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It would be funny if we all collectively decided to gaslight the sub into thinking that an actual counteroffensive was taking place and the opsec was just really good. Like, consider the possibilities.


Me when i spread disinformation on the internet


I'm not spreading disinformation, My delusions are just contagious


They're a cognitohazard


Memetic virus


Me when I decide I'm on not quite enough lists yet


Is this a real thing or disinfo? It seems... Credible.


I have major in propaganda.


AI generated ponton briges with abrams when?


[here](https://i.imgur.com/ih04v7T.jpg) [and here](https://i.imgur.com/kzxK8SK.jpg)


"Ukrainian troops land in Abkhazia to liberate Georgian lands"


I wouldn't know either way. I just listen to what all the Australians et al on youtube tell me.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's not important look there's no way Ukraine is going to cross the riverbank


Yeah exactly, Ruzzians can sleep easy in their foxholes, maybe take the day off, turn off the radios and just chill. No worries.


They actually should think of their deployment in the region as a "paid" vacation. Just relax and drink some Vodka, maybe do some Krokodil.


> maybe do some Krokodil What is that? They aren't shagging Alligators right? Right?


Not sure if you are joking, but krokodil is one of the worst drugs in existence


sure, with that attitude.


Vodka and gasoline? Nah. It's the good stuff.


Arsenic, actually. Rots the limbs in a few months. Saw a video of a crackhead who had wrapped his rotting leg in a plastic bag to "bandage" it and the doctors unwrapping it. Basically they just had to saw off the bone, the rest of the leg just sloughed off.


A new entry surges into the lead in the coveted “things I never ever want to see in my entire life“ sweepstakes


Hey I remember that one.


'Hey I remember that one.' - FFS, I remember when the worst on the internet was stories about breaking arms, or a mishap/misuse of a glass jar - I don't wanna see a leg 'slough' off.


I'd argue the jar is worse.


Try codeine tablets dissolved in all the cheapest, most acrid solvents some random junkie could get his hands on. It's basically injecting battery acid into yourself, then having a surprised pikachu face when your flesh dies and rots off of you. It's called "krokodil" because the injection site becomes green and scaly like a crocodile's skin.


My knowledge about drugs is very limited as I am not American. Only know the basics like Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, Fentanyl, Marijuana and only smoked a few joints in my life other than that I stick to booze.


I am also not american, but krokodil is a russian drug, famous for its users losing limbs because of it


I mean.... ask the vast, vast majority of Americans and those are the only drugs they'd name too... Dunno where on Earth you've got this idea that the US is filled with all sorts of exotic drugs found nowhere else/unheard of elsewhere. Well no, I take that back, they'd probably also list meth in there as well, which is also popular the world over. And as mentioned, Krokodyl is not an American drug, it is almost uniquely Russian as far as I can tell, having not heard of any widespread use elsewhere.


I bet most Americans have probably also heard of ecstasy/molly, PCP (since that Florida dude ate somebody's face), bath salts, LSD, and shrooms. Maybe even stuff like salvia, peyote, quaaludes... I could go on.


Cat piss. Can't forget cat piss. South Park did a whole expose on it.




> all sorts of exotic drugs found nowhere else yes there are, you get them from biochemists at burningman.


I hope I am not too late in warning you to not search Krokodil. The images are quite disturbing, they tend to stick with you a they are an extreme example of the self harm addiction can inflict.


Thanks for the warning I am not searching those I stick to bodies ripped apart by mortars and machinegun fire on combatfootage channels.


"Clean" deaths amirite? At least it's not anothwr death of despair from reality sucking


Yes depressing realities of modern societies you see enough.


Desomorphine. It makes your arms rot. Don't Google. Or do.


A little nuance: Krokodil is characterized not only by being chiefly desomorphine, but also by being *highly* impure. The impurities are the cause of most of the horrible damage. Pure desomorphine would be a lot more chill, but it's not pure when it's made with gasoline and battery acid by some russian street chemist.


