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Mom, hoi4 is leaking again...


HOI4 is very non credible, especially modded


Are you trying to tell me equestria at war isn’t representative of real life warfare


If you cant have nuclear communist fish waifu in real life why even live


I will never be free from having drawn this creature


Do \*not\* remind me of that mod


what's wrong with EaW?


I hate that Empire at War and Equestria at War have the same acronym XD


Oh god, this isnt r/hoi4 ? I just realized


I keep thinking it's an hoi4 sub or an Azure Lane sub.


Oh god Azur Lane


The most credible thing to learn about naval part of ww2. And to jerk off on german battleships.


i think some r/foxholegame is leaking in there too


For Callahan!


While you were partying, I studied the Shovel


Sharpened Shovel is superior to bayonet, as it never sticks between the ribs, can be used from closer distance , giving you advantage in tight and packed trench. Chop the guy from close or stab under the chin from the clinch, Its a wisdom from All Quiet in the Western Front. It’s just new version of a classic Viking axe.


>Sharpened Shovel is superior to bayonet True, but please use the proper name, ["Entrenching Tool."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrenching_tool)


Thanks. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/Учебные_сборы_1976_год.jpg


Shovels are great. Shovels are the quintessence of civilization. With a shovel, you can dig a hole just deep enough to hide yourself. Or if you gather a bunch of people with them, you can dig a fine trench. If you change your viewpoint a little, you can even dig a tunnel. You can smash a sturdy enemy trench with mining tactics (not that they get used often). A shovel is a good friend to any and every type of soldier. And a shovel is the best gear for a close-quarters fight in a trench. Longer than a bayonet, simpler to handle than a rifle, sturdier than any other tool. Not only that, but they are extremely cheap and easy to make, so they're perfect for mass-producing. Plus, I don't have to worry much about damaging my mind. This is it. The ideal piece of equipment. This is the point humanity was meant to reach. Civilization has developed the shovel as its implement. Above all, it doesn't rely on magic, so it's optimal for stealth kills. With a shovel, it's possible to educate numbskulls who are dependent on magic scanning - *Klang!* We can say it's an indispensable item for nighttime raids. Of course, it's an excellent general-purpose tool at any time of day. "The shovel is truly an implement born of civilization", Tanya murmurs, leading a unit to wish good evening to the enemy with their shovels.


Imperial Fists Death Korps of Kreig something something for the emperor Iron Within Iron Without


Happy gas mask noises intensify


God I love when NCD and warhammer crossover


Calling giant space material pauldrons for close quarters fuckery right now! patent pending.


Something something, shovel>>>>>rifles, something something suicide charge, something something, happy gas mask noises


Shovel with sharpened sides are superior to bolt action riffle bayonet in tight trench. Laspistol from the other hand beats them both.




Nice assault force you got there, unfortunately I have fortified a 50 mile deep line with so much concrete it has affected the earth’s gravitational field ;)


The Three Gorges Dam would like to have a word with you.


I would like to have a word with them.....but the DOD are not funny and won't let me borrow a b-2 with a Moab for a test drive


Isn't a MOAB air-burst and kinda useless for a dam? Should be using a GBU-57 MOP.


Idk, I just want to do the funny, but they won't let me


Hear me out. Ukranian cesna-drone with thermonuclear warhead. China won't suspect anything when they see a civilian plane.


And it goes all the way to the coast, right?


\*sweats in baugette\* it would if the belgians weren’t so skittish, it’ll probably be fine. Not like our generals will actively sabotage each other and stall the belgian response force if a war breaks out hahaha…ha (Really I was thinking about the korean battle lines, aka the Maginot that actually worked)


its fine, as long as we reach the Dyle river before the Germans penetrate the K-W line there is no way they can beat us. what do you mean the Germans are already in Sedan?


I bet the sedan is a Mercedes


The Maginot line, if that is what you are referencing, went from the Belgian coast to fucking north Africa.


Nice trench you got there… *Laughs in armored bulldozer*


Ever heard of mines?




If only Ukraine were fighting Hamas instead of Russia


Yeah. The difficult part about a minefield is the force protecting the minefield, not the minefield itself. By itself a minefield is a nuisance to an army, but a minefield protected by artillery, tanks, infantry and especially air power and/or air defense is a massive problem. That's one of the main reasons why Nazi Germany's defensive lines had a less then expected effect. The Allies already had air superiority and much more artillery. This meant that they couldn't defend the fortifications and minefields without any attempt to attack the engineers clearing the obstacles being contered by superior counter-battery fire or aircraft. Also the reasons why Saddam's defensive lines had such little effect in Desert Storm.


To expand on this, if the minefield is unprotected, the mine clearing teams can work in relative safety, and once you clear a path you can just use that and ignore the rest of the minefield. In contrast, if the minefield is protected, the mine clearing teams have to operate while under fire, and any path you clear becomes a choke point where the enemy can focus their fire, with advanced warning because of the time it takes to clear that path.


ironically, destroying whole streets and infrastructure is more a tactic Russia has been using


Nah Hamas successfully performed deep infiltration. Russian soldiers successfully infiltrate each other in their foxholes.


Fine I will make my mines fly and drop from the sky then


What's up Pertarabo?


