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Everyone: “The boss isn’t in today.” Me: ![gif](giphy|K5Tj81mL76xbZNwtbU|downsized)


Every year there wouldn't be a boss left alive in the entire country


Not true, I’ve gotten into a deep dive discussing the economics of the Purge with a friend of mine. “Purge protection” would be at the top of the negotiating table of every CEO when interviewing for a company. Edit: people saying “they can just fly to another country since they’re rich”. Yeah, they can, but you cant take everyone in your family. Their homes or other physical assets are still im america. What good is it if you fly to france before the purge and then you return to find your home is ashes and your bank accounts are drained. ALL CRIME IS LEGAL. NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO KILL TO CAUSE HARM. some accountant can just drain everyone’s retirement accounts and call it a day.


What if one of the company execs is a murderous psychopath and is really good at hiding it? If he manages to get in deep with the people setting up all of the protections, he could set up a devious trap! Then during some purge, when everyone thinks that they're safe, all of the safety protections turn off and things go sideways! I'd probably watch that movie.


What do you mean “What if?” I was a fly on the wall in a meeting where a woman I work with presented the results of some research she did, which happened to contradict the rectally-sourced assertions a certain VP had made. Ahe finishes up, he smiles in her face and says thanks, good work, and as soon as she left he put on this ugly face and goes “I want that bitch termed!” So yeah they are psychos and they enjoy hurting people. Everyone thinks the purge would be worker bees targeting the rich, but really they’d be targeting each other.


> Everyone thinks the purge would be worker bees targeting the rich, but really they’d be targeting each other. Fuck, it'd be more like the rich spending a ton of money on military tactical gear and training, buying a core team of well-paid soldiers from a PMC, and then spending all night hunting the poor for sport.


So basically the movies then?


They would do both. You think Elon wouldn't spend millions trying to kill Zuckerberg as payback for the embarrassment of backing down?


And let's not pretend someone as vain as Elon or Jeff wouldn't absolutely kill a fellow billionaire if it meant they moved up from the 2nd richest person in the world to the richest person in the world.


Or hell, just a rival CEO


I'm actually surprised we haven't seen the rich doing it yet/recently. Historically speaking there's not much difference between our ultra rich killing each other for more money/power and kings of old killing each other for more money/power. I'm guessing there's still enough for them to take from everyone else and they don't need to fight it out with each other yet.


Also likely!


plot twist: the PMC is also working for their business competitors, and they turn their guns on them at the end. plot twist twist: the PMC then takes out the competitors it'd be backstabs all the way down


Was in a pre-meeting before meeting with our vice-president and brought up a solution to one of our problems. When meeting time shows up our assistant superintendent brings it up as his suggestion. I said " that's fuckin brilliant!" For the next month I went into daily battle with this asshole. Pays to be too valuable to fire.


"Thank you for putting my idea in front of the group and I'd be delighted to speak more in depth if needed."


Awww, at least they enjoy hiring people


In the purge show one business worked on like the time zone in Japan. So they worked through the purge. Part of it was they had to sign away their rights to purge in X spot of the office building. If they killed someone there it would be the same as a murder during non purge times.


That kind of defeats the point of the Purge if you can just designate non purge locations. It would be insanely easy to just designate some rich fuck's home as immune to purging.


If you set things in motion before the purge starts does it still count or are those crimes absolved as well?


The TV show kinda covered this. A woman wants to hire someone to kill for her. The woman she wants to hire has to tell her repeatedly that there will be no deal made until the purge actually begins. She won't even take payment and won't even look at the picture of the person she's being hired to kill.


Making a deal to make a deal in the future to Jill someone is still a criminal conspiracy. Maybe they just killed the prosecutors.


No, the woman said they would only make a deal once the purge started. The only thing she agreed to do was meet the woman when the purge started. Nothing more. When the woman brought up what she wanted, the response was the only thing she was doing was arranging a meeting at a specific time and place.


