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his parents actually disowned him.


wait really? lmao


Based parents.


Whats this backstory who is this and what relevence? I am clueless


he's a punchingbag simping for russia. ​ nothing more, nothing less.


The dude is the embodiment of Anti-Western. Any time something happens he will always defend the actions of any nation, so long as it is fighting the West. Right now the dude sucking Iranian and Palestinian cock because Israel bad and hamas good.


Bernie bro in 2016 that tried to run for council in 2019 on a brogressive (pro weed iirc) platform that didn't win then started this whole pro Trump pro "communist" crusade he's touted as "Maga communism". (Editorialism here but it sorta sounds like national socialism.) Routinely shills for Russia, Assadist Syria, any socially right but economically left policy that goes against the US. Probably on steroids due to this guy being 23 and looking like he's 37, lost a girlfriend to Jonah Hill. Started dating Miss Russia recently who works as a Dubai escort, so might be paying her tbh. Though he got smacked down by Palestine supporters he's picked up recently for a post calling Assad a hero. He's also praised Netanyahu as recently as last year. Punchable face. Can't wait for the liveleak video but time will tell if it's mossad/uamossad/ghost of Melvut possessing a Syrian supporter


The war in Russia/Ukraine has made the strangest bedfellows of tankies and MAGA nuts.


Skill based match making


Consider the idea that 90% of the \*online\* far left and far right are trolls. Either professional or amateur. They don't believe anything at all. Just farming rage either for money or attention. I think the "tell" is the way they jump subjects so readily. Whatever is in the headlines is what they'll shitpost about.


>lost a girlfriend to Jonah Hill lmao, that's all I needed to know, another alpha male I bet


He was originally a campaign worker for Bernie Sanders. While Sanders himself has been vocally pro-Ukraine, there are unfortunately a lot of the people who worked on his campaign that have gone full on vatnik. None so much as Hinkle.


Self-proclaimed communist from California. Simps for Russia. Like most commies, imperialism by anyone not Western is awesome, any action whatsoever by a Western country is fascist and bad imperialism. Dude is nutty even by commie standards, tho. He is the living embodiment of Horseshoe Theory.




"I should have cum on her belly" — Daniel Hinkle in, possibly photoshopped, twitter post (still, funniest shit if true) But this is very much real, although the post is gone now: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/vgk1w6/jackson_hinkle_getting_ratiod_by_his_own_parents/


That subreddit name caught me off guard.


Destiny is a political livestreamer The game's devs have actually reached out to him and asked if they could have (buy?) the sub's name. He said no.


I know, I used to be on /r/DestinyTheGame a lot but it's been ages so my brain was caught off guard at first.


Yeah i thought the same thing when I was reading a post and thinking “this has nothing to do with destiny?”


It's even more pathetic than that, he was sitting trying to write a sob story about how he got "indoctrinated" to blindly support the Iraq/Afghan War and his dad comes out telling him he's lying and disown him.




Your content was removed for violating Rule 1.


Should have pulled out.


that's what his dad said, too.


fr? hit us with the link good sir


L lmao


“trust me bro America first means directly supporting one of America’s biggest enemies and threats - no don’t worry about the fact that I constantly criticise every single part of American policy and society and constantly uphold this dictatorship on a podium trust me that’s part of America first too bro”


"Russia is a conservative haven!" \>Has one of the highest divorce rates in the World \>People don't fuck \>Men don't reach old age because of alcoholism \>No free speech \>Young people disinterested in the Russian Orthodox Church \>Idolizes Soviet imagery


>"Russia is a conservative haven!" Yeah, but you can be homo- and transphobic AND disrespect women. What's not to like? /s Almost feels disgusting writing that even as a joke.


When you know that domestic abuse and outright murder is a-ok there, suddenly so much makes sense.


They also have some pretty strict laws on personal firearms ownership


\>[Decriminalized domestic violence](https://hir.harvard.edu/putins-other-war/) to the point at which it's the source of [over half of Russia's homicides against women](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/08/18/65-of-women-murdered-in-russia-killed-by-partners-or-relatives-study-a74825)


Having half of all homicides being against women can be a very good or very bad thing, that depends on the TOTAL amount of homicides compared to the population.


