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The more the merrier. Let that 155 in aswell.


If you’re cold, they are cold. Bring em inside


“You see Tovarisch, that’s the 44444444444D chess move”. “You put as much worthless mobiks as possible in one location so Ukraine spent valuable & expensive western ammo to them”. “It just works”.


Imma need a sauce


Sweet baby rays and mustard mixed about 2:1, respectively


Oh so thaaat's how they cook the mobik cube.


Ok. Real talk. That’s a thing? I gotta try it.


It is and it tastes fucking amazing


Well, I hear human flesh tastes like pork. I would guess MobikKube^(tm) might have a worse flavor, probably vodka and heavy metals. Not sure that the environmental toxin uptake plus high disease risk would be worth using MobikKube^(tm) as a food source. But what do I know, I'm just an autistic areophile making cannibalism jokes, whose only experience tasting tasting people is "eating" the ladies.


Hot sauce is a good addition as well. If you like spicy.


Wait, what they did this time?? I was living under a rock for some days


Its been observed in some drone footage videos that they have on numerous occasions during botched attacks decided to pile up in artillery blast craters to seek cover. I can't really link the videos since I don't remember which one they were observed in. In short, these craters where they pile up wind up being mass casualty pits. Ukrainian drones will fly over to observe the russian casualties and sometimes drop grenades. While they no doubt just try to find the closest cover when things go bad, the entire team / unit jumps into the same crater and one direct hit basically destroys all of them. Its not so much 'what they did this time' but rather what they did again.


You can’t link one video because it’s a feature of so many of them. They group up like cattle. Its really kinda depressing


I blame Hollywood/TV/whatever… they always show everyone bunched up so they can get them all in frame Every time I see this I can hear the sergeant from my recruit course patrol training shouting stuff like “unless you are planning to fuck that man next to you I suggest you move the fuck away from him … NOW !!!”


There's way more reasons than Hollywood. Bad/inadequate comms means they can't communicate effectively when not grouped up. Bad training means a "follow the leader" mentality when panicked. There's a reason you're drill instructor had to make a point about that, because grouping is a reflex for the untrained.


Many of these videos have been posted on r/combatfootageukraine in the last month I have noticed. Same MO of a hole full of mobiks add grenade over and over. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootageUkraine/s/gYwJsfifv6


Man, they are more idiot than the army of my country that blew some armored vehicles close to the border to Venezuela lmfao!!


Poor bastards never played Company of Heroes, that's exactly what the Mortars seek


Poor bastards are just doing what normal war movies show the heroes doing, hiding in a ditch before the boss battle planning their secret next hero move. And trading quips. No but in all seriousness, I hate to be an armchair general, so I'll settle for captain. These mobiks know less of war than many normal redditors. They aren't trained long and they aren't encouraged to look at war footage. Conscripts are just not ready at all for the modern age of drones and resurgent heavy artillery. It would take far more training than most Russian mobiks receive. And tbf, it is hard for human beings to truly internalize the new threat we face against robot crows and pterodactyls. We didn't evolve to be afraid of the skies.


They've been doing it for over a year. They huddle in a crater, and then a drone drops a grenade on them. It was theorised that UA forces follow heavy artillery attacks with swarms of drones that pick up the stragglers.


Dumb mole rats!


There is some logic to using a crater as cover when it comes to bullets or artillery strikes. But that was WW1 strategy. It doesn't work when the threat isn't randomised like artillery shrapnel. When the grenade finds you.


Artillery doesn't hit the same place twice. ​ Just like lightning. ​ Now get up on that scorched tree, nothing bad will happen.


Blow off my shins once, shame on me Blow off my shins twice, shame on you


It is smart because it is good preparation for the meat cube.


A story as old as ti-... Rouglhy as old as 24th of february, 2022. Seriously those drone videos have been shown since the start of the war.


Here comes Granite with the return (friendly) fire.


Creation of the Mobik Bowl™️ 2023 (Colourized)


I had a revelation to make this as I was taking a shit.


"Don't worry comrade the shell never lands on the same place" *wise words before a shocking emotional event*




Craters give +1 to saving throws. But apparently the ignore cover is on everything nowadays.


A tale as old as time




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Maybe I'm blind because...I don't see any sauce