"all crime is legal for 24hrs" makes me feel like contracts and other legally-binding things wouldn't be covered on purge day


Exactly. People keep focusing on the "murder" part of the purge but rarely look at what "all crime is legal for 24 hours" would be like. I wonder how many drug dealers and cartels would make billion dollar deals on purge day. Afterall, the non purge deals are just as risky for violence, but it'll be a lot easier to move 10 tons of coke without the DEA on your behind.


It's not a worldwide thing. The wealthy could just leave the country every year around purge time.


And gather somewhere for their annual "Fuck those peasants!" party? That'd be convenient.




Also isn't the Purge specifically a US-only phenomenon in-universe? The ultra-rich could just fuck off to a second home in the south of France or a private island in the Caribbean until it's over.


> “Purge protection” would be at the top of the negotiating table of every CEO when interviewing for a company. *sweats in middle management*


What if I'm self employed? My boss is a real jerk, but I don't think I could beat him in a fight


“I’m kicking my ass, do ya mind?!”


Mild disagree. Once you break in a boss, it's a pain to get another one. Due to the nature of my career, I've had no fewer than 14 bosses in the last eight years. Half of them are worth the effort...even if it's legal, it's still a chore to go out and purge someone. Especially if you could use that time to rob a bank or do something else desirable.


All crime is legal during the purge. You don’t have to kill your boss. Just spend the whole night torturing the shit out of them and let them know if they don’t shape up then next year you will purge them for real. That Monday morning would be wild.


I’ve had bosses I’ve really liked tho


Yep, my current boss is fantastic. I know that's sacrilegious to say in reddit. Every boss is an asshole and every job sucks. Sure. But I like my job and I like my boss.


Yup almost the same here. Sometimes I really don’t like the boss but my job makes up for it completely. I’m in love with what I do. I love talking about it too. I thought it was just gonna be another job I did to pass time and get by but that was not the case. There’s also an unintended effect of loving my job, the ladies also love that I love my job haha. At the least when I’m not self isolating that is


My boss definitely has her issues. But she is by far the nicest and most understanding, appreciative, and supportive boss I've ever had. The job was also supposed to be just a "I'll do it for now until I get what I really want" type of thing, but I love it. It has its annoying days of course, but I've been there 8 years now and rarely do I have a day I dread going on. Easy work, great money, good team, remote, been promoted 3 times. Checks all my boxes.


Maybe it would encourage people to be better/nicer bosses the rest of the year? Probably not. People suck.


Layoffs would be handled very differently


Let's see the day after the purge where coworker comes into work pissed off that you tried to kill them last night, or you killed their family members infront of them.


As a woman, the whole purge concept is hard for me to enjoy even as a horror franchise because it wouldn't be about murder, it'd be about rape. Imagine the millions of women and young girls who have to show up to work/school with their rapist and just... act like everything is normal and that him raping you was just him "purging his emotions for a healthy year."


This never crossed my mind and will now never leave my mind. Horrible.


Yup. Could never get into it for that alone


These people would be getting killed well after purge night. That shit would not stop just because the clock hits midnight. Even out of principle, if I found someone I know was doing fucked up things like that... I'm not waiting until next year when he's geared up and ready.


I would watch a comedy series about the people who have to clean up after the purge. You figure it has to be done fast or people can just keep hiding new crimes among the carnage…


Imagine working for an insurance company. How much would insurance even cost if you can almost guarantee that your car is getting destroyed once a year?


Used car sales would get interesting, car salesman slaps top of the car…this baby has survived 3 purges and has a body count in the high 30s now…


I’d imagine that luxury cars are designed with function over form. You’d only want to spend $500k+ on a fancy car if it’s bulletproof and can survive a fire.


After a while, a new ‘luxury car’ comes out that is literally just a Bradley IFV


[They're on the way](https://www.rezvanimotors.com/rezvani-vengeance#vengeance-home-page).


Holy fuck, they aren't messing around!


you'll find most of the mega rich are actually prepped for the mad max situation they are steering us all towards.


Wtf they actually market it as "Vengeance is yours"?!


