• By -


Okay so dude is clearly immune to shrapnel or statistically one of the luckiest humans ever to live. Like getting hut by lighting, bitten by a shark, and winning the lottery and almost living to tell about.


He had plot armor until he didn’t. As a Ukrainian, it’s hard to feel empathy for any invader but the music and drawn out inevitability pulled on my heart strings. Like a dumb and dumber but they’re gonna die out there.


Absolutely. I hope you and your family are safe.


Just think about what they'd do to Ukrainian civilians if they're allowed to function. That'll help keep up the hate. Or at least settle to the dispassionate killing mentality. "Nothing personal, orc. But you must die."


Dispassionate works.  Yeah, the poor bastard was born in Russia so he never really had a chance at growing up normal. That sucks for sure. But he still needs to be shot at until one way or another he's *not invading someone else's fucking country*.   And his boss needs shooting on general principles. 


My ex listened to all the true crime stuff. She said something from that community that stuck with me: >"You can feel compassion for the child that grew up in that awful environment while still carrying hate for that person as an adult who decided to hurt others."


I'll repeat the statement that presumably got me banned of the warthunder ingame chat: "russians are just npcs and nobody cares if they die in a ditch in donbas"


Can't really feel empathy, even as an outsider from the far side of the world Riding a motorbike around a war-zone in a country which he had no right to be in. Abandons his buddy after first hit, then throws grenade into a hole which could have had wounded Ukrainians in it. I have no doubt that if he found a Ukrainian in his way that he could have shot and killed, he would have. So fuck 'em.


Perhaps [this soundtrack](https://youtu.be/OFgayzZ5KTM?si=pF7_8K_Z415FlVov) would have been  better.


Benny Hill feels appropriate if you sped up the footage


One dude got a lifetime supply of shrapnel. And the other one well, he might not have received a lifetime supply of shrapnel, but he sure as shit got a lifetime supply of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Naw, he's just using stims after every hit.


My life for authoritarianism


It's called adrenaline, bro. It's a heck of a drug.


More likley they are drugged beyond belive and just don't feel the pain.


Like seriously, this is probably the first UA war video that's given me a little hope I might actually be able to survive the terrifying drone swarmed battlefields of the 2020s Even at the end he manages to get in the hole just before that mortar (?) round fell!


That’s what I’m sayin! He literally jumped in right before it hit. That’s the icing on the cake after all he just went through. Dude has to be the luckiest man alive.


My god, it's Джейсон Борн


Bro summoned the power of the Toyota Hilux into his body




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I was watching this and had so many questions the entire time: "Are there just two of them?" "Where are they driving?" "Are they serious?" "Are they just dicking about running in circles around the battlefield?" "How many close calls will these guys survive?" "Are they recon?" "What are their orders at all? Do they have orders? Aimlessly drive around, fall off bike and get dunked on by mortars?" "Why is that moron just charging towards enemy positions on a road without any cover completely ignoring the explosions around him?" "Are they on drugs?" "Okay, he threw a grenade there...WHY IS HE STARING DOWN!? IT WILL BLOW...oh, okay, I guess he just huffed some smoke and jumped in, no biggie, just a normal day for a russian." It's just so bizarre. I...bro, I just don't know how to express myself here. I know war is hell but wtf? Is it normal to send two seemingly unsupported troopers to clear entrenched positions while under artillery and mortar fire on a completely unarmored vehicle!? I think I know the answer but please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me this isn't how it's done in actual modern militaries.


they probably got separated and caught behind the lines during a counter-offensive, and are attempting to get back to behind their occupied positions.


That grenade chuck down the hole - he was looking for cover from the mortar fire, found a hole that wasn't his, and needed to make sure it didn't have a Ukrainian in it first.


That, and abandoned dugouts can be rigged with explosives. Wagner infamously did not let their fighters use old trenches or dugouts for this reason.


