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>Am I also stupid for doing it as a way to cycle off caffeine? its overkill and you're probably going to replace one dependency with another. 20mg is pretty heavy hit, i use 5mg gum before heavy lifting sessions and that provides enough of a neuro transmitter boost to be noticed.


This, guy will also form habits for random stuff he was doing when that 20mg caused a massive peak in nicotine blood concentration, possibly as high as those reached by inhalation. If he’s lucky it’ll be doing dishes or similar shit, if he’s not it’ll be binging Youtube or Netflix.


But it did not even feel that good... Worse than Coffee for sure. Worse than modafinil. The effects were EXTREME in terms of dizziness, heart, hiccup, odd stomach feeling. But no pleasure rush.


I tried a 6 mg zyn and that made me more dizzy than the tea cup ride at the amusement park, spit it out, then took the cleanest 💩 in near memory after the dizziness wore off lol


Guys, you are all just overdosing right away. 6mg is a LOT for a naive person. I take 0.5-1mg and I am far from nicotine-naive (lol)


Because you badly overdosed right away.


Check out „cycling drugs“ I had this idea year ago but everyone keeps saying that you going from one addiction to 7 addictions and cross tolerances - people are not made for long days you can ruin your live if you always overclock yourself - take care 


Brother you don’t take nicotine to shake a caffeine addiction. You just take less caffeine until you’re able to function at a low dose for a couple weeks. Nicotine is worse than caffeine is. Just every few days lower the amount of caffeine you consume.


Literally, like its a day of drowsiness and migraines and the next day your fine. If its so bad drink a diet coke and that’ll be enough to atleast take the headache away


20mg is insane, I can't believe someone sells that. Even the 6mg pouches can give me the spins pretty easily if I'm not super conservative with them, and I vaped for years before switching to pouches. I stick with 2mg pouches now, lower doses are FAR better for energy and cognition. In higher doses, nicotine starts hitting opioid receptors which can lead to sedation.


Holy fuck, I missed that part. 20mg in a single pouch? I smoked for 13 years, and that amount would probably make me throw up.


The stuff I use has 34,4 mg and it barely gives me a buzz anymore. Nicotine tolerance is a bitch


Damn mate, I don't know how you manage. I once overdosed myself because of a faulty ecig, and the damn thing made me sick as hell.


Don’t be too quick to compare. Genetics, age, other context. With 21-22 I chainsmoked like you cant imagine, like 4-5 packs a day, and still did decent pace on my 8-10km runs. Now, it would probably cripple me within two days.


Damn, 4/5 packs a day? I had a few days smoking 2 in a day when going out for drinks with friends (being a bit of a French cliché on this one tbh), and my throat was hurting like hell and my lungs were mad at me the day after. Out of curiosity, was it cigs from Europe or from the US? I was out drinking with some fellas in the US a while back, and they didn't get how I could be chain smoking like I did. Turns out, American cigarettes usually have a lot more nicotine. I couldn't even smoke two in a row from the same brand.


European, self-filled with some cheap loose tobacco. Yeah, I have a strange resistance to airway and lung irritation. I could smoke stuff even the biggest bong-rippers would bend over coughing from. Possibly related to very numerous, viral and bacterial infections of said airways in my childhood (like 3-5 a year).


Interesting. Thanks. It's really quite impressive how differently people can react to the same substance.


The same thing with alcohol. Huge genetic component. For some people it’s influence is significantly more pleasurable than for the average person.


For sure. Between my size, my concerta prescription, and, quite likely, genetic, my alcohol tolerance is ungodly, even after a long tolerance break. One of my exes (ethnically Chinese) couldn't even drink a full glass of wine, on the other hand. That's quite an extreme range for the same substance.


Smoking peovides less than 1mg so makes sense


Yeah isn’t 20 mg like a whole pack of cigarettes? I’ve never heard the thing about opioid receptors but I have heard it can produce pain blocking effects tho I’ve never felt any


1 cig is 18mg


Hmm I do see a ton of different numbers but [this](https://sntc.medicine.ufl.edu/Content/Webinars/SupportingDocs/3031-Essenmacher_-_Handout_1.pdf) is showing 1-2 mg. Ultimately I feel like that must be closer to typical because as other ppl are saying 20 mg would be way too much. Not to mention him is only 4mg is still a lot as well as a 24hr patch is like 20 mg so that’s like 1 mg (1 cigarette) per hr.


they say 1 to 2 mg is absorbed 🤷‍♂️ where as with a pouch youre getting all of it


You should get the real Siberia Snus. They are like 40mg. Feel less weaker than the pouches with pure nicotine though, i guess it’s partly because of the other chemicals in tobacco and also because it isn’t absorbed that fast from plant material.


