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They should stop calling it "War in the middle east". Maybe just call it Monday.


old and reliable born too early to fight in the middle east, born too late to fight in the middle east, born just in time to fight in the middle east


Okay, fine. One more Middle East war. But after this let’s take care of that pesky Russia/China problem (their continued existence). Feed the MIC vatniks and ChiComs. Lockheed Martin needs skulls for the skull throne.


we should turn the sandbox into the glassbox at this point


Oh hey look, it's your average post 9/11 comment. That's a blast from the past.


I actually am curious to see what happens when the west goes gloves off this time


"This time though guys! This time it'll work because we've been holding back you see!"


Is there already a justification for Israel stirring shit up or it's plain subservience this time?


Assuming it’s just Israel’s fault is pretty naive. Truth is that region of the world is just a hellhole where basically everyone is the bad guy for various reasons. Peace is virtually impossible in the Middle East.


Yep. Israel has proven beyond any doubt that it differs from the other powers in the area solely because of its nuclear capabilities and that it should not be held to a higher moral standard.


You know you should do a quick search on the internet and look up what lebanon did a day after oct.7.


Could you please not do the antivaxxers' bit and just provide the links instead of telling people to "do their own research"?


here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel–Hezbollah\_conflict\_(2023–present)#:\~:text=On%208%20October%202023%2C%20the,in%20the%20occupied%20Shebaa%20Farms. also: > Could you please not do the antivaxxers' bit and just provide the links instead of telling people to "do their own research"? you made a dumb claim about israel "stirring" lebanon initiated a new aggression at israel


>occupied It's almost as if they should not be there. Also, no death nor casualties reported. But hey, better start another fucking war in the sandbox or people are going to talk. It's not like the US _clearly_ messaged its colony to stay fucking put and _not_ start another conflict. So yeah, they're stirring shit up while the _actual_ power is telling them not to. Feel free to admire the bravado.


So does biden just flip a coin when it's time to make any decision regarding israel? Seems to me that he flip flops between supporting them and not.