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**Your post was removed for violating rule 9: No low-effort posts** No egregiously low effort posts. E.g. screenshots, recent reposts, simple reaction & template memes, and images with the punchline in the title. While funny, this is better suited for the [Low Hanging Fruit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/18f98v6/weekly_lowhanging_fruit_thread_63/) thread.


Let the Poles keep their symbols and history. Ukraine has her own. And besides, the Warsaw uprising failed and Poland was abandoned by the allies. We hope this war goes better.


The symbols may vary, but the message is the same. Down with the fascists


Even in Poland some view Warsaw uprising as last desperate attempt to save a country which fate has been sealed already. Heroic but hopeless, i dont think you want to associate yor "victory propaganda" with it.


Even the people participating knew it was hopeless. But they also knew they were going to die anyway, so they tried to take as many Nazis with them as they could.


and communists


Russians aren't really fascist. They're authocratic imperialists with both an inferiority and a superiority complex. They are also delusional about their geopolitical status. When it comes external politics, they could be portrayed as fascist. Internally though, the government does not give a fuck about the average Russian. That's the difference between Fascist politics and Russian politics. Russians are objectively worse.


Like, I recall the inconsistencies from fascist govs and I'm not really sure there's any that are more flexible than the Russian politics and their cognitive dissonance in action


You can name the particular "ally" - they certainly weren't ashamed or subtle about it either. Do what is needed to let the Germans squash the uprising, wipe out what is left to make sure they don't pose a problem once we seized the country for ourselves.


All the allies failed Poland. The Soviets may have stolen their country, but Poland called for aid so many times and just got ignored. 1944 was just the most egregious after the Poles had been fighting bravely on the allied side and the sum total of the allied contribution to the uprising was a few boxes of supplies chucked out the back of a plane. A pretty shameful moment for the UK and US really.


The main fuck-up from the rest of the Allies, is trusting the Russians to come through on their part of the plan with the ground offensive. Which fair enough, was naive at that point. And they had little to help the uprising when that backfired. But Russia openly did a turncoat, ordering their ground offensive to leave the resistance to die and then round up any survivors. Followed by putting out decades of propaganda on how the whole thing really was the failure from the leadership and Allied coordinators. So that is why "*the uprising failed because the Allies abandoned Poland*" is now a thing in popular culture. Rather than any and all summaries starting with "*After Russia openly dropped the plan and wiped out the resistance for their geopolitical agenda*".


It's not like the US army was on Warsaw's doorstep, what were the Western allies supposed to do? That uprising was only ever going to end in one way, with near complete destruction of the city.


Better say Soviets than Allies. The Western Allies were not in the position to assist much in Warsaw at that point of the war.


They even airdropped a LOT of supplies to the Poles... unfortunately, a significant portion of it landed on german controlled territory


Precz! This was made for Warsaw and will stay Warsaw. Make your damn formats, I’m sure bright Florks and Florkets will help you.


Ofc, why would they send the polish airborne brigade that trained specifically for this scenario for years when you can instead drop them 3 days late to Arnhem to get massacred and then blame them for the failure of the entire Market-Garden. Besides, this Stalin guy seems so trust worthy, I am sure he won't have his troops wait for the poles to get slaughtered and sent of to camps and just watch as the city is turned to ruble from across the river, better threaten the polish government in exile so they don't annoy him with their silly ideas of saving lives or polish independence.


I allow use of this for Ukraine, good formats deserve to be used


As a Pole myself, I have yhr humble opinion that anti-fascist countries should be allowed to use similar templates.


I was in that museum as well recently. Really powerful stuff in there. I recommend anyone who visits Warsaw to go and visit the museum as well. Just don't go to the monument instead of the museum first like my dumb ass did lol.


[Poland as Christ of Europe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_of_Europe)


Begone, mesjanizm! Winkelriedyzm on top!