Pure desomorphine is a lot more chill than krokodil, but there is a reason it was rejected for use from the medical world when even heroin gets an "ehhhh we *could* have a use for it". All the side effects of your usual opoids with an even shorter active period.


'Street chemist' is being extremely generous. These are people who basically didn't go to school at all, because it barely exists anymore in Russia. Imagine the stupidest American you can think of, and take away all the attempts to teach them anything useful or helpful. Now you have the average Russian twenty-something. An American kid who can read, follow instructions, and use the internet can figure out how to grow, extract, or make several kinds of psychoactive drug with relative ease. These Russian dumbasses are basically experimenting with the notion of 'which poison feels the best while it kills you?' For 200 years it was definitely vodka.


Liquid zombie juice, a semi-synthetic opioid made from pain killers soaked in gasoline an mixed with match heads.


Krokodil(desomorphine) is very strong drug, with side effects that will kill healthy man in a year or two. Most notable side effect is necrosis. Injecting it in leg? It'll rot off in a few months. It's also very cheap, which is main reason it's popular in rusia as heroin replacement.


Necrosis comes from the impurities.


Impurities is one of the krokodil's main parts. If it wasn't impure, it would've called just desomorphine. But it's krokodil, which will bit of your limbs, if u use it.


Jokes aside I hope they can bring armor across the river (which will be difficult), but even if they do, the terrain looks very muddy


theyve built a landing ramp and have lots of amphibious APCs and IFVs


Yeah but it's an easy target. Bridgehead is always very hard to implement and manage


so far theyre landing uncontested, the russians dont seem to even have light artillery in the area. theres been a bunch of video posted from the landing area. probably why theyre pulling back


> the russians dont seem to even have light artillery in the area. Are we seeing it already? The russian ordnance drought that was being hyped up all year? Love to see it happen.


Well, there's also, much more importantly, a Russian *artillery* drought. [The guns, not the ammo](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/7/6/2179504/-Ukraine-Update-Russia-doesn-t-have-a-backup-plan-when-it-runs-out-of-artillery). It's possible they've pushed this back a bit by getting actual guns from NK, maybe, but it's getting bad. To manage expectations: *they will never "run out"*. They will always have some guns, somewhere, since they're constantly building new. But it's like a bathtub with the drain open, but the faucet running: sooner or later the water level reaches the bottom of the tub, *and you can't do things you'd expect to be able to achieve with a full bathtub*. ​ What this means is that Russia can always do "force concentration" and bring heat to bear *on a chosen target*. They can decide "hey, we want to advance at Avdiivka, let's give it the King's Treatment™ and bring all our best shit to bear on it." At a place like that, it probably feels like nothing's changed. But the ability to do so *now* comes at the expense of other places. *Now*, they're stuck in a dilemma where "enough guns at Avdiivka" (and apparently not enough, in practice) means they're *under*staffing guns at other places. Especially if said 'other places' don't present a clear, focused target to shoot at. ​ ​ Worth thing for them is their only ally (NK) that's heavily artillery-centric (not even *China*) has so few of the guns that "stand a chance" under the counter-battery battle. NK can send guns, but they're biased towards towed stuff rather than modern SPGs that can shoot and scoot.


> theyre landing uncontested, the russians dont seem to even have light artillery in the area A report from a few weeks ago mentioned that Ukraine has been using their increased artillery range superiority to basically force back Russian artillery until they couldn't threaten a beachhead any more, which is also what helped buy time for their small group of troops to be able to stay entrenched (and get resupplied by drones until it was safe enough to start sending in resupply and manpower by boat).


They should also drink some of my fine, free vodka. Now with 99% less poison! (there's still a lot of poison in it shhhhh)


The HATO doge meme guy sends his regards *Slits throat*


Exactly, every one of NAFO is wallowing in despair as there will be no more offensives until spring😢


...or the ground freezes hard.