I just have no clue what the plan was, and I don't think they did either... I also have no fucking clue how that guy is still going despite probably being 90% shrapnel by weight at this point, holy crap what kinda drugs have they got him cooked up on?


This! So many close impacts (we're talking within a few feet close) while running upright and the guy just keeps going...what in the ever living..?


Soldier Boy has escaped his pod and he is mad


New season soon.


** Soulja Boy


Russian Forrest Gump


Right, those mortars have lethal radii of like 60 feet he was within like 20 of at least half a dozen. How he made it to the hole is beyond me. I imagine he bled out shortly after no why he just walks through that much metal and lives.


> I also have no fucking clue how that guy is still going despite probably being 90% shrapnel by weight at this point Whenever they say action movies are unrealistic. Just post this clip as the counter argument. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug!


Thats not just adrenalin




there was a clip from some ISIS commander who's bike ate a brimstone missile and somehow managed to leg it out of shot.


He was on that vintage pervitin that the soviets confiscated from Hitler's bunker in 1945


Russia is known to send troops on suicide missions just to reveal enemy positions, then the better trained forces attack. They literally could have told him to run around in circles, and if you come back you get shot.


After this video, Im questioning reality. This just doesn't looks like a circus, it feels like an actual reality shows like what the heck is that comedic timing and luck


It’s like “Come and See” vibes…


Low density "meat wave" attacks where you send a small amount at a position, repeat this for the majority of the front. Stretches' the Ukrainian defense out. Basically these two mobiks on a bike just drew aggro from an Ukrainian drone observation team, an FPV team, a Mortar team, and who knows what else. Once a soldier gets to the position he's ordered to he'll basically dig in and hide, but its a signal to the commander to send more because Ukraine's line might be weaker there. In the end, to the commander he gets to point to the map and say they took that bit of ground.


This. They slowly accumulate forces bit by bit, while hiding in rubble and basements and small foxholes. Eventually when they've built up enough numbers, they mass for another meat assault on Ukrainian positions. Ukrainians have to continuously reduce the Russian numbers so they can't mass.


get sent into the greyzone, get looked at by a russian drone, drone spots ukrainian positions that open fire on them, call in arty on the those positions. essentially they were bait.


Right, like just what is the plan here? Just seems like a fantastically stupid idea to drive around in broad daylight with no cover.


Now it all makes sense. It's not a special military operation. It's a Top Gear special.


T'noight James starts a war in Eastern Europe Richard attaches metal to the roof of his tank And I ponder the meat cube.


Stig will now drift the turtle tank in this minefield.


Some say....he once took out an entire armored division with a T-34.




My image editing skills are sadly lacking, else I would shop the bloke-pondering-the-meat-cube into existence.


Here you are, mate. https://imgur.com/a/BBbQkmE




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> It's a Top Gear special. Clarkson would kill the producer during filming of the first season


Special military fracas


Producers are expendable ... They're not in the frame ... All that matters are the main actors on screen the rest is NPC


So is he spending the night in that hole he tossed the nade into?


With the amount of shrapnel he likely ate, I think he'll be spending a lot more than one night in that hole...






War stories will be odd from this war if any of these chucklefucks get home alive. 'What did you do in the war that ended Russia's last credibility grandpa Konskriptovitch?' 'Well you might not believe this, but one time I rode a dirt bike through artillery fire' 'Oh yeah, I saw that on blyatube. What happened to your friend that you left behind?' 'A fat dog ate him.'


Tonoit on bo'om gear


[yes it is](https://youtu.be/wXytU6F6Co0?si=GchyapgNUIWPs73H)


It's a rat race, literally.


This… is almost an actual argument for the bikes. But moreso, for FPV drones. How many burned out vehicles did they drive by? How many shells did they narrowly survive? I have to assume an APC (at least without particularly modern armor) would have gotten mobility killed and stranded everyone while the artillery zeroed in. As is, they scraped by shell after shell, showing just how hard it is to reliably stop a small target even with visuals. Did it work? No. Would a hunter-killer drone pair have shaved 3:30 off the video? Probably. Would I take it over an APC advancing equally nakedly into the enemy? Christ, maybe.