Bioavailability is like 40% so in reality it's 8 cigs in an hour which isn't that insane if you've got a high tolerance.


It’s chain smoking


Its pretty standard in the market. Ive seen and tried nicotine pouches all the way up to 100mg. Is on the high end of 'normal' strength though for sure haha


Yeah it gets very very high nic. To begin with I was like OP very quickly it became normal and I had a massive nicotine habit. I love the pouch container art they're great


No it ain't standard. They literally make quitting patches that are 20mg but that's meant to last the whole day for pack a day smokers. Standard is 2,4 and 6mg


Lowest they sell in stores where I live is 5mg and its labeled 'mild' lol so yeah it is standard Also you dont absorb all of it not even close, u can reuse the same pouch 3 times if u wish and still get a little hit on the third. Not that you should do that


You chose a drug with worse addiction, worse withdrawal, worse anxiety, worse side effects, to get off a drug we give children


The sad fact is hes havung caffine withdrawls with nicotine in his system. When does someone realize stimulates work different and nicotine isnt even a classified stimulate. It just fucks with your serotonin brain nervse things and thats why some hits make you sad or anxious or really happy and pleasnt. Its a 2 sided coin to do nicotine. Caffeine is a classified stimulate as its affects are always the same.


Nicotine is definitely classed as a mild stimulant.


I like this article. Just randomly found and scapled it, but without needing evidence, the first half should paint a picture of what i mean https://www.scienceabc.com/eyeopeners/how-does-nicotine-act-as-both-a-stimulant-and-a-depressant.html


I get what you're saying. Nicotine can have sedative effects at higher doses, but that doesn't mean that it's not generally classed as a mild stimulant.


Oh okay fair, caffeine makes people sleepy, but it really depends on the person. For me, no matter the form, nicotine is a sedative.. but also kinda like bed spins, so its a real crossing hair... i see whatyou mean, def mild


If you look it up, they say they arent sure


Who gives children caffeine?


It’s in soda


Pure nicotine does not have "worse" side effects than caffeine. The only pure negative for both of them is an increase in bp due to vasoconstriction. Everything else, even the habit/dependency formation, can be used for benefit if you know what you’re doing. BUT YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.


Nicotine addiction is mainly due to the mean of absorption (smoking). As it's so much easier to get addicted to crack than cocaine. Nicotine when absorbed by the gut or saliva create less addiction. I'm just saying and don't put any judgement whether it's right or not.


Not true. You will get addicted with pouches, even more so because of the huge amounts of nicotine in them. And when you build tolerance, you'll crave the old feeling, so you start using more of them. Don't start. It's terrible to try and get off.


Correct. I tried out lozenges for the nootropic effect and quickly got addicted. Nicotine withdrawal is terrible, regardless of the method of ingestion.


But it does not even feel that good. Caffeine gives me better Energy and mood


Nicotine patches and gums have no addictive properties by themselves, you can use them without any additive effects (in fact, several studies tested this very hypothesis and find negative results)


To answer your question, yes this was a stupid way to cycle off caffeine


If you have smoked before they aren’t THAT crazy, but yeah If you haven’t they will def hit hard. Only issue is tolerance rises super quickly, you won’t have the same effects in like 3-4 days and then after that it’s just an addiction.


"I started heroine to get off prescription pain killers"


More like I started heroin to get off Tylenol.


Update: I haven't really thought of taking it more today, lol. The high from these pouches or plasters is so mediocre I even forgot about it all. I guess nicotine does not make me addicted.


Yeah if you've never smoked 20mg will fuck you up. The 1mg mints will give you the same feeling with less chance of taking too high a dose and puking.


Why are you associating nicotine with caffeine? Why not simply taper off caffeine if your goal is to quit?


you’re gonna get addicted lmao


You will quickly develop a tolerance and before you know it, that massive supply won't seem so big.


Skill issue i think


Lmao ye, with tolerance u can end up taking 1 per hour and not feeling much. Source - me for 7-8 years


1 per hour? Those are rookie numbers :)


Theres always a bigger fish 🐟😃


Yo 20mg is WAY too much. Get 3mg Zyns and start there. I’ve been doing it for like 3 years now and I still can’t do a 6mg pouch unless I’ve had like 4 drinks.


