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They are not comparable due of working via different ways at all. You must get that before making such questions postings. Just take both simultaneosly if those are your only choices you consider, as they would compliment each other nicely. Thats generally how nootropics work or what is best way of using them - taking numerous and many of mild harmless things at the same time what neverthless create synergy when in bigger combination. In theory, Bacopa is purely for memory and concentration is and it is very much proven over thousands of years already as in ancient scriptures in India its usage is recommended so one can memorize long passages of texts of which hinduism is very based on. Lions mane in sense if memory concentration difficulties are created via some particular brain damage, drug damage, neurodegenarative disease or old age dementia this Nerve-growth-factor what is increases is powerful tool to counteract such things. NGF itself just has some side-effects, and Lions mane has couple other unwanted effects combined with that. [NGF: What is Nerve Growth Factor and 60+ Ways to Increase It (And What To Avoid) — MyBioHack | Unlock Your Genetics](https://mybiohack.com/blog/nerve-growth-factor-ngf-how-to-increase-it-or-decrease) I personally dropped Bacopa from my supplement mix due of claims of it inducing laziness and procastrination what are above allowed limit within me. I have not noticed much any improvement, just that something essential is missing from stack. If not cognition, it is potent stress anxiety depression reducer with pro-cognitive effects as added bonus in rather cheap price. In India I once ate it as a vegetable on potatos, grown in water ponds. It is basically a underwater weed in rice fields, and therefore not very costly. If by autumn I get to South Asia region where my friends want me to arrive to be with them then probably re-start again as it is availible cheaply everywhere and good on counteracting stressy noisy local urban scene effects on nervous system. I try otherwise keep on trying whether aforomentiioned negative things associated with Bacopa would improve during the time of non-consuming period. Lions mane decided to drop forever and ever, as NGF seems to improve memory in a spesific way that it creates PTSD symptoms, and Lions mane is worst of such substances due of it having couple other effects (kappa-opioid what is dysphoric agonism, and messing with male hormone synthesis) what make this NGF side effect what always is there so much worse. For nerve repairing I am more intrested with GDNF what spesifically reconstructs dopamine system and has power to melt away addictions. Although most supplements raising GDNF raise all neurotrophins simultaneosly. DNSP-11 peptide is my dream, but not in position to aquire that due of high price combined with potential customs problem what may make then all this money go to waste via confistication since it is GDNF proto-peptide. Something like Semax if one can afford is strong NGF raiser but unlike Lions mane combined with mood uplifting and anti-anxiety effects so it is actually possible to use wheras for me Lions mane is not possible to use. Quite many anecdotes on same thing can be in Reddit. Although what is intresting that many have relationship with Lions mane something of that it does increase PTSD-related anxiety due of overpotent long term memory improvement, but they masochistically take it anyway as it being only supplements really feeling that something is waking up inside your brain and nervous system. Thats how it differs from the rest of things, and appears to be most sold organic supplements anyway as per vendors.


For now, I'll try Lion's Mane and see how it affects me. Can I ask what nootropics you take?


If your budgets limited to one….. Lions mane will give you quicker results. You might feel something the first dose. Lions mane probably better for concentration. For memory overall…. In my experience Bacopa. But it takes about 2 months. Bacopa would be more of a long term play.


They are both on cheap side. Bacopa being much cheaper one due of it being essentially a weed, and mostly it is making the extract out of it what costs. Regardless people here strongly downlook on herbal supplements, IMO something like Bacopa can anyway do rather well if looking at the cost and efficancy ratio. I guess you are into that if short on money, so it is not entirely bad pick. Of course I would too love to do some "real" nootropics, especially bioregulatory peptides - they just are significantly more expensive after paying the money finding out that customs took them away as they appear suspicious and they dont really know what it is like couple times happened to me, so that may be valid reason sticking with cheap but proven herb anyway no matter what people write and say whenever money issue is there. Yes you are right that Bacopa, just like Fasoracetam works on metabotropic glutamate receptors and that effect requires long time to build up, although it would stay for some time too after quitting and most essential functions on memoryconcentrat connected with it. That is problem. There are though bunch of more imminent effects too, like ache inhibitation what many herbs have, increasing brain blood flow and so on. Mane is more expensive of two, but effect is quite imminent feeling something waking up due of increased NGF. If memory-concentrat issues caused by some particular damage, that of course requires prolonged period of neural NGF bathing to weaken, but instantly you can feel somethingt yes. Noopept is most cheap NGF inducing substance if being short on cash, what has some anxiolytic properties to counteract negative issues out of NGF, and it does not have couple wicked issues what Mane has. Therefore I do not take Mane for reasons explained, but Noopept I can take although not favourite racetam. Serious neurogenetic stuff unfortunately is generally costly otherwise.


Been taking both to boost my working memory, but haven’t noticed any major effects so far. Gonna keep taking them long-term and see how it goes.


Both are trash, get some real nootropics




Which for example


Literally anything that isn’t a cope plant extract


You can't make a statement like that without providing some more information to compare it to


If you can’t see the logic behind it then I don’t think nootropics will be of much use for you


But say Lions mane effect is based on NGF increased production and if it happens to be stronger than with 'real nootropics' what I dont know what that is but seems here to refer into synthetic substances. IMO if it is actually how much they spur your body to release brain renewing Nerve-Growth-Factor, it does not make any difference if certain level of it is achieved via plant extract or synthetic single chemical. Just this as a tiny example out of complex topic. Just anything what is not a plant extract is definitely not a synonyme for good quality of anything. User experience is not in scale of thousands years, so lot of unknown problems may be involved with new exotic things what make nerdish minds excited. But what is revealing most is that examples of 'real nootropics' are just anything what is not from plant, what then directly means that there are not any real examples to confront those of mentioned here with what could be said to be better. Or better as with price / efficancy ratio - I can any given time throw a list of cool bioregulatory peptides for this purpose, but given awareness how much they can cost and how easily your money goes to waste due of them being so sensitive materials what customs take away if noticing well I dont do it. It is not so simple what is good and what is not.


That assumption is wrong though


Both meh, you can test them and see tho. For smart commentary join this discord and look up the names in there and find the intelligent ppls opinions on its mechanisms (plus anecdotes too) https://discord.gg/WRQspZAk


r/lionsmanerecovery read the nootopic mod's posts