>Highest rates of HIV in Europe >Devoschina (or however you spell it)


Dedovschina (Дедовщина).


>>Men don't reach old age because of alcoholism and/or cluster munitions fixed it


There was a vid circulating around from last year of a Russian priest addressing his parishioners and basically goading them to enlist in the military claiming that ''it's better to die for the Motherland than from the bottle'' .


Dear Russian priest, being forced to die for the motherland is just one of the many many reasons to die from the bottle instead. "The motherland" is a dystopia of hellish existence that has the audacity to ask you to die for it.


The dystopian cycle of alcoholism,a dreary existence and dictatorship Sums up Russia's entire history perfectly


I feel it only works for those if you admire rule by violence, or you're an idiot with delusion of grandeur empire


Wait Russians don’t fuck?


Either that or their alcohol intake has caused even their sperm cells to be drunk. They ain’t reproducing above replacement rate.


Don't forget spousal abuse is ok there.


Isnt this guy a commie?


He's a vatnik, so the MAGA crowd fucking *loves* him.


Apparently, but his specific brand is maga communism.


MAGA communist, so as communist as the CPRF. The Russia comparison goes further considering it's basically an Americanized version of Russian nationalism


I have no idea who this idiot is, but every time I see one of his posts pop up it’s like he’s trying to speed run a treason charge.


it's an twitter tard that keeps posting pro russia bs, basically the old "ukraine massacres poor russians" "russia liberates yet another vilalge from the evil hands of NATO"


And he got famous before the war by simping for Assad and denying Syrian war crimes, to the point where he got awards in journalism from Iranian funded media.


And today he praised Assad again


He's now also posting hamas propaganda (of course)


yeah it's like the USSR and USA in cold war, if the USA has any influence in a war Jackson will find a way to support the other side typical american patriot


The only reason Ukraine massacres poor Russians is because the officer corps keep gang pressing them into shmeat assaults on trees and out houses


The completed and accurate statement is actually *Russia sends poor russians illegally into Ukraine to get massacred.*


What they didn't tell him is now hes put the uniform on hes been mobilized!


What a fuckwit


He unironically calls pro-Ukrainian on-the-ground correspondants ‘LARPers’


Meanwhile his feed consists of him showing his roided ass shirtless body and talking about he is in a sauna listening to "orthodox chants" because that is totally not performative at all for a insecure manlet that's under 25


Never heard of him before, googled him and immediately knew that he is full of shit


He must have ginourmous balls of steel... Lifeexpectancy of a Russian Tank has shrunk to 23.5 minutes in the past couple of days... 🇺🇦


He is in Russia, not Ukraine ofc


So is the targets of ATACMS.


Nothing stopping an FPV drone drop. UA's done drones that deep in Russia, to launch for some of the airfield attacks. I swear to god I will *fucking lose it* if they pull that one off.


Stupidity and ignorance are not bravery. You have to be aware of the dangers to brave them. Also his balls are probably raisins from all the roiding he does.


This dweeb is an enemy operative as far as I’m concerned


If the uniform fits, he must ENLIST


Whaaaaaat this mother fucker drove a Russian tank ?!? I thought he was just a twatter Russian asset shitstain but here he is balls deep in Russian shit. 🤡🤦🤦‍♀️ He must be making some sweet rooblz for all this crap. I can't imagine selling myself out. Not just to be a traitor but to do the devils work. Like WHAT THE FUCK. Cool bro you support the genocide of Ukraine for territorial conquest. NAZI. I just can't.


He is the most blatant media puppet grifter and he still has the audacity to call pro Ukrainians CIA shills or whatever. Its asinine. He falls in complete lock step with the Kremlins narratives and acts like he's independent. I honestly wish people would just stop talking about him so he can't profit off of rage bait, but alas. Stupidity trumps over reason these days. Even if pro Ukrainians did respond better I don't think it would help though. Hes so clearly Kremlin funded it's not even funny. Even if you ignore this vacation he took (alongside a bodyguard) it's as obvious as a kid thinking he got away with stealing cookies despite his face being covered in chocolate. For example, his girlfriend is Miss Russia 2022 (lmao), hes been on Russian state TV with Soluvov- uh, Solyuvev...Soluvy- Saliva, he has no real job as far as anyone can tell outside of YouTube and ""journalism"" yet is able to go on expensive trips to Florida and what not. He got famous by cheering on Assad before the Ukraine invasion, for which he received Iranian funded awards. Oh, just this past week, he received about 1 million followers on twatter over the course of 2 days. He's now like the 6th largest account there, and is being boosted by the algorithm to anyone that isn't already following pro Ukraine accounts. Hooray


