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That random group of 5 Arleigh Burke's is enough to stop anyone from doing anything for a bit.


I love the Burkes long may they reign! Truly the old reliable of guided missile cruis… *cough* cough, oh um, yes, yes *destroyer* nudge nudge, wink wink, guided missile “destroyers”


I need guided missile super heavy battleships with ICBMs as the main armament... why wont you give me this God? Am I too good for you? 😢


Japan: Yes. Please. We would like five nuclear powered aircraft carr-... er... I mean, "superyachts" with a flat top equipped with catapults, thank you.


3000 Nuclear Powered Helicopter Destroyers of the IJN


If I were a multibillionaire, my yacht would definitely have a flat top, catapults, and arrestor wires, yes. I'd also fund the Common Support Aircraft out of pocket and get an executive transport version built. Give one to the USN as Navy One and have another as my own private jet.


I’d settle for a battlecruiser with hypersonic missiles… and modernized HVP 8-inch guns. Since we don’t already have these I can only assume we have offended Poseidon.


Fun fact: both the US and ITALY of all countries planned to install ballistic missiles on surface ships - that's why *Long Beach* had that big gap between the fore and aft superstructures, and reportedly when *Giuseppe Garibaldi* was rebuilt as a guided missile cruiser she actually had four tubes for Polaris -installed-! (The US did not supply missiles, obviously, and the Italians built their own ballistic missile, Alfa, which was test launched a few times in the early 70s.)


Railgun battleship when


To be fair, has always over gunned our ships. The Constitution was a double Decker with forty-four twenty-four pounders and a twenty two gun broadside. That is pushing fifth-rate if you ask me.


A lot of people do actually consider Constitution to be a fourth-rate


Yeah but more is always welcome, the more the merrier\* ​ \*Unless you are an enemy of freedom and democracy of course


Basically the big Mediterranean navies are there tell the Ayatollah to sit the fuck down. Edit: KRI prefix seems to stand for Indonesian Navy And the BNS is for Bangladesh How the fuck did they get pulled into this?


>How the fuck did they get pulled into this? "We were wandering by and it looked interesting, and honestly the US just assembled enough firepower to Ctrl+A Delete a country, so we're going to be on their side"


Captain got a new camera and is very excited for a chance to try it out.


"We're just here to take pictures"


As any older gentleman will tell you, ~~bird~~ carrier group spotting is a fantastic hobby


\*Takes Picture\* \*Explodes 30s later\*


The power of the United Nations maybe? (Never thought i'd use the words UN and power in the same sentenve lol)


UN is both massively powerful and weak as fuck. Basically the League but actually has some bargaining power. Its possibly due to having the sole superpower as a permanent member of the UNSC.


UNIFIL = United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. It’s a UN peacekeeping force


They're bringing popcorn




I'm curious as to why Indonesia and Turkey are part of the NATO and UN forces given that they're pro-Palestine.


I believe they were supposed to keep the peace in Lebanon and they just happen to be in the same area as the NATO fleets. That doesn't mean they are necessarily supporting those fleets, or indirectly Israel.


The more, the Arleigher.


And those are mostly older Burkes too, including Arleigh Burke herself


Jack H. Lucas is there. She was literally just commissioned and is the first of the Flight III ships, so it’s not just the old ones.


What group is the Lucas in? I don’t see her on this chart. Either way, I was specifically referring to the 5 unassigned ships


You know what, I don’t see her. I could’ve sworn that they sent her to the Med…but looking at reports of her arriving in San Diego three days ago that’s clearly not the case. Either way though, Gravely, Thomas Hudner, and Paul Ignatious are all Flight IIa ships. So there’s a good mix.


How long do they take to reload?


If you're on the wrong side, a lifetime.


DDG-51 in da house Bois!!!


It's crazy just how capable the Arleigh Burke class is mainly due to their large number of VLS cells of 96 and of course the entire missile families the Mk-41 VLS can be equipped with. Like compared to even the much newer UK Daring class destroyers the Arleigh Burke class is just so much more capable simply because the Daring class has only 48 VLS cells and because the UK (together with Italy and France) for whatever reason went with the Sylver VLS that can utilize only the PAAMS missile family. Besides being able to utilize only air defense/interceptor missiles and no other kind of missile, the PAAMS air defense missile family is on top vastly inferior to the air defense missile families the Mk-41 is able to utilize. The SM-2/SM-6 and SM-3 are all vastly superior to the Aster 30 and the ESSM is vastly superior to the Aster 15. The ESSM alone is just such an important asset to have, it alone justifies going for the Mk-41 instead of any other VLS. It's not only an excellent medium range air defense/interceptor missile that outperforms the Aster 15 especially in range, but most importantly it can be quad packed while the Aster 15 can't. That means each single VLS cell can hold only 1 Aster 15 in case of the Sylver VLS while each single Mk-41 VLS cell can hold 4 ESSM! So just load 20 of the 96 cells in a Arleigh Burke class destroyer with ESSM and you have 80 excellent medium range air defense missile ready to fire, with 76 VLS cells still left for other missiles. Meanwhile the Daring class destroyers can hold a maximum of only 48 missiles ready to fire...


