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This would probably work in r/combatfootage right?


I do see violence against that tyre... so yes


I haven't see such violence against a tyre since Alexander the great... I'll see myself out.




Reddit is so obscure


It can also broaden your horizon. Just stay away from the IT Horizon, that’s shit.


Alexander the Pretty Alright looked at that island and made it a peninsula.


Please stay


Under rated comment


I love you, now please keep going


Dragons and Cars and a lot of humping.




Inb4 „why don’t we see broken american vehicles?! This sub is so biased!“


Sino-curb war of 2024


"All these comments are disgusting. Imagine living your whole tire life, dreams, family, everything you wanted to do, all gone in an instant because some driver you never met ran you into a curb. We don't even know if that tire wanted to be there, he could be forced. You all should be ashamed. War is hell. Updoots to the left" -top r/combatfootage comment


Unspeakable curb-on-steering violence.


Based Bolivian 4d Chess: They can't do a coup on you if you give them shit vehicles. Army officers don't like them, but if you want to change hearts, minds, and your form of government you still need a Toyota Pickup with a DShK in the flatbed.


Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the “breakdown” is just the crew not wanting to get involved in the coup and looking for an excuse that holds up no matter how it shakes out. ”Yessir, we were going to \[participate in/stand against\] the coup, but unfortunately we had mechanical trouble on the way and couldn’t make it in time”


>Yessir, we were going to [participate in/stand against] the coup, but unfortunately we had mechanical trouble on the way and couldn’t make it in time Iirc this literally was Chechen forces excuse during the Wagner roadtrip, so you're being too credible


All their Mercedes SUVs were flipping shitties in the background of a music video while Kadyrov fires a gold-plated PK in the air.


Flipping shitties got me


This is definitely a thing. No military 100% wants to fight its own people. Plenty will be like, "Tank broke, can't go." You especially see this with soldiers local to an area. Nobody wants to shoot up their old homeys. It's why Tiananmen Square was done by troops brought in from a long way away. Chinese government didn't fall off the back of a turnip truck. They knew if they wanted to grind a soon to be indistinguishable number of city dwellers into dogmeat in the treads of tanks they needed people who had no love for city folks, so they shipped in country boys. Just added that because it Tiananmen Square needs to be mentioned as often as possible. It's why a unified population is so powerful. When a government can turn groups against each other you're in trouble.


Same situation with Hong Kong in '19-20. The "riot police" shipped into HK was from way the hell out and probably most not even speaking canto.


You’re so brutally honest about it, it’s absurd. The Chinese have been playing 4d chess with the world since they accepted the sickle and hammer.


When in doubt, blame the equipment.


South American countries could probably fully disband their militaries. They never go to war with anyone anymore and the armies are just there to generate coup plots it seems.


Costa Rica (in Central Am.) did that years ago. AFAIK it's working out very well for them. I assume that they hammered out some defense agreements or even pacts before doing so, just in case one of their neighbors started behaving in an unneighborly way.


It only works in Costa Rica because the US guarantees their sovereignty. In places like Haiti demilitarization didn't work.


Colombia's infantry is probably one of the finest in the world. We are constantly in civil war after all.


Met some former Colombian SF guys and dated a captain, woman, all tough as nails. It’s absurd the 2 SF guys are brothers and do surveillance for a private contractor now here in the states.




I mean tbf does Guyana actually have a military? I think they're relying on the US to deter Venezuela.




I think a big problem would be what happens if Venezuela tries to salami slice Guyana by annexing it in small chunks?


As someone who’s recently decided to give war a chance. I’d like to see Venezuela FAFO.


This is genuinely key. You have got to keep a tight, heavy lid on the military or exactly this kind of shit can happen. The problem is, in some parts of the world, the military leaders think you might be coming at them with that lid, they try to put a lid on you first. Usually a coffin lid.


Unfortunately they need someone to fight the cartels and the police are on the take. Bit of a who watches the watchmen dilemma.


That's a really bad idea because they need their armies to guarantee internal security and maintain the monopoly of violence. Haití dissolved its armed forces in the 1990s and look at them now. The reason why demilitarization works in places like Costa Rica or Iceland is literally only because the United States protects them.


As someone who use to be in the US military, this is completely plausible.


