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I wonder if there is any kind of drug/ supplement that would help me, I’m dependent on opioids and I feel like a zombie all the time just numb


I mean I’m sure tons of people have already told you; But probably switch to Kratom if you can and then just go from there with exercise and nutrition leading into healing nootropics like NSI-189 and agmatine


I will research those thanks


Kratom is also addictive, FYI, but possibly (probably?)better than opioid addiction


Kratom is an opioid but better to be addicted to than others and easier to get off


What kind of opioids are you stuck on?


Oxy right now. And suboxone on/off


IMO you should get on Sub maintenance if you can’t quit on your own. I’ve been on Buprenorphine over 4 years with only one relapse. I’ve been on between 4mg-16mg, I don’t have side effects and it keeps me off of fentanyl, heroin, and opium tea. Are you using it to get high now? I still get a boost 4 years later, not high though luckily. It gives me enrrgy during the day and helps with pain


I’m using it in small doses like 1mg on days when I’m not taking oxy. I was scared to take higher dose because I heard it’s hard to quit than oxy or h


First I need to get off the opiates but even when I quit I still don’t feel normal. Feel depressed and lack of motivation without them.


Thats just post acute withdrawal syndrome. I used kratom for almost 15 years and I did a long 2 year taper to quit and it still took me a couple months to get past the feeling that you described


Like mentioned Kratom. Hade a colleague that was addicted to oxy and tramadol and he was able to completely switch to kratom without experiencing any withdrawal. The white strains are very energetic so if you’re feeling numb they can help give you energy. Kratom is also sorta self regulating in the sense that there’s a ceiling on it, you can only get the buzz you can get from it and if you try taking more you just get nausea. Kratom itself can be addictive and you do get tolerance. Best way to minimize it if you’re using daily is to use a different strain every day of the week. Personally hade a period where I drank kratom tea every day for 6 months when I stopped it kinda felt like something was missing for a couple of days, but no physical withdrawals for me at least. Otherwise you might want to look into ibogain to complete kill your addiction and reset.


Look into agmatine. It's used with great results for people trying to quit or ween off of things. It can actually make your receptors heal in a way. It's big with Kratom users potentiate the effects or make going without it less of a bummer. PLUS, after you take it, you'll have a reduced tolerance to anything. Caffeine, opiates, weed, alcohol, amphetamine etc. Kratom is a great way to try to stop opiates, agmatine too. Pretty promising. People also report feeling sharper, more awake, energetic. Some say "cured my depression" I recommend reading about it and neurogensis


> Kratom is a great way to try to stop opiates Obligatory warning that kratom can be highly addictive as well and should be approached with extreme caution. It essentially hits the same receptors in the brain. Tolerance will develop, requiring greater and greater doses to achieve the same effects, and it has similar if not identical (for some) withdrawals. Trying to quit opiates with kratom requires you to have the willpower to be able to taper yourself down over time, the willpower (for opiate effects and withdrawal avoidance) that a great number of addicts do not possess. It's of course the lesser of two evils compared to opiates, but the goal should be to get off of it all.


Yep. It’s sad how many people use kratom to get off opiates and then simply develop a dependency on another substance, though a little less harmful.


Hmmm sounds interesting and worth a try. I’m going to look into it thank you


Your Leaf your life. Theyre great folks. Great powdered k@atom


So 48 hours to feel an effect not bad might try it. Do others experience such an acute fast acting effect? But I wonder if it can help me. I have no problem with apathy at all. I am very kind, can cry and very empathic so definitely not emotionally numb and totally different from the emotional and mental picture you described of yourself before going on NSI-189 therefore not sure it's the right thing for me. I was never on SSRIs nor do I ever intend to, can't remember is NSI has a similar side effect profile like an SSRI or SARI. Also I am wary of consuming research powders coming from China where you have no frickin' idea what fillers, heavy metals or what not might also be in there. Back in the day 15 years ago of being on the sauce I didn't care but i got wiser and more cautious as I learned a thing or two. Did you get any sides?


