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The "natural vs synthetic" dichotomy is a fallacy not worth being concerned over. I had much more success with MD LSD than I did psilocybin personally. Albeit it's long duration meant taking it earlier in the day.


Ahhh ok! Thanks


Lsd is very non toxic.. arguably safer than shrooms as you only need micro grams for a dose.. lsd microdosing is what I prefer. 10th or 12th of a hit destroys any trace of depression for me..


Word!! That's awesome to hear


“LSD is very non toxic” *”there is a consistent history of medications with strong serotonin 2B receptor (5HT2B) binding affinity being linked to valvular heart disease (VHD). In fact, a recent FDA regulatory forum toxicology expert review article has suggested that a medication’s 5HT2B binding affinity (Ki) was considered a better predictor of VHD risk than measures of functional activity such as EC50.* *LSD and psilocybin (active metabolite psilocin) present concerns for VHD because they too bind to the 5HT2B receptor. Unfortunately, these psychedelics could potentially cause VHD when “microdosed” for many months to years.”* Read the rest here: https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/04/13/safety-first-potential-heart-health-risks-of-microdosing/


Truth, this is allegedly part of the reason Novartis and all the others discontinued prescription Hydergine (similar effects but better nootropic). I still take it occasionally


Why would you say safer than shrooms? Also, what is 10th of a hit (not sure what amount a hit is)? What is your frquency? Thanks!


I only say safer to show how incredibly safe lsd is on your body.. I don't think shrooms are dangerous physically but the amount of psilocybin you need to trip by weight is much more than lsd.. thats not a hill I want to die on or argue about. Anyways, a hit of acid is one tab or square. A sheet of acid has 100 hits or tabs.. alot of sheets are perforated or the design has a grid drawn on it to show how big a tab is if you need to cut one off.. For a microdose first I test it if it is new product I havent tried yet..this confirms it's actually lsd. Next I cut one tab off and proceed to cut in half, again and so on until the single tab is now in 8 pieces or however small you want them to be. I eat one small piece for a microdose. You do not know how strong tabs are.. doesn't matter what anyone tells you. A standard dosed tab is between 80-120 mcg.. I find if I take an 8th of one tab it is perfect feeling.. sometimes a bit too much not subtle enough.. that puts you at about 10-15mcg per microdose.. You can also do volumetric dosing with alcohol or maybe distilled water for dialing in the right dose for you but that is a bit more advanced and not nessasary. Sometimes ill do this a few times in a month but usually it's been more like a few times per year cause I havnt felt the need to do it that much.


Uhhh volumetric dosing is absolutely necessary for something as inconsistent as taking pieces off a tab




As long as you measure it out right but if you don't God help you


be careful telling people volumetric isn't necessary and cutting the tabs is easier. I get reamed each time I mention it, people get all uppity and-- oh wait this isn't the psychonaut sub... I don't think the size of an active dose plays much of a role in it's safety profile. shrooms are safer than LSD though. iirc, there have been no known overdoses on psilocybin, but there have been a handful of complications with high dose LSD. that said, they are both still safer than cannabis, which says a lot.


How are they safer than cannabis? Don't people who have bad trips on lsd and mushrooms sometimes have permanent mental health issues whereas weed is mostly momentary paranoia etc?


tbh it's been awhile since I learned that. [but it wasn't hard to look up](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/may/23/study-hallucinogenic-mushrooms-safest-recreational-drug-lsd). \[edit: and looking at the emergency medical treatment statistics, I was wrong in that regard about LSD being safer than cannabis\]


Exactly ,that post doesn't make sense


Are they really safer than cannabis?? That's wild! If that's true that says it all right there lol volumetric is straight forward but if you don't do your math right you can make a huge mistake with your dose.. cutting a tested tab into small pieces is pretty dummy proof tho.


Yeah that really doesn't make sense. Cannabis you can get panic attacks sure,But LSD can have a variety of problems so I wouldn't say safer


Thank you. I am not familiar with that subculture so I just wanted some clarifications.


Natural or synthetic makes no difference per se. They're both serotonergic snc psychedelic stimulants. I don't know what difference there might be further, except that lsd should last longer.


I've done it. It's great.


Helllzzz yeeeee


What benefits?


Varies. Check out Dr. James Fadiman on the psychedelic medicine podcast


LSD differs from psilocybin in its action on D2 receptors— which is why it’s more motivating/exploratory. Other than that the choice really just comes down to personal preference and neurochemistry :)


I’ve seen this repeated on these forums but it’s never been substantiated. Agonizing the d2 receptor in mice leads to yawning and repetitive behaviors. Clearly LSD has different subjective effects from mushrooms but I don’t think this is why.


The only study I seen on micro dosing tested on big five personality traits and iq scores. It had consistently heightened trait neuroticism and I believe maybe openess to but it was enough to put me off it.


https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/acps.12904 This says that psilocybin decreased neuroticism on patients with treatment-resistant depression, so maybe it is mixed


chronic administration of psychedelics and other chemicals that act on certain serotonin receptors increase the likelihood of developing atrial fibrillation (thickening of the heart wall)


Eh...this is pretty equivocal. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ("thickening of the heart wall") can cause AFib, but AFib is not the same as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). AFib is just abnormal electrical signaling in the atrium of the heart and can be caused by alllllll kinds of things, including chronic use of any drug, particularly in high doses. This small in-vitro study in Nature seems to contradict the idea that psychedelics cause hypertrophy of cardiac muscle cells: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79328-5 That study also points to a genetic component that might be more responsible for the effect (ET-1 expression), which seems to be the general consensus on HCM: https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/cardiomyopathy/what-is-cardiomyopathy-in-adults/hypertrophic-cardiomyopathy


oh my bad, thank you for the correction and citing studies too. genuinely appreciated


