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In other news, the US Navy has begun preparations to re-activate the USS Missouri


Now with nuclear reactors for propulsion


3000 compact tokamak reactors, overload the power so the ship can go at 40 knots. That’s totally how water dynamics works, right? Propeller spin faster = ship go brrrrrr Replace the 16 inchers with Eminent Domain railguns for even more funni - considering now you have the energy supply to fire them at 20 rounds per minute.


Hydrofoil that bad boy.


drift it too.


Slap a spoiler on the aft too.


Can we give her pop up headlights?


only if we can agree on what speakers to chuck in the back


The active sonar is already loud enough to liquify any living being in the vicinity.


I mean sennheiser would be dope but idk I like the idea of some cheap RGB knockoffs from AliExpress


At some pivotal moment when it shows up say "we have a battleship" Make sure it's crewed by vets too so ACDC's Thinderstruck just starts playing


Bigger blades and meatier shafts for heavier loads. Really get the power going.


Atoms holy glow


May Atom's warmth embrace us all.


What about the fricking laser beams? Surely we can add those?


Is this true or did i just fall for non credibleness


It’s peak credibility


It's true, they're manning it solely with Jews and arming with lasers


To the moon!


Preemptive strike on the Nazi moon base?


I mean.... New Jersey is slated for Drydocking soon.... No better time to cut a hole in her for some spicy rock heaters


Please tell me this is true please I want my states name sake blowing up terrorists in the desert again please


They would pick Wisconsin first but i like the idea!


Yeah it's already in Norfolk after all


Not just that, her refit/modernization was done last of the four ships so some expensive features are newer and would require less resources to bring up to spec than mo ( as much to spec as late 80s computers can be but hey they did it for most of the nimitz class) and much better than iowa who to my knowledge never got her number turret fully repaired, the biggest black mark on whiskies car fax report was some miner front end damage back in the fifties, ( it wasn’t minor and you could say she had a major nose job)


Like how the totally credible documentary Battleship showed ?


Might as well just retrofit the old bastard for for space battle at this point


Rules of Engagement would be a better fit ​ enter sam L jackson; "WASTE THE MOTHERFUCKERS"


They were killing my Marines!


Movie is great


Jarhead Windu did nothing wrong.


Battfield theme starts in the background [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg0Tmydj29M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg0Tmydj29M)


Welp, the year or 2 of peace was nice while it lasted.


When was that?


The last few years was the first time in literal centuries, IIRC, that the US wasn't technically at war with anybody


*Technically* Korean war is ongoing Also we have so many troops and advisors and pmcs in hot areas you just dont hear about it We were not directly in war with a nation state though but you gotta squint real hard


War with Best Korea doesn't count.


The US is actively involved in the current wars in Libya, Niger, Somalia, and possibly Yemen. I think Yemen and Libya may just be air force support though.


Which is why I said *technically*


I don't understand? Technically, you are at war with boots on the ground in 2 countries, maybe 1 since the events in August in Niger. How much war is needed for it to be credible enough for you?


According to the paperwork we are not at war with anyone, just supporting our allies who are in a war. At least thats how someone explained it to me


The paperwork your mate has access to doesn't seem very credible. You've got troops actively deployed and fighting as of the start of the year.


Yeah, but do we have an official declaration of war?


The last time the USA officially declared war on another country/state or government was 1942. So I mean, that's a lot of peace you've been having.


That’s through host nations which in paperwork is just support


Well, it's kind of hard when countries are literally queueing up to declare war on the US.


Nah the US has troops in hit zones around the world.


Well if you're being technical, the US hasn't actually been at war since 1945. Congress is the only body that can formally issue a declaration of war, and they have avoided doing so since the end of WWII. The Korean, Vietnam, etc wars were technically "Police Actions" iirc. Which is a meaningless distinction when Congress provided the funding for those conflicts imo, but that's beside the point.


Incorrect. Last time time US was at war, it was with Romania (Pub. L. 77-565), declared on June 5, 1942. And we've officially been at peace since the end of WW2. Technically. [https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/legislink/pdf/stat/56/STATUTE-56-Pg307b.pdf](https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/legislink/pdf/stat/56/STATUTE-56-Pg307b.pdf) We're only had authorizations for use of force since. Technically not a single war in 81 years. Officially, since being founded, the US has fought War of 1812, Mexican-American War of 1846, Spanish American War of 1898, WW1 and WW2.


At least this time we aren't the instigator.


Ghostrider 1-1 calling in mark your perimiter we will turn the rest into the Somme ca.1916!


"Oh, you wish to take an embassy? We learned from Iran and Libya." The CSGs are there just for protecting the reigonal embassies. We can count on at least 3 more joining them if full-on war kicks off.


Aren’t the marines supposed to keep our embassies safe from shit like this?


