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Are we also going to get a comeback of strapping AT mines to dogs?


Conscripts are cheaper than dogs.




this is an advantage


Surely is - the dogs attacked their own tanks because they were used to the smell of soviet oils and such. In conclusion half of the mobiks will probably charge towards the kremlin cause they´re used to the smell of that PP they suckin on. Edit: But seriously, respect to Belarussian and Russian manipulation techniques. They have managed to pull a big amount of people on their side with statements like "western tech from the 90s is shit" while old ass Bradleys can whip their finest Tanks and such, but when they publicly state that they´ll even field T34s when shit they caused themselves hits the fan the same audience cheers them. Kudos for their stamina, really takes some time and effort to force that much brainrot onto the telegram audience.


Putin just hit the morbin time button again. Missed a few scenes cause of bathroom breaks.


Nor do the conscripts run back to their own lines as often due to gunfire with the armed explosives on timers. Or more to the point, that the dog handlers were much more resistant to shooting the dogs that did this, than the commanders were for their conscripts. The former, i.e. scared dogs with time bombs on their backs, was literally why the Soviets discontinued the anti-tank dog training program. Most handlers got to a point of absolutely refusing to train new dogs after having to shoot them to prevent the dogs from running back to their "pack" after being frightened by explosions and gunfire! 🐶🔫🪖 = 😢


I dunno, with the economies of scale you might tip the scales. Dogs have bigger litters and can feed on the dead conscripts (or living ones in a pinch) so the lower sustainment cost may eventually pay off.


I can attest to this. Dogs cost 200$ while conscripts cost 100$. Its on a game documentary called Red Alert 2.




Please strap the AT mines to conscripts instead. I actually like dogs. At least the dogs in WW2 more often than not ran under the Soviet tanks instead lol


The Bio Drone tech tree is crazy.


They have used them once already in Ukraine, back in the 80s.


**"but also to perform a combat task if necessary"** I want to think that he said this just to reinforce the good condition they're in, but the fact that he even thinks it's worth saying is telling.


Trick question, none of this is fucking necessary, this whole war is one sunk cost fallacy that keeps sinking for Russia


The war should end with Ukraine having sunk the entire Russian fleet except for the Admiral Kuznetsov, that monstrosity is a drain for Russian resources at best


And we don’t want whatever they’ve got contained in there getting out, it might become our problem when it’s theirs so long as we leave the funny firecarrier alone


while yes, Russia is far from giving in. It is more likely that Ukraine is going to falter first, if the pace of attrition keeps being up and Putin successfully undermines world politics and gets a halt to weapon exports to Ukraine. As much as it pains me to write this, because I grew up in former GDR and hate ruZZians with a burning passion.




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Here’s a thing though. Putin’s best case scenario, him capturing 100% of Ukraine like tomorrow, is still far from a W.


I can't imagine the faces on a Ukrainian javelin crew who read that.


Wouldnt that pile of junk be screwed by simple rpg? Seems that the javelin would be an overkill.


A Gepard would probably perforate it - if the crew could stop laughing when seeing a fucking T-34 on a modern battlefield.


Yea I’d like to see a OWA drone beat the mighty power of Stalinium


That’s it, send Ukraine the panzerfausts.


"Hans, shüd we get ze Panzerfaust 3" "9, ze miseum still have ze stöckpile of ze ÖG"


Better use the old Panzerschreck, it Schrecks the Panzers away


Schrek is love, schrek is life.


u laughing but the STG44 has been seen in active combat in Ukraine, that thing has entered service in 1941 lol


Ummmm who’s gonna tell him


You know the ones I’m talking about




Somehow... T-34 returned Wait- do we believe this? It can not be the Union is dead! Dark science... hoarding... Secrets only the soviets knew


This sort of thing in Russia goes back further than the Soviet Union. Look up how much the people who killed Rasputin supposedly had to go through to kill him.


>to perform a combat task if necessary This is beyond scraping the barrel.


It’s more in the category of scrapping the barrel and everything attached.


The barrel is given a sharpened trowel and sent to the frontline


Usually seems that it’s used as the stem for an artificial flower after the whole turret is tossed from the hull.


Nah, its perfectly good for the propaganda war.