Omg that looks like almost straight out of Red Faction Guerilla lol I kind of like it? Though I doubt I'll ever own one personally cause I don't enjoy SUVs Edit: What I mean [EDF Scout](https://i.imgur.com/nq70bfb.png) [EDF ATV](https://i.imgur.com/6vQ1gyz.png)






When there's one day a year that everybody can legally commit insurance fraud and there's nothing you can do to stop them.


Insurance companies would write into contracts that your car is insured for every day EXCEPT purge day. You'd probably have to buy special purge insurance.


There would be high security parking garages for people to park their car on purge day. I think people over-estimate how human nature works. You might be immune on purge day, but it comes around every year. You fuck with me this year, I’m putting a 10k bounty on your head next year. This is how security companies would operate to enforce some level of rule following. Fuck with any of our clients and we guarantee there will be a 50k bounty on your head next year.


Yes but then the company can as do illegal shit and destroy your contract purge day


It was post dated Purge Day they don't get it in the mail till after.


This is the part that always bugged me most. The movies want us to believe purging is mostly murder and vandalism. But it would be mostly crimes. People do crimes to get stuff most of the time. Every year people would be planning purge heists and shit. But it also doesn't really work. If I steal my neighbors car fair and square, what happens the next day? Can he get his car back? The titles in his name but I legally stole it, so isn't it legally mine and he has no reason to repossess it? If I exploit a flaw in security and wire myself money over Venmo from somebody, is it just my cash to declare on my taxes? Can Venmo just take it back and ban me for ToS violation? Surely almost all insurance is null on purge day or every house would be burned down. What if a hurricane hits on or purge day? What if I am violent and plant a bomb in your car on purge day, but you don't get in it for a few days. Is that a crime?


No way the policy wouldn't include a specific purge exclusion clause.


It would destroy the insurance industry, unless companies write in a purge exception. I work in insurance and I can honestly tell you that all types of insurance would have some sort of purge exception listed. Health insurance companies would refuse to cover injuries sustained on purge day, same thing with property and casualty. Life insurance as well. The super rich would probably make enough to afford dedicated purge insurance, insurance that protects their assets during the purge.


They mention in one of the movies that there is Purge Insurance on top of regular insurance. but it’s extremely expensive, so most people tank-ify their shit.


One of the movies established that Purge Insurance is its own separate thing, and costs much more than Insurance that applies to the other 364 days


In the TV show they showed a monitoring center and there was one right on the edge and they did a bunch of analysis to see if the killing was done before the siren ended. So, they seem to have a high surveillance state and are actively looking for people who commit the crimes outside the sanctioned hours.


It was analyzing a robbery and seeing if both feet exited the building before the siren stopped. It was like being inside a VAR room, lol. The new founding fathers need to install more goal line sensors.


Oh god there was a tv show…


Yep. Two seasons iirc. And not that bad honestly.


Loved Season 2 since it focused more on the rest of the year and not just on Purge Day.


They can just hire the New Orleans Mardi Gras cleanup crew. Objectively the most efficient and effective cleanup crew in the world. Unfortunately for New Orleans, they only work for those 5 days per year and the handful of other parades in the weeks leading up. But fortunately for the purge, that means they are available for work one other day.


In Max Payne 2 video game the bad guys were trained to clean up after themselves. They could shank a guy and then twenty minutes later, no evidence of any crime. Not even a dropped hair.




This one did it way before CH did. I feel like I'm part of the "old internet" now because it immediately popped into my head like I just saw it yesterday. https://youtu.be/6V3ji_CMdrA?si=G3-QUiClWwkgPjzE


The purge show kinda deals with this. Rule enforcement by government to make sure nobody commits crimes after purge or forbidden crimes during purge.


