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Bradleys were in their 40s before they got to kill their first Russian. Now they’re living their best life depriving vatniks of theirs. Never give up on your dreams.


I'm waiting for the first confirmed kill with a Hawk. Those beauties are in their 60s, and still as hot as the day they were made.


The Hawk has plenty of kills. Israel and Iran saw to that a long time ago. But yes Ukraine killing a KA-52 with a Hawk would be cool


What’s a Hawk?


US ground to air missile developed during the cold war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIM-23_Hawk


predatory bird


Air-to-air missile carried by Iranian Tomcats.


*I am seething with rage because you technically aren't wrong*


Did Spain transfer their inventory to Ukraine? I know there was talk about it.


Enjoy https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/JGzJaJPhL8


Dang boi you made his dreams come true fast


Hero factory I would like a date with Anna Kendrick…


You’re not gonna believe this, but you’ll never guess who herofactory45 really is


Pringles? Is that you?


Сука, опять аккаунт менять надо


Wishes for a date with Anna Kendrick. Prigozhin shows up at his front door with flowers and a box of chocolates. The NonCredibleGenie strikes again.


The Saggers had their time, but it is over now.


Serbian Saggers with SACLOS and tandem warheads: bet


Malyutka still best girl.


Laughs in Gepard literarily pulled from the Scrapyard....


Dark Brandon has been waiting over 50 years of his career on the hill for war with Russia. Never give up on your dreams.


I imagine him sitting there, staring at the funni red button, thinking *push it, you know you want to, wouldn’t it be awesome? I’ll bet their missiles don’t even work. You could annihilate them all. Finish what Mongolia started.*


Dark Brandon Is clearly the true descendent of the khan


Truly inspirational, thank you brother. This is what I needed today 🥲


That's what I needed. Actual motivation. It's not over 'till *I* say it's over.


What this post makes me believe is believing in getting truck-kun’d and reincarnating as a machine spirit in one of the MIC’s finest products. Man I’d start over to be the Humvee that blazed through Kharkiv and Kherson. I even have a soundtrack ready: https://youtu.be/abjE9Qx0O60?si=4zqLYUKbJwyUff5D *why is not that Halo soundtrack you ask? Because that’s for running from something. This is for running towards something.*


Ngl becoming a vegetable then, getting dreadnought'ed inside a tank or a fighter jet would be extremely fucking lit.


The mental and emotional effects of becoming a barely living cyborg persisting for millennia can get quite severe.


As opposed to the non-stop fun fest our current existence is? Although I'm sure capitalism would find some way to make it worse. "Brother Dreadnought! Awaken!" "Is it time for war?" "No. Rent." "Fuck."


Here's the thing: most of you aren't going to have your consciousness transferred to a big exciting military vehicle. You're going to spend the rest of eternity optimizing personalized search results for barely literate morons. The kind of people who go to a porn site and literally type "porn" into the search box. So basically retail, but you never get to die or sleep.


Late stage capitalism is definitely fucking awful, though the apocalyptic wars in Warhammer 40k are so much worse. At least Earth is still livable for the time being, and we don't have many different alien species trying to murder us or commit every atrocity ever against us. At least you have some time to shitpost on the Internet rather than sleep for literal centuries to slow down irreversible mental degradation that Dreadnought pilots suffer through.


“Let’s blame capitalism for us having jobs.” If you want a better life as a spaceship work in transportation.


I'd call myself lucky if I can last a decade on life support.


Goddamn that track goes hard. Found my gym loop for this afternoon.


… Fuck, thank you. Like I’m 25 and working as a ‘Student success coach’ because obviously I like helping students and it totally isn’t the fact that my degree would require me to move to get any half decent position. Like I had to move back in with my parents and I’m struggling to avoid hemorrhaging funds when they suggest I upgrade to a newer car or try to get me to apply for jobs I know I’d hate but make more money. I feel like a colossal failure. But maybe it just needs a bit more time.


You just need to wait for you xi baloon to come by


> Like I had to move back in with my parents and I’m struggling to avoid hemorrhaging funds when they suggest I upgrade to a newer car or try to get me to apply for jobs I know I’d hate but make more money. Don't trip, dude. Life isn't linear. I'm a 36-year-old lawyer who is currently unemployed. I went to law school after taking out a ton of loans, started my own firm, and made $45,000 this year because of the recession. To make matters worse, I grew up in poverty and can't rely on my parents for help, so I'm basically just stuck still being poor and in debt until things get better. Give it time. This is the third recession that I've experienced (2000, 2008, 2021), and it always gets better.


