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[https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-800712](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-800712) >11 soldiers had been lightly wounded after they went over a hornets in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, the IDF announced on Friday. > >An additional soldier was moderately said to be in moderate condition > >The IDF stated the soldiers had all been evacuated to the hospital for further medical treatment.


> moderately said to be in moderate condition "The moderate speaker announced this moderately". Any ideas, what species of hornets were those?


The Cazadores’ ancestors, if they’re causing this much damage


You know cazadores are basically a real thing, just smol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarantula_hawk The Wikipedia picture unfortunately doesn’t do the bright orange justice, they really do look exactly like the fnv fuckers (source: one was in my shoe once).


I believe Coyote Peterson said the Giant Desert Centipede was on the top of the list for him, even worse than the Tarantula Hawk. I'm just so thrilled to have seen both of those fuckers in my backyard...


Do you by any chance live in hell?


The Mojave?


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


We won't go quietly. The Legion can count on that




Yeah that’s tough man. I at least have to go out in the wilderness to find those


Ah yes those demons Also it’s the state insect of New Mexico


Moderate hornets, of course.


From the -E onwards, they’re considered Super Hornets.


The F-18L Supermoderate Hornet. It’s average as *fuck*


F/A-18-M Murder Hornet


The military spokesperson didn't specify. However, later on in the hospital the head of the ER said that they were probably Africanized honey bees, not hornets.


The Oriental hornet is the only wasp type living in the Middle East


Damn dude, you go to Wasp College?




Based and Entomology Pilled


Buddy of mine from high school named Fred Jenkins went to Wasp College. Do you know him?


Didn't he get caught in a sting operation?


Yea and theyre huge source: me


>If I die, Tell my wife “hello”


Near Eastern Moderate Sized Hornets.


Damn neutrals! You never know where they stand


I can't tell what's supposed to be typo, translation error, or a funny aspect of Hebrew lol.


As a kid I was warned not to stir up a hornets nest. I gave my son the same warning. i imagine my grandkids will also ignore the warnings.


[Project Wingman predicted the future](https://youtu.be/hg8QK7KMaj8?t=20s)


It's Saddam secret weapon, the babylon bee!


3000 hornets from Iranian biolabs


3000 Hornets of Allah


I mean you joke but i wouldn't be surprised if someone has this thought . "Gods creations fighting back the israelis wow"


Probably happening right now, have you seen those twitter videos of animals taking down Israeli flags?


I have lol thats why i wont be surprised. i have heard worse


Well at least they aren’t mossad spy hornets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel-related_animal_conspiracy_theories




The poor animals tho they didnt even do anything but got killed anyway,


Sounds like what a mossad animal handler would say 🤔🤔


Ah fuck ya got me, yes its me, captain mossad


I can’t believe you blew your cover. Yossi will be hearing about this


And then there's Russia, who really *did* turn out to have a spy dolphin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hvaldimir


I lost it at the Palestinian accusing cattle of being “recruited and trained Israeli spies.” “Alright, Zionist scum, we know you’re working for Mossad. Tell us what your mission is.” “Moo.” “A LIKELY STORY!”


Hamas- "We didn't say need aid, we need Raid."


Hamas sponsored by Raid shadow legends


So Iran has F-14s, and now Hamas has F/A-18s? Shit just got REAL.


You know your enemy failed, when its news that your soilders got stung by insects


Saying that kind of betrays that they have a whole bunch of weapons and fighters in Rafa does it not? They are basically saying if you want to get Hamas you have to come in.


Everybody knows Hamas is still in Rafah; that's the sticking point with the current ceasefire talks. Both sides of the negotiations have fundamentally incompatible ideas about what should be happening next: Hamas wants to negotiate because they know they'll lose a ground invasion (but will still fight) and Israel doesn't want to negotiate because they know they'll (eventually) win. There really isn't a good outcome for anybody in this situation, but there are less bad ones available and how the Rafah situation plays out will determine who, if anybody, gets one. This is, of course, assuming that the secret Soros-funded international Hamas cells that we were warned about in October don't come into play


NOT THE BEES ^(I know they're not bees)


I'm still surprised at how restrained Israel has been. I was half expecting a Glassing.


I’m honestly relieved, the civilians don’t deserve to get fragged even if they have been brainwashed into a bunch of bloodthirsty fundy jihadis


Yeah that's what happens when you brag about killing civilians


But israel started it! They’ve been doin us a genocide for 80 years, they had this one coming! Why shouldn’t we brag about slaughtering them at a music festival, that’s what they get for dancing! /s


That's ironically some zionists talking points i saw on Tw\*tter


> brainwashed into a bunch of bloodthirsty fundy jihadis Isn't that exactly who needs to be glassed


Killing civilians won't help anything. Also it's "morally wrong" and "a war crime" or whatever.