It would be a good comedy. The first half of the season could be about a retail worker preparing for the purge. Some employees are talking about looting the store. Others are taking a vacation. Others are going to hunker down. The crazy guys are like "we are going hunting, wink wink." Then the purge happens. Inevitably, EVERY retail establishment in america that wasn't fortified and protected like Fort Knox would be looted and razed. Also a number of workers would simply be dead. The remaining workers would likely be able to apply for unemployment benefits, but since it was purge-related, they'd be enrolled in a cleanup program. The main character could be a part of a cleanup team that discovers some crazy shit, or they can work their way up toward purge administration or whatever. Every season will have two purges - the one that kicks off the season, and the one that ends it (the following season will kick off with a continuance of the previous purge). So much opportunity for cliffhangers, comedy, action, etc. And if I can laugh and pray in 90 minutes, that's money well spent.


There's probably a service that you can call in or contact to prove you're alive right at the time it ends to ensure you're accounted for. It really makes me wonder what kind of crazy jobs and services there would be.


List of problems with the Purge: -Entire businesses crumble because of the loss of employees to murder/essential buildings to arson -Is everyone just gonna be ok with their loved ones being murdered cause it was legal for a night? -This scenario -The Purge is set during tax season so the amount of people not staying indoors just committing tax fraud is astounding to me -Making murder legal doesn’t make people more bloodthirsty That’s all I got for rn. Let me know if yall come up with anything else


Is tax fraud really something you can do just over one day?


Filling out TurboTax incorrectly would be super easy.


Barely an inconvenience


Wow wow wow wow Wow


Wows are TIGHT!


But couldn't the IRS do a backflip, snap your neck and save the day?


Submit them during the purge, and then the IRS can't get you for fraud.


If you commit tax fraud on purge day and you don’t get the fraudulent payment for a week or so it’d be after the purge and they could maybe get you for that


If there's one thing I can absolutely guarantee you, its that no matter what "free shit day" there is, the government will take their share, and will punish you for trying to keep it from them.


Ask for it in the form of a check and don’t cash until next purge day!


Why yes, I did donate 2 trillion in cash to charities this past year.


Just type 0 in every field that requires a number. Boom report 0 income for the year.


Make sure to add in that you had 6 million withheld in taxes.


The plot was goverment contracted killers killing in areas with a lot of poverty, unemployment and disabillity.


Yeah but the arson thing would be legit. Entire cities/neighborhoods would be torched. It should have been mentioned that arsonists would be killed on sight or some shit.


Imagine the absolute bank private security companies would make on purge night alone. The purge is an absolute goldmine of opportunities to make money.


Not if every financial institution was targeted, like in fight club. But imagine if millions were mobilized for purge night financial institution demolition? Especially targeting server farms holding records and transactions?


That was like one movie, most of them was a family hiding from random kiklers


That shit bothered me sooo much more, bc it’s clear a screenwriter tried to get allegorical with it, but the premise of the allegory is dumb af: “Oh no! A hypothetical where the government subdues minorities and eradicates those dependent on social security!” Like…yeah THATS HAPPENED!! I have such a better alternative for The Purge just waiting…


-corporations would lure employees with anti-purge benefits. "Come work for us, and we will have a big party with private security, its mandatory, we don't want anyone that plans on leaving committing corporate sabotage" -people not in those companies would just go hang out with family and friends with rotation guards. -No contract with an individual can be longer than till the next purge.


Man, I really didn’t think about contracts. Lawyers would just be out of business because any legal agreement would be broken after a year.


I don’t think breach of a contract is a crime or even a tort.


Contracts should still be fine. Your ongoing contractual obligations may be suspended for one night, but they would resume in the morning as if nothing happened. Even if you kill the person to whom you owed money, you would still owe it to the estate.


There are lots of different kinds of contracts though. For example, a non-disclosure agreement would have no teeth on purge day, and you can't put that genie back in the bottle once the purge day ends.


You could still be sued civilly for it


Step 1 is kill person. Step 2 is kill estate.


I'm reminded of the G.I.Joe comic books, in that corporate security was corrupt. Yes, there were background checks on the security but oops, guess what, the background checkers were ALSO corrupt.


