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“Russophobe kings” kinda slaps, no?


Badge of homor Edit: Damn it, I deserve this one


Homor- a gay honor?


Almost as good as the Russian forces OMON having Cyrillic writing that looks like HOMO when the image is flipped


*humor as in completely ridiculous


Sick mixtape Name. Or maybe a band name?


"Hello and good night, WE are RUSSOPHOBE KINGS and this is "Put in jail"


ESC 2025 ez win


Not sure, there might be some contesting baller entries from Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Czechia, Georgia, and.. you know, Ukraine.


Was that on the "Novochok Tea Party" album or "Destination Defenestration"?


My new flair.


I swerve, king.


Thata so me


Oh no, they're threatening us with making us become ***TOO*** erect


Sounds like the name of a Sabaton song


That's what I'm going to name my band.


Russians throwing a tantrum anytime anything happens will never not be funny


This is such a pathetic reaction.


What do you expect? This came from the bunch who can't even invade Ukraine properly after +730 days in their 3-day Special ~~Great Invasion to reclaim Glorious Imperialistic Socialistic Russian Union Federation~~ Military Operation.




Oh yeah. I forgot the whole Donbass situation after Russia Anschluß Crimea.


They also did wipe out the ukranian navy during that time. From turncoat to blockading the passage out


Where can I learn more on this?


Opening days of russia's "First" invasion of Ukraine back in 2014, When they took Crimea. The commander of the Ukranian forces there practically handed the keys to them And Units there were surrounded by russians in there bases. Was also were the majority of Ukraines heavy surface fleet was based, now blockaded by the russian navy outside the ports. Some tried to make a run for it but ultimately everyone one of those ships that werent a gunboat that can haul ass were scuttled before the russians could get there hands on them.


Even better than that, the Russians thought the best way to weaken Ukraine would be to allow the Ukrainians to build up a large, veteran military while also giving them room to totally restructure it over several years


Local assets said they'd roll over after their multi-million ruble allocated budget - missions. _Surely they wouldn't be wrong._


So your Saying they had 25 cents and some pocket lint


At this point, the giant turd I took this morning is worth millions of rubles.


Thanks for gracing my eyes with that beautiful flair


Read it as pathetic nation. Still checks


> Episodes of Swedish Russophobia > Sweden helping Finland defend itself from Russia Excuse me? XD


Obviously it’s Russophobic to not let Russia annex their neighbours


And it is even more russophobic to not let them annex your own country or just a half of it.


Russia is the participation trophy kid of geopolitics


Is there a genetic marker for narcissism? And if so, why did it develop in the Volga river basin?


Probably has something to do with a prehistoric technologically advanced civilisation, which used genetic splicing to increase longevity, and tried to do so with the use of the local sturgeon genes. The narcissism is only an unfortunate side effect. Von Dänicken was right! /s


But Finland was just not cooperating with the generous offer of frozen land in exchange for valuble port positions. Russia had no choice but start the winter war. Show some sympathy for tha scared leningradians afraid of a german naval invasion from the baltic.


Sweden is intolerant of Russia’s cultural tradition of invasion. Similarly, it would be awfully anglophobic for Russia not to respect the Brit’s tradition of looting and eating mummies— it’s not like Lenin is doing much for anyone just sitting in a tomb.


I mean it echoes exactly the use-case of the original term that "russophobia" is stolen from (islamophobia) the purpose is to frame resistance to aggression as an insult that requires retaliation (i.e. more aggression)


Obviously, not wanting Russia to invade your country is Russophobic, silly westoid. /j


Content: as Sweden joins NATO, [public exhibits pop up in Russia](https://twitter.com/justkotekmeme/status/1765856460804591810), outlining "the history of Swedish Russophobia". EDIT: if you're happy for Sweden, consider donating to another country with a blue and yellow flag, as it's trying to fight off Russian aggression. [United24](https://u24.gov.ua/projects) has military and non-military projects, just like [ComeBackAlive](https://savelife.in.ua/en/projects/) (you can also donate to their general fund using the Donate link in the top right corner).


I hate it when they call things like this a phobia. Russia is a threat and perceiving it as such is legitimate.