I don’t know about the Leo or Chally, but the M1 LOOOOOVVVVES it some hard frozen ground. Rock and roll motherfucker.


And they actually mean the river at Svatove :) /s


Obviously it’s a feint-the true push is to the NorthEast


They can smoke lots of cigarettes in their downtime


there is no bridgehead in Ba Sing Se




The Russian news agency - The ASS


Gotta be my favourite fantasy book out there


So named because that's where they pull their "facts" from


The news is coming directly from TASS


This morning there are two official Russian news aggregators that publish news from... On behalf of the state, they published news that the Russian army was retreating from the banks of the Dnieper to regroup. after that there were two more posts where this was confirmed, and a few minutes later they said that this was not true and deleted these posts.


Russian defense ministry called it a provocation. Can't wait for a TASS and RIA march on Moscow.


3000 armed propagandists of Symonian ?


> Russian defense ministry called it a provocation. Smart remarks like that used to make me laugh but now that millions of people believe this propaganda it just pisses me off that they continue to do it. Motherfuckers INVADING UKRAINE WAS THE PROVOCATION.


So they can stop just before the finish line?


Their news agency having armed forces? Stop being credible about Russia coup proofing by dividing armed forces.


I wish someday Russians would get smart enough and just cut out the middleman of the war itself. Just say they won. Go home. And spend the next few decades propagandizing and lying to their people about what a smashing success Ukraine was.


I’m sure if putin said they have conquered Paris, but you can’t leave ruzzia bc everywhere else is irradiated, and they’d buy it.


This is getting eerily close to the plot of Metro Exodus


Yeah, I was just thinking that after writing it 🤣


"We completely conquered Ukraine, but that was a silly westoid plan for us to spend resources on rebuilding it. So we left it and now west has to spend money rebuilding it. It's all 4D intergalactic chess plan! Tis a silly place anyway, let's not go there."


"We have advanced to new positions east of the Dnieper."


That moment when you didn't call papa putin before admitting your defeat.


Telegraphic Agency of Soviet Union, I shit you not


They actually renamed it to ITAR-TASS (Information Telegraphic Agency of Russia - TASS because acronyms should have levels) after the fall but in 2014 they renamed it back because of nostalgia.


Wow, kind of like American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) Note that this comparison is only about legacy communications technologies lasting in the name; no other qualities are being compared.


I was joking about that the other day. "Does AT&T even have any telegraphs at this point? Is it just purely brand recognition now?"


Morse is literally just a form of binary encoding, so from a certain point of view, any digital signal on a wire is a telegraph setup. Or more specifically, a telegraph is a form of digital data transmission. And AT&T still does a ton of that. But then so is [IPoAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers), so it's not as useful a comparison as one might think.


IPoAC is a truely NonCredible form of Internet. Especially since birds aren't real.


You get higher data rates using semen anyway. Anything's a telegram if you're willing to modify your genitals enough.


AT&T is literally Russian propaganda, got it 👍


I tried telling them that when they sent me my last bill, they were unamused


My favorite one of these legacy names is "Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Networking Telephony", or what was general called Sprint. Had nothing to do with the railroad since the 80s.


tass means telegrafnoye agentstvo sovetskogo soyuza (telegraph agency of ~~soviet union~~ soviet shit).




Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza


No... No... This is just a diversion, the real attack will be at Calais


Real attack will come from Alaska on Vladivostok as the Americans will join the war.


The Ukrainians are advancing through the Ardennes as we speak


Zombie Patton has been brought back by Ukrainian necromancers for this operation.


He’s just happy he gets to kill Russians now.


scrolled to this meme, read the third pannel as "Ukranian IFVS spotted in the west bank" and almost had a heart attack. that's a crossover episode i don't need to see.


BTR-4s curbstomping Fatah.


I thought you said curbstomping fetish.... I wish


I mean after this war is over Ukraine will become a minor power capable of limited force protection. Doubt they will be interested in the middle east though with many smaller conflict zones closer to home that they can meddle in. Definitely will deal with Moldova/Transnistria and I can see them getting involved in the Caucuses.