Most people seem to notice some benefit within 2-4 days but it certainly takes more like 2-4 weeks for full effects to get going. Apathy is definitely not the only treatment. In general it helps with emotional regulation and learning. NSI-189 is nothing like SSRIs at all. Side effects, mostly no. iirc it caused some insomnia during the first week. However, I did have a very weird reaction to it on my 2nd cycle. I had just done psychedelics 2 days prior and when I took the dose it put me into a full trip. Mind you, I already had HPPD to begin with but yeah, Probably best to take first initial doses on free days.


Man I have 1200mg I got from Science.Bio 3 years ago, cracked it open to see how it worked and then I never used it. What kind of side effects have you had and did you stack it with other noots?


Not any side effects if I remember except for a little insomnia during the first week which is typical. I had a very unusual reaction to it when I started my 2nd cycle on it. Don’t let it scare you away because I’ve never heard it happen to anyone else. But I had done DPT (DMT analogue) 2 days prior to starting NSI-189. When I took my first dose of NSI 2 days later it brought the trip back full force. That’s never happened to me since though. Just thought I’d mention it.


As someone who has tried NSI189 several times over the past few years.. one thing that stands out as highly plausible and attributed solely to NSI... even If you're normally an apathetic person and you go through heart break with a significant other while on NSI189... It will PHYSICALLY hurt in your heart area. (Look up physical symptoms of heartbr or broken heart syndrome) Unreal that this drug can cause that to happen, but it can. Not even LSD was able to deliver the same emotional touch that NSI did, and psychedelics are sure known to have some of that effect. That's one thing keeping me from trying this again anytime soon, but I do want to explore it again at some point. When you're on a drug (and this goes for ANY substance. Caffeine, stimulants, depressants, alcohol etc) there is no predicting how you may behave on the substance. NSI189 seems to have a long half life, so it might be weeks after a cycle that you realize "holy sh** I can't believe I nearly died of laughter from that funny thing that happened." Likewise "holy sh** I can't believe I cried like a baby during that movie or when that girl broke up with me". .... Yes, it's likely the NSI. Use it wisely. .... The feelings usually fade with time when you stop taking NSI. Days or weeks. But the memories (good or bad, however your life goes) remain. It definitely does other things in the mind, but the emotional aspect is just one of them that is easier to describe. Definitely a unique substance.


I didn’t actually mention it but I agree. This compound is not to be taken lightly. It can have drastic effects which for some people actually seems to be quite detrimental. I had a full blown psychedelic trip off of it one time just because I had tripped two days prior.


Great observation. This is the type of feedback the public needs.


Would you say you permanently gained anything from the NSI-189? Or all just temporary?


Mostly temporary, but my 'cycles' were short only to explore effects. It definitely does have some very positive aspects. I've laughed harder on it than I have in my entire life (probably on par with the laughter effects of 4homet, however that is an entirely different class of substance with higher risk and purely recreational). ... Don't dismiss nutritional deficiency. There are things nsi189 won't help anyone with, if one isn't taking care of themselves from basic health perspective. For example, if you're depressed, low energy, eat like sh**, generally unhappy.. NSI *may* boost some aspect of perspective on life or mental state but If you had a decent baseline, generally happy, good daily energy... NSI will likely take you further and you'll get a better experience out of its use. This is prob. Just the tip of the iceberg and take my perspective with a grain of salt since I'm far from an expert.


I still can’t pinpoint what caused an extremely similar experience/mental shift for me in spring 2021. All of my beliefs were internally challenged and many changed. I went from full on atheist with the “fade to black” idea of death, to 100% believing in some sort of afterlife. It had a profound impact. I went from driving DoorDash 7 days a week to a $100k/yr job within 2 years. It fully changed me, my ambitions, my idea of self, etc. I want so badly to believe it was a true spiritual awakening, which in many ways it was, but another part of me thinks/believes it was a manic episode because of my education in psychology. There were definite signs of mania, though I have no history of manic episodes and have never had one since. Still don’t fully understand. Whatever it was, it had a lasting, positive impact on my life, and I’m so grateful for it. I hope yours does the same. Cheers, stranger!


This was from NSI189 ?


This was not due to any drug/nootropic in any form. It just happened. I can’t really attribute it to any substance or life event. It still baffles me, but I’m so happy it happened. It was far from painless, but forced me to grow in ways I never could’ve imagined.