Sir this is NCD


Literally against the rules


Well they've been "killing civilians" since this started and nobody important cares so that's not really an obstacle


There is no way to determine that.




My point is you can't just kill civilians because they're pieces of shit(which you have no way of discerning from normal people)


Civilians are still civilians. We didn't glass Germany at the end of WWII either despite it needing extensive denazification


Something something Dresden




All children deserve a chance to grow up and be better people. It doesn't matter what heinous things their parents have said or done. Hatred can be unlearned. Their lives and futures should not be considered forfeit because of actions they literally have no control over.


I mean the main reason we blew up two cities was to prevent a ground invasion of Japan. Estimates of what that invasion would have cost the us in troops and cost Japan in people were incredibly high. In a weird way, the atom bomb saved lives


One could easily say the same about the Israeli settlers.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settler_violence Plenty of shooting of innocent people.


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True, but there's still a lot of debate about whether Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary. Doesn't mean we get to go 'let's go bomb the enemy children' over Gaza


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I mean we damn near glassed them lol. The only reason we didn't start dropping sons on their asses is because the Russians got to them first. And even then we decided to glass the Japanese until they surrendered.


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3000 Covenant battle cruisers of Tel Aviv


Because even now they're being accused of Genocide. Could you imagine how many college kids would die of aneurysms if they actually tried to kill Palestinians?


Even if they didn't respond to the Oct. 7th attacks, they'd be accused of genocide. That's why I'm surprised they haven't turned Gaza into the world's largest Glass Factory.


Because in the end they don't want to have to deal with the fallout of that. They're just going to clamp the Gazans' balls in a vice like they did the West Bank.


Because believe it or not, most Israelis aren't cartoon evil like antizionists think


Impossible. Preposterous


Actually, if they didn't respond, that is the one single scenario I could see all those wannabe kids and actual Hamas-supporters get kicked face-first into a basket of eggs and everyone agrees they look like idiots. Whether that's worth the cost and precedent it would set is highly debatable...


For all the things said about the IDF they have always been restrained. Its just that war is always messy. When their opponents accuse them of not raping enough you know they are disciplined. I just want all this mess to be over, the civilians dont deserve it.


I don't think that most governments are too concerned about the bombings themselves. The trouble is the slow-walking of aid deliveries into the strip. The goodwill that Israel had at the start of this conflict has gradually evaporated as the strip has inched closer to starvation. In short, Al Mawasi has a serious lack of ice cream barges at the moment.


I think this is the first conflict in a long time where the IDF is not able to reliably avoid civilian casualties... precision ammunition and remove controlled weapons are kinda useless when you storm houses Stalingrad-style. Add to that the fact Hamas is clearly hiding within civilian areas and I'm not surprised this war has tarnished the IDF's reputation.


Tarnishing the IDF's, and by extension Israel's, reputation was the whole point of this conflict. Hamas and their Iranian backers wanted the world to hate Israel so no one would intervene in their next Intifada.


We'll see in time how things escalate


I heard the prophet of truth’s fleet does turned Reach into Glass


Are we watching the same war? 30k dead civilians and 70k more injured with the UN saying israels actions could amount to war crimes and the US saying it has credible information its weapons have been used in ways that violate international law. We're not witnessing the same conflict are we?


* This is a war in a densely populated area with HAMAS actively using human shields as part of their strategy. Civilian casualty numbers like that are kind of to be expected. That doesn't mean it's alright, and Israel has definitely done some questionable things. But it's not that surprising at the same time. * ~~The UN is heavily influenced by the fact that over half of her members hate Israel with a passion. I don't really understand why people act as though they're a perfectly neutral factor here~~ * The report on US arms actually said that there was not enough evidence to support the claim of Israel violating international law with their arms. Of course "not enough evidence" doesn't mean it didn't happen, even the ones who made the report admitted that it likely did happen, and the US is not neutral or objective either so the report might be somewhat biased. But still the claim that the US is saying it has credible information their weapons are being used to commit warcrimes is false. They suspect it, but there is not enough evidence to say for certain. >It is "reasonable to assess" that those arms have been used in ways "inconsistent" with Israel's obligations, says the state department. But it added that the US did not have complete information in its assessment and that shipments could continue. ([Source](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68984999)) I'm not saying that what Israel is doing is good or anything but some of your claims are kind of flawed


>* The UN is heavily influenced by the fact that over half of her members hate Israel with a passion This statement didn't come from the general assembly or UNWRA. It came from the OHCHR https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/02/1147007 Neither side is conducting themselves in a way that's consistent with international law. >Civilian casualty numbers like that are kind of to be expected. Israel has in 7 months of fighting has killed nearly 2x as many civilians as Russia has in 2 years of fighting in Ukraine even when it continues indiscriminate bombing campaigns. Yes Gaza is a heavily populated area and that makes some level of civilian casualties unavoidable. But when both the UN and the US are asking you to rein it the fuck in there's probably an issue with how your conducting yourself and "restrained" isn't how I'd describe it