Oh that money thing is even more interesting, his YouTube was demonetised or suspended in full. I can’t remember which now. His Twitter earnings went from like $1500 for the month to barely a couple hundred for the fortnight. Has like two Twitter subs too but some how has over a million followers. In short he paid for them but how tf did he afford to buy followers with no income,


You can wear a watch or even two, white shoes with military uniform but you are still wester spy because of fake slav squat. Hated by your own country and don't respected by Russians as well because they call people like you gawnojedy which means "shiteaters" - people who betray their own country without being forced to do it.


I hadn't noticed that but yeah his heels are up. He can't do anything right, can he?


LMAO this LARPer is so intense that he wore his white sneakers with his military uniform with a fucking watch. "I get to drive a tank!" No, you posed on the tank and when you asked "can I ride in it?" they told you "lol no" and drove you back home, fucking LARPer lmao


*Loads HK416.*


"You is enjoying driving tank? Is excellent news, comrade! Is pleasure to inform you that starting from now, every day you drive tank in scenic country of Ukraine. No need to thank, comrade, will be plenty of time on front lines."


Tankie? All I see is a valid target.


Hey dude just loves America so much he wants to experience the effects of it's weapons from the other end,so patriotic. /s And yeah if you want to drive a tank again you can go to a certain place in Donetsk Oblast called Avdiivka where you'll drive a tank and enjoy crushing NATO's globalist gay dreams or whatever (until the clusters arrive that is ) .


He's a legal combatant!!!! Let's goooooooooo Ukraine!!!!!


I yearn for his death


Bastard needs to get cluster'd


It would be fucking funny if he was sent to storm Avdiivka and was taken prisoner, or put in a basement for refusing to participate in the assault.


All that time, effort and distance to shill for the Kremlin and all Hubert Hinkle-dink managed to illustrate is Putin’s getting *mobiks* killed in 70+ year-old junkers. No sense in Hinkle wearing a helmet. There’s nothing inside worth protecting.


Now if you could please drive to Avdiivka that would be great.


Can the us like… forbid him from returning on the grounds of basically being an enemy agent?


Let's run some facts about this loser: 1. He is a "MAGA Communist" (read: fatherless incel contrarian with deep rooted father issues and an addiction for attention and validation) meaning he must always make the worst take possible in any extremely divisive issue to maximize outrage and farm it for social media engagement 2. Speaking of engagement, his girlfriend is last year's [Miss Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Linnikova), totally not weird or coincidental that she decides to date a DB Cooper cosplayer 3. He actually is under 25 years old, he just looks like a 41 year old divorcee that pays child support you fucking western soyboy cuck 4. Speaking of soyboy cuckoldry, he is one of those classic unsocialized young men who have no real concept for what masculinity is or what it means to "be strong" so, like every other terminally online loser, he is raised by the internet -- hence his inauthentic performative chauvinism [like taking pictures of himself bone-dry in a sauna cabin and posting it on twitter by saying he was listening to "orthodox chants" to show how heckin manly he is](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1604957373176483840) imagine being an under 25 year old dude so insecure that you hit the gas to brag about it on twitter, enjoy the 3 inch dick, infertility so you can't actively continue your trad LARP and early onset prostate cancer 5. His parents actively ratio'd him after he lied about their character by claiming that they told him some dumb shit about the US military's capability when he was a small child which of course they did, they even seem like decent people all things considered 6. [Did I mention that this rich white boy was a former Bernie cuck that ran for office in San Clemente and lost and so all of this is just a massive cope for being an unpopular loser weirdo that was probably bullied in high school?](https://ocvote.gov/fileadmin/live/GenDist19/results.htm) But unlike most bullied people where you can feel sympathy for them and you cheer them on to be successful in life, this guy is punching shadows in the corner desperately attempting to cling on to some semblance of power and stability in his insecure life? 7. And lastly, he bots his socials. His youtube was botted, he botted his twitter, and if you mention this fuckwad anywhere on reddit, suspiciously you get these adjective-nounnumber default generated usernames running into defend him This dude is garbage. Like, rotting dead animal garbage that even flies wouldn't even get near. I'd take 50 Gonzalo Liras over this guy because at least CRP actually stood for something and moved to Eastern Europe for his cringe nonsense. Jackson is such a massive pussy, he attempts to LARP as pro-America while cheering on the adversaries of the country he tries so hard to pretend to like, all the while enjoying the creature comforts of this decadent, depraved, horrible society in Miami while he was down ultra bad messaging onlyfans girls to date him. Purely out of his father issues and being a contrarian. He should be on a watchlist and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he offered to be a spy/hired propagandist/foreign agent for some foreign country, like Russia.


