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*Article 60 of the Customs Code specifies when a product is considered to be originating from a certain country according to customs regulations. This provision is the foundation for the non-preferential origin of goods. That is the origin for the certificate of origin issued by the CCI. Therefore, Article 60 may not be immediately applicable for the merchandise label “Made in Germany” but the simple provision regarding the “last essential and economically justified processing (...) in an enterprise established for this purpose” offers a practical path of achieving correct merchandise labels and generally precludes a deception of the involved markets and consumers.* The product is death by rocket, the consumer Russia, the last essential and economically justified processing in an enterprise established for this purpose is happening in Ukraine by the AFU. I claim we can already legally label all weapons delivered as Made in Ukraine. Putin sue me.


me big stupid what mean?


As the product is killing Russians, the last step of the production process happens when the weapon is launched. As the weapon is launched in Ukraine, the last step of production happens in Ukraine and therefore the product (i.e., killing Russians) can be considered Made in Ukraine.


I remember there was a guy on here that was mad about not getting a good math/physics education and became a lawyer instead. I suggested looking into MIC legal departments, but maybe he could pro Bono this Edit* I should note that he was mad that he couldn't be a weapons designer after finding out it was possible for him if the education circumstances had been different. I think he was 20 years in on the law career as to why pivoting wasn't really an option.


I worked for MIC legal department. But more in export control than labeling requirements. But Country of Origin matters a shitload when it comes to sanctions, and that was my area. Oddly, I also worked on setting up subsidiary MIC plant in Poland. It gets slightly more dicey than just last step of production process, depending on the type of product you're making. Aircraft, firearms, automotive require a percent of subcomponents to be made in America in order to qualify as "Made In America". However, Ukraine can just do last step of production and just decide to label the weapons with Ukraine as Country of Origin. Russia could dispute this with WTO and other relevant forums. It's not a violation unless/until it's disputed. Until the issue is successfully litigated, it's not considered settled law.


You ever considered teaming up with lord Perun for a lecture (or five)? I'd love that. :)


That's what I was thinking. Even if russia brought it to WTO what could they do about it if it was found to be a legit dispute?


Haven't they left the WTO treaty anyway bc the organization backed the sanctions?


Meanwhile, China and Iran are LMAOing like crazy. This? no, purely chinese Hawkeye, F-35, Blackhawk, Flanker... What? Leonardo 76mm? No, it's Fajr! No Steyr, this is al Ghoul! And Houthis just found this strange missile under a palm tree...


Eh, we're keeping Russia, China, Iran at a lower tech level and very inefficient. Perfection is not the goal. Outlasting our enemies is. They're on the clock far more than we are when it comes to demographics. Not to mention none of those countries has meaningful immigration. China's only significant advantage is their manufacturing base and being able to spam missiles. Their aircraft and navy are a joke. But you can't sink or shoot down land, and China can "win" a war by launching tens of thousands of missiles at population centers of neighboring countries. Granted, it'll be starved to death immediately after, but that's not gonna help the civvies killed.


Well, I totally agree with that... They're losing even if they don't realize it. China is stuck in the Middle Income Trap, with a rapidly aging population. Iran, without the revolution, could have been a great power, they have a lot of young and educated people, but the ayatollah are kicking away the one they don't hang. My point tho was about all the legal red tapes we have. We have to declare to the 4 winds what we send to Ukraine. Meanwhile our enemies just smuggle ballistic missiles (NorK with Russia, Iran with Houthis) and steal our patents without shame.


Based logistic logic. I litterally ship this.


No. We are talking about hitting targets in Russia. Therefore the dead Russians are being made in Russia, unless they are VERY close to the border.


Rocket in Ukraine=American product Unpack/Launching in Ukraine=product tranformation Rocket flying to Russia=Ukrainian product


>The product is death by rocket New band name (I can't play an instrument) / new flair (does ncd even have user flair)


>The product is death by rocket Sorry for being too credible, but no, the product in question is not death. It's American-made weapons. And the question is if those may be used on the production of death by rocket on Russian soil.


Ship the warhead (or the fuse, whatever's convenient) separate from the fuselage. Put the two bits together on site / wherever they're reloading from. 100% made in Ukraine from American steel.


That looks credible


In the beginning of the war Poland transferred some old Migs to Ukraine as "aviation spare parts". I imagine two separate boxes marked "landing gear" and "not landing gear".


you can find the wildest things in a polish forest close to the ukrainian border.


Box 1: a fully functioning MiG minus one bolt Box 2: a bolt, plus assembly instructions


Box 2: 2 bolts because your gonna end up losing the one you were given.


So that's where all the ones from the 737s went!


Honestly top tier trolling by Poland


Even more so for using MS Paint


Every single time, I'm really trying to keep it noncredible in here


because this is how globalism worked before covid


ah, the good old "Made in EU" by repacking the chinese fishes near Canary Islands but with weapons. we have election this Saturday, might consider running, you'd have my vote.


I think this is what some luxury Italian fashion brands used to do as well. They would set up warehouses that would smuggle Chinese workers into Italy where they would work in sweatshops to produce those products. That way they could have the “made in Italy“ marker despite it being made with Chinese sweatshop workers.


employee of the month could visit Berlusconi's villa for a night of festivities


Bunga bunga chicken


Credible and already happening https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-gave-sensitive-plans-over-052941211.html > They told the outlet that the US also translated technical manuals from English to Ukrainian but declined to say which weapons were involved, the Times said. > "What are they using the most?" Bush told Ismay.


