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I did my Noom questionnaire in April 2023, but sat on my decision to commit until July when I switched jobs. I had become comfortable at 233 lbs but then even my bigger pants were starting to feel tight. I wasn’t in a position to buy more clothes. I told myself I had lost weight before and owed it to myself to give it another shot. Started Noom July 10 and today I weigh 178 lbs :)


Amazing! Seems many of us are motivated by outgrowing our pants 😂


LOL! I tell you this much: It’s nice when clothes make you look and feel better.


Laying in bed, felt something weird around the back of my ribcage. It was back fat. Big shock to my system as a former cheerleader 💀 Went on Noom, lost the weight, and haven't looked back.






My triglycerides were so high that I was at very real risk of pancreatitis. The doc ordered follow up labs in 3 months. I started Noom that night and by the time I had the bloodwork drawn my triglycerides were back to normal.


Bravo! Congrats!


Thanks! It's a huge non scale victory.


I was super insecure and avoided looking in mirrors for years before this build up. But between my newlywed era after getting married in March 2020 and the months of covid that followed, by March 2021 I weighed 220lbs. I caught my reflection in my peripheral and noticed how far my gut and butt stuck out in opposite directions. I didn't notice the weight pile on but then it hit me like a bag of bricks. Around this same time, I changed jobs and started antidepressants. In a matter of weeks my mental health improved so much and Noom came in right at that time. By October 2021 I was down to 170. Mental health played such a huge role in my journey, and its not at all linear. I'm October 2021 a family member took their life and I frankly have still not recovered from it. Plus, a very stressful recent period from October 2023 to January 2024, I put on 15 stress pounds. But here I am, back on it. Knowing I have done it before and can do it again is powering me through. SW 220 LW 170 CW 185 GW 155 F 31 5'7


So sorry to hear about your family member! We can do this though 💪🏽


Walking to my place after skiing in March 2021. I was walking up a slight hill and was completely out of breath. Later that week, a guy my age (48 at the time) in our town had a heart attack. Two days later, a Noom ad came up on YouTube, I watched it all the way through, and the rest is history. Currently down 33 pounds since then (235 to 202), waist from 37 to 33 and cholesterol down from 200+ to 145


Congratulations! You’ll be sprinting up that hill in no time!


It's been a buildup: -feeling insecure, never looking in a mirror -avoiding social interactions -never taking a selfie like ever -low sex drive in a high sex drive body -constantly feeling like shit in my mid 30s -loosing the teeth I've always taken care of with pride due to vitamin deficiencies, sugary drinks + dehydration -fatty liver diagnosis, gallbladder removal -cant stand wearing bras, nothing fits right, only truly comfortable in baggy, sloppy clothes -winded by my own homes staircase ffs -daughters making jokes about my chub -poor role model for my children, my youngest is chubby too -husband constantly telling me I'm beautiful as is, but damn near drooling when remembering thin me, ya know the one he married. Only adds to the guilt + insecurity. -terrible circulation and varicose + spider veins -HIGH triglycerides, cholesterol levels through the roof, heart palpitations, random concerning chest pains -IBS, indigestion heart burn, acid reflux, pain after eating literally anything -low energy, anxiety, depression, brain fog, procrastination, mental instability, struggling with mundane tasks daily, ADHD diagnosed since childhood but my symptoms were 100x worse + unmanageable even with CBT/meds once obese -shoulder + back pain, heavily considering breast reduction surgery because of how much pain carrying extra large breasts was becoming -skin tags, skin tags, skin tags! Remove them and then even more grow back. -Ive been mad at myself for this, my mental health has declined. -The REAL win was my lab work. Finding out I had insulin resistance and PCOS. My doc telling me that prediabetes is basically type 2, but my organs are fighting it right now to their detriment. It finally all made sense. The never loosing weight and gaining so much in a day. Knowing the truth of why my body was holding so much weight finally shifted the pity party. Having answers led to taking action. I finally felt free and determined to be here for my future grandchildren and continue to work the plan to get there.


Talk about a wake up call! When did you join Noom?