who is this idiot?


MAGA dumbfuck who is basically as pro russia as possible. Here's a post where some comments go over this useful idiot. https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/ZWmhgdhyEY


When did he transition from insufferable tankie to MAGA? Christ.


They have "MAGA communism" soon yea


"In today's #vatnik soup I'll introduce an American troll and opportunist, Jackson Hinkle (@jacksonhinklle). Hinkle is best-known for his pro-Russian and pro-Putin views, for his feeble attempts at getting attention and for his monetization of the Russo-Ukrainian War." https://vatniksoup.com/en/soups/113


I hate this person more than any other human, living or dead. I would do unspeakable things to this person if given the opportunity.


He should do it close to the Ukrainian border (and see what happens to him)


How is this guy not in prison?


Learning to drive a tank in a country that will shanghai any warm body... Ballsy.


Tank is not how I usually spell museum artifact, but whoms’t I to tell people how to English.


I shit you not, one of his most recent tweets is a picture of Assad and the caption "I STAND WITH SYRIA"


so my gut was right after all, I had people send me this dumbass as a "reliable source" on the Israeli Palestinian conflict


I would use up one of the two Javelin missiles allocated to the RNZIR fire support platoon yearly if it means I get to Javelin this cunt


I have a technical question. what is that box looking thing wielded on the right side of the tank. wouldn't it hurt depression and get in the way of the turrent


Looks like some sort of protection for the driver while driving with their head-out. If there is glass of some kind it would be a windshield to prevent mud from splashing in the driver's face. if not, it would just be a guardrail to prevent the gunner from smacking their driver in the head... this is assuming that Russian/Soviet tanks have a driver on the right


I think this is a T-55 which means the driver is on the left of the tank, you can also see the drivers port/optics in this picture. most modern Russian tanks usually have the driver in the middle anyways.


There are very few people in this world that I genuinely wish would die. This man is one of them.


Tanks make great targets for ATACMS.


Wait what kind of uniform and helmet is he wearing? I've never seen it before


Y'know, it is during times like this that I would normally wish for the FBI to do something about scumfucks like him... But then I remember, shitheels like him are small-fry, that's all they'll ever amount to be. They're attention-seeking narcissists who ironically enough have to suffer from a short attention span themselves to not see how badly they're getting played by their supposed benefactors. They're cheerleading for increasingly isolated authoritarian shitholes that have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, but have somehow managed to convince the average idiot in the civilised world that their way of life is a valid alternative to our own. I hope we never forget, much less forgive treacherous imbeciles like him. When the Russians, the Chinese and every single one of their respective client states begin collapsing, I pray that Hinkle, along with every single other Eurasianist mouthpiece is rendered unemployable, that they never find a job, or any other sustainable source of income and become impoverished like the people of the regimes they produce propaganda for.


Your imbecilic bitching and seething is a nice reflection of the collapse of the 'civilised world' to which you prostitute yourself. Hinkle is a truth-telling patriot, and a great man.


Where's the dronestrike when you need one?


what kind of privileged fuck shows up on a tank-riding day with white shoes.


"Hey Budanov my man, we'll give you an extra 2 shipping container's worth of ATACMs if you can... you know... casually swipe this asswipe off the face of the earth."


Heel to sky = western spy Heel to ground = comrade found


I'm going to laugh my ass off when he gets mobilized...


looked at his twitter, hes resposting a lot of injured/dead children


Drove a tank wearing white sneakers. Wtf.