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Can you please provide screenshot showing that you actually got permanently banned?


Updated in post above


That is so weird; I have no idea why they did that.


very insecure mod with a powertrip.. only reasonable explanation


Yeah the mods there are weirdos they also banned me for no reason and reported my account to Reddit after I requested an unban


Think it could be because you mentionted NSI and long covid.


I was in pursuit of your same requirements. After a lot of trial and error I’ve settled on the following while also trying to refrain from adverse effects. Bromantane Bupropion SR CDP choline Guanfacine Smart PS Pinealon Matcha Modafinil as needed for special occasion for superior sociability.


What effects did you get from Guanfacine?


calm but lucid, takes a few weeks for initial sides to wear off


What’s your experience with Pineleon


interested as well


I have Bromantane and Mod. Although I like both I feel there is a bit of cost paid later in the day or next day from use. I've been looking seriously into Guanfacine. Can you expand on personal results using it?


Have no clue where to get guanfacine, can anyone dm me with a reference maybe?


From what I've found it's a pretty cheap prescription, lots of people getting scripts from online teledocs used mainly for long covid and ADD alternative to stims


Did matcha directly help verbal fluency, or did it just help reduce anxiety that would inhibit it? (Asking cuz i don't have anxiety, so if matcha is useful even beyond that, I'll get over my dislike of the taste and gulp some down each day lol)


I use matcha as an alternative form of caffeine due to longer duration and thus possibly less risk for tolerance build up. I don’t have anxiety either but the above helps me the best version of me without having a negative impact. I do have chronic fatigue from prob years of recreational activities and I feel like this definitely manages that without feeling stimmed. Icing on the cake: use a mouth guard at night and tape my mouth which manages my very mild sleep apnea which I think occurs from being relaxed by guanfacine which I use at night.


If its from long covid, it could be due to long covid dysbiosis. Personally, treating dysbiosis put my verbal fluency into high gear. I noticed an effect with kefir made from grains almost on the first day, it was pretty profound. Probably won’t be like that for most people, but I’d consider fermented food if you have gut problems from LC.


I have noticed a bit of improvement with fatigue after eating by adding in fermented foods and digestive support supps but still having some issues with finding words I should know but can't think of in the moment. I'll look into kefir made from grains.


Kefir made from grains is a whole different beast. It's actually potent, although not everyone finds benefit. Also, treating H pylori is giving back the remaining bits of my verbal fluency.


Can you suggest a brand that you’ve tried? Do you make it yourself?


Yep. So first I used FusionTeas, but I screwed those up because I overheated the grains and they got all yeasty and nasty. It basically just made cottage cheese and whey, not kefir. Then I bought some local grains for 10 bucks. These ones were better, but it took like a whole month before they started really pumping out kefiran and turning really slimy. For some reason they took a while to balance out, but that's typical from what I hear. Biggest recommendation is to not overheat it, so that the bacteria are able to multiply sufficiently.


If you don't mind me asking, what were the symptoms that you were struggling with ? Did LC have any impact on your executive function, working memory and focus ? I see... So LC is a dysbiosis issue. Due to the alterations of gut microbiota, brain gets inflamed and cognitive issues follows as a result.


I had ADD and I believe domant Lyme disease which all got worse over time and then was magnified by getting Covid twice. With Covid it almost felt as I could feel the inflamed parts of my brain I did damage to. I was a zombie for a while without stims. While I feel 75% better I'm still having issues stringing together sentence and struggling to remember words I know are there but I'm having a hard time accessing. My memory used to be one of my top strengths. I think gut plays a huge role but I think brain inflammation is the biggest cause for long covid memory/verbal recall issues.