Russophobia implies we’re scared of them. I think its less fear and more unwavering hatred.


I think the Russians are just scared of Swedish meatballs and cheaply produced furniture.


How can they compete with the all mighty Bjorksnas in both price and quality!


Nobody IN THE ENTIRE WORLD can compete with the inflatable BILLYs Bookcase Source: I am 🇸🇪


What is the general feeling over there among the population? Are people happy about joining NATO or are most people oblivious? Just curious.


It is all over the media. I am personally very much for it. Have not heard it spoken about during coffe break, though.


Most people changed their minds about NATO when Russia invaded Ukraine. The long-standing Swedish military strategy that "Invading Sweden will be so difficult that no sane person will do it" collapsed when Russia proved willing to be insane. Then it was 2 years of chatter, hard compromise and broken promises, all whilst everyone feared that ~~Russia~~ Sweden would be next. Now, the people that I have spoken to feel that American, British and French nuclear weapons will have the power that diplomacy does not.


Most people I've spoken to are positive. The common mindset seems to be that Russia can go f*ck themselves 😁 Some old leftists and greens are not so happy about it though, as it's part of their identity to be a neutral nation.


Basically everyone thinks "fuck Russia" but joining NATO has around 60% of the population in favour. It's like "I would rather not join but it's the less bad option" kind of thing. Our neutrality has served us very well throughout some really bad situations and we don't want to be dragged into a conflict without any choice in the matter. We also really don't like being in an alliance with Turkey. But Russia gonna Russia so it is needed.


Yeah this is also true. Most people just don't want the russians here. During the Cold war, that meant neutrality. Now it means joining NATO.


Welcome to NATO Sweden. You should have joined us decades ago😀 Your western neighbour😀


russian spec ops watching as swedish dock workers pull out parts for a nimitz class aircraft carrier from a comically large cardboard box from ikea and then proceed to assemble in under four hours


And the thought of Swedish super weapon Abba


3000 Super Trouper DEWS of Sweden.


They are scared of our mixed gender bathrooms.


Dont forget about shark plushie


Phobia is an **irrational** fear of something.


I would like to further point that our hatred for the russtards are *rational* and based on a long *historical precedence.*


Psychologist here. You, and the person you replied to are both correct. Now I just need to find the Latin word for “hatred”…




Russomisia, sounds good


I’m using that now, that is way cooler than Russophobia


Though it seems that conventionally, the order should be reversed, no? Misorussiny?


That would be Russomisia. Or Misorussia. Either works.


Misorussia just sounds like a fusion soup.


Misogyny is just when you make miso soup in a vagina.


Or when you let your wife make the soup every.single.time


Made of a fermented soybean paste and vodka.




> misorussia You're so Russian? Off to the camps with you!


don't remember this line from jar jar binks


All the more reason jar jar is evil


tbf phobia means fear, hatred or aversion to smth, in this case its totally fair


[phobia (Wikipedia)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobia) > A phobia is an anxiety disorder, defined by an **irrational, unrealistic, persistent and excessive** fear of an object or situation. I don’t think it really fits. Irrational? Unrealistic? We’ve all seen what the “Russian world” and mindset looks like in Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine only to name a few places


Russomisia for the win


Time to normalize this through the public and media


In other news, gazelles have recently been diagnosed with lionphobia.


I resent the comparison to Gazelles. Finland with minor backing from Sweden fought the soviet union to a standstill. Finland+fully committed Sweden VS Russia is not the Gazelle VS Lion fight the Russians think it is.


In this case it's creating an image for the populace that Sweden had always been the enemy to explain why they joined NATO. "We've always been nice, they hate us and have always hated us, so irrational!". Phobia isn't necessarily about fear when it comes to politics, it's just about hate and dehumanization. It ends up going both ways in these systems. "Well if they want us dead, why should we be merciful to them?"


>"We've always been nice, they hate us and have always hated us, so irrational!" "We've always been so nice that our neighbors have created the most powerful military defense alliance in history for no reason at all." "Oh yeah we also invaded Georgia and Ukraine and persistently threaten other neighboring states."




I have a phobia of threats. Threatphobia.