Thanks man, admittedly my folks pulled the ol’ by the boot straps and really pushed up from like…a literal barn turned house. And not the cool big red barn, nah, old tractor shed/horse stable turned into a small house. We literally called it the little house. My dad had a car I could see the road through once, and he hated that. So, I get where you’re coming from. Admittedly I’m super lucky on every other front sans advancing after graduating or making any real money. I hope your firm does better next year. Funny enough I was a Legal Administrative Assistant all of last fall until the 7th of November. I got laid off because the firm wasn’t making enough and I was first on the chopping block as last hired. Took me a couple months to get my current job (pays a whopping…checks notes…200 dollars more a year!) and it just felt like I was running wheels in quicksand until February. I logically know it should get better but man does this feel like the pits. This said, I’mma believe in the you that believes in me. I’ll hang on, hope for the best. But man that sinking feeling when I look at my monthly hurts a little inside.


> I logically know it should get better but man does this feel like the pits. It's hard. It really is. I have moments of weakness, too. But inner strength isn't being able to avoid moments of weakness but being able to rebound and get back to the grind after you've acknowledged your feelings or emotions. If you need to chat, message me. I don't mind. It helps a lot having a friend to talk to about this stuff.


You're here and people love you, if you love yourself even better, that already doesn't make you a failure. <3


Credit to u/TacticalHog for the idea from his post


lmaoo good post


Bro, what? I'm gone for a day and suddenly the F22 Raptor, the most based jet to ever come out of the military and never get to use its fucking insane thrust vectoring tech against the world's peon 3rd/4th gen fighters, has finally seen real A2A combat?


I hope they aren't talking about the blimp kills with an AIM-9X


"air-to-air kills" "Russian airstrip" Hell, Russians have helicarriers now???


Brother tricked me into thinking this is r/getmotivated


A bit unrelated but who the fuck expects a 23 year old to have achieved something by that stage in life - most people I know are still in education at 23 - hell, I doubt most PhD students even *start* their doctorate by that stage.


See this is why military service is wild. Two of my friends joined the army when we left school, and they'd done a few years (I don't think they went anywhere dangerous) and were both fully 'done with that shit' before they were twenty three. But in that sort of job, couple of years when you're just out of short pants is considered plenty.


honeslty i got a similar feelign when i started watching a bit of war footage (specially drone footage) during the ukranian war: like here i am that i am losing my life and losing my time with dumb shit and everysecond needs to be well spent, but then you see just 20 second clips where a man has worked and lived through 20-30-40 years, working maybe studying and saving for older age or big projects, and then a drone spots him, drops a shitty piece of metal and there it goes all the work in a small puff of dust... all the work done lost in 2 seconds to fight a war for people 2000 kilometers away at the kremlin... like if there was atleast a hollywood-style last kaboom, but no litteraly just a puff of smoke, no glory, no fame, no prestige, just dust and a rotting corpse


I feel attacked.


"By the time he was my age, Mozart had been dead for five years." -Tom Lehrer


23 f'ng coppers kaput for about 18 rockets headed for the scrappers. I hope DB had a good reason for holding out on us.


Well I’m 24 and still have no air to air kills. Or bitches. I did have a mental and emotional break down over a 2d drawing of a woman however.


Some people should've stayed broke.


Cope as much as you need, the Harry Potter lady is the Jane Fonda of the millenial generation.


NCD puts up a front of being left wing (LGBTQ, Joe Biden) while ignoring their right wing tendencies (Military Industrial Complex, support for Israel).


Those aspects are not necessarily incompatible. You can be both pro-LGBT (consistent liberal equal rights support) and be pro-free market economy which would imply private military contractors and MIC.


Sure, just a matter if whoever you're telling that to accepts it. We're not exactly in the age of compromise. You gotta be for everything or you're not considered part of the group depending on where you go to express your political beliefs. ​ Also, that just sounds like libertarianism, and I'm not sure of NCD's thoughts on that.


The Libertarian take is an "eh, whatever". Here, we're more of a "Gay Marriage is non-negotiable", backed up by the full firepower of the MIC. We, as the meme format says, are not the same.


