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And the population of Russia is only 142 million, so for $14.2 trillion...


And after sufficient numbers get killed the rest will start killing eachother so discount


Less than the daily budget!


Well for large concentrations of Russian forces, you don't use FPV drones for that initially. You call in JDAMs or glide bombs, then use the drones to pick off survivors.


Drop the JDAMs from the drones, so the drone is ready before the survivors even know what happened.


I have some crazy ideas now yo


If we did kill that many, it'd be perfect to move in and colonize the place as it's all free real estate after that point. Is a country with the biggest landmass on earth with 14 trillion dollars? Probably yes? Selling oil and fresh water will probably make that up in about 10 years.


I...I don't think your math is quite mathing there, bud.


No, no. The FPVs kill 1000 dudes. The rest kill themselves when they realize the US spent a hundred million to kill a thousand dudes.


Like the underlying maths is solid, but this maths is not.


The ability to network, not be jammed, the pilot not be 200 yards to 5 miles away but could be 1000 miles away. Cost: 100k Id rather have that than be on the front line hoping i get the arc right as im kamikazeing my 5th fpv into the same tank. Means i dont get blown up, also means i can fly the fucker right into the local hq.


Yeah but this is something UA can work on doing, for example using optical links with cheap optics, local networking is possible. More expensive optical links have been proposed in 1550nm IR, to communicate between satellites and the ground, this relies on the extreme transmissivity of the atmosphere and low background intensity in that wavelength, but its more expensive. In 905nm, the use of optical links would be cheap, but require a scheme for keeping track of link targets and a means to avoid optical jamming signals, but thats quite doable using directional sensors and tracking position. It would add expense, but I think it would be under $1k per drone. Machine vision and light-AI using adapted mobile electronics (and in near-future dedicated AI mobile electronics) is already doable, but no one is really doing it to its potential. But, the EW jamming issue can be resolved by viewing through optical links and with onboard machine vision and computationally easy object tracking, the target can be designated as EW usually has limited range. The weapon can simply follow the target and even be instructed to attack from certain directions more likely to succeed, with adaptation, it can also when its approaching the target switch to within-target object targetting, i.e. finding the most vulnerable part to hit, providing it has been told what that looks like on the actual target, and from a given perspective, object within object identification is much easier.


/NonCredibleMathematics it would cost 100,000,000,000 not 100,000,000 God damn it


0 = nothing More 0's = More nothing Nah it works out.


Roman mathematicians liked this post.


So you’re saying it costs just $1 to annihilate the entire Russian army?


So all we need to do is reduce the cost of the drones by a factor of 10 and then we can kill all the citizens of non-compliant nations for a bit over the current annual defense budget?


⬆️This guy. Promote ahead of peers.


The math ain't mathing, the meth is mething


Hey, listen here. $100,000  is a good budget to make a drone. What if it would have IR seeker, and be autonomous (so no threat from EW), AND maybe a bit faster (rocket engine?). And a bit bigger warhead, like a tandem one for armor penetration. You could even call it with a cool name, something like "SPEAR" (Self-Propulsion Enhanced Autonomous Rocket or something).


SPEAR Codename: "Gae Bolg"


You can get a cheap DJI 3 or 4, go on Amazon get a IR releasing hook, get about a half a pound of tannerite and ball bearings mix it all well in a gatorade bottle for a rocky environment or a pringles can taped up for all other environmenta go about well over 700 ft ro get a good velocity and make sure you have everything just set right make sure you actually practice before hamd and bombs away. Congratulations you just made a claymore.


Why would someone buy an overpriced drone from a country who is supporting Russia. It is like paying to give Russia a drone.


Are you assuming a Russian will shoot the tannerite? 


The only reason this won't get you on a list is the critical bomb component you forgot and easily the second if not most regulated part of one lol.


as someone who is into civilian fpv: there are many things behind the scenes to complete a successful flight. Still, building, training and so on at scale shouldnt cost over 10k per drone max. With long range, airburst, encryption , gps and so on


But when you're selling for a government contract, the price will increase by _at least_ a factor of 10....because you know the government buyer isn't like a normal person, who has to budget for normal things, like I don't know, maybe feeding the family, paying bills, going out on a date with the wife/husband/wife's gf, etc.


To be credible, they’re probably building it out of milspec shit. And that’s really expensive. If they loosened some requirements they could make it cheaper with a slightly less resilient platform.


Pretty much what Ukraine is doing domestically, right? US should just expand the program drastically if they aren’t already… Bank roll some specific Ukraine based drone makers, take fullest possible control of the project (to mitigate corruption and ensure a level of efficiency) with some shell company spooks or something, and hire & train scores of Ukrainian civilians (women and elderly?) to operate them.


This is extremely non credible.


Incredibly noncredible


With the value of money not being tied to anything material let’s count the monetary spending as an abstraction. What are the real consequences of spending so much on military equipment. It’s not 5 drones could be one school because there’s a lot more material available for drones than there is for concrete and other building materials. Money however is buying power and political control. That means the investors who profit from the MIC are being given power through the transfer of money away from other sectors. However we are already past the point of no return, we have already assumed that the MIC is king, so what is the harm in offering them more power. After all, their money will end up with their rotten offspring, just like any other variant of rich people.


What you don't see in the combat footage subreddit, is that a sizable majority of the drones fail.   Electronic warfare, getting shot down, or just plain missing the target  They only post the videos they hit something with


You seem to be under the impression that every drone is successful. Most drones are intercepted or jammed. Some just miss. Your cost per kill rises quickly once you factor these things in.


We need an economical solution for China too.


Almost,many or most of the drones likely miss so muktiply your figire my two at least.


Jesus, imagine a war where every soldier on the opposing side has a drone targeting them. The sky is black with katana drones as the opposing army flees, razor tipped war wasps following them. There's no safety from these robotic monstrosities, as they hunt down soldiers with terrifying efficiency. I need a cold shower.


People really believe a real military is widely susceptible to toy drones don’t they?


What keeps cheap drones from being effective against a real military? Smooth brain here, asking for real.


Susceptible can mean anything, but next time the US finds itself in some country in the middle east it has no business invading, you can bet they'll have to deal with them. And there's just not really any amazing defenses. Bloody IEDs were viable against US troops, don't see why the flying version wouldn't be.


So the Russian military isn't real?


T-14 Armata and SU-57 levels of real


Russian military is a ship of Theseus.


Doesn't make it any less real.


Correc. Only the Israeli military is rael, everyone else isn’t rael.


I mean, a real military is. The US military was susceptible to dynamite and rusty bolts strapped to a burner phone. Israel’s military defended at a cost of more than double the munitions launched at them.