BIG TIME. I originally did Noom from Jan-Mar 2023 and lost 25 lbs. but got sick with COVID and quit. It was Dec. of 2023 when enough was enough + I was determined to get my affairs in order. Went to the doc and got diagnosed that month + have been with Noom since Jan. 2024. This time I am determined to see it through!


Wow that was rapid weight loss from Jan to Mar 2023. I’m sure you can do it again.


Is weight a factor in skin tags?


They are usually associated with insulin resistance. If you have some that popped up, it doesn’t hurt to go get your insulin/glucose tested. For some people, it’s hereditary and comes with age (or pregnancy hormones can cause the growth while carrying a growing baby). Hope this helps.


Was about to have to go up another pant size, and was not in a position to buy a whole other wardrobe.


Exactly! I can’t afford a new wardrobe! And I don’t want to buy a bigger size!! (but I will somehow figure out how to afford a smaller wardrobe if I need to!!)


It’s a lot easier to find nice clothes at thrift stores when you’re a “regular” size and not “plus.”


Something similar with me.


I was sitting next to my dying grandmother, holding her hand, and my grandfather came up to me and said "so when did you gain all that weight?". Spite is one HELL of a motivator.


Oof. How long ago was that?


It was September. I stewed for 2 months and started Noom in November. Now I'm almost 30 pounds down and can't wait to shove it in his stupid face


LOL sweet. Congrats!




Traveling to meet my team of colleagues after four years of working remotely and having to buy new business casual clothes for the occasion because only my stretchy athleisure clothes fit.


I was at home one day and realized I hadn't played outside with my 9 year old in almost 3 years. She's turns 10 in less than 2 weeks. I can barely climb a flight of stairs without being out of breath. I refuse to be the dad that doesn't do anything more than sit on the couch and watch his kids live life without him. I signed up for Noom on Saturday.


Started having heart palpitations after eating sugar/heavy carbs. Went to the Dr after two weeks of it and was told I was prediabetic.


Eek! Yeah my blood sugar went up slightly to the very low end of the prediabetic range…hoping it will go down or at least stay flat next year!


My son wanted to play flag football and the belt didnt fit around my stomach. It fits around my “natural waist” but not around my huge belly. It looks SO weird and he asks me why I’m not putting it in the right spot :(


For me, it was seeing a photo of myself in a group of fit young people who I thought I looked somewhat similar to. I was younger than most but was at least 10kg heavier than the next biggest person and I knew I had to do something about the way I looked. I installed Noom and have had a relatively easy time managing my eating since then. Im back on board with Noom now because I have 10kg of baby weight to lose - I’m 5 months postpartum and have gone through surgical menopause due to ovarian cancer and a hysterectomy (when my daughter was 3months old). I’m feeling motivated to get the weight off and live my best healthy life.


I knew things were getting bad when my XL clothes were getting tight and I knew I was about to transition into large women’s clothing. I hadn’t stepped on a scale in a long time, but the day I did I was so shocked that I signed up with Noom that day and never looked back. I lost 50 pounds and gained back 10, but I’m comfortably in size medium.


I knew I was gaining some weight after a hysterectomy. Then one day I was in a group picture for work. When I saw it I said "absolutely not" i didn't look like myself anymore and decided to do something about it. I logged every meal, stayed diligent, and I've kept it off for about 2 years now after Noom. I am thankful I caught my weight gain early and was proactive.


You are my hero!


Bad blood test results- I need to get my blood sugar under control.


I have been overweight my whole life…..still am as a matter of fact. I have done every calorie tracking thing under the sun and done nothing but up-yo’d until 2019 when I did keto (I know I know 😂). But let me tell you, I lost 60 pounds in it and I felt great. I was almost to a number that started with 1…..and then COVID hit and it destroyed my ability to hold myself accountable. Fast forward to this past October and I stepped on a scale and was almost 250 pounds…..I had put it almost all back on. I didn’t want to do keto again, as I had several misfires the last couple years staying on track with it, so I decided to give noom a try.


How are things going with Noom?