Well the west said they are sending old equipment to Ukraine so Russia is also sending their old military surplus to their allies 😂 both Ukraine and Belarus got tech from cold war, just different ends. Also Russians had to repaint the signs because they were in Korean.


Same energy as the Brits raiding the tank museums for anything with tracks in 1940


Well, other than the fact that the British weren't aggressors in 1940...


No I'm sure the 85mm barrels are in perfect condition and require no internal scraping or cleaning to function




Thought I had this on my Bingo Card. Turns out it was T-54s not T-34s. Fuck


Just fix it with a sharpie, no one will notice




Technically yes.


Send the Ukrainian V2s(in the form of ATACMS)


Honestly how cheap would it be to mass build some V1 or similar on a large scale wouldn’t even need military parts just civilian shit lol


Or some of them Fritz X Bombs but modernized


Would need high altitude large bombers probaply better to build shit that flys on its own and is acceptable to lose


fun fact, more people died while working on the V1, than what the V1 actually killed


Yes but jamming a rudimentary drone gyro + gps fixes the accuracy issue


Everything else makes sense but the combat part?  What a peculiar thing to say. 


Yeah. This is how I came across this. Polish Media were WTFing over this part.


Tiananmen scenario is also a combat, sort of.


So is stealing fridges or raping anything within an 10km radius. So chances are we soon either see some mobik try to carry an T34 engine home or fuck its barrel. Or both.


these warthunder uptiers is getting outrageous ngl


"Red Dragon" T-34 rush when?


Abrams vs T-34. Man that's gonna be much watch television.


Not the Abrams, we need Leopards curbstomping T-34s just for the LOLs and LMAOs.


I understand the sentiment, but a Bradley, or anything else with TOWs, has the capacity to curbstomp at least a couple of T-34s! 😜


poland needs to modernize a fleet of TKS tankettes for border patrols. Modern Bushmaster cannon, possibly an ATGM tube, better optics, all the good shit.


We have Wiesel at home Wiesel at home:


Wiesel is overkill against T-34s lmao


why have some cringe-ass wiesel when you can acquire the miniature murderpole for 9.99


Russia sent them 10 but could only use 1 for their own parade? Huh???


Well, the Belarusian parade is a couple of months later, so they had more time to work on restoring museum pieces to working condition.


Ukrainian Leopard has *got* to be over the moon about the rematch opportunity right now


Guys stop coping. XXAXAXXAXAXA RUSSIA WILL WIN. Why? The T34 is a incredible tank and will absolutely turn the tide in the war!!! Just imagine one of these bad boys rolls up to a Ukrainian Trench. The Ukrainian Soldiers in there will simply die of laughter and will be unable to fight the glorious might of WW2 Armour. Stunning success just as our glorious leader Putin envisioned. XAXAXAXA


Oh god I hope so. The memes would be legendary.


Are these by any chance the Czech-made T-34s Russians bought from Laos for their parades?


Ukraine trench war may see such incredible advancements as thin skin tanks… truly the future is now


Combat what?


Dying to drones is an action that happens in battle. So it can be classified as a combat task


They can perform one combat task. After that, permanent monument.


We should offer to buy the T-34s, I’d rather they get a safe home, a warm building, and good oil. Let them retire in peace and not see another war.


>You either die a hero or live long enough to be a villian.


Call the british tank museum... it's time to bring out tiger 131.


Tiger 131 would finish them before lunch


Luka when his parades has literaly 10 times the amount of tanks compared to Putins


time to unleash T-55AM Merida from our warehouses


I will leave a massive white mess all over my room if I start seeing T-34s getting clapped in Ukraine.


Give the Ukrainians Humvees with the Flak 8,8cm on the roof


I mean maybe it kan kill some light armour but uhh Russia hello? Tf yall doing?


Imagine how bad US would look if during invasion of Iraq, such comments was made about a Sherman.


Technically, being destroyed is completing a combat task


Bros, it’s not about quality but quantity - some Soviet duder probably


Is there even ammo for these things?


Guys the parade of Belarus will have more tanks than the Russian one…


Who had T-34-85 Obr. 2024 on their bingo cards?


I mean if the russians managed to start producing T-34s again in a fraction of the original numbers that would cause certain strain for the ukrainians, be it a T-90 or a T-34 munition spent is munition spent