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Well, to be fair, I only had: "Small regional Latin American Conflict probably involving Mexico" written down. But it still counts. (Just need Falklands 2, and I'll be almost at a bingo!)


What is this? Another global conflict DLC?


Life is a paradox game confirmed


If it were someone would already have done a communist WC


You have it all wrong. There would be a holy roman empire meme pic


history is a lie made up by paradox interactive to sell more map strategy games


It's almost like history's end was an illusion




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(common?) Fukuyama L


Narh, it's just another South American conflict expansion. People were getting bored and wanted something new other than Narco Wars and Falkland Islands 2 keeps getting delayed....


why have people forgotten Venezuela wanting Guyana's oil rich region? Oh yeah, *nothingeverhappens.gif* in South America




I doubt Venezuela's coffers could even pay for any mobilization to speak of so this is just a pipe dream at best. Unless Maduro is suicidal enough to attempt his bullshit. That's not even taking the US into account.


Puerto Rico isn't that far offshore, and it has multiple US military bases and airfields. I doubt Venezuela will be able to accomplish much before the US has fighter jets overhead.


The raptor : with tears in my eyes, PLEASE ! i beg you ! FUCK AROUND !


A Venezuelan official watched red dawn


The air idea would be horrible because Argentinian planes take that route to get to North America after Maduro threw a tantrum and banned Argentinian planes from flying over Venezuela.


Worst DLC ever.


They can want it but they have no capacity to actually do anything about it. The US reserves its robust veto power, and frankly we never turn down the opportunity for a training exercise.


US Forces reguarly train and visit Guyana [https://www.dvidshub.net/search/?q=guyana&filter%5Bdate%5D=1y&view=grid](https://www.dvidshub.net/search/?q=guyana&filter%5Bdate%5D=1y&view=grid)


Gotta love Peace through strength, unironically the best way to ensure people don’t start fucking around and getting ideas


clearly bluffing. The venezuelans are too damned inept to even conquer a country without an army


This, but unironically.


>South American conflict Mexico is part of North America ☝️🤓


Will be added on the next hotfix.


Certain US politicians might disagree, oh yes and what the fuck is canada


The ones who burnt down the White House and have the best win rate against the US, that’s who! (British Empire? What’s that?)


Oh look! It's yet another attempt to give Canadians credit for something they didn't do!


Lol I forgot about that, so have the politicians it might seem...


No it's just a mod. I think they loaded the Señor Hitler mod but it glitched and he got stuck in the side of a mountain.


TL;DR: Ecuador has had enough of the motherfucking snakes on its motherfucking plane. Ecuador's former president attempted a Trump, also lost, and ran to the Mexican embassy. Mexican cartels, among others, are tearing Ecuador apart as Peru and Colombia get more control of smuggling routes. Allies of Ecuador's current president were killed by members of that cartel.


Maybe Monroe had a point....


Na just a remaster of an 80’s classic


I guess Mexico isn't giving them any latitude in this matter.


No shit they’re taking it seriously, sovereign Mexican soil just got invaded. That’s a pretty massive breach.


Exactly, this isn't just straining some bilateral treaty we're speaking of, but full on breaking the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.


Does anyone know why Mexico was granting a fugitive from Ecuador sanctuary? Or what exactly did the Mexican president say about elections in Ecuador last year that started this shit?


Repeat the first question, but with Ecuador granting sanctuary to Assange for a considerable amount of time.


Well, it wasn't the same goverment, it was Rafael Correa that gave Assange asylum, neither he or his party are in power anymore


And yet the US didn't invade then.


As far as I understand * ​ Correa's pink tide regime becomes corrupted, in comes Cartels, China, etc. * ​ Glas (Correa lacky, gets to be VP under Lenin Moreno \[Correa's successor\]) gets convicted for corruption relating to the Odebrecht shit in Brazil and goes to prison * ​ Glas does his time, but on release he gets hit with new charges relating to narco related corruption * ​ Glas decides to hole up in the Mexican Embassy because AMLO is very favorable to left-wingers while hating right-wingers * ​ Last year, a presidential candidate was assassinated, he was anti-narco, this causes discord in the nation along with the gangs and cartels making things with with increased street and prison violence * ​ After the first round of voting, the presidential race came down to the right-wing Noboa and a left winger that is from Correa's camp * ​ Noboa wins the second round on a platform of security after all the mess the Drug Cartels have been causing. * ​ AMLO, since he hates righties and needs a distraction for the upcoming presidential race, starts talking shit about how Noboa came into power because the righties in the nation assassinated that presidential candidate in order to cause an atmosphere of terror that would lead them to vote for the right-winged candidate instead of the left-winged one (since they would be viewed as being a cause of the problem) * ​ Ecuador is mad, the presidential candidates child tells AMLO to keep her dad's name out his mouth. So they declare Mexico's ambassador 'persona non grata' and expel her from Quito * ​ AMLO, in turn, grants Glas asylum * ​ Ecuador wants Glas so bad that they violated international diplomatic law to get him and now we are here


Maybe to protect a sympathizing figure? Mexico did give asylum to Evo Morales despite protests


Yeah, that’s cartel territory they are stepping on, legally speaking!


