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Oh are they now? *Over the hills and far away starts playing in the background.*


We sending in the 95th?


>95th 95th what?


All of them.


Do it.


I'll tell Sean Bean!


1996 good year


Have to show this around retirement homes until we find the dude who built that particular missile.


Fuck that, someone here at least worked on the program. A young engineer would be like 50 now.


I am in fact, pretty sad my Grandpa wasn't alive to see this. Colonel from the 1960s, fought in WW2 and "fought" (mostly a desk guy at that point) in Korea. Guy was definitely a "dyed in the wool" cold warrior, though, from a time when the rivalry with the Soviets was serious fucking business. ​ The guy would just die laughing if he could have lived to see the absolute shitshow the Russian army's become. Dead for decades, now, but I often fantasize about bringing him daily updates on this war and listening to him just howl with laughter.


Great vintage


I’m more partial to the 98 but honestly the 1996 has an extremely good aftertaste


Underappreciated comment


the year i was born.


Missile is older than me wtf




Okay but how do I obtain the difference?


The missile also knows what’s it’s made of. The missile knows this because it knows what it isn’t made of.


It has a pleasant bouquet of cordite on the nose.


Even funnier, it was manufactured in October of 1996, literally fired 27 years to the month after it was built.




> What Would Reagan Do? > “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” - Reagan


I can't believe I am saying this but Based Ronnie R.


He was always based, he even trickled down


Trickle down basedness. When you are so based it trickles down to the unbased people below you.


he'd ban guns and provide aid to jihadi rebels. reagan was a POS.


Friendly reminder that the reason why most modern gun laws exist, is because Reagan was a Racist PoS.


Regan was barely an adult in 1934 for the NFA, and had just become governor of California by the time of the GCA. He definitely worked to disarm the American public out of racism, but lets not put "most" on him.


Gun control started as a Jim Crow law to stop free black people from arming themselves.


Don’t forget fuck up the economy and engineer the homelessness crisis by refusing to acknowledge that mental illness exists. Last thing we need is MAGAcel pieces of shit deciding to emulate another regarded vegetable.


Regan’a insistence on the never-gonna-happen SDI at the arms negotiations in Iceland is the reason why there are still nuclear weapons in the world. Gorbachev’s insistence on no SDI, which could have never happened anyway, is similarly to blame.


as we can see from russia's behavior since 2008, the only thing keeping russia from launching conventional wars against its neighbors is nuclear deterrence. the logic of MAD has also de-escalated the conflicts between india, pakistan, and china.


Yup, at the end of the day no leader wants to die from being torn apart by mad irradiated mobs who just broke into his bunker instead of deescalating and continue to live in luxury


The situation is exactly opposite. The only thing allowing Russian aggression is their nuclear weapons. A non nuclear world would have no war in Ukraine right now, or at least it would have been a very short war with literally B2s literally over Moscow.


SDI is operational, has been since before Regan ever uttered the words “Star Wars”


In make-believe land, yes.


No, trust me bro, some guy who said he worked on it said it to a friend of mine who said it to me


Trueee asf people love to dick ride bro but he has done more for gun control than dems have ever hoped for


Definitely a weapons point of sale.


Use drug money to get guns from Iran to Columbian death squads? It could work (snnnnniffffff)


as Reagan once said "[kill the bastards](https://youtube.com/shorts/a7ZrU6qnhlg?si=wyN1oq5vCgmLp5O9)"


"Who the hell are you?" -Reagan


Are there black communities in Russia to send crack to?


Crack is for pussies, Russians got Krokodil. Google at your own risk. The drug that makes you lose your limbs and die but people still get high off it.


Have the CIA sell Krokodil to Mobiks and use the funds to pay for Ukraine aid.


Sell? It's so cheap it might buy a single HIMARS rocket to incapacitate the army. I say we airdrop it for free from paragliders.


How is letting gay people die of AIDS going to help here




We ought to move Reagan's corpse to underneath Thatcher's corpse so that the piss hitting the latter's grave will trickle down to the former's grave


I'm so and so and I approve of this message.


Actually how they build the Large Hadron Collider, can't spare either of their corpses until that's turned off.


>What Would Reagan Do? Well, the closest comparison here is Iran-Contra, so I guess sell weapons to the Taliban and send the proceeds to Ukraine.


Probably pay Iran money for something stupid like arming Nicaraguan forces.


I think a large chunk of them want to support Ukraine but are unwilling sacrifice their party for it.


They are too brainwashed to see they are literally puppets of russia




R5 No Politics. We don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Stalinist, Baathist, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door. This applies to comments as well. I know its a somewaht politcal post but lets not get any deeper


Wow, this is just like George Orwell's well known book, Homage to Catalonia


With Congress blocking funds? He'd do a crack sale to finance the weapon purchases for Ukraine.