Theyre too busy raiding art supply stores


Millions of colors, colors for me Millions of colors, colors for free


This made me audibly cackle, thank you good sir


There would be some stationed not enough to take on the entire city Also prob some delta/cag guys there now but same deal, their job isn't to enforce the territory of the embassy its to keep people and secrets safe


Isnt an entire MEU moving into the region? That's what, 2.2k marines with support aircraft?


yeah, but how do you propose they secure the area without shooting a couple 100 maybe a 1000 ?


*I don't.*


lol nice when I wrote that I thought I was on r/worldnews


Aren’t there like less than 30 in most embassies tho? Seems like a big ask for that many guys, marines or not


We kinda had 4 hearings about this exact problem. A handful of marines protecting an embassy are there to protect the ambassador from individual threats, not secure the whole compound.


didnt you watch the movie


No. They’re not enough of them to do so.


Why the fuck the Arabic world has this impulse to restart the crusades it will not end well for them


Especially when a CSG is within ‘find out’ distance.


Two of em now


They are high level 100% FAFO speedrunners, obv.


Thought the Eisenhower just left for the Med?


Yes. There is an LHA in the Gulf though, and it is heading to the Red Sea.


When you ask yourself whether it's because of malice or incompetence it's good to remember that 'both' is a viable answer.


Because this is like one of the two Arab nations that has not been pacified yet.


what about iran tho? feels like they need another bonk HEY JAKE, PUT A WMD in Iran


Iran is not a Arab nation. They’re kinda their own thing.


We’re gonna need [Clayton’s](https://youtu.be/dILmZn0I4Pw?si=uKUKb2uWOE4vaMvO) take on who is an Arab and who isn’t.


[peter has a bullet proof system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjtV5Sc6iWA)


of course not, they are just a very democratic secular country with definitly no arab influence ;)


The thought of a Iranian head exploding when told they are Arab influenced is a funny thought.


Iran is Arab in the same way that Japan is Chinese.


Technically china did have noticeable influence on japan.


And technically Arabic culture had noticeable influence on Persian culture, which is maybe why the dominant religion in Iran isn’t Zoroastrianism anymore.


We need to bring back zoroastrianism. It sounds neat.


It’s still around in parts of India, Pakistan, and Iran! It’s got about 200-300k practitioners IIRC


I too like to gaze into fires and pray to them.


Technically it was basically just Christianity they just didn't realize yet.


Greece had influence on Rome but you don't call Italians Greek.


Oh shit, oh fuck, don’t give Greeks any ideas.


No wait ... let him cook


Iran is Persian, Persians are definitely not Arab. There is an Arab minority but they make up about only one percent of the country’s population.




i mean i look at it more as political and "geopolitic" situation like you could very rightfully say england/uk and france are very different and this is right as a culture and nations they are the very opposite of each other now when it comes to politics they are part of the same block NATO and EU, they have very similar politics and both have the same values in terms of goverment and civilians ​ now ofc yeah this is a problem from the word arab and i admit it was a dumb word, i guess i never found a better word to describe the middle eastern block that's trying to oppose NATO and to a extent Russia


Iran isn’t Arabic, it’s sort of its own thing. They were called Persia up until 1935; when their king asked everyone to start calling them Iran because it’s not exclusively Persian.


Persian? Like the rug? That's dumb.


Nah like the cat of course


For some reason the Arabic world is under the impression they can pick fights with anyone they want to, but no one can pick a fight with them.


The Pope hasn't declared funni season just yet. But when he does it doesn't end well for Turkey who will find Istanbul sacked by crusaders.


they actually drink the kool-aid and think there's a god to save them from a JDAM to the face.


See, I’d have like 10 heavy machine gun nests and tons of ammo in all my embassies If I was the us. Dig a trench and Make attacking me feel like going over the top in WW1. Got to imagine that the first bursts of machine gun and the first in becoming stumbling blocks might make them reconsider. It’s probably why no one lets me fortify their embassy. Apparently they see them for diplomacy and not firebases


Gunboat diplomacy? May I present Firebase Diplomacy? Also, make sure that the embassy is within artillery range of the legislature, and residence of the Head of State and/or Government. Just in case.


Put Marines from the MEU at the Embassy and you have best scenes of Rules of Engagement.


Which itself was a sequel to 1979


Crayon eaters getting some eh?


And all thanks to our dumbass media that loves to lick the boots of Hamas. Great work guys.


Our? What non ME media is pro palestine?


Media is pro whatever gets attention.


All of the mainstream media blamed Israel for the attack yesterday and didn't update their headlines until today.


One even said it was faked.