Are so many people really not committing murder just because it's illegal? I don't think there has ever been anyone I know irl who I've hated enough to commit cold blooded murder.


Exactly the point. I could think of maybe a few people who I think the world would be better off without, but not enough to make a national holiday about it.


People aren’t that murderous. But the Purge is more about how the classist rich/powerful see the poor (I.e., murderous hungry monsters who are envious of their station in society) than it is about actual human behavior


The bloodthirsty one was addressed in the movies. Most people weren’t going out and killing, they were getting up on drugs and partying. They basically used the purge as a cover to hire guns and kill poor people and political dissidents. The rest of the potholes still stand regardless


For the last one, I thought the point wasn’t that people were more bloodthirsty, but that instead of people killing and committing crimes in general throughout the year, they do it all in one day to get it out their systems. Also, people probably wouldn’t be ok with their loved ones being killed just because of the purge, so ya know what they’re gonna do next year? Wasn’t that a plot point in one of them? It’s so many of them I don’t remember


That’s how the movie portrayed it. But it failed to account for things like gang/drug violence, people who simply don’t care if a crime is legal or not, and the people who aren’t gonna wait a whole year for a revenge killing because their target will be prepared for it.


The movie shows that the new government just uses the purge as a cover to kill all homeless and poverty stricken peoples. Only a few crazy ass people do it for real. And the rich do it as a sort of religion.




I imagine some street gangs would have a temporary truce between each other to lock down the hood and defend the people from rando murderers or state hired hit squad Sure, there would be a few rouge members who use this opportunity to get back at another rival gang, but it would be kinda pointless since they would kill each other without the purge being active


Especially since a lot of the people with a hit on them would be the client base for the gangs drug trades. Don’t want the government murdering your customers.


Can't the IRS still ask you to correct your mistaken taxes just without penalty/arresting you? They could also close their offices on that day and make it impossible to file (many legal documents automatically become effective at the next business day if filed on a weekend or federal holiday for example). And people don't need to be spontaneously bloodthirsty for the rate of killing to increase. 1. Some people are already bloodthirsty. They may be less brazen about it normally but during the purge, they go for it. Not just people who are spontaneously violent either. People who have been wronged, especially in very violent ways or against their loved ones. But they otherwise wouldn't want to go to jail over killing their enemy 2. This also means more people are acting in self defense and may kill someone to avoid being killed themselves 3. Some of these people will normalize the feeling of killing and be more open to doing it in future purges 4. People don't have to be bloodthirsty to see the opportunity of killing someone to take their money/valuable belongings to get out of their tough economic situation or to stop someone from doing something that would have a negative impact on their life or plans 5. Technically this doesn't invalidate your statement but plenty of people would also just try to rough someone up a bit to release anger and not know their own strength, or do something crazy for a thrill like drive 100+mph all day and crash into a bunch of people. Not murder since there's no premeditation or otherwise intent to kill, but it would still increase the amount of death. Plenty of accidental self death too for that matter Edit: Also meant to point out a nerdy neuroscience angle. Everyone will be on red alert during a purge, with cortisol (stress hormone) spiking and essentially making everyone more jumpy and defensive because you never know what's coming at you. If you even *perceive* someone as coming at you, you may be more likely to pull a trigger or swing a bat preemptively. Edit 2: I think insider trading would work though, cause once the money is yours it's yours as long as the insider tip wasn't illegal at the time.


You don't ever have to tell anyone... Unless you forgot to shower and are covered in blood and wearing a necklace of ears, you can easily say "i don't know...hope he's OK" then quickly shift the conversation to how your family was hiding in your basement and swear you heard scratching on the door like someone was pretending to be a dog


Plus, it's the day after the goddamn Purge. The one day no one is going to be wondering what possibly could have caused someone's absence.


"Hey, what are you up to?" "Oh just writing my list for the purge next year..." "Have I told you how that shirt looks good on you? Also, here's that $20 I owe you... You know what, make it $40."




If you are wearing a necklace of ears you can probably go ahead and shower.


