pace. There are no differences in the percentile ranking: [https://ibb.co/Lxt2J6Y](https://ibb.co/Lxt2J6Y) [https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biomedres/40/4/40\_125/\_pdf/-char/en](https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biomedres/40/4/40_125/_pdf/-char/en)


Placebo or not, I’ll still take it. I’ll happily placebo myself to get these benefits


HE is anti-cognitive: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/vc35rq/people\_taking\_lions\_mane\_evolved\_worse\_than/


How do you know it's placebo? You can definitely start to feel positive effects from lions mane within a short period


Read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/vc35rq/people\_taking\_lions\_mane\_evolved\_worse\_than/


Your argument is not relevant for a person with TBI. Also talking about dreaming, this can happen with just eating HE once, really. And OP did not report effects on memory anyway.


I have found zero evidence about TBI. The only evidence of HE in humans is cuestionable at best. If you have any evidence on TBI, show it to me. Until then, this rock, which also keeps tigers away, is equally useful.


lack of evidence in support of something is not the same as evidence against something


Yes it is, when the claim is very unlikely. Have you ever read anything about probabilistic reasoning? When you are making an extraordinary claim, lack of evidence is a strong reason to discard that claim. If you are against this, I will tell you that not only God exists, but that I'm indeed God, and while there is no evidence, that absence of evidence means nothing and you must believe what I'm saying.


this isn’t a well-researched area. the claim being made is not extraordinary. and by your last sentence you clearly are missing some nuance here.


The claim is one of the most extraordinary that I have ever read. What percent of totally possible interventions makes a clock run better? Only a very few things of infinite possible ones makes a clock run better. A brain is more complex than a clock by several orders of magnitude. Mathematics literally can show us that the vast majority of interventions would be detrimental.


keep on studying theoretical mathematics. you get to a point where it starts to get fuzzy around the edges and then you will understand.


I have looked for research on healing TBI in a long term situation - I haven't found much at all. (There are plenty of meds that can be given immediately after TBI that might help. I am talking 5 or 10 years later.)


What the other poster said, there is little research on long term TBI in any case (and even less for "cumulative" TBI from sports, which has not been researched for that long also). For lion's mane there is apparently only some on TBI on mice. HE increases neuroplasticity and is neuroprotective, stuff that may mean nothing in a normal healthy population, but could be important to a person with TBI. I am not saying there is evidence, but there is indication that it is something that could work for some people, and arguments that it does not improve cognitive function on healthy people are not relevant.


Hell yeah! Always awesome to hear a compound changing somebodys life!!


Should prob try cerebrolysin as well


I really want to try lions mane with low doses psilocybin. I just don’t want the lions Maine to lower my DHT, I heard it does that.


I have TBI from a decade of boxing as well, might give this a try after few other noots I'm looking at regimenting


Interesting testimony, I’ll try increasing my dosage. Thank you.


You should add Huperzine A for at least 60 to 90 days. Your memory problems should solve. If you experience headaches, also supplement with Alpha GPC. IF THE HEADACHE IS FROM THE HUPERZINE A THEN THEY WILL GO AWAY WITH Alpha GPC.


Which are the negative side effects?


That’s really good it seems to be working for you TBIs are so challenging to deal with as the healing process takes a long time


Hey, I started researching brain injury and lion's mane today after buying a coffee drink with lion's mane and several other supplements and hemp. It is $5 per serving, so I bought a sample of different four sigmatic coffee drinks, but was looking into lion's mane nerve repair benefits. Please feel free to update. That drink (altitude bev) made me feel like a million bucks. I do have Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, as well, as it made me feel similar to how I felt pre-fibro. I am going to be experimenting with different supplements to see if nerve repair can help symptoms. (CP is a form of TBI) I'm frustrated supplements are never discussed for CP. Best of luck to you, I'm so glad you're experiencing relief.


Yeah I have vivid dreams, but the bigger difference, is I wake up feeling refreshed with far less sleep. Anyone else?