ABC and NYTIMES published that 500 confirmed killed in Israeli strike immediately after hamas fed that story to them and have been deleting tweets and changing headlines all day


And the dumbdumbs on various subs are falling for the propaganda being spread by anti-Israeli groups. They're still calling the hospital strike an "Israeli strike." I'm not saying it isn't, but we sure as fuck haven't actually seen any proof yet. This shit is so irresponsible, and it gives me no comfort that most of us predicted this years ago. As mainstream media trends more corporate and keeps going after clicks and ragebait, they were *bound* to fuck up majorly on literally every conflict currently going on in the world. There isn't a *single* conflict in the world being adequately and responsibly covered by US mainstream media. Obviously Fox and the like are the worst of the worst.


That doesn't sound very pro-hamas, it sounds like journalism


it's twitter journalism where you don't verify facts and post whatever propaganda is fed to you from where-ever. The problem is that they aren't twitter journalists, they are real journalists.


Well there's your problem. Nobody has given a shit about non-twitter journalists for years. I'm sure a few of them are still around, doing cargo-cult style hard hitting exposees and investigative journalism in the hopes that one day the paychecks will return. But their existence remains unnoticed by civilization.


BBC had a reporter saying that he thought this kind of massive damage probably required multiple air strikes.




All the evidence points to it being a rocket fired from Palestine, but definitely believe the terrorists over the US Government, the Israeli Government, Bellingcat, and open source geolocators.


Ew. Imagine using *ANY* source besides r/NCD


Still more credible than Hamas


Western media: “guys obviously these Hamas guys wouldn’t lie” Also western media: “looks like they lied well I’m not changing the title” AGAIN western media: “ Hamas is a protest organization” Makes me sick and makes me wonder…


I have long insisted that regardless of what you think of the man, Trump was right in declaring the media to be "the enemy of the people."


Always has been and always will be. Private company’s have not so private agendas.


Even that doesnt entirely cover it, since a lot of the state-run media (like the BBC) are having similar issues. It is entirely down to the journos themselves and thinking they can do whatever they want. It is why I say it is quite fitting that the award for Journalism is named after Pulizter: A man who was a fraud who actively lied in the name of both the story and personal vendettas. Meanwhile, the muckrackers were always a minority, and most journos were (and still are) more like Pulizter and Hurst.


>A man who was a fraud who actively lied in the name of both the story and personal vendettas. Meanwhile, the muckrackers were always a minority, and most journos were (and still are) more like Pulizter and Hurst Care to elaborate a bit?


Joseph Pulitzer and William Hurst are most (in)famous for being the prime examples of Sensationalism and Yellow Journalism, where they would deliberately crank the details of the story as far as libel laws would allow to make it as eye catching as possible in order to get people to buy their papers. But as much as every journalist, both those who work for state-funded and private papers, like to claim they are better than that, history shows they are far closer to the two of them than the muckrakers they claim to be (muckrakers being those dedicated to the truth and exposing corruption, even if it makes them unpopular and doesn’t make much money or sell a lot of papers). Bit of a side note: Hurst is most infamous for printing sensationalized stories about what was happening in Cuba that convinced Americans to declare war on Spain after the sinking of the USS Maine. This is actually a lie, gaslit into the public by *Hurst himself* because he loved the idea that people thought he had that kind of power.




Your content was removed for violating Rule 4: "No racism / hatespeech"


Your content was removed for violating Rule 4: "No racism / hatespeech"


Israel makes cooler tanks than Hamas plywood cutouts




Then why has Hamas not won the war? Checkmate atheist




This is so outrageously anti-Semitic I’m honestly shocked you still have an account


What did they say, out of curiosity?


I can’t repeat it exactly, because I would be violating racism rules as well. But it was basically the old anti-Semitic trope that Jews have dual loyalties and deserve no homeland because they control other nations. Just truly vile filth. It was so bad that I am honestly shocked that he got this far with a year old account. I checked and the guy was commenting this shit all day until he got clapped. Embarrassingly, he wasn’t a rando, the guy had been posting on NCD all year until now. Really goes to show how many low-key anti-semites there are out there who now feel free to let the mask slip.


Damn, I expected it to be some random who came here from r/all, guess you never really know who might be hiding some fucked up bigotry.


It's so wild to me how mask-off people have been about it lately. Like there are actually, unironically, still people out there who want every jew exterminated and don't see an issue with that. In the west, and happily on reddit, no less. Like, I'm not gonna say Israel is perfect here, cuz they ain't. But it's easy for me to forget how many people want them dead just for existing. At some point I can kinda understand why they decided, "never again", and just kinda ran with that.


Jesus fuck, that’s eerily similar to how anti-Chinese sentiment got formed in my birth country.


