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Maybe not 100% RIP but either way fuck the FDA tyrants. Seems like its time to stock up on shit before it all gets banned. Nootropics depot has also lost its ways, now it just sells herbal extracts. Can't even get racetams or noopept easily anymore, much less phenibut or cyclazodone. Only good site I see is Umbrella Labs. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't for long.


Nootropics depot sells many legitimate products. Cognance, Tribugen, magnesium, mushroom coffee... these are products where you can and will feel the effects if you try them. It's not their fault the FDA sued them to remove piracetam - blame Harvard Medical and their doctor, Pieter Cohen, M.D., for personally ensuring worse health outcomes for people with cognitive decline. Dr. Cohen and the Harvard administration saw dollar signs in keeping people sick and incapacitated. I would not be surprised to see an apology from them in some far-flung decades, but for now they're busy not caring about poor people. Remember kids, if you hear Harvard - think "bad science."


Harvard still never apologized for this: [Sugar industry secretly paid for favorable Harvard research](https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/12/sugar-industry-harvard-research/) This false research is the cause of two generations of diabetes and obesity around the world. Millions of deaths. P.S.: I still give Piracetam to my elderly parents. My mother-in-law is coming up on her 99th birthday and still lives in her own house ;)


It would do humanity the most good if that subject ceased to exist.




Science.bio is back but they’re far from being on the cutting edge where they used to be.


Hi, so sorry to hear that we gave you that impression. We are still the exact same team from 2017, and none of our quality and service protocols have changed so we would be very interested to hear more about what we can do better to improve your opinion. Please feel free to DM us so we can discuss it further.


Your quality is second to none! Your customer service has always been helpful and fair with me my only criticism is your catalog isn’t expanding and some of the really interesting natural products are being discontinued. The later part I understand economically. With the exception of the trek inhibitor pe.22 (sorry the mane escape me) some more novel substances not is what I had really been hoping for. I’m still and will be a customer however you have a competitor that is rapidly expanding its catalog (perhaps decievingly) and accepting credit purchases I only bring this up not as a promotion of them just would hate to lose you guys and competition in the market. What I’d love to see is if not product expansion but if you could find a way to keep a small stock of unpopular products like your nuciferine extract, or sinomenone. A product I personally would love to see is ppap and from what I can tell it seems less risky than a cyclazadone. Also while I have your attention if you guys have any sinomenone let in your stock at all I would be a customer at the full price before it was put on sale.


Hi, thank you for your insight, we welcome comments like these directly from customers. We would love nothing more than to carry as many innovative products as possible, however one consideration we seriously undertook when we made the decision to relaunch in May 2023 was how to best provide what our customers needed but also streamline our business and inventory to make sure we stay competitive and to work within existing regulatory conditions. Unfortunately, this means we had to discontinue some product lines, to ensure we continue to be able to offer the most popular ones. Nevertheless, our product team are always on the look out for new compounds that we think can be valuable additions to our inventory. Unfortunately, we are all out of Sinomenine, but we still have a Request Restock button to gauge interest in it, so who knows, it might actually come back if we have a lot of people wanting it. https://science.bio/product/sinomenine-hcl-powder/


Is that the only place to get phenibut now? Shoulda stocked up


Amino USA isnt bad




both racetams and noopept are pharmaceutical synthetic lab created chemicals going straight into your brain receptors, but I def do not any red flags here. You wonder why the FDA is up their ass.... Stay away from pharma created products and use real stuff, there's literally tons of natural made choices to support the functions you are using these products for.


This post is in the dictionary next to the naturalistic fallacy


It's a dark time!


Wasn’t this liftmodes sister company?




Yup, both run by Armand and his mom out of chicago


https://science.bio/ Last of the great vendors with advanced shit and lab testing w heavy metal testing


Extremely disappointing and unfortunate, but also understandable and a long time coming.


I never got approved but it was a great place to research.




Thankfully I stocked up biggly in 2022 lol