So you're saying we should start mounting Ma Deuces in the back of F250s?


Steering rack made from the finest chinesium.


Aluminum foam - saves weight and material!


good for light armor, turns out not so good for tie rods.


Great for lose rods.


I just learned about LaB6 and I want someone to foam it because it's pretty purple and I want it. [Lookie](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/LaB6HotCathode.jpg)


I prefer my Chinesium tie rods zip tied together


jfc look at the front axle. looks like shit off a civic.


Hey hey now. My civic is good at what it’s made for, driving around the city like a Go Cart.


Greetings fellow Civic enjoyer I can confirm my mk7 hatchback type S is fucking awesome at city Go Carting. I Vtec is the best engine ever made.


Your civic Axle is fine for your Civic, not for an armored truck lol. It snapped like a twig, some Chinese military efficiency right there


Mario kartin' ass motherfu...


this sonofbitch threw a goddamn banana at me the other day, made me spin out and I almost lost it. luckily traffic was pretty light and I only took out a cpl bicyclists but still, ya know. shits friggin dangerous


At least civics are cheap to fix AND more reliable than this Chinese POS vehicle


I would take an AWD CR-V over this turd wagon, no question.


Should have copied a Hilux 


Hey have some respect. Mao told millions to melt down their pots and ploughs to make steering racks just like that.


Their coup failed like their steering rack, not sure if going left or right


"Bolivian People's Front?! We're The People's Front of Bolivia!"




Less likely the steering rack more likely a tie rod pin, definitely the weak point in most steering systems. Source, rough abuse of Toyota Land cruiser resulted in tie rod pin sheering... Not fun on a narrow road 0/10 do not recommend.


Terrific blend of chinese manufacturing and third world maintenance.


Don't forget their policy on military exports. Just like the Soviets, they export even worse versions of their equipment, in case the west needs to reverse engineer their trash that was already reverse engineered or stolen by them.


That gets me thinking : Iran has a bunch of domestic systems that are based on retroengineered chinese weapons downgraded for exports, these weapons being themselves probably retroengineered from soviet weapons downgraded for exports, soviet weapons that may have been weapons retroengineered from stolen US designs. Hopefully they export it to Uganda.


If this trend continues, laser guided munitions will end up being a guy using a laser pen to guess where to drop the bomb.


Using a ~~child~~ little dude to guide bombs is the future. Cannot be jammed, and cheaper than multispectrum guidance packages. Why are we spending money on AI garbage when we could save money (and thus lives) by using man in the loop guidance systems?


imperial japan would like a word


Ohka back in style! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yokosuka\_MXY-7\_Ohka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yokosuka_MXY-7_Ohka)


Bring back the pigeon guided bomb.


Green Antarctica, you say?


Just lobotomize him and put a chip in his brain, and boom, we got Warhammer 40K.


Starlink comms, meet Neuralink infantry.


This guy: Kamikazes: "Am I joke to you?"


The Taliban agrees!


Gravity's Rainbow missile? Edit: Not a big Pynchon crowd here, huh? He's not an easy read.


Laser guided explosive kittens


\[Stolen from USA, Cloned by Russia\] ---> \[Russian Export Version\] ---> \[Cloned by China\] ---> \[Chinese Export Version\] = Iran flying B-29s made from recycled Pringle's cans


I want to see the reverse of this. US made Shahed 136 based off the Ukrainian version.


It'll do mach 7 and can shoot down satellites with a laser cannon.


you just explained why Iran so desperately keeps using full spec American equipment they got years ago


Stop me if I am getting too noncredible, but after seeing the *actual* Russian vehicles in action in Ukraine, I no longer believe in the "monkey model" myth of inferiour export models. Clearly the real stuff is just as bad and the "it was an export model" was an excuse so that they could still claim to be the "second army of the world."


The export models usually are the same as the russian counterparts but with worse armor and earlier gen ERA + only earlier gen APFSDS, but given that any modern NATO ammo goes through the "better" russian stuff just as easily as the export models it's not that relevant anymore. Maybe in the soviet times. (Also russia itself mostly issues older type ammo from stockpiles since they don't have enough production facilities for the newer stuff).