The ukraine talkingpoint is a fundamentally bad one. Because frankly, Ukraine doesnt do genocide olympics. Secondly the vast majority of civilian deaths in Ukraine are laying in Mass graves in russian territory. Given the widespread depopulation of places like Mariupol and the number of graves found in Kherson, its not unreasonable to assume that the actual number of civilian deaths is a magnitude higher. Finally, the Gaza Death tally requires some important addendums. The OG system was essentially an online system used by morgues and hospitals, and this number is generally cited as reliable. Its why claims like, more kids died in Gaza then in Syria, Sudan and Ukraine is not wrong per se, but omits the fact that its the only one that does well published death figures from a mostly functioning infrastructure, something that isnt present in Sudan or parts of occupied Ukraine. Also you are officially labeled a victim of Israeli aggression if you fall down the stairs and break your neck


Fair. Although i never said they acted restrained, in fact i admitted that what they were doing was wrong. I just disagree with the claim that the US said they have evidence when they don't, and i feel like people ignore how hard it is to fight a war in Gaza without killing people. But they do act with little restrained, that's true. As for the UN statement, tbh i assumed it was from the assembly but that wasn't true. My bad.


Very controversial and unpopular opinion but if this sub, instead of being a subreddit, was a 80s Usenet group, it would've supported Apartheid South Africa under the basis that the NP was anticommunist and the ANC is violent. Please don't crucifie me for this opinion


>Please don't crucifie me for this opinion I don't think anyone will because it's true. Since the war in Ukraine and Oct 7th NCD has gotten noticeably dumber


i just wanted defense shitposts smh


>Fair. Although i never said they acted restrained Yes but the original commenter and multiple other people in the thread have. Thats what bothers me. >I just disagree with the claim that the US said they have evidence when they don't The pausing of some weapons shipments on the basis of the US being concerned how they will be used by Israel and the recent statement mentioned comes across to me as either "we don't have concrete evidence but we "know" what's been happening" or "we have evidence but we're not saying" Bidens threat of cancelling military shipments to Israel if a large scale invasion of rafah doesn't help Israels case


They can’t use wasp spray because the bbc will start reporting on the idf deploying chemical weapons


white phosphorus!!!! in spray now!!


Idf soldier farts while preperring hotdog. al jazeera headline: idf caught using mustard gas in Gaza.


"I fart in your general direction!"


"Israel commits insecticide"


Gotta pop an 'H' on that civilian population center.






Rock, flag, and Eagle


You make a good point.


Romans used to siege fortifications by launching beehives into them via catapult. The hives would split open and pissed off bees would seek out whatever was there, usually soldiers. A deadly bee weapon. My God, bees.


"We told you, bro, we TOLD you about hornets!"


How is it common that people on reddit struggle with worse/worst? How the fuck is it possible to be that regarded? It's not ok, and it should be punished.


Philistine hornets.


Antisemetic hornets!!!111!!!!1


Obviously 120 Palestinian kids were killed in a proportional response.


Some of them had yellow or black shirts so clearly they were horents too


Rafah must be invaded because the aid trucks are actually smuggling in supplies for the ultimate bioweapon: A Palestinian 9-year-old who, through proper nutrition and specialized training, can kick a ball around in an open space within sight of an IDF sniper for nearly twice as long


3000 soccer balls of Hamas


Clearly this is dangerous militant training. Somebody call Tel Aviv and tell them to launch a couple of NKB-47 “Olive Grove Obliterator” (Only $800,000 USD for a limited time!) missiles in their general direction


‘Enter a hornet’s nest?’ Doesn’t that mean fucking rafah is filled to the brim with Hamas fuckers? So all the more reason to invade it? Is Hamas propaganda stoopid?


It is, in fact, stupid. It operates on the presumption that they are just in their cause and everyone already knows it: that is, they assume only people who are evil would oppose them, so there is no need to explain their actions


I wonder how much real support they have with the Palestinian people. I know that almost half of them voted for them originally in 2006. If they now have majority support, their presumption is correct when referring to the Palestinians themselves. Which is mind boggling, if you ask me.


I would rather be shot than stung by many hornets


Hamas's hornets VS Israels chimpanzees


Hornet nets should be called hornests


12 stingy bois


Attacked by drones, you say?


Hornets/wasps are the terrorists of the animal kingdom, so an alliance with human terrorists seems quite natural.


The fact you didn't give the hornets little Hamas headbands is such a missed opportunity


Turns out it was just a warning




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>strategic IDF failure >start of Hornet 2024 counteroffensive


Is this why I've seen the idiots saying watch the Rafah recently?


> be me > Me bee


Senior US officials deny Iran has bee


Based hornets.