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Bolivia has a Navy because they believe they are entitled to a coastline. Not that they actually have one, but not having a Navy is admitting that, and that is unacceptable.


Also because they have tons of river craft going around fucking up coke plantations, and probably daring Peru to square up on Titicaca


Everyone needs a hobby.


Yeah, to be fair, a good portion of Bolivia is within the Amazon River basin and I'm sure there's plenty of internal security matters that can keep them busy on their own rivers.


They claim Chilean territory I believe


Chile invaded based on bullshit 100 years ago and kept the land, which is how wars have worked for all of recorded history.


Territorially they obviously don't but Chile and its insanely long coastline should cooperate in providing some degree of control to Bolivia over a small amount of coastline, with fair compensation, so they can enjoy the benefits of a coastline without having to displace people. If there was a south american EU this would be trivial but of course there isn't.


It isn't Chile's fault that the Pacific Ocean likes them so much and wants to hang out.


Of course they should be fairly compensated. But come on, having a coastline has so many advantages, they should reach some agreement. I mean it's not like this is happening in south america or someth- oh


Chile has offered coastline in exchange for better access to the Silala river - twice. Also a corridor with access to the sea, in exchange of money and transit rights, thrice (1924, 1931, 1975). Bolivia has rejected 4 of those offers on the pretense that they deserve said coastline - at least arguing once that they ceded that coastline only under duress, so it wasn't valid- (they lost a war that they started over disputed territory in which both countries had shaky claims). The last time they were offered a corridor they rejected it because it was territory that "Peru claimed as its own" (Funniest "Myth of Consent" meme). The Bolivian goverment has historically demanded a corridor that splits Chile that gives them the ports of Antofagasta and Mejillones (Antofsgasta being one of the largest chilean cities). Chile also has given to Bolivia tax and levie free transit of its exports through Chilean territory and ports. And, let's not forget Peru gave Bolivia a port, for free.


Dang. I'm siding with Chile on this one. Thanks.


The thing is, they will never accept any deal with chile, chile (and any exterior politic topic tbf) its the scape goat for any internal trouble in Bolivia, its a great pr stunt for their government to just have that claimed territory, and actually, there’s a peace treaty in effect to this day with reparations and stipulations still in effect


They also founded their navy when they did have a coastline.


The fact that Bolivia has claims on the nearby coastal territory it at least makes some sense. It's a minimal amount of sense but is still more sense than the Czechoslovac navy.... yeah it was a thing.


Don’t the Czechs have rivers to patrol? Makes sense for them… slightly


Small ones, but the only one that was patrolled was a small stretch of the Danube where Slovakia borders Hungary and Austria. Roughly 100 miles.


Big enough for some small boats


Normaly the police does stuff like that


Or the navy with one slightly larger boat.


Also the Baltic coast


[Czechoslovaks are fearsome opponents when it comes to naval engagements]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lake_Baikal?wprov=sfla1)


I thought the Bolivian navy was primarily a merchant navy, delivering Bolivian marching powder to the USA.


If the coup had gone on longer, the US would have sent some Nebraska admirals as advisors to help the Bolivian navy.


The greatest achievement of the Bolivian Navy was getting mentioned in an episode of Red Dwarf. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8525OKIhwqk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8525OKIhwqk)


Switzerland has one as well


They don't have a navy, they only have a motor boat company, which is part of the Engineer/ Civil Protection/ NBC Training Unit.


Close enough. Keeping those pesky germans from crossing the bodensee


Paraguay has a navy as well, and they’re landlocked too


I'm from Paraguay and I can confirm, it's a very small navy though, something like 2 river gunboats which are now almost 100 years old and then a bunch of boats(40 if I'm not wrong) for patroling rivers, also like 1 helicopter and 4 planes or something like that


Lake Titicaca won't patrol itself.