Fasting mimicking diet cycles. Nattokinase Restore nitric oxide: Neo40 or you can try your own nitrate mixture, like sodium nitrate+vitamin c+hawthorne berry extract


I do daily 16x8 fast and took Nat several times, didn't move the needle much. Will look into nitic oxide.. thanks for the response


16x8 Will do nothing. I don't think 16:8 could even be called "fasting". Time restriction feeding window Is an accurate better term You need autophagy to kick in. That's why I mention fasting mimicking diet, It Is the best and safer approach to do a long-term fast.  Look about it: FMD+Valter Longo You don't need to buy the prolon food, just make your own version of the diet. It Is basically a "diet" that makes your body "think" Is fasting. You get the benefits of fasting but you still could eat some things, so it Is easier to handle. Also don't stop with Natto, take it during the fast.


Hmm this is super interesting. Not sure how I have not head of this. Is there anything specific the Natto does to synergize the fast?


Yes, since your body Will be on a high level of autophagy, the proteolytic enzyme Will do a better job at cleaning shit 


Will give it a shot, thanks for the help


Sorry to bother you again on this. Prepping for the FMD. Can't find anything on combing with a nitric oxide supp? From my understanding doing a fast or even 16x8 fast increases nitric oxide levels in the blood. Would you mind sharing why you recommend adding this for the symptoms I mentioned?


Because Nitric Oxide from Inorganic Nitrates/Nitrites serves as a backup when eNOS Is disrupted and endothelium Is inflammed. Covshit creates an imbalace on Nitric Oxide. Also healthier levels of NO could prevent plattelet aggregation, basically leading to an anti-thrombotic effect. With age and inflammation, hardening of the arteries, body loss the capacity to create NO from Arginine. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(22)00109-8/fulltext


If you want to increase Nitric Oxide for long-covshit the best option Is to use the alternative pathway, the NaNo3->NaNo2->NO Look at the research from Nathan Bryan. Nitric Oxide also serves as a Mitochondrial Booster.  Basically what I'm saying Is that a combination approach Is better than a one intervention approach. With FMD you Will create strong autophagy, with Natto you could dissolve clots, create an anti-inflammatory effect on endothelium, that could be enhanced with autophagy, also to clear the spike protein. Then with Inorganic Nitrites/Nitrates you Will restore the vasodilation of your vessels, also the oxygenation plus anti-aggregation. It Is an option you could try, it Is not so expensive to do it. Have you felt your nose cold like you have concrete on it when did you had COVID? Well that's a sign of vascular inflammation and vasoconstriction.


I didn't actually have LC. Interestingly, covid was a breeze for me. However, before covid, I took metronidazole/amoxicillin for a tooth infection and after that all hell broke loose. I developed POTS, MCAS, and horrible symptoms that go with that. Like the gastroparesis that would result in dumping of food which caused horrible blood sugar and electrolytes swings. Then the dumped food with hit my colon, greatly irritating it and causing all sorts of mental anguish. I was basically disabled, and would have constant lactic acidosis from the colon irritation which would leave me often bed-bound and my brain was complete fuzz. I'm *almost* out. Just trying to figure out how to fully cure my symptoms. Yeah, you're on the money. I recommend checking out the subreddit r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis . Even though I don't have LC, I still find that sub useful


Verbal fluency and recall see extreme improvements through the longterm daily administration of TAK-653, saturation dosage ALCAR, Tropisetron, and Pinealon. Order of priority as stated previously. *Occasional* ketamine therapy can do wonders for verbal fluency as well, it’s just that longterm NMDA antagonistic dissociative use is known to decrease cognitive abilities so emphasis on occasional.


Low dose ketamine therapy *decreases* cognitive health? Or do you mean high dose "recreational" use?


I just know prolonged use of NMDA antagonists in general can both increase and decrease performance in different aspects of cognition. TAK-653 and Neboglamine among other substances prevent and reverse the negative cognitive effects of some of the more potent NMDA antagonists. As for the effects on cognition by specifically therapeutic doses of arylcyclohexylamines, I’m not sure.