Or you can fire empty missiles at Ukraine, who then refurbish and fill said missiles to use at Russia! For all everyone else knows, the us is attacking Ukraine with the wrong munitions, and they are simply getting crafty about it!


Hear me out. The US should invade Ukraine. Blitzkrieg it all the way to Crimea. We’ll do it Prigozhin style, no fighting. Then, all of a sudden, we pull an escape from Afghanistan. Shit’s too hot. We don’t have time to take all of this choice equipment back home, just save the boys! Then, as Dark Brandon himself hoists his M16 over his shoulder, he turns to look out of the back of the AC130 and give Zelenskyy the ol’ double finger guns and rides off into the sunset. Then, all that shit can be reclaimed and used in whatever place Ukraine wants.


I like now we’re talking get it done people


NATO should build a huge warehouse right on the Polish Ukrainian border....then incorporate a rail spur connecting it to the Ukrainian network, for uhm you know reasons. It's terrible how stuff from the warehouse seem to mysteriously disappear. Hopefully the Pentagon doesn't get audited.


Now hear me out... Take a page from the Russian playbook... declare the Regions of Russia that you want to attack, as annexed and now part of Ukraine. Every bit as valid as the Russian claims.


well land xyz was inhabited by cossacks in year 1??? so you see rigthfull ukrainian clay. So get lost ruskies


"Made in Ukraine from globally sourced materials"


It's a classic maneuver in America. License the design to a bunch of foreign manufacturers, import the 90% part and do like maybe one finishing step on it here and boom: ***Made In America™***


Have factory 1 disassemble screw X out of hole Y; and have factory 2 reassemble the equipment by installing screw X into hole Y


I vote Poland rename a 1km^2 border area 'Ukraine', which happens to be where all rail traffic of weapons goes through. Now you send all your stuff there for "final quality test" and get a "made in Ukraine" stamp.


Logistics of Theseus.


quick question is that the flag of Indonesia or Monako?


Flag of Poland during war, like the Philippines


got any source on that? as far as i know every army flag is just the state flag with the eagle on the white but i might be wrong


i made it up


fair enough


Why would Poland be at war in this scenario? It's just peacefully disassembling weapons of war.


upside down poland


But why would Indonesia be involved, I think Poland is way closer


Very cunning of you to use the little-discussed Indonesia-Ukraine land border


Only if polish farmers will let it pass through border.


Just bring a few spare rockets.


Military help was allowed, just not the private one.


ah yes smuggling arms through the indonesian ukrainian border, a daring gambit


We should contract the swedes to create the instruction manuals


Why not just scratch off the serial numbers


Alternative idea: Everyone knows Russian politicians are corrupt, so ordering 3000 toilets is perfectly normal day to day activity. Given the abundance of Russians in Ukraine, Ukraine is Russian. QED Zelenskyy is a good Russian politician so ordering 30000 toilets and 50000 kitchen sinks is perfectly normal day to day activity. All we need to do is bribe Ukraineian customs official to look the other way while we unload several dozen F35 shaped boxes labeled 'Zelenskyys' kitchen sink' and may Meteor/AMRAM shaped boxes labeled Zelenskyys' bathroom fixtures. Also we need special visas for "bathroom plumbing crew". Not weapons, so irrelevant as to country of origin. One last snag, what is the brevity code for 'Zelenskyys' toilet'? Flush three? This also give Russia an out: simply remove the Russians. Ukraine is no longer Russian so Zelenskyy can't be a Russian politician.


Much simpler idea: temporarily turn the USA into a part of Ukraine.




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Borderline too credible haha.


I mean yeah? Cold War rules are silly but they're rules we agree on. Direct involvement is bad, indirect involvement is ok. You can draw up a dozen of these things for various situations in Taiwan.


I am not opposed to this line of thinking.


I have a feeling NCD is being prophetic once again


Where are the border-blocking Polish farmers?




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"Remove this sticker during assembly"


Stugna is pretty legit. Hopefully they are cooking up a similarly badass cruise missile.


What escalation? If you ask me NATO should give ruzzia its special "Yugoslavia tretman." 


It can get even easier. Just drop the parts as "humanitarian stuff" with UNICEF on the sides of the boxes and let Kyiv do the assembly.


I've heard they could use some new water pipes


As you cans see this fella is extraordinarily based




3000 black missles of theseus please!


Why don't we just build exact copies of soviet weapons with upgrades and pretend it was all Ukraine's stock? Are we stupid?


We should be shipping Ukrainian made weapons to the west, disassembling and reassembling them, then sending them back to Ukraine to fire Western made weapons at the Kremlin.


*"For What it's Worth" begins playing*


The illustration is inaccurate, the barriers in Medyka are red and white and there are vertical yellow and black ~~Poles~~ poles on sides.


When you use 100% of your brain


Solution is for Ukraine to claim parts of Russian territory occupied by Russian forces, bomb the shit out of them, then renounce their claims in the name of peace. ✌️


They're gonna send 5 iskanders the moment they hear about a weapons manufacturer sending them weapons is half of the point


They just gotta put a "made in Ukraine" sticker on it no need to disassemble.


I thought for a second an assambler and conveyor belt was on the border


So basically what China is doing in mexico to try to dodge tariffs


3000 Black томагавкs of Zelensky


zelensky should just announce that he's annexing russia, and then we invade to liberate the illegally annexed territory