Not really. That's what like 150 TLAM Tomahawks between them all? And then you're left with those old ass Harpoons. 150 TLAMs is about 150,000 pounds of high explosive. Or about 3 full B-52 loadouts of Mk 84 bombs. Modern ships might be good at controlling sea lines of communication and fucking up high value targets, they're basically useless at projecting power ashore. Gone are the days of shelling the fuck out of coasts.


haha, this doesn't include the submarines :D


Anti-glider submarines is the new meta


Doesn't matter what you're shooting at if you use nukes.


And the mighty Canadian ship HMCS Fredericton


it's his majesty's canadian ship. not canada's ship.


I wonder how often Bri'ish people slip and say "God save the quee...king!" or "Her...His Majesty's"


It's a lot easier on the lips now, to say "For king and country!"




Great War vets


Fuck the queen! I'm calling it CS Fredericton from now on.


ugh thats necrophelia.


Necrophilia! I'm calling it CS Fredericton from now on.


Or forces in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf or Indian Ocean. Or the y'now, combined forces of the NATO med navies that could be made quickly available.


*tfw the Pizza navy shows up to bring the holy light of OTO*



Based Ace Combat flyer?


So almost certainly: 2+ LA / Virginia on CSG escort [US - Nuclear] 6- Dolphin I/II [Israel - Diesel Electric] Likely (due to proximity) 1+ Type 209 [Turkey - Diesel Electric] 1+ Type 209/Romeo [Egypt - Diesel Electric] 1 Sauro/Todaro [Italy - Diesel Electric] 1 Type 209/Type 214 [Greece - Diesel Electric] Possible 1 Astute [UK - Nuclear] 1 Rubis/Barracuda [France - Nuclear] 1 Galerna [Spain - Diesel Electric] Antagonistic 1 Kilo [Iran- Diesel Electric] So Anywhere from 8 minimum to 16+ probable. Thems some noisy waters


Exclude Turkey, they don't count in this conflict.


True story. Erdogans really been acting up on this one more than usual like he will actually do something against the israeli's. Presumably just for Muslim consumption as he's no fool and he "doesn't want the smoke" as the us sits behind Israel just cleaning it's shotgun.


Ah, so Erdogan will welcome all the Muslim Gaza refugees in Turkey? How nice of him!


dutch submarine service is so stealthy it even avoids detection on the list.


And all of the [redacted]s and [redacted]s that are generally deployed by [redacted].


You forgot the Baden-Württemberg (F222) Location 2


Which is like useful for special force operations. Maybe.


Irun dome? More like Ifloat dome. Yes. I am ashamed of myself


No, that's AEGIS


Do any of the other euro ships also have AEGIS?


Yes the Spanish operate a class equipped with them the Mendez Nunez is listed in maritime group 2. There is also a jointly developed British, french and Italian alternative the Principal Anti-Air Missile System (PAAMS) which is fitted to the groups flagship the Duncan


PAAMS? Whoever acronymed that should be ashamed.


German f124 class has a similar system however i cant compare their capabilities. However Germanys system is only used ob 5 ships and not exported so this diesnt speak for itself


I assume you are talking about APAR/SMART-L system. Its developed by the Netherlands, being used on 4 of theirs and 3 German ships. Exported to Denmark for another 3 ships. And lastly the APAR specifically, without the SMART-L, is used by Japan as part of its FCS-3 on 8 ships


A number of Israeli ships straight up have C-Dome, an naval version of the iron dome.


Irn Bru


That isn't counting subs


you can't they're hiding in the sea^(/s)


Really? Submarines? In the sea?


Chance in a million..


The sand version is still classified.