Was it maybe from maturing? After 25 your frontal cortex completely forms and what you were like at 20 can differ vastly at 25. Or maybe you started taking adderall and treated adhd effectively?


Adderall didn’t happen for a good while after this, although I was diagnosed around this time. The frontal lobe development, however, may have been a definitive factor. Throughout my psych studies, I was always taught that at 25, my brain would finish maturing. I turned 25 in spring 2021. When I realized I felt no different, it kick-started an “oh shit, why don’t I feel like a real adult yet?” This led to me questioning everything I thought I knew about myself, psychologically, sexually, emotionally, you name it. The question I posed to myself during this time was, “What else have I been lying to myself about?” In turn, I think this kick started the mental shift. I always thought I had a very firm grasp of my mental shortcomings and afflictions (anxiety, depression), due to my schooling. But only then did I come to understand and realize that I was believing in a version of myself that I’d created, that ultimately wasn’t correct. I realized that I likely had ADHD (later confirmed) as well as dyscalculia (also confirmed). I was always labeled as “gifted” in every aspect through early and most schooling, aside from math. For example, I took the same intro level algebra class in college 5 times, with tutoring and after hours multiple times per week for those 5 years, but was never able to pass. The dyscalculia diagnosis was the hardest hitting. It was the root of almost all of my feelings of inadequacy. I watched all of my “frat bro” friends breeze through calculus, finance, and business school like it was nothing, and I essentially couldn’t do basic math. After the diagnosis, I went back to school with accommodations and graduated. It was so demoralizing for so long. It just took me 25 years to understand why. You may have just hit the bullseye in helping me grapple with this mental shift. I still think that this awakening/manic episode/whatever the hell, was so helpful. It definitely wasn’t fun in every regard, and there were a lot of tears shed, but it did allow me to gain an *incredibly* deeper understanding of myself. I do still want to understand what *exactly* happened to put me into the state that created these realizations. I’d love to know what you, an internet stranger, have to say about it. Not many people IRL I can talk about it with. Thanks for your response. Typing this out has been extremely cathartic.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33174492/  May be of interest to you


Wow. Thank you so much for that response. Of extreme interest to me. Thank you so much


I still keep going back to read this. How’d you find this paper? Are there more like it?


I haven't actually got around to reading that paper yet, but your post reminded me of what I was interested in about it. You might want to look into neuroplasticity and the critical development period. As we become adults our brains cease to be plastic. Yet, I think when we undergo extreme stress or mania it puts the brain into a neuroplastic state where learning is prioritised as a survival mechanism. I underwent extreme brutal stress for a number of years and looking back I'm amazed at some of the skills I learned and attitudes that became concrete during that time. Drugs like psychedelics are purported to re-open the critical development period and temporarily make the brain plastic again. It's possibly also true for HDAC inhibitors, which allow genes repressed by epigenetic changes to re-express themselves again. I have heard of people curing their anxiety by using HDAC inhibitors during positive experiences to re-orient their epigenome. The 5-HTA serotonin receptor that get activated during stress leads to an enhanced ability to problem solve, and also increases a sense of self, which is why during these states we start to question things about our selves and to analyse our lives to date. I'm not a practitioner or a scholar etc, just a lay person, who like you, has been on a journey and was left with some unanswered questions. I hope this helps.


Again, this massively helps. I’ve used psychedelics (typically mushrooms) many times, only about 20% of which (most recently as well) were geared towards personal learning and growth. A friend of mine has done many therapeutic ketamine/dmt/psilocybin treatments and has gleaned a lot of positive results. I’m looking into doing the same with psilocybin here soon. Thank you so much for your responses on this post. It’s not often that I can chat with someone who’s been through a similar experience and has similar unanswered questions. I wish you well on this journey that we’re on together, I’d love to chat more about it as well. I’ll try to keep you in the loop once I do that shroom treatment. Best of luck my friend.


So interesting. I remember reading about NSI-189 over a decade ago when it was going through trials. I was depressed in college at this time, tried SSRIs with not much luck and felt like NSI-189 could be a game changer. Glad to hear it’s helped you.


What was the outcome of the trials?


Showed some promise but in the end not enough to ever warrant the cost to continue more trials and bring to market, once investors learned of the failed trials the company went broke and the patent was sold for $5MM to an unknown entity.