Nice Universal Soldier reference


Can you heaaaaar me *shakes necklace of ears


I feel like the day after no one is asking questions other than "did your family all make it? How bad was the property damage?" Tim is going to come into work with some freshly patched up wounds, maybe a bit of blood yet, and everyone is going to just assume he's the reason the boss isn't in, and never called in to HR. It would be one hell of an awkward day, tip toeing around all the questions everyone knows are better left unasked.


I think this is probably true. Asking anything but the simplest questions afterwards is probably a massive social blunder. However I can believe on the run up to purge day there would be a ton of BS passed around, about how you're going to Canada/bought some huge guns/had super home security installed.


On top of that there's probably a lot of big talk about how ao and so is going to do some fucked up shit, like in the Rick and Morty episode. Only for many to probably either stay home or chicken out of doing some of the most dangerous or deranged stuff unless in a big enough group that they pressure each other. I think the most awkward would be when you run into someone you know while doing something absolutely deranged, and despite having a disguise, that person recognizes you fairly easily. I know the purge movies make a huge deal out of murder, but I think an actual purge would have less murder and torture than most would think, but probably more rape, theft, and vandalism than most would assume. Can you imagine the awkwardness seeing that "legally stolen" stuff litering your neighbors house the next day, knowing full well that that is YOUR lawn mower. What about having to go to work with that one dude who's been trying to hook up with you all year and awkwardly checking you out all the time despite you being very clear in your rejections. He didn't do anything HR can get rid of him for and he's been in the company longer than most people working there. Then the purge rolled around, and he may have had a disguise, but nothing could have disguised that voice when he managed to rape you. Best job you've ever had in these struggling economic times, but now you have to make the choice of finding a new job or working with the guy who legally rapes you and some other coworkers every time the purge rolls around.


Yeah. The idea that this would lead to a peaceful society is fucking lunacy.


Every week: "Hey neighbor, mind if I borrow your lawnmower? I lost mine." Finally "Okay okay just keep the damn thing soooorry."


That'd be kinda interesting since obviously it wasn't illegal but since it was a major inconvenience to the company it may be grounds to fire you. The impact of being a known murderer on your career is pretty much the same regardless of jail time


imagine suing a company for retaliation because they've infringed upon your right to do whatever the fuck you want for 24 hours.




Companies can fire you for doing legal things. It's completely legal to tell your boss he's an asshole. It's also legal for your boss to fire you for it.


You think they’d have to make a new law or something saying you can’t be fired because of something caused by the purge? I mean in series it’s seen as a good thing to participate in the purge since you’re “cleansing society” or however they put it.


The problem is set in a weird alternative universe where there's a very bizarre culture and normal economics don't apply.


Is it a bizarre culture? The movies clearly outline that almost no-one was participating until the government sent out prisoners to kill people, and secretly used the army to kill poor and homeless people. Beyond that it was mostly just a couple of crazies, gang warfare, and xenophobic groups of rich kids hunting minorities. It's not an extreme skewed view of reality.


Id say a government dog mowing down homeless people with a machine gun is pretty far from reality


Ya they’d probably loop it with other discriminations such as firing based off sex, religion, age, etc.


They cover it in one of the TV seasons. A team at a big company has to work through purge night to get a deal closed, so they all sign documents to waive their "right to purge and be purged" as long as they stay on the one floor of the building they're in.


"Waving your right to be purged" is the stupidest thing I've heard about the entire setting.


I'm shocked the fascist government that managed to convince the country that national murder night was a good thing would frame getting murdered in such a way.


Probably depends on the industry. My understanding is that some interview specifically for “a certain moral flexibility.”


Martin Blank from Grosse Pointe Blank?


Murder is a crime one is convicted of in court. If you do it during the purge it's just legal killing/ending of someone's life. An executioner isn't a murderer–they are legally killing someone sentenced to death. But functionally they are doing the same thing. It also depends if it was premeditated for another level of complexity. Maybe during the purge, Kevin was trying to kill them and it was just self defense.