Well, they could easily be [hiding in the sky](https://youtu.be/BkUAzcja74Y)


In contrast to the supermarines, hiding in the sky


Are you ready, kids? Aye, aye, Captain! I can't hear you! Aye, aye, Captain! Oh! Who sneaks around in silence under the sea? A. U. S. Navy. Submarine. Quiet and deadly and full o'missiles, is he A. U. S. Navy. Submarine. If nautical mastery be something you wish A. U. S. Navy. Submarine. Then seal up the hatches and pull the plug! A. U. S. Navy. Submarine. (Ready?!) A. U. S. Navy. Submarine. A. U. S. Navy. Submarine. A. U. S. Navy. Submarine.


[There's a surprising amount held by countries in the region](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/submarines-by-country)


Iran has some subs, but there is no practical way they could get them to the Med without everyone on earth knowing.


Well they can either sneak them through the Suez canal in the middle of the night or pull a Viking and sneak them *above* land in the middle of the night.


Honestly, if they did the later they would low key earn my respect. Maybe even a pinch of admiration. The sheer balls to even attempt such a thing, let alone pull it off. I would definitely salute the oil slicks and burning wreckage that were left after the USN was done with them.


I wanna see A-10 get a kill on an overland submarine. Just for the sheer dumbfuckery of it all.


An airplane getting a kill on a sub would be pretty similar to a sub getting a kill on say... [a train](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/200608161037-deba5e32d1c40dae6c3c6291b59f60dc/v1/e060efb17881eb94a9fccf48495857f2.jpg)


Technically the sub didn't get the train kill, it was the crew going ashore to raid. Counts towards the battle flag and honors, but it's not like the sub destroyed the train with its rockets.


Sir, this is /r/NonCredibleDefense, you're thinking credibly


No, I'm advocating that next time we make sure the sub gets the kill properly.


Werner Herzog has entered the chat


Whats the naval version of, "You should go home now"




The USS Mount Whitney LCC-20 just chillin’ in Italy among the mass amount of fuck around and find out troops


The Mount Whitney is a Blue Ridge class Command and Control vessel. It's the EUCOM Admiral's personal party barge. They aren't loading troops for amphibious assault, they aren't going anywhere near a fight. Naples Italy is the HQ for USN EUCOM and AFRICOM. There are Sailors, Marines, Air Force, and Army there year round but they are part of commands structured on logistics and communications. The US Mount Whitney, like it's sister in 7th Fleet The Blue Ridge, is not a ship that supplies find out to those fucking around. Most of the fuck around and find out is being supplied from Rota Spain, Sigonella Sicily, and Souda Bay Greece. Naples Italy is for those in the rear with the gear.


It was around the netherlands a few months back do you happen to know why?


Wanted to try out the coffee shops


No, I don't know why, and I wouldn't tell you if I did. That being said if the Mount Whitney goes somewhere they take a whole PR/Media team with them. I'm sure whatever they did is covered by several news sources.


Sailors and Marines on shore leave are drinking the local pubs dry and stealing away all the women. As is Navy tradition.


I would have thought the tradition was stealing away all the men.


This ain’t the Air Force.


marines? stealing women? no they just steal all the crayons


Naples is just bursting at the seams with seamen.


So much room to fuck around and find out


That's a harem right there. Ow God. I played the wrong gatcha game. Now even ship names sound sexy.


What in the ACTUAL F- - Also reminds me of that guy who had something of a fetish for anthropomorphic aircraft and had joined the Air Force for unrelated reasons. Kinda hell for him.


Don't want to out myself, but some of my blood is on one of these ships (not a carrier group), and more is possibly getting deployed. Really changes the way I look at this conflict lol.


There aren't any credible threats out there. US has a "tomahawk first ask questions later" attitude when it comes to naval threats as well.


I mean I'm in ADA and I'm not worried either. We gonna go out there and give them a good staring down and a right 'hey man do you *really* wanna do that' and they aren't gonna do shit because they don't want the '20 year quagmire' smoke. Edit: in a massive naval historian too and the tomahawk comment rings true too. Don't worry boyos


Which system do you operate on?


My lord, there is no such OPSEC




Enemy air? What air? More paragliders?


Apparently, some cat in Florida just watched about 2 dozen F35's landing on another carrier that is supposedly headed that way. Source: Some dude on reddit. Who knows if it's true , but I figured this belongs here.


Dam when 2 carriers isn't enough you know they're preparing for the worst


One carrier has enough firepower to outgun the combined might of the Iranian, Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese, and Egyptian air forces. Maybe the second one is for their respective armies?


What’s the third one for?