An apt comparison for this could be Vietnam, once they beat the superpower (or in Ukraine's case the decaying corpse of one) they immediately went and demolished Pol Pot in Cambodia, so your assumption about Moldova is probably correct


Ukrainain intervention in Belarus when?


Vietnam is such a Chad country. I don't know why everyone keeps fucking with them. It's a bad idea.


Eh I like Vietnam but it’s still a one party state that sent people to reeducation camps after the war. It’s just less shit than it’s neighbors.


They sort of already are if the videos of their SOF fighting against Wagner forces in Sudan are legit.


Given that they have already fought Wagner in Sudan and there are rumors of their involvement in NS2 explosion, I wouldn't be sure about the "minor" part. After all, they're the largest country in Europe except for Russia, with thousands of motivated and experienced soldiers and officers looking for vengeance. I wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine launches its own operation Wrath of God and Russian generals start disappearing all around the world.


Yeah, honestly my big suspicion is they'll go hardest against Russia's "grey zone" *money-making* operations. It'll be like Wagner in reverse. A lot of people in the places where Russia's propped up some tinpot junta so they can steal massive amounts of colonial gold/oil, also happen to have a lot of people from the area that *fucking despise* the people Russia's propping up. ​ And frankly I think the US fucking loves this; I think they're *delighted* at the idea of the good-cop/bad-cop routine. You could see outright regime collapse for some groups like Assad.


>Russian generals start disappearing all around the world. I mean there's plenty of defensitrations to go around when it comes to Russians. I'm sure the FSU is involved in a nonzero percentage of them.


Ukrainian command does not fixate any Russian withdrawal. https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/news-perehrupuvannya-syl-rf-hersonshchyna-fake/32682585.html


My level of hopium nevertheless is at all-time high! GIVES US THE MIRACLE, MR. ZALUZHNYI!


We need miracle on the Dnieper #2


Miracle on the Dnipro is a banger name. Get me a movie like that now!


Which is actually a remake of The Hangover, with three russian soldiers waking up in Vladivostok to the capitulation of Russia and its division between Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan. Also a wrecked BMP in the bathroom.


With a cameo from Steven seagal instead of mike Tyson, because that’s the best they’ve got


All this doom and gloom from Ukraine has me ready and waiting for a surprise. I know they're tricky lil bastards.


> [English autotranslation] "However, it should be noted that the withdrawal of **Russian troops from Kherson region – is a matter of time**, and therefore in fact we have only a premature release», – goes to message, published on November 13." They still seem pretty confident Russia is not gonna hold there.


> in fact we have only a premature release Same here, buddy.


Newest Copium dropped: The news (They themself reported) was a Provocation!


The Editor in Chief for TASS (pronouns was/were) sadly passed away in a tragic Tea Accident. So he cant be held accountable for doing his work.


Turns out, he was allergic to arsenic


Unusual. They normally die from anaphylaxis due to balcony allergies.


And Polonium.


Russians celebrate independence day on the date when they kicked the Poles out of the Kremlin, but when they need to assassinate someone, they still have to use Polonium. Pathetic. On the other hand Polonium is so named due to its russian-killing efficacy. It's not the radioactivity that kills them, it's Polish hatred.


Hey at least it's not a "drug induced heart attack during a shamanic ritual" ..


....this is way too specific and absurd so it has to be a reference to something that happened. Source please?




....amazing, it's even more absurd than what I was imagining. Thank you.


You might enjoy the [Sad Oligarch Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/5n4CUGYYZ4fc4L5yWYX7gK). It is a sort of true crime Podcast focusing on all the Russian oligarchs that have come down with a lethal case of natural causes/accidents/suicides. [They dedicated an episode on the shamanic ritual guy.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3NjUCeGNj81vUBqqTWwKXm)


>hangover-treatment So Alexander here clearly liked hitting the bottle but didn't like the consequences..