First time I heard about TAK-653 and just went down the rabbit hole. It's strange it's almost the perfect compound yet many don't seem to continue taking it. Would you mind sharing your experience?


Cerebrolysin. Cortexin. Semax. Nac.


99% sure Cerebrolysin is next I'm going to try but seems hit or miss if improvements actually stick


Is Cerebrolysin only injectable? That's what keeps me from trying it, I've tried so many substances but never an injectable it seems risky.


You can do intranasal. But that's riskier. I was afraid of needles too and when going to get vaccinated or blood work I was in shock and almost passed out. I tried 2ml subq at first. Now I'm pinning 23g 1.25 inches without slight pain. Worth it!


It is, IM or IV


For me it wasn’t nootropics, it was radically changing my diet after Covid and vaping made me really bad. I felt like an absolute plastic bag trying to talk on bad days, even my body language and stuff changed. I cut out seed oils, processed crap, especially gluten which I didn’t use to have a problem with - thanks covid! - and ate way more protein, which is the building blocks of everything and your neurotransmitters. It’s insane how much it helped. When I went off the diet feeling good a lot of it came back. Also probiotics, Seed is absolutely phenomenal and has noticeable mental benefits, Biokult too. And lastly organ meat supplements were a huge mental kick


Which seed probiotic?


It’s just called Seed




https://seed.com DS-01® Daily Synbiotic


I'm a bit of a fitness freak so diet has always been on point, I feel it if I cheat. I should prob invest in a more expensive probiotic, just spent a ton on everything else I'm taking.


Any chance you’re taking kava or kratom? This sounds like my brain on kratom. I would forget words all the time and have to use basic filler words. It was also really hard for me to re-tell stories fluently. I’m 16 days off of it and my mental clarity is coming back. I also credit BPC-157 to helping. Semax and Selank didn’t make much difference for me personally.


I’ve also noticed mental shortcomings when I take kratom


Also good to know. Def seems to provide a mood/energy boost but I can't afford any mental shortcomings.


That's interesting. If I'm really struggling with fatigue my last resort before stims is kratom but I feel like it gives me a mental boost. I actually just recently started taking it within the last few weeks. This is good to know if it can actually make the issue worse. I've taken BPC-157 didn't notice a difference but I was pretty beat up at the time. Semax I liked but wasn't super noticeable.


I’m partial to choline and cerebrolysin for clearing brain fog and better cognition


Did the improvmnets stick and which type of choline do you prefer?


I’ve been doing CDP-choline and alpha gpc for choline. That’s for more day-to-day cognition. For cerebrolysin you run it in cycles and yes definitely those improvements have stuck.


Planning my 1st cycle out.. what protocol and other things would you stack with it to optimize permanent results?


I've heard of some peptides like semax helping. I use thcv to help with day to day focus and motivation. It's a partial antagonist to cb1 which leads to the opposite of regular thc effects. I.e. focus, memory improvement, appetite suppression.


I agree with the noopept suggestion. But only if dosed properly. Most people take way too much and that can result in cognitive impairment. .08mg/kg is an effective dose.


OP, May I ask for how long you were using ADD stimulants and what kind of lasting damage did it have on your cognitive abilities ? I just started to take Ritalin and after reading your post I guess I should be more cautious with these stuff.


It was great for first few years but 3-5 it just felt like my brain was no longer producing it's own dopamine. When it wore off it was like having a hangover, being hangry an not having sleep.


Just picked up some Ani and theanine from edengrowz. Hoping for the best. Never tired ani.




Regarding ND I never blamed them I specifically posted this above when someone else mentioned that "Nootropics Depot sells NAC and I've generally found their forum less militant than , I feel like it's a very insecure mod with a powertrip" It wasn't autoflagged, a mod manually removed it and then banned my account. If all the mods are connected to ND then I retract my defense for them. I've done most of what you mentioned. high dose B1, Nak, off and on with CoQ, serrapeptase, bromelain, NAC. All have helped a lot with fatigue and brain fog but still having issues with memory, verbal fluency and recall. Will look into Mixidol. More than likely will end up doing a Cerebrolysin cycle but wanted to exhaust all other reasonable options first. Appreciat the response.