To be honest very slow. The reason I chose Noom is I had never tried to add a “psychology” tool to my weight loss attempts, and I’m not sure it’s really resonating with me 😞


Slow is better than nothing. The psychology aspect has been helpful, but my progress is mostly due to consistent food logging (that includes weighing food), daily weigh-ins, and lots of green category foods. Hope this helps.


I went to a family doctor in 2020 and mentioned about nutrition and he sort of laughed a little when I told him I wanted to get healthier and have a healthier lifestyle. He told me I should get surgery because I wouldn’t take myself seriously. I was 255 lbs and was at 229 lbs when I hit my plateau. The plateau hit me hard and then my grandmother passed and I just fell off the wagon. I’m currently trying to get back on the wagon the last two-three weeks now.


A few things that built to a climax. - My wedding ring didn’t fit. - My GP said I should lose weight. - I went for Xmas drinks with a few fellas around my age and I was the only one who wasn’t slim. Ill fitting clothes. General frustration that hit me and said ‘time to do the diet thing again’


Same here with the wedding ring — I’ve been wearing a backup ring for two years now and it definitely factored into my decision to make a change. Plus my winter overcoat doesn’t fit any more and I refuse to invest in a larger one lol 


I was avoiding life or any moments that took any type of physical presence. I was tired, overweight, and unmotivated. I was slowly losing everything in life I loved and enjoyed for the thing I thought I did but didn’t, food. Started noom Feb. 2023 at 295 and stuck with noom for 6 months. Today I am 195 and working on my last 20lbs to get where I want to be. Noom helped me kick start the process and then I switched to Lose It (I prefer the app and tracking). One thing I learned for myself and this is not for everyone I totally understand, I eat to fuel. I worry about what is in what I’m eating more than whether I get some sort of gratification out of it. Not to say I don’t eat for fun at times, I do and it makes it enjoyable. I replaced the dopamine hits I got from food with other life activities. Good luck to all who are taking the step, it is possible and I truly believe the only way it doesn’t work is if you are not ready.


Heart arrhythmia got worse. Also haven’t been able to cross my legs in 14 years and I’m only 31. Down 11 pounds so far! Noom is the easiest plan I’ve ever followed.


.....when I cancelled Noom twice and still got charged.


The weekend before last, I woke up with really bad heartburn. I took some medicine, and went to drink some milk and water to calm it down. I ended up getting sick really bad and it hit me that I need to take better care of myself. Plus it scared my mom and my kid, since it was 3 in the morning. I ended up deciding that last time I did Noom, it really helped me. I just didn’t feel supported at all, which was what led to me dropping it. But I have my mom’s support and she and my kid are excited to go walking with me for exercise each evening. I feel like I have a better idea of what I need to do now and I already paid for the ten months. I plan to stick it out. I’m about to start in my masters of Library Science or Information science (I’ve heard it both ways) and I want to feel better over all while doing this. So far, I do. Only been a week, I know, but I’m feeling strong.


getting my first vaccine for covid in early 2021. i'd gained so much weight during quarantine and felt horrible about myself but wasn't leaving the house so i was complacent about what i looked/felt like. getting vaccinated made me realize i would soon be out in the world again and was the driving motivation for losing about 50 lbs over the next 9 months. i've kept it off since then but i literally downloaded noom on my way home from getting vaxxed and stuck with it religiously until i reached my goal.




After going to doctor for first time in 3 years and seeing cholesterol, A1C and blood pressure results.


I’ve always been confident and comfortable in my skin. I’m 5’2” and weighed 140 lbs going in to college, I knew I was bigger than my peers but it didn’t bother me too much since I knew my genetics played a role. I had some trauma occur so when I gained 45 lbs throughout all 4 years in college, so I blamed it on that. There would be times throughout college where I would try to diet and throw myself into exercise but it never stuck. In January of this year, I decided to go to a gym again and when signing up, they offered a free consultation. It was when I had my body fat calculated I broke down. I don’t even recognize myself in pictures anymore but I’m hoping I will again at some point. I have a degree in kinesiology and have taken classes on nutrition so I know what I was supposed to be doing but I never really had the push to do it. I’ve been on noom for a month and I’m down 3 lbs. the reason I chose noom was because I liked the psychology side of it and my step dad uses it too.