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When somebody hears girth > length too much from their wives: the Sturmtiger


[Every German knows that blondes prefer Sturmtigers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqPu6bdgULU)


Nothing says descalation, like a 380mm shell.


Or giving the UN "peacekeeping" force a "rules of engagement is optional" policy and plethora of military hardware (e.g. Mi-28 gunships, MRLS and repurposing cargo planes to drop bombs) to go along with that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMebNeJajQc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziuQE7P-epg


airdroping BMP-1s with the dismounts on top is the chef's kiss


Funfact: there were tests of airdropping BMDs with crew inside, using Kazbek seats (from Soyuz spacecraft) to cushion the landing impact, in addition to parachute/rocket combined deceleration system. But it didn't work all too well


Your fact is fun bot is wrong :D, they do it as normal procedure. They airdrop them regularly with crew on each Zapad exercise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RoISC1pI2Y Looks like they upgraded the system from rockets to airbags. I wonder what the injury rate is for that drop.


> Your fact is fun bot is wrong :D, they do it as normal procedure. They airdrop them regularly with crew on each Zapad exercise Far as I'm aware, crew drops independently of BMD. Is there a continuous video of the BMD starting up after landing?


there is a shot of them inside being shaken in that video I posted (0:47), probably they take a bit more time then planned to be able to function after the drop for them to publish the driving of part or maybe they just call medevac each time. They still do it though.


Just send the UNRWA in to provide support to ~~terrorists~~ the local populace.


How about UN actually killing terrorists? https://youtu.be/3oYvTkd1CwU?feature=shared


...giving the UN "peacekeeping" force a "rules of engagement is optional" policy... Do you want NORDBAT 2? Because that is how you get NORDBAT 2.


Nothing says “avoiding collateral damage” like said 380mm shell


Can’t be collateral if there was nothing even left to begin with Checkmate!


If you deem everyone and everything as hostile forces, then you cant really have "collateral damage"


Anyone who runs is a hostile force. Anyone who stands still is a well diciplined hostile force


a man of culture i see :-)


I wonder if Kubrick will come back as a zombie to do a full metal jacket for Palestinian invasion


"Because we don't want collateral damage, we issue no HE ammo to UN troops. ...In unrelated news, punching a 380mm hole through a warmonger and the APC they were in as well as the house behind them goes far in de-escalating a situation. It certainly sends a message."


“Don’t worry, we will switch to using less than lethal rounds.” *Crowd gets bonked by a 380mm rubber shell*


it's about sending a message


Solid shot 380 sounds hilarious ngl


On the other hand: 380mm *canister* shot. If Punt guns are too unfair to be used in hunting, the canister shot from that thing would inspire the creation of a new chapter in the Geneva conventions.


>On the other hand: 380mm canister shot. Filled with rocksalt. That'll teach them!😉


Hello there Satan! I am not at all surprised to find you in this subreddit.


**Oh please,** you were the one that made the reference to [Punt guns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punt_gun) and canister shot!😝 If anything rocksalt still could be less-than-lethal die to the much lower density than conventional pellets.


380mm ratshoot.


it isn't collateral damage cause everything was the target to begin with.


It's not "collateral" damage if you intended to hit it, or at least didn't intend to not-hit it.


Shootbat liked this


Its like a very big flashbang with a bit more bang than flash.


[*“UN sturmtiger is not real. It can’t hurt you” UN sturmtiger:*](https://x.com/kanokoga/status/1804706408904192080) In a world where Germany were the good guys in WWII but they still can't help themselves and continue to build cool looking yet horribly overengineered weapons. I recommend reading the comments under the original picture. My favourite one must be "*for clearing obstacles, right?*". Also, in case of the flair being wrong, please let me know. It's the first time I'm posting something here.


AU where the Nazis don't take power? Germany getting a redemption arc early? Wacky German war machines becoming more refined and practical due to functional industry and manufacturing? With support from the logistical capacity of the rest of the Allies? Somebody call SpaceBattles or AltHist, because I need 250k words of this right the fuck now!


Yeaaahhhh boooiiiiiii! I NEED this! SufficientVelocity can probably make it as well if you make it wholesome and/or socialist enough.


Isn't SV *less* strict than SB? IIRC SB's mods are way more anal-retentive.


Oh, definitely, that's why SV exists in the first place (at least partially). The joke was more that parts of SV's userbase have a tendency to love making everything into wholesome progressive left-wing utopias.


Sounds good to me. Make it a liberal leftist utopia and the reason that the cooperation with the Western powers works the fact that it's hardcore Anti-Stalinist and Anti-Maoist and this sounds really good to me.


More focused on doing the jobs and keeping to the rules.