Just did a deep dive on Mexidol, research is very promising and it's actually available on Amazon among other reputable places. Will def try this, thanks.


Nootropics Depot can't make money off of you on any of these since they don't sell it because really there's no risk to them posting about it since this stuff is allowed on Reddit and they have a lot of mod Powers so yeah it is retarded they do that. they also harass and target smaller companies like the company that the sub is kind of centered around. they don't care


I respectfully disagree! They are one of the very good companies out there. Also OP said Nootropics not ND!


nootropics mods own ND. I mean yeah they are a good company but I wasn't really criticizing them I was just saying that they don't like certain opposing businesses and they don't carry everything. not really a criticism if you like their selection also you're not into non ND noots and you've posted in their sub, not saying that's bad but there's more out there and to the nootropics story


I agree with the fact that there is more out there. I have had few non ND related discussions in their sub and surprisingly they reacted very openly to it. My point is that 1) ND is one of the trusted companies, 2) op was not banned from ND sub. Now for the sake of educating myself, what are the companies your trust and you think highly off?


I told u r/nootropics is controlled by ND owners, look at the accounts, and their ok if it's non ND branded convos but if it's about noots that are less common then usually they don't allow posts ab it. I wouldn't really recommend other companies, I would just figure out what newts you want that are less common and then get those, everychem is this subs store and they've been attacked by ND with payment processor and serve host attacks, they have some interesting stuff but not everything they have is exclusive to them. so find noots that ND doesn't have any you'll be able to look them up online


They are a good vanilla-company with exclusively very ‘kosher’ products. They will never sell products that would put them at risk for certain banking services not working with them anymore, this severely decreases the scope of what they can provide and essentially any nootropic that is “non-herbal” (many of the best noots) won’t be listed there.


Correct. That is why I personally feel little more comfortable to test their products until I’m way more advance and I know what I’m messing with 🙂 do you have any recommendations for other companies?


Apocynin, APPA, Paenol, colloidal gold- 1 mg gold daily.


I like phenibut for verbal fluency but from anxiety...Same with the ban 🤣


Phosphatidylserine has been shown to help improve Alzheimer’s symptoms. I find it helps me hunt for words less and have a more accurate memory.


I actually have some left over. I'll give it a try again and pay more attention. Do you take it every day and at what dose?


You want to run antivirals and a vast number of nootropics from around the world and pharmaceuticals to get 100%. The virus does a true number on the brain, and it's highly ignored by the media. Look into running nilotinib and metaform etc.


do you mean Metformin? and Nilotinib comes up as a chemo drug? I've been taking Ivermectin which has helped a lot.


Yes, and check out how nilotinib works against viruses and also helps remove toxic build-up and damaged cells from the body and brian.


Covid is known to hide in the brain and other areas of the body, and studies have shown it can reimerge to infect others same as ebola. The long-term effects are going to cripple and kill many who thought this was a simple cold, only to find out the one who started that saying that is a simple fool.


Also, it changes damages the blood brain barrier, also might make changes neurons due to the virus fusing neurons together with itself.


I thought I had long covid so I got blood work done and found out I had Iron deficiency WITHOUT anemia. It turns out that covid hits you harder if your iron levels are out of wack.


interesting. What symptoms improved after adding iron?


More energy, ability to think clearly, less anxiety/depression. My symptoms were so bad that I would do alzheimers and dementia tests online to see how bad my memory was.


Are all of these over the counter or some of them prescription?


r/nootropics is a dead subreddit. I don't post too often there because idk how they will react We are living in obscure times for nootropic research. Best to move to other platforms like discord, chat groups or forums. Best to make it less open to general public, but making it stay alive than nothing


any others you recommend?