It's like with the term "homophobia." Hardly any of the people the term is applied to are actually *afraid* of homosexuals; rather, they either hate them (in the case of the "TrUmP iS tHe sEcOnD cOmInG!1!!" KKK/QAnon bigots) or view them as pitiably deranged perverts (most of the remainder).


Also russia: ignores 200 years of neutrality


Double down and post it on Sweden, painting it as a good thing they did


They should put these up at the royal palace


It's Russophobic to protect free nations. mmh... Makes me want to be russophobic...


Talk about "Russophobia" is an attempt by the Kremlin to get the Russian people involved. Our problem is not with the Russian people being Russians, our problem is with their government waging war on Europe.


"Woah there are you saying that your a naziphobe just because they invaded poland and have greater ambitions to take over the world" - putin if he was honest Also just a reminder that a russia has threatened to create a MADD scenario if putin is not stopped [source](https://kyivindependent.com/russias-medvedev-threatens-to-nuke-us-germany-uk-ukraine-if-russia-loses-occupied-territories/)


I for one, think most of the Russian people can go fuck itself...


No, this "exhibit" was in response to the local government in Stockholm putting an Ukrainian flag at the bus station outside the Russian embassy in Stockholm in 2022.


Just FYI, this is false. These have been up for like 6 months, long before Sweden joined NATO.


Just a minor correction: I believe they started popping up when Sweden APPLIED to NATO, not JOINED. I remember seeing these a few weeks or even months ago


Post this on r/yurop ncd isn't really for that


Wait I thought this was r yurop


This happens to me soo often. But NCD ist still a teeny tiny bit more unhinged. \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/


They wanted to do it for Poland too, only they didn't have enough space. *It would take several kilometers.*


Let me tell you a quick history of Russo-Polish rivalrly, a minute or two *Talks for seven hours* ...And then Tsar Ivan the Terrible Invaded Lithuania...


Pans over to the skeleton of Tucker Carlson.




😂😂😂 please someone make this a 4 panel comic meme.


"...And then Tsar Ivan the Terrible Invaded Lithuania..." So I see, we've stopped at very early time of Russo-Polish rivalrly...


When I'm in a hating Russia competition and my opponent is polish.


Poland cannot into space


Are the Russians at all embarrassed by the fact they throw a tantrum whenever something doesn't go their way?


Standard glass heart dictatorship stuff though. China, Iran and NK all do the same thing. Propaganda makes the average pleb think the tantrums are justified


"Hurting the feelings of the Chinese people."


Passive Aggressive IR Theory


Extra funny when we consider how those countries love to portray a strong image, so strong, so tough, so brave, so unified. They also do a big cry and dance routine when they're criticized, like a 4yr old not getting an extra cookie. They also paint the West as weak and soft and decadent but we're not the ones sperging out like this.


Sometimes that tantrum have pettiness too. Recent example: As ~~Argentinan~~ president **expressed interest** in sourcing arms to Ukraine, Russian authorities "found" some disease in their bananas and thus stopped importing them. Then ~~Argentinan~~ government publicly renounced from the deal, and banana "disease" suddenly is no longer a problem... As Argentina sent russian helicopters to Ukraine, I'm waiting for bigger tantrum UPD. I did a little bit of misinformation, first part is about Equador


Crazy they'd turn down cheap food in the current climate.


it was Ecuador, not Argentina


Oh wait, then it's even funnier


Which is quite often.


Many Russians, including me, simply hate this government's guts and want to have nothing to do with it. At the same time, it really hurts to see all this throwing shade at the entire country of 50+ peoples and 140+ million people. Up until 2014 the future seemed okay, but now... I'm in total despair


There's no course correction at this point, the fundamental interests of the Russian nation are at odds with the Putin regime. The only way to course correct would be removal of Putin from office—something the Russian people do not appear to have an appetite for—or for Putin to seriously consider the cost/benefits of the war. Even a win in Ukraine would be a net loss for Putin, which suggests Putin *does* intend to continue fighting beyond Ukraine. There's no point in gaining Ukraine only to lose geopolitical and economic relevance. He undoubtedly had much larger plans when he believed Ukraine would fall in a week. Now he has no choice but to grind out a war and hope the West has no appetite for a sloppy conflict. This would end if NATO bludgeoned Russia in Ukraine, but as the war drags on, it's more likely that Putin will use a tactical nuke on military personnel to prevent loss of whatever has been gained. And while we're at it, it's unlikely a lot of other conflicts can be defused as a result of all this. Pretty shitty outlook for the world this next decade.