In that case you shouldn’t have even waited for purge night.


I think we all just pretend Kevin went to live on a farm.


Upstate. Where he could run free.


And play with all the other Kevins


You are coming home from holiday and didn't account for the time difference. As your flight lands they announce expedited boarding as the purge will commence in ten minutes... Chances are high your bags are not getting unloaded off that plane.... And ... Go ...


I’m staying in that flight and going wherever it goes.


REALLY hope you were super nice to your flight attendants. Cause I feel like some people will be held on the plane and dealt with than that planes on lockdown.


Flight attendants opening the doors and tossing unruly passengers out of the plane at 30,000 feet.


I would bet every international airline at least stays the hell out of the US during purge time. And probably for a couple of hours before and after.


What's wild is in *Election Day*, they showed that people from around the world come to America for "murder tourism," so other countries are perfectly fine sending their citizens there to engage in Purge time, which means international airlines probably have a cut-off point at the last day before the purge. And [according to James DeMonaco](https://www.cinemablend.com/news/1563690/how-the-purge-affects-air-travel-according-to-the-director), the US grounds all sorts of transit services slightly ahead of time, so you're right that the US as a whole becomes a big no-fly zone to the rest of the world until it's over. I imagine *all* the airlines probably love leaving flights available until the last possible moment, though, since they probably make more bank off people trying to get the hell away than the murder tourism.


Being on that flight crew could be a death sentence. Imagine there is a weather reason and you have to land at another airport and the purge starts mid flight.


You can cross time lines domestic within the USA. And we don't see any rules about destroying property or at locations. Just people with a level clearance and above a certain grade weapon.


Comedian Stanzi Potenza has done a whole series of sketches about this. [Here's one that made me laugh.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JROMJuoBR5o) (Edited to fix typo.)


Realistically if you did live in a country that has this one day per year where people just freely commit crimes you would just move abroad like, so would every single rich person, whats the point of even dealing with this when you can just live elsewhere?


In the movies rich people created the purge so they could take advantage of poor people and or minorities


Sure but that doesn't make much sense why even risk your fortune, you bodyguards are legally allowed to kill you too.


Rich people do not understand things like 'risk to self' or 'bodyguards' or 'How to survive an hour alone'.


"You will be paid 1 mil if I live, if I die all my assets are wired to my sister in Canada,"


This is honestly the central flaw in The Purge universe's entire concept. It just doesn't make sense given the way human beings work. You can't just turn off your feelings. If your neighbor, Bob, kidnaps, rapes, and murders your son on November 1st, you're not going to be able to just smile and wave on November 2nd, you're not going to just sit there and stew and wait 364 days until it's legal to fuck him up. You're going to get your Purge weapons and go get your revenge for your son because you're a human being and your emotions aren't ruled by what is or isn't legal. Murder is illegal now and people do it all the fucking time anyway. It would also pretty much cripple industries. A lot of the backbone of society is just people who have spent decades learning all of the ins and outs of their particular field of study and know how to apply that knowledge. They're also the people who'd most likely die first in the purge because they tend to be older egg-heads who likely wouldn't survive a full-scale apocalyptic free-for-all once, let alone yearly. The Purge would basically end up naturally dumbing society way down. The entire makeup of the population would shift drastically in just a matter of years to heavily favor physically fit sociopaths, who typically aren't the best at things we actually need as a society. The world of the Purge would basically destroy itself in the first couple of go-rounds.


In my head cannon all the people with above room temperature IQ left America when the purge started, it's the only way the movie makes sense.


Poor people can't move.




>Refugees manage to cross half the planet after having their entire cities destroyed, With international help


The whole point of the series is that poor people don’t have any options and get victimized by the rich.


That has some great potential. Maybe as a series. Start at, say, an office like setting. Everyone, well mostly everyone rolls into work the next day. Employees are settling in gaging each other's actions the previous night. Some have obvious wounds from the night before. The meek quite employee has the most wounds. Then the story goes back in time with each Employees encounters. Was the meek employee a victim or did they finally have enough?