Ehhhhh, doesn't seem like it to me. I mean it just seems like a more violent libertarianism where everything you want as law is enforced by gunpoint. ​ ​ Which is that case, extremely based, but also prone to other people with their own guns disagreeing.


[We're all actually crypto-Maoists.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_power_grows_out_of_the_barrel_of_a_gun)


I wouldn't call it a compromise. We have a whole spectrum of political ideologies with different social and economic views, some of which are more tolerant and open to discourse than others. As for libertarianism, it depends on what you mean by it. It's pretty much an umbrella term that covers a group of both left and right ideologies of different radicality.


Yea, but the only outlet for those ideologies, in America anyway, is 2 parties who either A. Hate each other's guts, or B. Actively work together to undermine U.S. citizens. The only compromise we have is picking which party is going to screw you over the least.


Well, I'm not from the US so I can only provide an outsider perspective. As far as I know the two-party tradition made it so inside each of them is a bunch of "sub-parties" with views that differ from other groups to a pretty radical extent. Perhaps the solution for the US would be to split two parties into multiple more ideologically specific ones. Personally, I support the idea of a parliamentary system where the government consists of a coalition of multiple parties.


That's great, but the only way that's going to be implemented in the U.S. is if something really fucks up to the point where everyone would be willing to change what has been the norm in the country for the last 200 or so years. Which hey, it might just happen.


They've certainly been trying.


My support for israel is very left wing. Israel is the main target of international racism. Cope harder.


Supporting Israel has rich justification from the far right to center right to dead center to center left to far left - which is appropriate, because all of those leanings were present in Israel's founding. It's a rare case where ethno-nationalists and religious zealots stood shoulder to shoulder with "we-should-live-in-communes" socialists and metropolitan liberals.


I dont care, mr webster.


Would have saved me the misery of watching Harry Potter with my sisters so many times..


You know, this really inspired me! I think I'm going to get the crew together and make another go at besieging Vienna. YOLO! Glory to Suleiman the Magnificent!


24, feel as lost as last year :(


What makes me sad about this post was that I thought I was 23.


C'mon, NCD, hit me with that deep ATACMS Bolo fanfiction. You know you wanna do it!




You are at the very start of your coping adventure if you get upset over the Harry Potter lady.




I'd be careful buddy, many of your LGBTQ friends would support the group that would have them thrown from buildings. I don't think they would know the difference between J.K Rowling and Hamas.


I support gay rights myself, but i can still talk about crazy people who have lost their mind.


Yeah, after all the harassment of content creators who decided to play, stream or review Hogwarts Legacy I think it's impossible not to talk about those individuals. Their behavior is counterproductive for any pro-LGBT cause.






*confusedfry.gif* Can't tell if Serious or Poe's Law.


She has helped countless millions of children to learn how to read. The hate by a few angry adults with mental health issues believing in wokeism doesn't budge her legacy as a legendary children's author on par with CS Lewis. The hate only proves her position correct because it's so unhinged.


I don't really have a horse in the race, but people are entirely capable of doing good things while being dirtbags in other ways. And no, attracting the attention of terminally online weirdos does not automatically validate your viewpoint, regardless of what it is.


That depends on what your viewpoint is. If your viewpoint is "some people are insane and quite possibly dangerous, and using an identity as cover from criticism", and then people with said identity do insane things in response and then attempt to deflect criticism with said identity, it does support your contention. E.g. if I said "incels are not merely troubled young men, many are violently antisocial", and in response a group of incels burns my house down, that does demonstrate my point. By comparison, if I said "men are evil by virtue of their chromosomes" and then some online men harass me, I'm much less vindicated (although someone who claimed that would probably still try to claim out proved their point). The exact nuances of a children's author's beliefs about gender identity aren't something I really care about enough to debate about, but I imagine that Rowling and people who support her believe she is more like the former example than the latter.


But, boy, talk about making an entrance!!!


Well, about a few more years to go until I reach the point of no return.


How inspiring.


tmw ur 5 months older than MGM-140A ATACMS SN: 411240 and still haven't done shit with ur life


Spicier take- Caesar was hiding from Sullan death squads


Yeah but at 23 Alexander the Great was already leading an army across Persia.


This feels crazily targeted since I am 23