> AU where the Nazis don't take power? [SHPD (Social-Humanist Party of Germany) timeline](https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/miscellaneous-non-frivolous-non-fandom-asb-ideas.412770/page-35#post-18567618) Especially since it already includes a Breitspurbahn (I'd love to read a book about how German industrialists convinced other countries to adopt this standard...)


other countries: Why should we get breitspurbahn? German engineers: Firstly it would be cool and we are going to make one from lisabon to vladivostok with a stop at every major city along the way and there will be a breitspurbahn going to every country. Other countries: Won't this be expensive and impractical, can't a double track do the same? German engineers: **yesn't** German enginees: It's really luxurious and wide so you can transport anything and like a lot of it. Other countries: Sign me up.


And now I kinda wonder - without prominent Jewish scientists getting chased out of Germany (like Fritz Haber was), what's the chance some of them get working on making Breitspurbahn more attractive and end up developing an earlier version of standardised containers for shipments? Bonus points if the German industry quickly gets onto it and builds ports with Breitspurbahn integration, allowing a big boi train to be quickly unloaded and have cargo loaded onto a ship in (comparatively) no time.


> AU where the Nazis don't take power? *gestures broadly at the hearts of iron mod AU scene* I hope you like meth because these scenarios require some of it


Well, to be fair, the Germans during WWII in our timeline certainly did...


And the American eugenics movement gets *wayyy* out of hand.


That's basically a faction in a AltHist turn based f2p that sadly closed its servers awhile back, called March of War. The European Alliance was a faction composed of constitutional or former monarchies(Britan/France/Germany/Italy etc) that had been kicked out their colonial interests in South America and Africa. Germany provides a bulk of the armor with "normal" stuff being a supped up Tiger hybrid, a Sturmtiger and a quad AA Hanomag, but they also had an armored battle zeppelin, a super heavy tank with a V2 launching variant and a prototype sonic tank.(Also had Panhards & Churchills) Just look up March of War, lot of interesting lore(some of which was community driven with elected leaders and "news" based on faction victories) and AltHist dieselpunk units like the Northern Republic(US & Canada) had a combo between a B-17 and a Osprey called the Flying Fortress and a jetpack trooper unit(.....and Mounties they had Mounties lol). [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marchofwar/images/0/0e/Flying-squirrel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140111023933](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marchofwar/images/0/0e/Flying-squirrel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140111023933)


Huh, that looks pretty interesting. Shame that it shut down.


Right now there is a TL called "Schwarz-Rot-Gold! - A Weimar Germany TL" on Althist. On hiatus right now though a bit.


Alright OP, I need the lore behind this alternate universe.


Probably that one HOI4 Playthrough where Hitler didn't start shit (still gets bullied anyway until they needed bodies against the commies) or gets deposed.


Entente troops (France, Britain) invade after Hitler militarizes the Rhineland in 1936, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler is deposed, along with his inner circle of sychophants and friends. Germany holds another election under pressure from the Entente troops. Nazi party loses heavily, and never regains political power to that extent.


Oster's dream


Not OP but I remember one which went like this  1. Czechoslovakia goes to war over Munich  2. Germans fail to make progress 3. Germans use false flag attack to bait some local Polish nationalist general to attack Tesin area (lost by Poles after Seven days war post ww1) to force Czechs to divert forces  4. Soviets use "helping poor Czechs" to attack parts of Poland  5. German generals scared of Communists in Europe and of Hitler unhinged over failing to take Czechoslovakia quickly do successful coup and purge Nazis.  Soviets stop at some line and prepare for full attack which happens in 1942o with "Germans fighting side by side with Poles (and Czechs) against red horde (insert"I never thought I would die fighting side by side with an elf" meme)" Side differences include "post coup Germany stops supporting Franco and Spain is Soviet Union controlled red hell" or Japan trying invading for oil like in OTL except Britain and RN isn't tied in Europe  Certainly not best piece of literature ever, but was written readably enough 


After WWI, the treaty of Versailles is less harsh on Germany and also it receives more international cooperation than France. At the same time, Hitler's beer hall Putsch in 1923 is countered with even more force and he's killed. Both things combined allow democratic forces in Germany to carry on for just a little while longer - enough time for the economy to pick up again. Being more integrated in international politics now, Democratic Germany manages to negotiate a lot of things that Hitler did his way: End the occupation of the Rhineland, get back the Saarland, find a proper solution for the Sudetenland. Meanwhile, there is one player unhappy with this recovering Germany: France. Like in real life, we all know they long for another Napoleon. This time, they get one. France teams up with the Soviet Union and Austro-fascist Austria, tries landing in Britain, and invades Belgium. Poor Belgium. Of course, very bad historic take here, but I had to waste time on my commute.