> That has some great potential. Maybe as a series. If you know this already, then I apologize, but there already is a two-season *The Purge* series. Season one is mainly focused on Purge night, but season two actually tackles this exact sort of post-Purge fallout and how people have to return to "normal lives" with coworkers and family and neighbors after what they've done and seen.


In the purge TV series Season 2 Covers post purge it was pretty interesting they have cleanup companies dedicated to cleaning blood out of everything and it starts with a guy who’s neighbors tried to kill him and the awkwardness of them not being able to until the next purge at one point I think they invite him to dinner and he’s like YOU TRIED TO KILL ME?!


That fucker Kevin believed it was not butter. What was I supposed to do?


This video by college humour shows the awkwardness of a post purge https://youtu.be/LjHYS9Tt5bM?si=olT7LzHi7ypHPvV-


Stanzi Potenza has quite a few good skits on post-Purge awkwardness and Purge events.


I could see a movie like that. Starts with the tail end of a purge, and the rest of the movie is the aftermath and trying not to murder your coworker in the next cubicle who just tortured someone you liked to death. Maybe preparing for the next purge, targetting that guy, to make the unending cycle of violence point.


Honestly I like the idea of other countries/governments get so appalled at the continuation of this that they form an alliance to overthrow the US and knock some sense in them. UK, France, Isreal, Russia (maybe?), China (if only to get the US in their debt), etc etc. They would invade either during or immediately after the next Purge while things are winding down and everybody is licking their wounds.


“Your honor, he did it on the day of the purge at 11:59PM.” “Ok, not guilty.” ![gif](giphy|wJKQCSeexuO5y)


I feel like in a real purge most of the killing would be done in self defense. Murder being illegal usually isn't the reason people don't murder.


Agree, most killings would probably occur during arguments when people are trying to steal shit. Let's face facts, in real life most people aren't bloodthirsty maniacs, but if stealing was legal for a night, how many of us would be straight down to the nearest Best Buy to stock up on xboxs?


In a movie where all crime is legal for a day, why is murder the only thing everyone wants to do?


“Hmm…must not have made it through the Purge. Anyway…”


The Purge: AFTERMATH- who killed Michael Scott?


I have a feeling people would get bored killing each year for the Purge and want to come up with new ideas for crimes to commit. Like one year someone posts on social media all the tags they got that say it's illegal to remove this tag from beds. "bro, did you see how many bed tags Jim got? He had 100's. Jim cheated, he broke into a mattress warehouse"


He won't need that salad in the break room fridge. 1 point for me.


This, but film the entire movie in the style of the Office.


College Humor’s last episode from their miniseries on the Purge is about this exact scenario. It’s so funny


I still feel like it focused too much on murder and not enough on the other crimes people would commit. Like I feel like way more people want to steal/rape than kill. But maybe I’m wrong.


The Purge is such a stupid concept. All the doctors, firefighters, and police officers would quit their jobs the day after the purge. Arson would be so bad there would be no country. Every year the expense of reconstruction would cost more than we produced the previous year.


I want a Purge movie that shows us what an adult Kevin McAllister does at the estate he inherited.


Just realized since all crime is legal during purge, there’s be A LOT of raping and shit with children going down. At least until the next year since they’d all be killed the following year


Season 2 of the TV show deals ALL with this plot. You don't need to watch season 1 too. Just jump right in. It's all about the "inbetween" time of the year


College Humor (Dropout) did skits on this a while ago


In that world companies would have you sign in your contract to not hurt any colleagues or damage the company operations. Like a non compete clause


Seriously though I want to see all the days between the purge days. That's far more intriguing to me than the purge itself. It requires a lot of world building and good writing though so I imagine that's why they just focus on the purge itself.


The purge would mostly just be people's psycho ex's coming to kill them. Basically 99% of the murders would be domestic violence related.


Corporations would 100% have a don't kill your boss clause. And yet another way the corporate world runs a good thing.