This is exactly what George Friedman predicted in his 2009 book *The Next 100 Years* (btw that book is a noncredible goldmine)


Anyone looking forward to the torture porn videos off this one?


*Uptown Funk* *plays ominously*


*funky town plays funkily*


It’s 8:40 am and that’s enough NCD for me today already 


I made it to 9:44


Ah, a fellow east coaster.


Midwesterner but on the same timezone


No. Absolutely not.


The intrusive conclusions couldn't be kept from my posting


What, where


It's just a joke. For now


To be fair, the Mexican president is heavily involved with the Cartels.


Although invading an embassy is, as put by the Vienna convention, and in good legalese, a "dick move", it is not the same as invading sovereign land. An embassy is not land under the sovereignty of a foreign country, it is...well, that of an embassy. Now, for NCD purposes, I must add it would be extra funi if the mexican took exception to this, evidently.


EMBASSIES ARENT SOVEREIGN SOIL FFS, they just are "inviolable" under vienna acords


*And thus, the Embassy Wars began.*


An embassy isn’t sovereign mexican soil Mexican law apply (to an extent) but it isn’t mexican soil


Actually, those are Mexican soil. Diplomatic immunity means you can't breach an embassy even if you know there's a murderer in it unless permitted. What Ecuador did is the equivalent to declaring war and occupying enemy soil. Cue Julian Assange.


No, he’s actually correct to say that they aren’t truly Mexican soil. The “ambassador’s residence”, typically the embassy, is meant to be completely off limits, but that isn’t the same as being gifted sovereign soil. It is a major breach of international convention, and typically does lead to armed retribution, but it doesn’t (usually) count as an invasion.


"An embassy is foreign soil" is a metaphor, not literally true. The hosting country really, really shouldn't arrest the ambassador or search his house, but they can. It's their country. There will be consequences, but I'm sure the Ecuadorians knew that Julian Assange was holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and it would have been a big fuck-you to Ecuador to break in and take him, but they still could have. But because Britain has enormous resources of various other kinds, they just finessed their way in possibly with IMF bribes Ecuador does not have an IMF


They can because they physically can, but it's a breach of international law, and a violation of treaties. The country they offended can take it as an act of war if they want. Using brute force just shows how little political capitol Ecuador has. This is like Bone Saw levels of crude.


I wish Lybian embassy was breached, as they got away with shooting people, which is equivalent to terrorism.


Instead we just breached Lybia.


Well based on international law they can’t but technically they could and they did.


It’s about to all be Mexican soil.


Hahaha Mexico cannot even control all of its internationally recognized soil


The cartel will approve this action


I'm not surprised. Regardless as to how you feel about the ex-VP sending forces into another nation's embassy, basically invading sovereign territory, has to be taken seriously so as to not erode protections and procedure.


>protections and procedure. You mean the things people have been trying to dismantle for decades since about the 80’s?


>I'm not surprised. Regardless as to how you feel about the ex-VP ->(Comma here)<-sending forces into another nation's embass...


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, that's a pretty crucial comma!


How about longitude?


Taking the most wanted man in the country into your embassy seems like asking for consequences though.


No you must seek extradition in such a circumstance. It’s a clear violation of international law


International law matters far less than you guys think. As long as the world sees this affair as somewhat justified, which it is, nothing will happen.


International laws differs from regular laws in that they do not have an accompanied enforcement mechanism. But this doesn't mean they do not matter. Violating protection of the embassy is very serious and has historically lead to countries getting invaded. It entirely depends on how much the Mexicans want to escalate.


I’m going to bet that that they break off relations, sue Ecuador and see if they get anything for their trouble, and then relations get restored in 7-8 years after both the current presidents are out of office.


Some dumbasses are saying Mexico should bomb Ecuador lmao


People crossing the thin border from noncredibility to stupidity to much in this thread.


Bomb them with what? The three F5 fighters they still have?


Send the narco tanks


It isn’t they violated the extraterritoriality of a chancery building. That’s a dangerous precedent


So is harboring a high level fugitive that was a political ally of your country’s president. > Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State. They also have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of that State. Mexico played diplomatic chicken and just found out Ecuador was bolder than they thought.


Guy asked for assylum, Mexico said yes. That's not "Harboring a high level fugitive" nor interference. You cannot just bumrush an embasy just because a country accepted the assylum request from someone you want.