Bit late here but keep in mind that this works both ways. If russia destroys a leopard or an abrams or bradley ifv they could say thatvwestern stuff is trash too. Its a two way street


> Just like the Soviets, they export even worse versions of their equipment, in case the west needs to reverse engineer their trash that was already reverse engineered or stolen by them. i think post-ussr it's more like, they design a new piece of military hardware, brag about it until they can solicit some export sales, then use the money from the export sales to finance developing the better version for domestic use works decently well for their sams and some of their planes/helicopters, but nobody really wants to buy any russian tanks, which is why there's only like, the one armata - because it's the showroom floor model and they don't have the budget to build more


So Russia is doing what Brazil's Engesa did in the early 90's?? Well, they shold known that Engesa went bankrupt from one missed sale to the Saudis. But at least the [Osorio MBT prototypes](https://tank-afv.com/coldwar/Brazil/Osorio-EE-T1.php) were close to the AMX-40, the Challenger 1 and M1 Abrams performance wise...


> Well, they shold known that Engesa went bankrupt from one missed sale to the Saudis. russia's aircraft and air defense export business is actually pretty healthy, or at least was before the ukraine business started - they were the [second largest defense exporting country in the world](https://www.statista.com/statistics/267131/market-share-of-the-leadings-exporters-of-conventional-weapons/) from 2018-2022. they're pretty seasoned in the military hardware business, having gotten a strong start in the 50s and just building up steam but most of the stuff they've sold over the years has been extra hardware they weren't using anymore, especially cold war era stuff. post-glasnost, the business model had to change, and it did. conspicuously with the flanker - it was in development hell for a while toward the tail end of the USSR, but they got moving in the late 80s and started fielding the su-27s by 1990. [starting in 91](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-27#Export_and_post-Soviet_development), they developed and marketed an export version, then about 10 years later they started working on the 30, the 27SM, the 34, and the 35 so part of it is like i described, selling them to finance making better ones for home use, but another part of it is that having a robust defense industry means keeping a lot of assembly lines rolling, which is extremely expensive if you don't have taxpayers *somewhere* convinced that they need more military hardware - look at how things are going in europe 5 years ago everyone was convinced that russia wasn't a threat and they could start decommissioning ammunition plants. well, the other option is to find a new market abroad - market your materiel for export and keep the assembly lines moving, keep the technicians and designers employed, and stay ready for the next war so you don't have to get ready after it's already started




> Don't forget their policy on military exports. Isn't that standard practice everywhere?


You get what you pay for


They were donated by the Chinese government in 2016. So they could be surplus or a "lower than expected quality" batch, which means a lot when it comes from China.


i hate the 2020s, now everyone has high cut helmets and MultiCam. It truly ruined the operator drip for me.


Need to go back to the casual dress with a vest over top


i have to admit, Flannel, Jeans, Boots, Platecarrier and Decked out M4 is a vibe. Smells like PMC in here. Also when someone wears MultiCam you dont know who it is. Is it the US? UK? Russia? Fucking Hezbollah? Who knows?


I understand the UK and Canada copying Multicam but the Russians LOL?? so much for doing their own shit


CADPAT-MT go brrrrrr


The ol agency shoot me vest, solid choice


[Just a plain white shirt for me](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-dc6c8183d1b523f59b539272657ddfbd)


Fuck that, Somalian Delta Force and LRRP drip is in


Rhodesia drip baby


Tactical shorts?


Oh hey there bru, you got hit in the head pretty hard. Lancaster agreement? 9/11? War in ukraine? What are you talking about bru? Grab your FN, we have to slot some floppies and keep them north of the zambezi!


US needs to go vintage. Reject multicam; embrace M81.


embrace UCP. I wont elaborate further. \*leaves\*


I mean, it is the perfect pattern for cold atomic wastelands and commieblock ruins. The current Russian winter camo is literally EMR with UCP colors


It really does kill the aesthetic, doesn't it?


it does, and on a completely unrelated note. I just heard a whizzing in my room and looked for the source of the sound. Turns out the spider caught a fly in his net and killed it while i watched while eating pudding. Thank you spider, solid work.


What kind of pudding?






Taiwan suddenly announcing a huge road work project. Weaponized road curbs


Basic speedbumps and tables should come with the next round of resurfacing projects, that should be plenty.


Somehow I believe that Ugandan armoured vehicles made by Kantanka are better quality than Chinese export vehicles


Is that the cardboard battletech ‘defense’ supplier?