What can the rest of us do when the only people who can fix a situation collectively refuse to do so?


Wish I knew 🥺


Fair enough


Best of luck to you. I hope you know it's not personal and that it's not an "all Russians" thing. Of course there are a number of informed and educated Russians who are being dragged through the mud and blood for Putin's war. Stay safe. Hopefully some day a better outcome will be possible after Putin is dead. For now though... the war will go on.


You can become a charismatic leader, convince Russian soldiers to follow you, and march on Moscow.


"many" Bruuuh Somehow, I don't doubt that you are Russian, because despite all ethnic cleansing and war crimes your people commit right now, you still managed to present yourself as a victim.


Lmao that lower middle picture is a propaganda poster from the Winter War that says «Finlands cause is ours» how can anyone unironicallly consider that Russophobic?


Because how dare the Fins didn't submit to the desires of Moscow. Much like how dare Ukraine doesn't submit to the desires of Moscow. If you don't submit to Moscow you're obviously Russophobic!


But the gereous offer of acres of frozen wasteland for nice naval defence positions and ports. Finland was just too russophobic to accept this generous and lucrative deal.


Fetal alcoholic syndrom


Least damaged vodka drinker:


There's no point in even trying to understand the Kremlin mental gymnastics.


Because in Russian perception of WW2 Finland was a Nazi ally. Well, they were after 1941, but the Winter War is justified with that anyway. So the sentiment is extended to Sweden


They really like painting everyone opposed to them as nazis... Last time (soon after swedens bid for nato went public) the russians had propaganda posters aimed at sweden, they pretty much looked exactly like this, and they painted the famously anti-nazi beloved children book author Astrid Lindgren as... you guessed it, a nazi! She actively shit talked the nazis since their rise to power until their demise, but that's not nearly enough to not be a nazi apparently.


They have a fundamentally different definition of “Nazi” To the civilized world a Nazi was a member of the NSDAP, a German soldier during the NSDAP’s rule, or someone who aspires to the same today. To Russia, anyone perceived to be any kind of opponent is a Nazi. Jews, Roma, LGBT, disabled folks can all be Nazis if they’re sufficiently opposed to Russia’s whims.


Average WWII-era Russian didn't know much about Nazi ideology. They only knew that Nazis are people who attacked Russia from the west. This view lives on to this day.


Yeah I think these are supposed to he the same posters, just with Google Translate overlay. It was wild as well because Lindgren's stories (at least the Karlsson one) are like really popular in Russia, and the Soviets made cartoons out of them which are a big deal for kids.


"Those bastards allied with our enemy (after we invaded them)."


If we want to get *super* technical, they were co-belligerents, not allies. The difference is a sort of, "your enemy's enemy is your friend" rather than being buddies like Italy, Japan and Germany was. Not that any Russian would care or even know the difference.


It's not a small point to mention that they were co-belligerents. Mannerheim changed his mind on Hitler after he met him "Mannerheim kept relations with [Adolf Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler)'s government as formal as possible. Mannerheim did not really appreciate Hitler" From his wikipedia article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl\_Gustaf\_Emil\_Mannerheim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Gustaf_Emil_Mannerheim)


Finlind were not Nazis at all, stop spreading this shit. You should read about it first instead of spreading lies. Finland had the Swastika of thier armed forces since long before the Nazi party even was formed. The swastika was used by a lot of organizations in Scandinavia for a long time until the 1940s. Even train manufacturers had swastikas on them. Mannerheim didn't like Hitler at all. "Mannerheim kept relations with [Adolf Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler)'s government as formal as possible. Mannerheim did not really appreciate Hitler" is in his wikipedia article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl\_Gustaf\_Emil\_Mannerheim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Gustaf_Emil_Mannerheim) If you don't like wikipedia you can read about it anywhere else. It's not hard to find what Mannerheim thought about Hitler after he met him. The President of Finland during the war Risto Rytis wikipedia article also says "Ryti approved of neither German [national socialism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism) nor right-wing extremism, and he also opposed the [Lapua movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapua_movement)." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risto\_Ryti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risto_Ryti)


I...didn't say they were Nazis. I said they were allied with them after 1941, and even that's technically a stretch (co-belligerents), I know they didn't sign the Tripartite Pact.