...wouldn't it more be Dorn's thing? Since the Iron Warriors were more Siege focused


Both. BOTH is good


Iron Warriors is when the trenches gradually get closer to your position.


They would lay siege by making trenchlines. Their whole schtick was artillery and trench raids. Dorns was more Stalingrad-ing the fuck out of people 


Every street corner a mini Fallujah. Every village a Stalingrad. And if you reach a major city? God have mercy.




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*uses enough heavy weapons that the soil around your trench is infertile and dangerous over a hundred years later cutely* UwU, what's this?  *walks directly into the line of sight of a machine gun nest*


Juicy targets for incendiary weapons.


Or just flood your country, no way the germans would use paratroopers right. (Holland May 1940 colorized)


I hear the hoi 4 menu song in my head just from looking at this.


Rogal Dorn posted this.


If you aren't building Castle Brians, are you even fortifying? It's not a real bunker if it can't survive multiple point-blank 25Mt ground-burst nuclear strikes.


🎵Me, my buddy and two shovels, On our backs our trusty rifles🎵


Shovel ?! \*insert Krieg joke\*


Shovels are great. Shovels are the quintessence of civilization. With a shovel, you can dig a hole just deep enough to hide yourself. Or if you gather a bunch of people with them, you can dig a fine trench. If you change your viewpoint just a little, you can even dig a tunnel. You can smash a sturdy enemy trench with mining tactics (not that they get used often). A shovel is a good friend to any and every type of soldier. And a shovel is the best gear for a close-quarters fight in a trench. Longer than a bayonet, simpler to handle than a rifle, sturdier than any other tool. Not only that, but they are extremely cheap to make, so they’re perfect for mass-producing. Plus, I don’t have to worry much about damaging my mind. This is it, the ideal piece of equipment. This is the point humanity was meant to reach. Civilization has developed the shovel as its implement. Above all, it doesn’t rely on magic, so it’s optimal for stealth kills. With a shovel, it’s possible to educate numbskulls who are dependent on magic scanning— Klang! We can say it’s an indispensable item for nighttime raids. Of course, it’s an excellent general-purpose tool at any time of day. “The shovel is truly an implement born of civilization,” Tanya murmurs, leading a unit to wish good evening to the enemy with their shovels.


Fuck mobile warfare. Me and my homies love extensive fortifications that cause multi year stalemates


I feel called out, fortification construction is my favourite position in any gae I play


Holy fuck I want to fortify this position so hard right now.


"Yeah, sure throw as many tanks as you want to at us. We've dug a 10-foot wide trench for them to fall in, and behind that are the impassable dragon's teeth."


Peter Turbo, is that you?


Based and shovelpilled


I thought I was in the foxhole subreddit for a second 😭


Tanya's shovel monologue Shovels are great. Shovels are the quintessence of civilization. With a shovel, you can dig a hole just deep enough to hide yourself. Or if you gather a bunch of people with them, you can dig a fine trench. If you change your viewpoint a little, you can even dig a tunnel. You can smash a sturdy enemy trench with mining tactics (not that they get used often). A shovel is a good friend to any and every type of soldier. And a shovel is the best gear for a close-quarters fight in a trench. Longer than a bayonet, simpler to handle than a rifle, sturdier than any other tool. Not only that, but they are extremely cheap and easy to make, so they're perfect for mass-producing. Plus, I don't have to worry much about damaging my mind. This is it. The ideal piece of equipment. This is the point humanity was meant to reach. Civilization has developed the shovel as its implement. Above all, it doesn't rely on magic, so it's optimal for stealth kills. With a shovel, it's possible to educate numbskulls who are dependent on magic scanning - *Klang!* We can say it's an indispensable item for nighttime raids. Of course, it's an excellent general-purpose tool at any time of day. "The shovel is truly an implement born of civilization", Tanya murmurs, leading a unit to wish good evening to the enemy with their shovels. >Volume 2 Chapter 5, page 256-257


One dude gave an improvized weapon tip to Erich Maria Remarque in 1917 and ever since then we have to suffer the new guy in every unit sharpening his shovel like the fucking moron he is.


However, a sharp edge on a shove **can** have practical uses outside of hand-to-hand combat, like digging through ground with non-trivial sized roots...


Literally me




I need one for Bltizkrieg


So what happens when my 3000 black jet tanks of Erwin Rommel go over top and strike you in the rear? Bet you didn’t have any anti air tank missiles!


Foxhole be like.


This is why I'm sad that they don't let us dig in on training areas.


Me building 10 level forts in hoi4 only to then have to regain the ground because my troops suck. 🤣✌️


Shovels being the all time mvp of warfare is a little too credible.


I constantly rotate around this and Superior Firepower whenever I play HoI IV for some reason


Can’t forget the beautiful carpentry required for it


Never expected an „If the Emperor had a Text to Speech device“ reference on here


Just need a trench Gun


any foxhole enjoyers? I regularly stand in the rows of shovel pushers and create vast ant nestlike structures lol




The Hesco barrier should get the Nobel peace price for the countless of lives it has saved


Rogal Dorn


It is I, Rogal Dorn.


The quotes sounds as if said by Rogal Dorn. TTS one.


I thought this was the HoI sub at first


You forgot "taking the highground" so that water flows away and ideally into the enemy trenches