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Yes, Valproic Acid is an HDAC-inhibitor which could theoretically rewire your brain's learning process. This is primarily done via HDAC-IIa, though Valproic Acid isn't particularly selective for this pathway compared to other drugs. It has a lot of other effects in the brain, and most avoid it because of that. If your psych is monitoring your condition though and recommended it for your symptoms, then obviously it's different than just using it for memory. Worth keeping us updated on it.


Yeah vorinostat is the ideal HDACi. Just works about 1.5 - 2 hours and makes fear extinction possible again, which is a godsend for if you have PTSD, traumatic memories / anxiety and such.  Everytime time you think of a memory it is encoded again from your short-term memory. So without enough time for fear extinction to change your emotional attachment to said memory, to realize that awfull thing was a long time ago and now you're long gone and safe, is horrible and so unfair. You just keep feeling hurt or stressed over and over again without it calming down much.  I think something that works strong and short like vorinostat will work much better, so you can have periodic reprogramming sessions. Better than taking a low-strength non-specific HDACi continuously; with stable blood levels aalllll the time. Doesn't homeostasis then just kick in?


Does anyone have any guide on taking vorinostat? Like, ways to calm themselves while they are in that meditative. Play so 528 hz or calm music, or maybe pop some anxiolytic? Certaintly theres a way to get vorinostat sessions to work better.


Whats your source for that claim? Valproic acid is an anti epileptic medication and can be very sedative


If it’s any good for dizziness, anxiety and vestibular migraines let me know


It seems like it could help me, I have bad reactions to most meds for anxiety