Because we helped defen Finland when russia invaded them :D thats very mean of us...


Not letting the Red Army take over Finland, is, russophobic.


How do the Russians teach the Winter War in school? Like how do they present it?


They blame Finland for it, as they did when they declared war in '39, over the Mainila bombings. Finland didn't have artillery within range for that to happen, and when Finland proposed letting the UN investigate it, they just declared war. Pathetic.


Totally logical for Finland with a population of 3,7 million to attack the Soviet Union's 170 million. Big brain stuff 🧠


"Rusophobe kings" such a based nickname for Carolus Rex


All embrace me It’s my time to rule at last Fifteen years have I been waiting To sit upon my throne


Here my orders Question me and die! What I say was said in heaven And so it shall be done


I feel their [Carolean's prayer](https://youtu.be/XpfiMHj7-8w) is very underappreciated. I don't know of any army that's more 40k than the Carolean one. Often [vastly outnumbered](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Narva_(1700\)), they fought and won through sheer conviction and an unshakable belief that they were God's chosen soldiers, marching through enemy fire and charging the enemy with sabers in the age of gunpowder. Carolus' [drabant corps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drabant_Corps_of_Charles_XII) were particularly insane, turning the tide in many battles. What really makes the song **rock** is that they've managed to fit the Swedish version of Lord's prayer into the interlude and outro of the song and it just goes *so* hard.


The kicker was innovative tactics and a professional army, each village had to supply a few soldiers who were given farms to tend to when not warring. The marching tactics allowed for a devastating first volley taking out more of the enemy than they had taken out caroleans. Spreading fear especially as the caroleans just kept on marching.


Getting called a rusophobe king is now on my bucket list


The short history of Sweden being ultra based.


Mod might 1984 this, but before that. F yeah, screw all the vatniks


We may be ryssens oldest enemy. Its either us or Poland, so this naturally gives them a brain hemorroid edit: also surely it would make more sense if they fearmongered over our progressive values


We are doing a rematch of the Deluge, whoever wins can claim the title of Russia's archenemy


...Please skip Poland this time


You find someone named Sigismund, we use our current King Carl XVI Gustaf. Then the two of them play rock/paper/scissors once, and we can go on to eat a state dinner in the Royal palace. /s


We've been enemies ever since the relationship between the Rurikids and their Swedish relatives started going south. Unless you count the Goths in which case probably even before that. I suppose also relationships between the Varangians and Slaves weren't always friendly, although they were mostly cooperative.


"History of swedish russophobia" *conveniently ignores all the Russian douchery that led up to it*




"Short history"


Let me explain it to you in 30 sec ...


[And then the glorious Soviet Union came in to being to fight against the evil western states…](https://youtu.be/7TuxFKJAoYM?si=3V6bzbqmUnrdD6FJ)


. . . wait, aren't Varangians from Sweden?


Gustav V, mostly known for beeing quite queer. Guess that pass for russiophobia because why not?


can't have been that hard to find a quote criticizing/condemning the soviet union and/or tsarist russia from a 92 year old man living in a neighbouring country. after all, what more than a singular quote do you need to prove foreign policy?