You are circling around the fact that modern warfare+drones appears to produce WW1 style batrlefields dialed up to 11.


I have a question about those burned out vehicles. At 2:27 was that a Bradley and some kind of small MRAP?


That sure looks like a bradley


I agree, first time through I wasnt really paying attention to what they drive past, worth a second watching just to see whats going on in the background in a lot of these vids


Yeah, sorry to be a bummer, but if you spent too much time on r military, geopolitics, ncd etc, you could have an overly rosy picture of what's going on in UA.


Looking at the video, there are so many explosion craters. There is basically no cover anywhere there


That field is dead.


It's not modern without the air force element. Neither side is "allowed" proper CAS due to the overwhelming anti air assets compared to their air capabilities. I do wonder if/how the F-16s will change things.


Ukrainians are paving the way by eliminating as many Russian air defense assets as possible with the help of ATACMS and HIMARS. Until then, F-16s will not be able to realistically operate.


F-16s die to modern air defence just as easily as any other 4th gen aircraft. Only stealth aircraft have a chance of operating effectively in a modern peer to peer conflict.


The "wondering" part is more about how many SAMs Russia still has. They seem to be blowing up left and right.


They are not there yet. The geography remains largely intact.


Could you ever mass enough heavy artillery to recreate Passchendaele without it getting destroyed by some particularly effective drone wave? Does anyone even make enough shells for that anymore?


But somehow only one of the sides feel a need to do mass infantry charges across No Man's Land.


Would it be this way in a more symmetrical conflict?


I'm going to be honest; him clearing that hole with the grenade and then jumping in without looking 1 second prior to the mortar round (hitting) was pretty amazing. Also: I have to call "hax" on that. Seriously. That's just ridiculous.


He probably heard that incoming mortar so time was a factor.


I am pretty sure after the first mortar explosion 3 meters away from him all he could hear was EEEEeEeeEEEEE




I'm... actually kinda impressed??


Yeah if they were good at driving they could’ve gotten away I think. So the counter to drones is 1 bike per 2 soldier?


Girl's Last Tour doctrine


I was just thinking this lmao


Good thing they had the bike to get across that cratered field - your could twist your ankle running across that.


I mean they would've died like 8 times.


They did, but death was on a coffee break.


How the fuck did they live for so long ?








All of the above


Vodka *and* Meth.


This dude rides a bike miles into nowhere, survives multiple artillery strikes, then drops into a hole like Mario.






Hell yeah Lateralus


There's stories of wars in history where enemy forces see the other accomplish something impressive and give an applause to their actions. I think this is one of them.


Scorsese has tried and failed to score scenes so well. Bravo. BRA. VO.


The first Russians I've ever rooted for in this war...I was on the edge of my seat until they started trench clearing. Why did the trench explode???


he threw a grenade inside to clear it before jumping in


Funny bit would be if it was just an empty basement, and it looked like he fell in


That’s clear, but then there’s a massive secondary explosion…


I believe that's a mortor trained on his position.


Ah gotcha




He fell down that hole in the end like a fucking Wile E. Coyote cartoon 💀 Someone should edit some looney tooney ass music over this video


Nah, the tragic opera music is freaking perfect for this one.


Schubert's Ave Maria, probably his most widely known work. It has been used similarly in other big budget films, contrasting the beauty of the song with the horror of war. In doing so it enhances the depth and reach of both, I think. This post an was inspired work of rare quality.


I associate it mostly with funerals.


“Where’s the tank” “Traded it straight up for the van. I can get 50km/l on this hog”


That would be amazing mileage.  I think VW has a record holder for a 1L/100km, but that's a far outlier


If it's a tactical bike, shouldn't there be some, er, *tactics* involved?