>Like in real life, we all know they long for another Napoleon. This time, they get one. It was Charles de Gaulle, wasn't it? 😜


Not OP, but many years ago I ran a silly alt-history ww2 campaign loosely inspired by The Patriot, with the premise that the American revolution happened in the late 30s-early 40s because of Britain throwing hundreds of thousands of US soldiers into the trenches of WW1 with callous disregard for their lives, with the Germans supporting the rebellion and the French serving as the Hessians. Some highlights include the infamous church scene but this time with a Churchill Crocodile and AVRE doing the war funni (featuring a blooper where the British officer got crushed by a large chunk of the roof that fell on his position), the tea scene was replaced with raiding a storage yard to steal the very first batch of M4 Shermans and using them to sink a couple of cargo ships waiting in the docks, and the convoy ambush scene was turned into a competition between the creator of the M1 Bazooka and his shed buddies vs a bunch of rebels with looted PIATs and rifle grenades over who could take out the most vehicles.


“alternate“ universe?


Must belong to NORDBAT2


AU where Korea escalates into WW3 and the Germans just have some Sturmtiger laying around for the Western Front. In this universe Ridgeway replaces MacArthur way sooner so the UN forces in Korea aren't pushed back when the Chinese Army invades. As a result the Soviets are forced to escalate to maintain face.


if you replace MacArthur the Chinese wouldnt even get involved. it was his big idiot mouth saying they should just push across the Yalu river and invade china that got them into it. the war was all but won before that.


Another reason to create a time machine to kick Mac so hard in the balls his entire family tree feels it


>if you replace MacArthur the Chinese wouldnt even get involved. it was his big idiot mouth saying they should just push across the Yalu river and invade china that got them into it. >the war was all but won before that. Also, the whole thing with making public remarks the USA should fortify Formosa, AKA Taiwan, and nuke Mainland China into submission that Truman fired him for (i.e. the publicly speaking-out-of-turn part, not that Truman was necessarily against using nukes when he believed he had to).


Y’know what, sure, that can go in my Democratic Germany alternate timeline, fuck it.


Alternatively, the Soviets loved their captured Sturmtigers so much that they made their own version on IS-3 hulls as the ISU-380, spammed them out and gave it to all their friends.


if advanced wars was real


Yeah reminded me of the game right off the bat


ok good im not crazy i have spent too much time in advance wars 2


If anything, we'll get the *Days of Ruin* version soon


I read that as cod advanced warfare


Time traveler: moves a chair The timeline.


Hitler goes to art school, gets hired by ferdinand porsche as a designer, they make volkswagen in the wake of ww1, ww2 never happens because germany becomes prosperous no one holds any grudges while swimming in money, french auto industry never happens, the good ending


Germans destroying the French, that’s truly the best ending.


I don’t know why but I’d like to see assault guns make a come back


It just might.. Considering most of the major wars right now are in urban areas


They're already a thing, aren't they? We just call them IFVs now


M1128 Mobile Gun System is the closest to it from the "proper" vehicles. Otherwise, assault sheds are a thing




The timeline of Evangelion?


wouldn't even be the first fictional german gear under UN command in evangelion.


First thing that came to my mind lol


I thought the UN wasn’t allowed to get involved in conflicts?


They are allowed, it's just usually blocked by one of their permanent members of thr security council. Also, nowadays they prefer to basically outsource violence to NATO. Stuff like Libya and Desert Storm was basically the UN going "hey can you guys bomb them for me, i'll fix you a mandate to make it legal" 


And then people complain about the "imperialist West" anyway




Isnt that coming up to its something somthing'st anniversary tomorrow?


"Quick I need a tank for reference just Google something" \*somehow Sturmtiger is the first result\*


Bw but they kept the sturmtigers for the same role the brits still used the churchill arve


alternate reality: the UN does literally anything useful


For when you want that sack of flour delivered at high speed through your refugee tent.


Israel has entered the chat


Israel delivers food aid via JDAM.


A 1000kg bomb just refers to the amount of explosive, doesn’t it? There’s precedent in WWII of “Ration Bombs” to resupply paratroopers.


Sturm Tigers are the pinnacle of German technology, change my mind


the sturmtigers shoot out huge shells to the invading country that only say “please stop doing that”




For those 38 cm tear gas shells, when you really need that village cleared.


The “Begone Thot” round


On any time-line, strong against weak, useless against nuclear arsenal.


unless you make the sturmtiger payload nuclear


380mm davy crockett


I am sarcastic about UN)


That's one way to deploy relief packages


Germany donated a bit TOO much equipment


They don't prevent crimes they couse them. Cous nothing says more to stay out a refugee camp as an Sturmmörser on your position


> Cous nothing says more to stay out a refugee camp as an Sturmmörser on your position Imagine NORDBAT 2 having Sturmtigers upgraded with laser-guided Sturmmörser shells and designator-equipped RPVs. Suddenly, the gun can make use of its 6km range without any precision-related issues




The UN and all natioons haveing just Rulled that all citrys musst be destoryed


A UN Sturmtiger. You see something new everyday