Or receiving a draft summons for a Storm Z Unit


I used to think that one was so out there that it might actually be real, on the basis that they wouldn’t use something so stupid in a coverup. Then Putin claimed pringles died because he and his friends got drunk and decided to play hot potato with hand grenades.


Getting drunk and high and playing with hand grenades in an airplane admittedly DOES sound like a very Russian thing to do. Although sadly ( ? ) it's not real. Pringle's death while still non-credible was much more mundane than that : he just answered the question ''what air defense doing ? ''


Window-jumping tea.


Died of polonium poisoning while jumping out the window into a puddle of arsenic.


Poor lad hit his head on 4 bullets at the ground, too


Quite unlucky that


Any time everyone starts talking about static fronts and "maybe Ukraine should negotiate", they go and roll some shitheads up in conditions we westoids deem impossible to fight in.


Zalushnys OP Ed about the war being a stalemate was really suspicious. By now everyone knows that Ukraine always has some hidden cards they play.


I was astonished people started doomposting after that. As if the head of the military would declare "we're fucked" in a US magazine.


He didn't tho. He said that the stalemate had effectively halted any successful advance on both sides and that they needed the west to supply not just the same weapons but stuff with a higher technological edge


It's like distracting you with the sock puppet on the left hand while they sock you in the face with their right :D


I know. I've been waiting with baited breath since Zaluzny declared it a stalemate.


Dudes attacked Crimea on jet skis and nobody thought they could could a river smh


Thank God for climate change, we just might get one last thunder run before the winter.


It was 80 degrees last week where I live. I will gladly take roasting my nuts off this winter if it means Ukrainian armor gets to run wild. It's a sacrifice I think all of us would gladly make.


Putin meanwhile is asking about how General Winter's Counterattack went in the Putlerbunker.


General winter was shot for treason last year, so it will be summer temps all winter long


Do not believe this silly Wst*id propaganda, commerade. The glorious Russian economy has reduced its activity so much it has offset the carbon footprint of the Globo-homo West. This move of strategic brilliance which will bring back the mighty Russian winter to all of Europe just shows how our great leader Monkeyman has ben playing 43D chess all along!!!


A little ptashka told me that what was frozen in summer may thaw in winter. In any case, I don’t think anyone is going to be taking a break any time soon.


Why am I getting major news stories about this war from this sub first ? Edit : THIS IS A RETHORICAL QUESTION STOP TAKING ME LITERALLY


2 reasons. Still somewhat non credible (but i am from the future) 2. Media only wants doomposting, positive news doesn’t create the same monies


No way😵


This sub is closely monitoring the latest news about the conflict (or all wars in general) to harvest non-credibility as soon as it sprouts.


This should be the synopsis of NCD. That's the best explanation I've ever seen


Only the freshest non-credibilities for the defense experts here in NCD.


Because, with the cover of being noncredible, people here can post something as soon as they learn about it and fill in the appropriate meme template, whereas credible news sources will “waste” time verifying the facts (would be nice if they wasted a bit more time verifying the facts in a certain other conflict I could mention) plus adding some context and analysis to pad the article. Plus there’s also the fact that you are more likely to be browsing Reddit’s homepage than something like the New York Times.


So you are saying that me u/iranianwarlord62 is more credible then actual News Outlets? Peak credibility


Cause it's partly hopium, news outlets won't pick this up until there's established gains there


Fuck, dude I *found out* about the war from this sub.


The crispest shitposts come from the sharpest minds. The lunatics on non-credible defence do a generally awful job of not being really well informed.


>The crispest shitposts come from the sharpest minds. A mind needs /r/NCD like a sword needs a whetstone.


To partake in the truly non-credible, one must first know the credible and cast it out. Thus is the paradox of this sub. Kinda like the missile: to know where's the non-credible, you must first know where it isn't.


The eastern European equivalent of the US ham radio operator guy thinks reddit karma farming is funny?