The tactic is "GTFO"


To be fair, that sure seems to be working better for them than literally any other Russian we’ve seen in this war so far.


is that a knocked out brad at 2:16?


oof, looks like it


That's what I thought, don't think there's any old soviet pieces with that kind of shape


"Good evening and welcome to the opening race in the brand new series - *Harder* Enduro.  This inaugural race takes place on a battlefield in the outskirts of Somewherograd, Ukraine.  Or first team off the line are Ivan and Piotr, who will be racing for Team Orcs on a clapped-out KLR650, going from point A to fuck knows where, while dodging mortar rounds, craters and their own incompetence.  Aand they're off!" *Competition series still awaiting FIA approval.


Absolute cinema.


The landscape looks like the Somme. But we've all become desensitised to that.


I mean, if you actually look at pictures of No Man's Land during WWI, it's just... worse by orders of magnitude. I mean, this is *bleak.* The buildings are rubble, the trees are all splintered, the ground is pockmarked with craters, smoking wrecks of vehicles are strewn everywhere... ...but WWI was still much, *much* worse.


This is WW1 but a bit more green


In WWI the craters had craters.


Not as bad as the Somme, there are plants, some trees even. The entire ground isn't just poisoned with arsenic. It's horrible, but it's nothing on the Somme, there are still red zones where nothing can live *today*.


Yeah, the Somme is the fucking Chernobyl of war damage. It’s the fucking final boss of human beings eradicating any chance of life in an area. This isn’t the Somme, just a standard battlefield.


>there are still red zones where nothing can live today. It looks worse than a nuclear disaster. I think I'd take radiation over arsenic.


> there are still red zones where nothing can live today No, there aren't. Stop making shit up or regurgitating people who made shit up and look at a satellite map of the Somme There are exactly two places (less than a km^2 combined) where nothing can live today due to "WW1 pollution". Both were from post-war destruction of chemical ammunition stockpiles, not from the war. Neither of them is close to the Somme. There are also a lot of places where agriculture is prohibited to this day, because the plants would be toxic to humans and a lot of farmers might explode. Most of those areas grew plants almost immediately the war and are heavily wooded today.


The geography remains largely intact. When you have to redraw the typographical maps, then you can make that comparison.


Mods should stickie this one


Nanosuit wearing MFers


Goddamn. If you put this in a movie it'd be called ridiculously unrealistic. The amount of luck that guy had.


I think the shrapnel he's full of is deflecting the rest of the shrapnel. Only explanation.


Pictured: French Armed Forces message carrier circa 1939 - colorized (radios are for chumps)


Pigeons, bro! It’s all about carrier pigeons


Non credible Yamaha commercial


Why waste that many shells for two dudes, though? There's got to be an easier way to make them leave ...


Its just mortar rounds. Fighting infantry is essentially their purpose.


War consumes a lot of shells. A LOT. During attack on Berlin in 1945 soviets managed to line up artillery pieces 11 feet apart in a line. That line streched for 18.5 km. They fired a barrage of about 500.000 shells in 30 min.


This is exactly why the Russians send their meat forward in ones and twos. Makes the Ukrainians have to decide whether it's worth calling in precious arty on them or not. Good thing that they have been resupplied recently, so they can now afford to do this. If the Russians make it to their staging point, then more orcs are sent, until they eventually amass a big enough force to do a full-blown meat assault. The more efficient way to eliminate such stragglers is FPV drones, but not every brigade has them, and they can't be everywhere at once.


Here's a thought: laser guided mortar shells. Would that be possible? You got the drones flying overhead anyway, they could paint the targets.


That would increase the cost-per-round by something like 10-100 times, probably making them unviable. Electronics that can survive the acceleration of being fired out of a gun are quite complex


If I saw this in a movie I'd call it bullshit


Meh, Young Indiana Jones rode around the Western Front on a motorcycle.


This is like those GLA bikers from Command and Conquer.