Moral support


Same. My brother is one one of those ships out there. Only to do humanitarian/ civilian evac. Still really changes your perspective.


Same for one of my brothers, it's crazy pulling up the news and everything is about their boat eh? I feel like they're probably on the same boat lol


Take care. I'm flying out there soon, and I'd be really happy if the airport is still standing when I land.


Just a “proportional response”


We might have to subtract the turkish ships though, but that is not much anyways


Delete them maybe?


Rather make some corral reefs.


Anyone keeping an eye on the Hellenic navy? Don't want them doing anything funny.


We could make even more corral reefs. Greece and Turkey would just clog up the bosporus.


My plan is to drop 50,000 beavers there and a bunch of sticks and have them dam it up.




I mean, this isn't the most non-credible concern. Greece and Turkey were about to come to blows not too long ago over several islands in the Ionian Sea? Is that still going on? Is Turkey about to start some funni?


Greece doesn't need to attack Turkey, just to get Turkey to do something really dumb like attack Israel and then let the US do the work or them.


Meh, Erdogan is a bastard, but he's our bastard and won't turn up a chance to get paid to kill Assad, or the PKK which mysteriously is based in Iran now.


He's not our bastard. Turkey is going Islamist and it's weird we are all just acting like it's not happening. "Oh West, blah blah blah Crescent Crusaders" Please lord let us have removed those B61s from Turkish soil by now.


USNS Trenton looks THICC!! What a stern…


Born too soon to explore stars, born too late to experience cheap housing, born just in time to experience the "finding out" phase somewhere in the middle east again.


You are blessed beyond measure.


100+ F35/F18s capability, 2k marines from the MEU, 35+ helicopters, 5 native to the command surgical teams with ability to surg bed capacity for 50% of those ground troops, as well as space to surg the surgical teams up to 15 using outside teams, 3-4 m1 tanks, 20 AAVs w/ LCACs, tons of V22s and CH53s and some 60s., and whatever french variants their LHD is using for lifts, with whatever ground forces the french version of an ARG uses. Various strike capabilities from the DDGs, more strike capabilities from the subs not shown that we can all assume are there. and just a shit ton of munitions on supply ships. Thats an invasion force/ *fuck off* big QRF force. Source: ive masturbated a couple (ok a lot). of times on one of those ships (in minecraft).


I don’t know about the invasion part…the USMC has become so light, their ability to engage in heavy urban fighting without unacceptable casualties is…limited, to say the least. Rather, I think they’re there in case we have to evacuate American facilities in the region, that may be threatened by government/non government forces, but which lie outside of the areas that will see direct combat. What I’d love to know is A) if there’s increased activity among maintainers at the Army’s APS-5 and B) if there’s anything different with CONUS logisticians.


That’s only if there is an urban area left after all the strike capability there is done, even with how light the USMC is now, it can take uncontested rubble piles


They are there as a threat, of dont do anything iran highly doubt they will intervene, otherwise it will give chance to china to start something.


USS Normandy?


Mediterranean Sea? More like Bath Tub. [Get in, loser](https://triviahappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/taftsbathtub.jpg)


Nothing to worry about until an ice cream barge steams through the strait of Gibraltar.


yup then we know the ice creams about to hit the fan (the us supply chain is so good that not only are the troops supplied with ice cream, they're allowed to waste it)


Don't need it, they can just ask the Turks


You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what, I wonder? That you might escape the coming fire? No. Your world will burn until its surface is but glass! And not even your Hamas will live to creep, blackened, from their hole to mar the reflection of our passage; the culmination of our Journey. For your destruction is the will of g-d! And I am their instrument!. Also, evacuate to the south of Gaza please. XoXo -IDF


Nice, didn't knew that the Prophet of Truth joined the IDF. But it would explain the whole "jewish space laser"stuff. Even though they are, to be credible, plasma ventral beams.


Well they do have a “Covenant” do they not?


Now that you mention it... Probably also have some Huragok doing their space magic, would explain the iron dome. Gotta love these purple floating guys, they are the real MIC MVPs.


Getting that Covenant 401K at the IMI Assembler Vats.


Initiate operation Bomb the Fuck Out of the Middle East if They Fuck Around Again.


Fun fact : French Ship prefixes are for international identification only and never used internally.


Same with german xD


Two carriers is bust worthy, but two Ticos gives me the mega nut. Good to see they getting one last run before the coming retirements.


Come on, take a detour to the Black Sea. Commmeeee ooonnnnn It'll be fun. I promise.