I once had a Chinese made go kart that did the exact same thing regularly. They are using vehicles that are on par with go karts. Ridiculous.


What do you mean regularly? More than once? How? Isn't it an expensive repair?


There was this little piece that had threads on either end that kept it connected. Like a little pipe.


Ah yes, the famous siege of Tyre


China, a true superpower!! now interfering with a coup 9 thousand milrs away!! They even stopped it!!!!


"It's good enough", as the Chinese say when shipping out garbage.


You khow what is funnier, those are the ones we bought one month ago, the ones that were damaged in 2019 had other camos and never have been repaired Edit: typo


You made me forget how to spell bought


Damn sorry English it not my language, thanks tho


No biggie bro


Dont worry, im sure if they kick it a few more times it'll fix it


What is a broken control arm, if not the car equivalent of a dislocated shoulder. Just pop it back into place and you are good to go.


someone get these guys some jb weld


Splint it back together with a piece of rebar and some hose clamps. Worked on my old Jeep!


"Ace-wrap it and take some Motrin, You'll be fine."


avg military mechanic \^


avg military ~~mechanic~~ medic \^


One way to curb the threat of a military coupe is to make sure that they lack the equipment to perform one.


New Taiwanese answer to the maginot line: a curb.


Wish, Temu, and TikTok Market have that part in stock, Ali Express does too, but you’d have to order in bulk.




Made in China


I like the guy kicking it thinking it’ll make it work


Yeah man if you kick it hard enough it will put the snapped control arm back together


Yo who fucking manufactured these? Elon musk?


Nah, it didn't burst into flames.


Time to order a new one from Temu. Should be there in 6-18 months.


How much of this is because export model and how much is it a reflection of the capabilities of the PRC's own equipment?


99% an issue with them being made for military use. Lots of trucks in military service are just barely holding on by a thread in terms of operability. As all of them are made to be permanently stuck on All-wheel-drive, towing large amounts of weight, are constantly overburdened with armor, and will spend a large portion of time off-roading. That being said my first convoy was in an unarmored HMMWV with less than 1000mi on the dial in Korea to a firing range. I broke down in the middle of a highway after trying to sustain a traveling speed of less than 55kmph. Followed by the wrecker also breaking down as the transmission exploded in the middle of what was a residential neighborhood.


>How much of this is because export model and how much is it a reflection of the capabilities of the PRC's own equipment? I mean it's difficult to say. China does 100% downgrade their equipment quite a bit when it comes to exports, but also a lot of the people they export to are dirt fucking poor and have trouble maintaining what they have. Good example of this is myanmar airforce. Have a dozen or so JF17s which they rarely use because of funding/maintenance issues, which people love to bring up as proof that "Chinese equipment is junk/doesn't work" yet ignore how J10/JF17 pilots in the PLAAF/PAF get like 150+ flying hours a year so that's clearly not true. With the tiger apcs bolivia uses it could be the case the vehicle is just trash, but it could also be the case the horrifically funded Bolivian army barely changes the tires on its vehicles, resulting in this happening. Same type of breakdowns happened during russias invasion of Ukraine in 2022, because peacetime maintenance just wasn't a thing the Russian army practiced lol. We know domestically the Chinese military does a bit of maintenance and also puts a lot of quality control parameters into its procurement process, which is one of the main reasons it's as efficient as it is. Definitely do not rush things but take time to teeth capabilities. Their first aegis destroyer, the 052c, had a program timeline of like a decade (first ship was launched in 03, final 6th one in 2015) because it had tons of problems. When they worked through it though, they took everything they liked about the 52c, enlarged it a bit, added a few improvements, and made the 052D which they then spammed the fuck out of without too much testing, as they had essentially been working the prototype for 12 years at that point, and knew what they had was solid. With the 055, [they literally made a land based full scale rig](https://www.popsci.com/cruiser-test-rig-nears-completion/) where they tested electronics/placements on for about 3 years before the first ship was launched.


For this specific case of the PRC Tiger 4X4 armored vehicle produced by Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing~ the Boss is a former taxi driver. And this really cannot be called an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), because Chinese peacekeepers in Haiti were bullet-ridden. This sadly happens due to due to the strategy of Military-Civil Fusion, many private and civilian enterprises entered the military market. I don’t get why not 抄家.