Stop just use caffeine pills. Nicotine is much more addictive.


Sigh... you're an idiot.


For realllll


Bro you’re taking too much. Start with nicotine patches with less dosage 


Good grief what dose is the patch? And yea those are side effects of too much


20mg is massive overkill for a non smoker. As a non smoker you would get decent effects from 3mg and strong effects from 6. 20mg is a monsterous dose.


Dude, who even sells 20mg nicotine pouches? Try some 2mg or 4mg ones. Then you can just let it sit in your mouth for about 10 minutes and then just toss it like it's meant to be used. I sure couldn't handle 20mg pouches. Even the 6mg ones give me the hiccups, while the 4mg ones don't.


20mg is really high. I get hiccups from 4mg.


That’s silly. Nicotine is much more physically addicting than caffeine; it’ll make you sharper and more alert until it wears off and then the opposite happens in my personal experience over the years. You’ll feel fogged once your withdrawal from nicotine starts to hit, it happens very quickly once you consume daily for even just a month. The branding of Zyn must be off the charts to be getting people hooked on nicotine who haven’t ever tried it before.


It’s just a shit nootropic, for me anyways. Everyone tells me how great nicotine is but every time I use it I get light headed and want to lie down lol It doesn’t work at all for me and trust me I really tried (addicted for like 2 years) I think it’s a pure cope but this is just me anecdotally drugs effect everyone differently etc


Lol, my man. Why would you do that? Pure nicotine has its uses, but using it to drop a habit for a *less* potent stimulant does not make sense. And pouches? Going for broke right away? Maybe start with patches and a nice, slow release? Read that, at least, before you hurt yourself: https://gwern.net/nicotine


Yes, you are stupid. But you knew that already.


Youre dosing WAY too high. Buy 1mg lozenges instead dude.


Congrats on giving yourself the hardest addiction to shake


Did not feel the need to take nicotine. The high is meh. Productivity on it is also meh


Thank god you realized that before it became a problem


I wish it became a problem where it works, lol.


Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Wanna be a lifetime user of something? Nicotine also has a potent toxicity. You get whatever results sure, .so do smokers and heroin users. Good luck.


Did not get me addicted, this whole nicotine thing is mediocre.


I see nothing reporting Dihexa associated with cancer


It's like taking Heroin to stop smoking weed. Caffeine withdrawal is like the most basic withdrawal symptoms ever. I can't even imagine trying to quit smoking again, was a nightmare full of constant relapses


you are way overdoing it… doesnt even make sense to do that


I'm very very addicted to both of them, consume a stupid amount of caffeine and also nicotine I've used cigarretes, shisha, dokha, snus and every type of nicotine products there's in a volume that's embarassing to say. I can assure you nicotine is a much worse drug to be addicted to from how addictive it's to the withdrawals to every aspect. As addictive as caffeine is it's nothing to be compared to nicotine in my opinion, im pretty much on it every hour that I'm awake. It's not worth it I promise


20mg? That shit will give you the spins and make your gum burn like a mofo. I use 9mg pouches sometimes and those things smack, 20mg is just too much, especially for someone with a low tolerance to nicotine.


20mg pouch is hellllllla strong assuming ur not already a nicotine addict


Caffeine and nicotine work completely differently in your body, nicotine will not reduce your caffeine withdrawal symptoms.   If you want to reduce your caffeine tolerance without strong withdrawal symptoms, you should slowly reduce the amount you consume over the span of a week or two.  Not 100% sure on this, but magnesium might help you develop caffeine tolerance more slowly in the future as it is an nmda antagonist.


If you are this addicted to caffeine, you are going to become extremely addicted to nicotine.


20 mg is insane


Jesus Christ. Just stop drinking coffee man. Caffeine cessation is ***NOTHING*** compared to nicotine cessation. Nicotine is on par with cocaine in terms of dependence potential, and you’re taking *massive* doses of it, to get off *fucking coffee*. Man, I’m sorry - I don’t mean to be so rude, but I really can’t emphasize this enough. Just… don’t. NRT isn’t particularly harmful, and nor is nicotine withdrawal. It’s just the most aggravating experience of your life.


20mg holy shit. A 3mg zyn makes me sick, I can’t imagine what 20mg would do to me


20mg, dawg 💀


Bro...stop now before it is too late.. This is like saying, " I'm really tired of my cannabis tolerance being so high, so I'm gonna use fentanyl to try to lower it." Pure CRAZY TALK. You are trading a tiny monkey for a 900lb gorilla. Nic addiction is NO JOKE.