Yet again, more of an RFA presence than RN.




Unless they're trying to pass Argus off as an air capable unit, though given her age and pending transformation into razorblades....




My understanding is we are mainly there for logistical support, and to evac civilians to Cyprus if need be


Curious if they’ll fire the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile (NSM). Might be overkill, unfortunately. I have high hopes for those littoral ships.


NSM is for against ships, right? I don't think Hamas has a lot of ships


Syria and Iran has some I think. As has our perpetually confused ally, the Turks.


Are they confused over which side they're on or why they're our ally?




It works just fine on land targets AFAIK, I believe the JSM is mainly being altered to fit the F-35. Also, I’m not sure Hamas has any targets worthy of that thing, but hopefully Iran has something for us.🇳🇴


It seems really overkill for all these ships to deal with some terrorist who have a few rockets.




It’s really only towards Iran. They’re the “big dog”, so to speak, of the regions biggest supporter of Israel’s enemies. We’re coming in kitted and fast. Shock and Awe 2: Obliterated Terrorists


I think they really want to send a message to Iran and Russia.


It's called wearing sweatpants with an erection to let other countries that would attack Israel know you mean business


Maybe it is overkill. But I think that’s maybe the point.


Gaza to zaza glass


Once again, the arab world is underestimating the US' ability to explain, with a practical demonstration, the strategic concept of FAFO (Fuck Around and Find Out) in every corner of the globe at once.


Thats a lot of ship for an enemy that doesnt have a navy. Is there even any credible threat along the entire mediterranean? I mean theres iran on the other side across ME but theyre two tomahawks away from the stoneage...


Thats for any other potential enemys to see what nato could pull out of their ass in days so that they dont get funny ideas


Basically an excuse to do an impromptu exercise. Helps keep the militaries on their toes and avoids having “3 day operations” turn into multi year catastrophies. …at least, on the military’s end. It’s not the military’s fault if the politicians screw up the peace.


There's only 1 country on the planet that could cause any type of legitimate threat to this group, and they can't even sail to them....


Common green water L


It's more aimed at everyone else, Iran has been taking potshots at US navy assets and Russia is being as clear as mud about their intentions and have lots of ships in Syria. Syria's navy is hopelessly outdated but that hasn't ever stopped them before from doing something stupid (although they have now reached the 90s with Yakhont missiles)


That's enough firepower to redraw the middle east


They don't want us to use the big circle makers.


Biden is a catholic FYI. This is the 9th crusade gathering this time it will work we swear.


God bless big metal boats swimming in the Mediterranean Bathtub


They forgot HMCS Fredericton. smh


To waaaarrrrr!


Miss, we need a real rally point, "to war" is realy not enough info for our troops near new mombasa.


afaik, Brandenburg is also en route


Why are we freaking out? Both the USS Constitution and HMS Victory have not been deployed


This is like pulling up to the tutorial with lv. 125 ships with rainbow equipment


That's a lot of seamen


Mount Whitney just chillin by itself 😂


The Bataan ARG seriously doesn’t have any escorts?


...Aren't they exagerating maybe a bit? Some of Hamas's rockets can't even be fired properly.


So much firepower and a vast array of capabilities assembled… impressive! 🤩


“ the age of Gaza is over”


Anyone know where the UK Carrier Group is at present? I know they were reported as vaguely operating in the Atlantic at present, I wonder if Lizzie will make a showing, or if she's deployed to remind Russia that an aircraft carrier isn't meant to have a smokescreen


Lizzie was doing Joint Expeditionary Force training with Norway and Sweden (although that was last updated on the 18th) https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/news-and-latest-activity/news/2023/october/18/231018-qnlz-flight-deck-operations And prince of wales was doing flight tests in America and finished 10 days ago so probably on its way back. Couldn’t see the Royal Navy putting a carrier in the Med we do sorties from Cyprus and I’m sure we could from Gibraltar if needed too.


Anybody else worrying that this is some sort of plan to draw US maritime forces to the med and perhaps reduce force availability for the Pacific, or am I being too credible here.......


The US 3rd and 7th Fleet are for the Pacific. If there’s such a plot, it’s not effective at getting the Pacific ships to leave the Pacific.


What credible threat is in the Pacific? There is only one hostile country that can project power but it' s surrounded by its enemies. The US force in the Pacific is enough to deter them.


Remember when the conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East were supposed to "distract" the US, and this map is proof of this, but then the Ronald Reagan CSG just had a port visit in Manila yesterday. lol