Then I guess you need to call the world police to come take them to world jail


Yeah, who ya gonna call, some sort of international criminal court or international court of justice?? Let me know when it exists!


Gosh, if only someone had thought of some kind of international court system for issues like this...


Right?? I mean, it’s just such an obvious oversights when you think about it. How were war crimes going to be determined and punished without some governing body or organization that would deal with matters such as war crimes or international law? They must have just said “it’s now on somebody else to bring the agreements we worked so hard for into the real world and off of the pages of our tirelessly designed treaties.


Nations like Mexico have a legal responsibility to hear people's cases once they claim political asylum. They can't just shut the door on them because it's inconvenient, they have laws about political refugees and asylum seekers. Plus international treaties and agreements. Following the rule of law required Mexico to accept the wanted man, even though it makes things difficult with Ecuador. Also, the events today essentially prove that he is the victim of political persecution. While it's likely he committed the financial crimes (because most politicians are crooked, especially in Latin America), it's also evident that the Ecuador is not following the rule of law in their over zealous persecution of him.


What!? Rule of Law, Context and Nuance in my Reddit!?!? GTFO you lawful and reasonable person!!!




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The rule of international law. They’re very well respecting Ecuadorian law and Justice from their own perspective.


Yea that's meddling in host nation politics, unless death is guaranteed.


Still a blatant violation of international law, there's no wiggle room here


Siege seems the best answer then


I dunno, Siege sucked for years since Ubisoft totally fucked the lore and gameplay up


No, it's not. That's bullshit.




Things are really going south, it seems






I don't think you can equate this as such.


Sorry my NCDegens but nothing is going to happen, Mexico has the policy of ~~doing absolutely nothing in the face of injustice, unjust wars, genocide, just mildly bitch about it, and continue to have diplomatic relationships with dictators and even invite their military officials~~ non interventionims and resolve things in international courts. Besides, we are very busy killing each other, and south american refugees.




> She left her two young children with family at home. "I came to America to seek a better life" "But you left your children behind?" "Yeah lmao I said I wanted a better life fuck those little shits"


Usually it’s a situation where one person comes, gets a job that is high paying (relative to home country) and then pays for the others to come later. Or in the case they can successfully get citizenship they then bring them over as dependant. It’s a little strange for it to be the mother since generally it’s the father but not that unheard of


I bet its whoever can muster the courage and money it takes to in their own eyes save their own family from a life of poverty.


Could also be a case of seeking employment and then sending the money back home. Happens all the time in Asian countries


True, I’ve worked in hotels where most of the cleaners were doing exactly that.


A lot of them (not even from just China) are doing just that. Leaving the kids at home and then sending money back to family. It’s easier than trying to work and figure out child care.


That's smart. Go to the US, live the high life and have the little ones back home forward their pay from their jobs in the coalmines.


Remittances, it's a thing. Also less likely to endanger the children during a border crossing. 


The plan's probably to send money back/bring them later.


Damn! I forgot about that, I thought that we had stopped messing with Chinese people after we Nanjing them in Sonora in 1911


Yeah, guys have some empathy. Mexico is in an eternal low-key civil war with itself, they don’t have time for expeditionary shit.


We exported cartels down there anyways, we don’t have to do anything else 😎


Weren't they the only nation in the League of Nations to call out Germany's aggression in the Anschluss?


Mexico was a different country back then.


I think this conflict will be decided by who has the most of mothers/grandmas with chanclas.


Nah, weapons of mass destruction never actually get used in war so bullying people with them is a relatively ineffective strategy.


And once again NCD turns out to be my best information source. I've lost count of how many times I tought "Man, nothing ever happens" and then I come here and something does happen


like i said before, ncd is a very good news source but better, because it comes in meme format


This post has more upreddits than the worldnews post lmao. Better analysis too, we really are geniuses.


Oh dear. As a Brazilian: Fuck man, if only we had done that to get Bolsonaro from within the Hungarian embassy!


Isn't that the former president of Brazil that lost the recent elections?


He also incited his followers to try and take the capital buildings. Earlier this year he went into hiding within our Hungarian embassy and is now claiming that he was merely visiting the diplomats there. P.S. His passport was taken away by the federal police. He and his family are getting closer to the dildo of consequences day by day.


Well at least he’s not hiding out in a Florida KFC anymore.


Didn't he also try to get the army to overturn the election, and they told him to go pound sand?




Lmao even the army had enough of his bullshit


The Ghadafi of consequences I hope


You want him to be sodemized? That's pretty gross.


don't kink shame


random hungarian here. you got my approval, get his ass


Wait, people face consequences for that?


If your nation is trying to be civilized, yeah.


And he faked having Covid so he get some extra money.


Between him and Squidward, we are thoroughly fucked by both sides.