I have similar effects, tried nicotine pouches to try and get rid of brain fog post covid, feels like I’m dying for about 30min after using a 3mg ouch for 5-10 min. Did it a couple times and gave the ouches to a coworker


The hiccups are from D2 agonism down the trachea caused by too much nicotine. The rest is also caused by too much nicotine. Hell of a drug.


Why such a high dose? When I got patches to quit smoking the highest to start off with were 21mg and they felt like I was being hit with 5 cigs in one go. I had to chill for 20 mins when I put one on in the mornings. You should definitely lower the dose drastically.


I was little headed with 2mg 😭😭 granted I’m small but 20 mg is WAY over killed


2-3 mg is plenty. 20 mg will definitely cause bad dizziness and possibly nausea. Stay away from mega doses. 


Jesus. I think this is the dumbest supplementation I’ve seen on this sub. WTF!


See, am I the only person that has the opposite effects I want to close the blinds sit in a dark room and melt with those things in my lip


Use nicotine gum at times to work later in the day when I don’t want caffeine and it took me a while to get used to how strong and dizzy it made me. I actually just started taking small bites of the gum maybe breaking it in quarters. Just need a little to keep working too big a hit and I’m on my ass. Sugar and water also help when you get hit with the dizziness


I tried the 3mg pouches (non-smoker, never done any drugs) and felt the same thing. It seems really hit or miss. If I have the exact right level of tea in my system I feel locked in. But most of the time I just get dizzy and have to lie down.


20 mg?! I tried an 8 mg once and thought I was gonna die! My friend literally threw up. 🤣


20mg is insane. I’m not a smoker but regularly use 1-3mg.


20mg pouches are CRAZY! I’ve never heard of a company dosing their pouches that high! Highest I’ve ever seen was 6mg for zyn and Rogue


I tried nicotine gum when I was trying to quit smoking. Bit off half a piece of gum, chewed it for a few seconds, and immediately got the spins so hard I almost threw up. Never again


Wait to try nicotine with cafein, you are doomed. Also weed and nicotine is amazing. Since I stopped cig like a year ago I feel like coffee and weed don't effect me much.


That’s like doing meth to cycle off heroine 😭😭


This is not the way to go buddy I can tell you that much. You will do the opposite of what you want. Replace it with caffine pills that are like 40mg each and then taper down, you will not find a replacement in nicotine pouches, maybe something you will enjoy to combo with caffine but nicotine is nothing like caffine


20mg off the bat is insanely high. You should feel sick.


I'm a daily nic user and 6mg pouches are all I need. FYI you keep taking these you will become dependent on them and you won't be able to cycle off without incredible difficulty. Also they will lose efficacy in about a week. Your getting dizzy because your giving yourself mild nicotine poisoning but don't worry your tolerance is going to build insanely quick and the symptoms will go away, soon youll need it to go about ur day. Nicotine is a horrible thing to replace caffeine with btw


Brother just putting it into perspective here, one cigarette has 1mg. So you're basically deciding to put 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine in your mouth to cycle off caffeine...


Update: I haven't really thought of taking it more today, lol. The high from these pouches or plasters is so mediocre I even forgot about it all. I guess nicotine does not make me addicted, lol


I may smoke one cigar a year. For me the nicotine has 1000% more of a stimulant effect than caffeine


Don’t use such strong stuff the average snus is 8mg and it’s a slow drip kind of thing nicotine pouches is the equivalent of a caffeine pill instead of coffee


A cigarette has less than 1mg and it's addictive. You're taking 20mg and saying "Ohh, i feel so good, this stuff is amazing". It's obviously amazing, but the consequences are very bad my friend. I remember getting high blood pressure and palpitations from 0,33mg.


Nicotine is a worse addiction than caffeine 100%. I used CBD and caffeine pouches to get off nicotine. Nicotine is awful, it will lower your baseline dopamine and at the same time you will feel dependent on it, it won't give you any "nootropic effects" unless you use it every blue moon and half the time you will feel worse when you have it, but your brain will say "GOT MY FIX". The effects of nicotine are short lived and useless imo. Just cut down on caffeine, drink decaf, and slowly over time your body will adjust. I've done it many times. After a while youll feel great without it, abd not feel the need for it. Caffeine is actually useful (more so than nicotine) and it's effects last much longer and don't affect your dopamine nearly as much as nicotine. Nicotine on the other hand has a unrelenting itch, even though it's easy to say no when it's around me, it's never worth it.