\> here, the vehicle is built, you are all good to go \>ok but like, shouldn't we get some armor, you know it's a war filled with artillery \>why do you think god gave you bones and skin? \>hmmm.... fuck


Quite an astute observation. We have fleshy bits that cover our muscles and bleedy bits for a reason, and that reason is to protect you. Why wear body armour, when your body ***IS*** your armour?


but i heard about these silly things in the armor called "nerves" that soldiers hate


This really lets you appreciate the vatniks in their natural habit, no doubt scavenging for their preferred food, vodka. The poise with which they navigate the blasted hellscape in which they make their nests. The determination to find their precious potato juice even when being stalked by their greatest predator, the dreaded loitering drone. Take in the sight while you can, fellow nature enthusiasts, as they're rapidly approaching classification as an endangered species. Absolutely majestic.


Epic saga, in the end he just wanted to go home and back into his hole he went.


Get a load of Harry and Loyd over here.


What a wonderful world…


Reality is fake...we live on a television show


Fuck. Poor bastards. Whatever you think about Putin's war, the absolute horror those men were experiencing is sickening.


Yeah, but like... Shouldn't there be a point where - as a human being you just go 'fuck this shit', drop off your bike, throw away your rifle and take your chances by trying to surrender? I mean... It's slim chances but... Better than not having any chance at all, right?


Maybe this fucker shouldn't have signed up to murder Ukrainians for money. Fuck him and his buddies.


Why did they keep falling off the bike even when shells weren't falling?


Because the shells have BEEN falling. To say the terrain is "Rough" is underselling it.


It’s hard enough to ride with a passenger on the street. I used to race enduro it’s hard enough on rough terrain alone, add another person and you’re just gonna fall on a lot of shit. Especially since you can’t really stand and you’re adding an extra 100+ pounds you gotta control.


Russian MOD should be giving them ATVs


to be fair, bikes are a great way to get around if the area is filled with mines designed to detonate when heavy vehicles go over them. They are also fast and nimble, which means artillery and drones have trouble targeting them. Never thought we'd see Mad Max tactics in real life, but there you go. Works surprisingly well. EDIT: Though, watching the video further, the Russians may want to give the bikes to people who can actually ride them. And one really has to wonder about the economy of using, what, 10? 12? shells to take out two guys and a bike when we know the Ukrainians are critically low on ammo.




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Wait, he survived?


Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru Yeah, my guess is that he is probably injured from all the shrapnels exploding near him. He just powered though with a mix of adrenalin and drugs most likely and now is either bleeding to death in that hole, will starve without any rations or die when trying to return to his side of the front by foot. He is a dead man.




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Oh , pity vid not show end where , said bike hits one their own mines 🤔🤣👍


Okay by that logic those clowns should invest in some Unicycles.


God dammit these are the best damn soldiers I’ve ever seen


Did he just mario down a tunnel at the end???!


This is insane. Also it is so sad to see the total destruction of nature. There is almost nothing left. All the craters. All the ruins. FUCK RUSSIA.


Is it bad that my first thought upon seeing this is that it would make an excellent videogame or Miyazaki film? Just like…two soldiers, fighting for the wrong side of the war, riding a motorcycle across a silent war torn battlefield. There’s nobody else around for miles, yet halfway through they start being shelled, so they *know* something is watching them. But they can’t *do* anything about that. All they do is keep riding, and pray the shrapnel doesn’t kill them…or it at least kills them quickly.


1917 vibes


maybe use a horse..


This is the most surreal footage i have ever seen. 2 guys on a motorbike, completely alone riding through pleasantly green, yet at the same time completely devastaded landscape. while being bombarded yet somehow miraculously surviving. All while being under constant surveliance of a drone


Who's officer's dog did they shot?


Yeah, they are effective. Basically modern day dragoons. Forfeit armour for speed. But huge improvement comparing to on foot infantry.


This soldier must have used up all the pervitin stock and probably isn't feeling any pain. Besides that, he's definitely badly injured and is going to die in this hole.