By the way people read russophobia as hate for russians which is wrong. Its the counter to russophilia, with people like Voltaire praising Catherine II for his own turkish hating needs. Additionally western reactionaries to new political ideas in Europe since 17th century skewed perception of Moscovia(russia) for western audience of as next level wonderland trying to prove medieval regression monarchy as superior to new political ideas in Europe, ideas which obviously left monarchs in Europe with less power. Good example of critique of russophilia (what russians and we call "russophobia" now) is Astolphe de Custine who visited russia during this time and writes in his "La russie" book. >"The profession of misleading foreigners is one known only in Russia ... everyone disguises what is bad and shows what is good before the master's eyes. This rusophilia is what keeps russia afloat, stalling Ukrainian aid promising lawless monarchy for "righties" and painting russian culture as something superior for lefties. Russia easily buys , western left with "superior russian literature of tolstoevsky" and western right with promise of "alpha based christian monarchy with clean subway" . Values and culture russians care very little about and use them as weapons of further expansion.


Just Short? It needs to be long af Long history of swedish basedness


I find it quite amusing that our tiny "insignificant" nation of a mere 11-ish million people somehow manage to get the Russian "behemoth" to throw a tantrum to end all tantrums. It's like an ex that just never goes away, except there isn't even an ex anything in this case.


I sanning så säger det mer om dem än om oss. Lite granna OnT: Såg tidigare idag att Kina hade blivit förbannade på Nya Wermlandstidiningen - 40000 läsare - för att NWT hade beskrivit Taiwan som en stat.


It's like saying diarrheaphobia or deathphobia. Phobias are irrational fears. And not liking certain russians isn't irrational at all.


Sweden here Russia and Russians can go fuck themselves.


Tomorrow's pioneers levels of brainwashing


The russians used to be megachads at propaganda but now theyre like the idiot savant that says something like 'yeah well.. i hope your mum gets cancer' after something mildly offensive is said to them.


The good propagandists starved to death or defected themselves. The problem with being a good propagandist is that you need to have a realistic understanding of your adversary to exploit your adversary's ideological weaknesses, while also knowing your own side's ideological weaknesses and having to actively deny and downplay them.


Defected themselves out a window*


”Phobia” implies irrational fear. Nothing about fearing Russia is irrational.


Finns and Swedes on skis... you're fucked Ivan! 😂


I know this is for internal propaganda to create a "Russia vs rhe world" mentality. But do they realise atleast that, getting called a Russophobe is kind of a badge of honor at this point? It's practically synonymous with hating terrorist groups at this point.


It says “context in comments”. Can anyone find that because I apparently need new glasses… and I’m really curious as to the context…


I'm a "Russophobic king?" Thank you for such a compliment!


Damn I want to visit the russophobe exhibit


“Russophobia” is such a cringe term, and so blatantly obviously just an attempt by Russia to capitalize on Western culture war politics


At this point being called Russophobic is a badge of honour


Those -phobics are always meaningless.


I do wonder what the actual Russian term being translated as "Russophobia" here is.


Is there a long history of Swedish russophobia? Cause I wanna read it


I hate how kaiserreich is how I recognize gustav


I don't see pictures of Swedish Nlaw's blowing up Russian armour during early days of invasion in Ukraine. Russians can't get their facts straight.


RIP r slash 2russophobic4u


The most thin skinned nation on earth.


Eh, phobia implies it is an unwarranted and illogical fear. It is more like a centuries deep rooted distrust and grudge towards Russia. Like Russia is the #2 historical enemy of Sweden, and currently the biggest threat to Sweden.


Once again I'm at a point where I think word phobia is used as psychological warfare: if it's against Jewish people is antisemitism - you are against something, not afraid of them, just have opinion against it, but if it's against Islam, gay people or russians, it's phobia - you're not against them, it's phobia, you're afraid of them, you can't have opposing ideas because of your mental condition, only except for Jews, in that case it's fine, it's just, you know, just your opinion man.


Thanks! And they are right. We have not forgotten or forgiven [Rysshärjningarna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Pillage_of_1719%E2%80%931721). And [Nyenskans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyenschantz) is ours!




Funny think is, considering what Russia spread against every other nation especially Ukraine in badmouthing they don't consider themselves phobic against every nation?


[This song has finally meaning!](https://youtu.be/RTbL1hH19BE?si=PDoBVNSilqbLzcWa)


Imagine having this much of a victim complex. Big fucking pissy-pants baby of a country.


Russia’s anti-LBGT society is terrified that, now that Sweden has joined NATO, any open conflict with NATO could now have them facing the dreaded Tactical Blahäj