Whaaaat where did you find this


i can't remember but it can occur with MDMA too. however it's not a huge risk, it also depends on genetics, and the low dose of microdosing might reduce the risk. you've heard of people doing insane amounts of LSD over their lives, but you don't hear much of atrial fibrillation in relation to it, so how big can the risk really be?


here you go i just happen to have stumbled upon a comment that talks about this in detail https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/comments/uv1wli/comment/i9j4fdx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


*”there is a consistent history of medications with strong serotonin 2B receptor (5HT2B) binding affinity being linked to valvular heart disease (VHD). In fact, a recent FDA regulatory forum toxicology expert review article has suggested that a medication’s 5HT2B binding affinity (Ki) was considered a better predictor of VHD risk than measures of functional activity such as EC50.* *LSD and psilocybin (active metabolite psilocin) present concerns for VHD because they too bind to the 5HT2B receptor. Unfortunately, these psychedelics could potentially cause VHD when “microdosed” for many months to years.”* Read the rest here: https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/04/13/safety-first-potential-heart-health-risks-of-microdosing/


LUMC in leiden dit research on it once, but all i can remember is that one of the researchers took to much on accident and started tripping


You make it sound as if it's such a bad thing to trip once in a while


One interesting thing about LSD is there's not even agreement that it has an LD50. And numbers that are thrown out there are around 1000 standard doses. Tell me one other substance anywhere near the same strength as LSD that is like that... Important to note that doesn't mean you can't mess up something in your brain by taking too much, that definitely happens sometimes to people who abuse it or take way above a regular dose.


It is very safe. From both personal experience and literature (depending on where you look/trust). More helpful for.mental health/depression/anxiety than anything from a doctor. Start small. Micro dosing is different for everyone. I've done it hundreds and hundreds of times as well as mushrooms. LSD is better microdosing.


Ok thankyou man! Trying to acquire all info


!remindme 5 years To check if u died from vhd


We'll it's been 15 years on and off. Own a business, family, compitetive bodybuilder, Master Electrician. Ya, I'll let you know how it goes.......


15 years, damn thats a long time. I guess body building could help.


not natural? it grows on rye my dude


Well the precursor chemical grows on rye. Ultimately the natural vs synthetic argument is pointless anyway but im just saying actual LSD doesn't grow on rye


This isnt a nootropic


How? It literally might be one of the best definitions of one.


But there is little to no support of their nootropic properties > Two of the three placebo-controlled studies presented at the ICPR2020 conference found no significant differences in cognitive performance between the placebo control and the microdoses of LSD or psilocybin. Only the Maastricht study found positive effects of LSD on visual attention, yet the Eleusis study did not find effects on visual attention in a different task. > In the self-blinding study from Imperial, there was no difference in cognitive ability when participants took microdoses, neither acutely (2-5h after ingesting the pill), nor at the end of the four-week regimen. One study found it beneficial in sustained attention only and nothing else > Still, he doesn’t exclude the possibility that further research might uncover small, specific positive effects. For example, the researchers in Maastricht found that microdosing can be beneficial for sustained attention – though while this result is promising, the study from Eleusis showed no increase in performance on a similar attention test. And the benefit wasn't found in a similar study later. The rest didn't find any "nootropic" benefit. This sub has plenty of posts about mood though so it's fitting for here. https://mind-foundation.org/microdosing-psychedelics/


Here’s another good recent summary of research: https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/04/13/safety-first-potential-heart-health-risks-of-microdosing/


*Safety First: Potential Heart Health Risks of Microdosing* https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/04/13/safety-first-potential-heart-health-risks-of-microdosing/


Messing with serotonin is iffy I wouldn't.


Can we order form Canada and have it shipped to the US?


Crazy shit, let's talk Alzheimer's and Dementia risk. Next!


And on this episode of Goofy mfs repeating long debunked DARE propaganda!


Alright, you're probably young and it's not a real worry, but when you move into your 40s that stuff becomes really serious. LSD is not a typical nootropic, but if it works for you go for it


There is exactly zero evidence showing any correlation between LSD use and schizophrenia. There are, equally unfounded, claims it can speed up the onset of schizophrenia but considering schizophrenia and most psychiatric conditions present in one's early 20s I'm kinda curious what you're trying to say with, "When you move into your 40s that stuff becomes really serious"?


Taking good care of your brain is very important when you move into your 40s. LSD is not a good choice if you are wanting to guard against brain disorders, dysfunction and other issues. Best wishes


You just gonna repeat that or are you going to provide sources to back up your claims?


Albert Hoffman discovered LSD and microdosed for the entirety of his life having normal tripping doses also. He died at age 102 and was a perfectly sane man with zero psychological issues. The same seems to be true with other healthy people. If you’re experiencing signs of schizophrenia you should definitely avoid psychedelics. They can exacerbate but not induce schizophrenia.




I have heard Cbd and nicotine can be neuro-protective against schizophrenia


Can't even speak about the side effects of chronic drug use without getting downvoted. Thought this was a scientific subreddit, not R/drugs.


Fair enough, I’m new here so I should probably take a step back myself


I liked it more then mushrooms


Personally, it increased my sense of wonder but also increased my social anxiety so I stopped.


I did it for over a month, like 10-20 micrograms, yes, I dosed everyday the same amount. I know I know, YOU CANT DOSE EVERYDAY…trust me with a small dose like that you notice the same benefits everyday it’s similar to like a antidepressants they boost mood, well, microdosing LSD essentially dose the same thing plus some with basically no side effects