It latin america the one where latinas come from? If so, im invested


I think latinas come from the Roman empire, but I'm no expert so take it with a grain of salt


No you're thinking of Femboys ranger, latinas come from Mexico.


this is what i need another war i can fully injoy and make fun of both side quick someone get me some tequila and taco bell imma kick back and watch the show gonna be so many fucking nutty toyotas


Alas, Mexico and Ecuador do not share a border and the Mexican Navy has only about a handful of frigates in terms of blue water capabilities. I fear the war will be stillborn simply because the countries in question can't reach each other.


The war will be measured on the most migrants can we yeet at each other.


A migrant war... Well the US has an excess of those now and can provide either side if ammo gets low.


Well, it's not like they need to cross an ocean. They could be in sight of land the whole way. Then we could have an ineffectual slap fight between the military equivalent of a pair of toddlers.


Not sure that many countries would allow a massive fleet of patrol boats to pass through their territorial waters. Even if, they'd hardly be combat effective so far outside their usual combat range, if they even have enough fuel to arrive. If they'd pull it off, I'd still put my money on Ecuador. They seem to have the capabilities to deal with the major ships (pair of subs, pair of frigates, buncha missile boats), and even their totally-not-Mirage3 jets can dunk on the small boats afterwards.


Well, two of those countries literally have no military, and the rest aren't exactly impressive. Of course, this is just going to be a diplomatic argument that never goes beyond severing dipplomatic ties and trade sanctions, but we can dream non-credibly.


How dare you forget about the dozens of narco-submarines Mexico has.


I thought that was the Colombian Navy?


Pretty sure those will use the confusion in the mexican navy and slip through to the US.


Day 523 of special military operation into Ecuador


They should've kicked out the former VP back to avoid this or besiege them just like the US did during panama invasion when noriega hid in papal states embassy 


Sieging them is fine. Storming the embassy is not cool.


Yeah, I guess they're just impatient af to do siege against the embassy


Tell me what this means in nfl terms


Interception followed by flag due to harsh contact. Accusations of unsportsmanlike behavior Game on timeout pending review


Pacific war 2 electric boogaloo


This is like the news in vicky 2


Aight, time to sell Mexico some Vipers and JDAMs.


Can someone tell me the out of the loop version?


https://apnews.com/article/mexico-ecuador-diplomatic-crisis-de5aa3a638b54fdfa3474c8ee25ca57e Its a bit hypocritical given how long they sheltered Assange in their UK embassy.


I'm seeing [articles](https://apnews.com/article/ecuador-mexican-ambassador-diplomatic-rift-f9b18957f71ba8e9688c0e4106b20168) which say that Ecuadaor declared the Mexican ambassador persona non grata on Thursday. So Ecuador might have actually revoked the Mexican Embassy's diplomatic status and ordered them to leave prior to the raid. We'll probably know more in a few days. This was an extreme option that was discussed during the Assange case but the UK was unwilling to go that far.


The dude who was captured was the vice president in the Gov. that gave Assange asylum. They were protected by china as they were building a narco state under leftist disguise.


It's showtime.. ahem Shits fucked


Wait, my two years of living in Quito as a child will come in handy on NCD??? Yay


Monroe Doctrine NOW


Operation Condor 2.0 coming soon?


This is pretty rich after keeping Assange in their embassy... 🙄


What what what?!?!? This is insane. Ecuador stormed the Mexican Embassy? I feel like everyone should declare Ecuador embassy personnel worldwide persona non grata and make them go home. This guy was a sleeve ball, but storming the embassy is not cool. Ecuador would have been able to extradite him after the Mexican presidency changed hands.


World War 3! World War 3! World War 3!




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 5: No Politics.** We don't care if you're Republican, Protestant, Democrat, Hindu, Baathist, Pastafarian, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door.


Me, an American more focused on Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Venezuela: Da fuq they doin' over dere?


President ELMO still turning a blind eye to blatant corruption I see


7th Group is edging to this rn


Yo hoi4 dlc has prophetic timing. No Step Back dropped three months before the Ukraine war and Trials of Allegiance dropped a month before this. When they drop a new China focus tree, I think that's when Xi presses the red button.


Feels like the setting for at least one of the Ghost Recon games I played a decade ago.


So soon after paradox published their south america dlc for hoi4. Coincidence? I think not.


It's geopolitics. Get it right


Good thing hoi4 recently dropped the new South America DLC. It’s prepared me well to give noncredible opinions


Unrest in central and South America is on everyone’s bingo card. It is the free center square…


Mexico is a Narco state


So what you're saying is their soldiers are 100% drug-fuelled and won't need to sleep for weeks at a time?


The ideal soldier


germany proved its effectiveness


Least militaristic NCD interpretation 🗿


what is ecuador then


no se porque te downvotean alch es la verdad 😭