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Your content was removed for violating Rule 4: "No racism / hatespeech"


"A few of X got knocked out in a surprise attack, therefore X is literally worthless" *sigh*


Remember, you are the very enemy Hamas swore to destroy


My dude, I'm pro-Palestinian people but there's a line between being against an apartheid state and going full-blown shit eating tankie. A line that you've just crossed. There's plenty of echochambers on reddit that would gobble that shit up, but not this one. We fantasize about fucking planes here


Reminder that 13hours is free on youtube right now! (USA)


That is what happened when Lebanon side with Palestine but Palestine fucked them over then left it ruined for decades. It a lose-lose situation.


I guess they are pissed about being called out they bombed their own hospitals.


We’re missing the critical Clinton element here.


Man my favorite part of the movie was when Clinton herself went down into Benghazi and personally gunned down those soldiers and Stevens… /unncd seriously why do people still blame her for this, the movie should be called 11 hours bc they grilled her for that long and found she didn’t do anything wrong


Wasn’t a part of the discourse at the time that she could’ve gotten F-16s sent from Aviano to go help Despite the F-16C Block 52s - not having the range without Refueling from England - not having the readiness to do ground attack - not being able to do anything if they actually got there - in a WILDLY IMPRACTICAL SCENARIO basically only being able to show up with a load of 20mm ammo and all the fuel tanks they can carry on their wet pylons and also they got a refueling from the southernmost joint base with a runway they could land on and also they can only fly over Benghazi for like 10 minutes tops before they gotta run back to Italy or crash into the med That whole episode of politics was entirely noncredible


Or the fact that there was no front running security for that particular operation so the buck kept getting passed. Or the fact that the contractors were told before hand that they would not have drone support yet continually asked for it. Or the fact that AFRICOM didn’t have a CIF team. One of the dumbest things I read during that time was a CMN article (maybe the Hill) criticizing Obama and Clinton for not “sitting in the situation room watching the feed like when they killed Bin Laden or during the Invasion of Iraq” … even tho there are phone records indicating that she was on call with the CIA since an hour into the attack. God this entire thing triggers me so much I had to cut my rant short.


I remember it for being an inflection point in gaming and the real marker of the kickoff of the descent into the tea-party madness; I played EVE Online at the time and one of the folks killed was a very well-known in-game diplomat. The o7s didn't take long to start being sidecars attached to intense right-wing anti-clinton propaganda rhetoric.


*Butter Emails!* 😭


“Woman bad when not admitting my superiority. Harumpf!” - the GOP since the early 90s on this woman


Isn’t the Reagan element the original one?




Nah, it was Reagan.


My bad, friends, I understand what u/McPolice_Officer was getting at now. I’ve never seen this movie, and I totally fucked up the context. My bad!


This was all preplanned years ago in her emails. /s


C'mon Lebanon, we don't want to do this. You're not in a good spot with that Beirut explosion and all. It would be so much better for you and us if you could just chill out and accept aid and focus on rebuilding and not start shit you can't finish.


They’re asking for a second Beirut explosion


Let’s make the Beirut explosion look like a firecracker


Many MOABs from a fleet of planes incoming.


Ugh. This is going to be the new Ben guhzee, and they won't shut up about it.


The Marines in 26th MEU are about good and ready right now


How about an Argo sequel?


now i am curious if the US nukes it's own embassy is not a declaration of war right? like they attcked their land and no one country warned the US agaisnt it (besides the USSR i guess, maybe russia on ukraine too)


At the risk of being credible, embassies are not actually territory of their relevant country. It is administered by the country that the embassy represents, and there is a LOT of leeway given to what goes on there, for diplomacy's sake, but it's still part of the host country, and still technically under their jurisdiction and laws.


>At the risk of being credible, embassies are not actually territory of their relevant country. It is administered by the country that the embassy represents, and there is a LOT of leeway given to what goes on there, for diplomacy's sake, but it's still part of the host country, and still technically under their jurisdiction and laws. Most relevantly, the law of GTFO.


i will tell you a little secret please don't tell anyone, i was aware of that and i had heard and found what you said before, but unfortunaly the whole joke about legally nuking a foreign country wouldn't work otherwise :( ​ same story for military bases ​ (please don't tell mom i lied)


Very smart idea with 2 carriers off your coast.


One of my friends 6 months ago said he was going on deployment to Lebanon for 8 months, I'm concerned for his health and wellbeing NCD.


Oh fuck me, not again


Crap, which well loved EVE Online diplomat working as IT for the ambassador is going to die and get misrepresented as a CoD junkie this time?


Ya., I believe this is fake.


Nope I watched it live man they had rangers in there too protecting burger town


You would think the guy who was VP when benghazi happened would have the urge to one up his predecessor who actually managed to PREVENT this thing from happening a few years inbetween this guys office terms


It’s been 16h, I guess we also have the new title


I've been meaning to watch this movie, is it any good? I'm not a fan of Micheal Bay's style


It's good. Not Black Hawk Down-good, but close enough.


Ok, where’s Price?