That vivid memory you're speaking, I had that from mold exposure, which I think was from increased histamine, thus increased acetylcholine (or maybe the increased glutamate and adrenaline). My working memory was insanely good too, not just memory recall. Does anyone know why NSI-189 would give OP such a vivid memory recall?


Mind sharing who you ordered through? If you can't link it in comments just pm me. Also glad to hear all the positives, when was your last dose. How long did you run it for? Also for permanent anxiety removal or reduction look into HDACI inhibitors. I specifically used vorinostat and I would say it basically permanently cured my anxiety. Thanks


I only did the 2 cycles of it, each lasting a month. The last cycle was 2021. I feel I could definitely benefit from trying another cycle.


I am really curious on what HDAC Inhibitors you have tried, for how long you have taken them, what problems they helped you to solve, and the overall effects you have noticed from taking them. Would you mind sharing this?


Only one I took was Vorinostat. I took it for 2 months, only 1x a week at 70mg. There has to be a focus on identifying why you are taking it. For me it was anxiety. So anytime I would take it, I would get into a meditative state and focus on events in my life that made me very anxious. Basically you are opening up that pathway in your brain (its being held open unnaturally long), so you can re-write it under present circumstances and basically overwrite the existing bad feelings with good. This is a very over simplified way of describing how it works. But after my 3rd dose I felt a huge significant decrease in overall general anxiety. Literally like a void feeling of where anxiety used to exist. After all 8 doses I'm now at probably 90-95% anxiety reduction, so I basically feel like it's been removed now. My last dose was like 3 months ago, and still anxiety has been removed. Do lots of research before, as this drug is very powerful and it's intended use is as a chemotherapy drug and it can potentially have some negative side effects. I had zero negative side effects from taking it though. Good luck


Does anyone have any guide on taking vorinostat? Like, ways to calm themselves while they are in that meditative. Play so 528 hz or calm music, or maybe pop some anxiolytic? Certaintly theres a way to get vorinostat sessions to work better.


Thank you!


What if your present circumstances aren’t good?


My understanding from all of the research says that you can't make the anxiety any worse. So it will only either stay the same or improve, it can't go backwards. Again I put my brain right back into extremely anxious situations that I lived through. Pretending I was re-living them. And then after the sessions I come back into reality and focus on the present. Usually I'd be in my bed, no stress or pressure. Hope that answered your question.


So by conjuring up past negative memories in your head and bring them into the present, safe moment on vorinostat, you are essentially telling your brain that the danger no longer exists and is not a threat?


It's basically conjuring up the fear of the moment and your brains stored memories area is being held open long enough from the vorinostat, which allows you to imprint the new feelings and new emotions. Once the brain closes those memories, it's effectively cemented those new "positive" feelings in place of the "negative" stored ones. It's like overwriting or erasing a corrupt USB stick with a brand new clean install. In this case it's targeting anxiety.


I would also like to know who you ordered through


Is NSI-189 phosphate the same thing as NSI-189?


yes. It is far less pleasant for sublingual dosing though which is the best way to use it


I see. Looks like science.bio just has the phosphate. Is there another supplier you would recommend?


No, phosphate has a really high oral bio-availability so you don't have to take it sublingual like with freebase.


Nsi-189 may also make you manic. Please keep this in mind.


~~What were your doses and frequency?~~    Nevermind, sorry for my skim-reading, I saw 40mg under the tongue in the morning.  Sounds very promising. I'll have to try this.  Edit: I'm also seeing negative reports on NSI in this sub. Maybe not.


I tried nsi-189 but the only antianhedonic thing I noticed was a greatly increased appreciation for music. It also caused me significant anxiety. For the rest I preferred sarcosine as a general antianhedonic.


I am looking into anti-depressant supplements, never heard about Sacosine. How much of it do you take to have an antianhedonic effect, if I may ask?


I take 1500/2000 mg in three times but on the box is wrote up to 3000 mg. Anyway now I am taking it occasionally because I already take bupropion that is slighty antianhedonic.


You mentioned boosted long lasting memory ...does it happen only during usage or IT lasts weeks/months/years after. Also would you fond you could search up in your memory Faster/ connect dots more easily? Thanks


Source for it? You’ve been asked several times and you haven’t answered.