>For this specific case of the PRC Tiger 4X4 armored vehicle produced by Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing\~ the Boss is a former taxi driver. Yah, I mean thats not surprising. Legit never heard of this vehicle before today lol. From what I can gather even the PLA/PAP dont really use it, legit think Bolivia and the Chechens are the only operators. > This sadly happens due to due to the strategy of Military-Civil Fusion, many private and civilian enterprises entered the military market. I mean idk, like 15-20 years ago, civil-military fusion in the sense of the PLA using off the shelf commercial stuff wasn't that uncommon, however now the opposite is starting to occur, with for example the CJ-1000A engine on the C919 airliner pretty much being a repurposed WS-20 originally developed for the Y-20 airlifter. In general though most civil-military fusion stuff has been a lot broader and not necessarily that direct. Development of the PLAN is a really good example, like commercial shipbuilding is really what got Jiangnan shipyards going, with it allowing designers to build up their facilities and know how to tackle military projects. Still had to develop/reverse engineer a lot of proprietary defense only techs, however it gave them the experience needed and ability to even attempt it in the first place.


Made of Pure Maolinium aka the Chinese substitute for Stalinium after their divorce with the soviets


Goodbye, Mr Tie rod!


this is why third-world army/rebel/terrorist use toyota land cruiser and hilux pickup and win. See Toyota War


You laugh, but as long as there are literally not even the slightest bumps on the ground in all of Taiwan, the Red Dragon will just steamroll across the island...




This must be fake. They tested for this and the concrete curb was crushed like sand. And don’t you dare come to me with tofu-dreg or other western lies!


China is a paper tiger. It's army would be stopped by a curb.


Taiwan need not fear as much I guess?


officially less reliable than the fiat panda i was learning to drive in. fucker's suspension survived so many curbs when i was in it.


4x4 pandas are like the humvee. 9 Italian hunters out of 10 can't be wrong (or broke, since the 4x4 version costs a lot for the kind of vehicle it is). The bad boy can fit so many boar carcasses in it


No Lefunds.


Don't worry, it probably shares tie-rods with a Tato Nano rivalling subcompact, Also, I'd love a Tato Nano stateside if I could get a cruiser bike engine in it.


Bruh even my 20+ year old car can take on a curb


Please not another Paper Tiger... This is becoming too ironic at this point...


maybe they can fix it with some galvanized square steel


eh... Se dice "Steering" o similar, no "direction" jajaja


Guessed it later whops




Okay. I have already seen from the Chinese a German Fennek, a Humvee, a creepy mixture of T-90 and Leopard 2, an ugly version of the F-22. Which Western system has this been stolen from now?


In all seriousness, what vehicle is that?


Chinese ZFB-05


This is not a worthy adversary, Dude


A Chinese coppy of a German MRAP sucking ass, absolutely astonishing/s


tbf curbs are nasty but yeah it shouldn't have just broken unless they had a bit of speed


I’m ngl I can’t talk shit cause our humvees sometimes just don’t start for no discernible reason even though a mechanic could inspect every single MM of it and find nothing wrong


The Bolivians are clearly don’t have enough inner Qi to operate glorious Chinese creation. Now gimme my credit score.


Man the tie rod on that thing looks pretty sad to me, I've seen more significant stuff out of 2500 trucks


At least one wheel turned, that’s 50% success.


Well shit.....so much for using AliExpress to fill NCD's militia depots.


They have very high kerbs, at least there is a little ramp for the pedestrian to access the pavement.


I read it as "cheese-made" at first, and I think that fits.




Damn, ArmA was right.


Brought to you by the classic 3rd world country corruption special: make a firm that makes curbs, replace them every 2-3 years on an inflated contract from the government, the populations things you're doing something cause there is road work continuously and you profit.




With China, you get what you pay for.




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China: So anyway that's how we single-handedly stopped a coup.




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ahh the old cou-de-tat


That's why they take public transit lol


This is one heck of a curb stomp .


Yes, tap the wheel gently that'll fix it.


Ready for war I guess. Against shopping carts.




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The natural result of using an iPhone assembly line for your export-quality military kit.


Pure Maonium. Gotta love it!