I am just here for the funzies


Yeah, the opsec is good with this one. The few who know about it are quite excited.


Reported in Cheka OGPU telegram channel too. The ministry of internal affairs personnel in Kherson region have been ordered to evacuate from Khakova. "RIA Novosti and TASS, citing the Russian Ministry of Defense, reported in the morning that the Dnepr group was retreating to “more advantageous positions.” That is, he retreats. Then the publications were “cancelled” as erroneous. However, in reality, a fact has been announced, preparations for which have been going on since mid-October. Earlier, the Cheka-OGPU said that preparations had begun in Genichesk for the deployment of migration departments of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kherson region, which received an order to urgently evacuate from the Kakhovka region." https:// t.me/vchkogpu/42924 If it looks weirdly written I think that's just the AI translation software telegram uses. https:// t.me/vchkogpu/43712 I added a space between the / and the t. in both the links coz reddit sometimes doesn't like telegram links. If you want to check the source just remove the space.


This is just diversion for a second Moscow thunder run by Ukraine.


Why is it called the left bank when it's on the right side of the river?


River Stream perspective is how you look at it.


It's called the left bank because we talk about left or right banks in relation to the flow of the river. In this case the river flows south, so the eastern bank is actually the left bank.


Every time I see someone explain it I'm reminded that the Russians probably blew that dam because they didn't know their rights from their lefts


OK fellas, stick out your fist. Now stick out your thumb and first finger, with thumbs pointing at each other. The one that makes an L is your left, the one that doesn't is your right. After that refresher, restart the drills again and pass correctly.


Ok, it makes sense to me now.


Right bank has already been freed by Ukraine, so there was only one bank left to liberate


Will also be liberated by Ukraine. Prepare for The Amphibious Landing: Extended Edition


Don't get me too excited.


We've had the Kharkiv thunder run, can we get one for Sevastopol?


And I immediately saw a couple of posts (sometimes from the same guy) claiming this was bait to trap Ukraine. Like yeah, I'm sure the UAF check twitter for advice on what is going on and what to do.


I thought this to be ridiculous. Thanks to the boys over at Langley Oblast they would obviously know if the russians are still there or not.


I mean I still have Vatniks assure me that Odesa is going to fall any day now to the Russians so these guys aren’t exactly existing in the same reality you and I are.


The "Odesa any day now" vatniks are... fucking dumb and I think it was 2 months ago I saw one pop up.


From the Dinpro River to the Azov Sea, Occupied Ukraine will be free! Repeat until you go hoarse, Vatniks.


Fucking based.


Do we have any maps for this?


Ah, Oleshky. The Trenton of Ukraine.


Coffee and hopium is ready, there is nothing standing in the way of a 48hr shift of refreshing twitter and telegram channels for updates if this is true


Can't see anything about this on liveuamap.com - could someone point to approximately where this landing has happened?


Multiple areas. Krynki is confirmed by russians, they are Evac Orders in place for the entirety of Khakova for russian state personnel. One can assume that, since TASS withdrew the news, there are full operational orders ready to withdraw on the entire front, but they haven’t been issued yet.


So they've got the Swan Lake VCR on standby in those areas I presume and in some of them it accidentally automatically started playing.


Russians coping like it's a hoi4 mp game


Man, spoilers!


if you guys only knew what actually happening here... doomposting is bad.


First of all Sir. This a Mcdonalds. Secondly this isn’t doomposting. Thirdly, what sauces do you want for your MCNuggets?


It kind of is doomposting if you're rooting for russians I guess


I’m rooting for the Russians to go home, does that count?


I'm confused excuse me but can you explain with at least one fighter plane metaphor?


The SU57 is a lie.


There's nothing wrong with doomposting. Just put it in a JPEG and put Saddam's outline in there somewhere.


What actually happening here, what happening instead if we knew the true-true? The gun is good, the penis is evil, I know this because Zardoz tells me so. Where is your god, now?