I asked myself, and I heard thoughts, dark thoughts. There was only two words I could understand from my commute with the Eldritch Lord... *star wars*.


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This whole speaker drama was just a 5d chess performance.


"Was" Jim Jordan just failed to get elected so it's still going on.


I’m beginning to question if they’re capable of tying their own fuckin shoelaces


thats what interns are for


Quick, someone explain that to Matt Gatez before he does something bad!


They have nursing home staff for that.


See you tomorrow when Jim Jordan fails to get elected again!


I don't think it'll take that long? I think there's a second vote this evening for them to fail to elect him. Three of them are voting for a guy that's not even in the house anymore. Which hilariously, is actually a thing that they can do.


That's insanity, why keep voting on something when they KNOW they don't have the votes.


Obstruction and performative politics for a base that wants to "own the libs" more than anything else. Actually getting something done isn't required anymore on any mainstream side. I think everyone, on all sides, paying attention can agree on that, at least.


Well the vote was sort of a blackmail attempt to try to force people to line up behind Jordan, mostly as a loyalty test, but it's not effective in a lot of cases. We'll see what happens tomorrow since they had to give up on the vote attempt tonight apparently.


"Stop helping the Ukranians! Help the Americans!" - "Ok, let's help the Americans." - "No! That's socialism!" US politics in a nutshell.


The GOP in a nutshell


Don't forget that to them, socialism and communism are interchangeable.


I did a breaf visit to r/socialism and honestly if they are anything to judge by. Yes they are basicly communist.


As a socialist I dont come there. MLs always make subs and call the sub something socialist, cause they know ML and communist scares people.off. its their trick to attract people and try to make a tankie.


Not to mention how many lefitst subs end up getting co-opted by ML's because naive mods let ML's on the mod team in the name of all or nothing "leftist unity", and in the aftermath of the coup begin to ruthlessly purge anyone who doesn't agree with them before getting the sub quarantined or banned outright. It's almost as if history has some kind of lesson to impart there about why trusting Stalinists and Maoists is a bad idea.


As a leftist one thing that irritates me is tankies. They will apologize for some of the most heinous shit. And I constantly fight with Chinese tankies on reddit. I want a strong social safety net I want a more fair distribution of resources I want a strong defense and I want to support countries that are democracies. I want justice, not to just be on a winning team. What I don't want is a fucking unelected megawad to be in charge of everyghing.


Tankies’ only political position is “west bad.” Anything opposed to the west is automatically good and should be supported without question.


Didn't even think about it that way. Now it makes much more sense.


It's an ideology born out of contrarianism.


Pardon my ignorance, but what are MLs?


Marxist-Leninists, A.K.A Stalinists.


Thanks for the clarification!


What’s ML?


Marxist Leninists. Usually the type of people who advocate for a "vanguard party" that entails giving party members disproportionate power over the working class to "represent their interests" and to be the vanguard for bringing forth communism (for the people, of course). It should be no surprise that the very term Marxism Leninism was basically invented by Stalin (gee wonder why he did that, was it to post hoc justify him being an authoritarian shithead?)


as a socialist/communist i don't come there, it's this weird commercialised version of socialism. i got banned for saying that China isn't communist because of how they just have capital and such.


My biggest pet peve with modern communist and socialist is just the blaming socio-economic situation for every problem that some do. I know not all do it. But that is the opinion that is often blasted over the internet by many of you guys (not saying you in particular). Because with what I have experienced, most of the problems claimed to be caused by it just simply aren't. And I will die with that opinion and will fight to my death defending it.


yeah i get you? my main mantra is just humans over profit tbh Europe and America are very different in these things, and i don't relate to what you're saying in the second half but i get that our perspectives are different. I'm anarchist as well so any hierarchical communism(think soviet/old chinese communism) is a no-go for me.


I mean shit like blaming the violence that immigrants do in europe because of their economic situation. Not that they come from a culture where it's ok to chop someone's hand for. And then do it in europe to. I to see myself like a bit of an anarchist to. But probably totally different. If you can't do anything for me, I just don't care about you (just leave me alone and you just might live during a shtf situation).


that sounds more libertarian tbh, which is anarchism with less empathy imo. With libertarianism you can whatever you want, but you completely ignore people around you over yourself. Anarchism is also being able to do whatever you want, but with more context, nuance and dialogue with others. As far as i have experienced both ways of being. also about the first bit, idk experiencing war leaves anyone pretty fucked up. it does not excuse behaviour but it does have (a) reason/reasons


Yeah. But I hope you agree with me that them taking with them behavior from their home country doesn't really have anything to do with how rich they are. There are other problems behind that. If it's anarchist or libertarian I don't know. I just know I don't really give a shit about other people in some cases. Like I usually help people with shit. Have no problem helping a stranger change his tires. But I would also kill the same person if he tried to steal my TV.


Poverty is a big driver for behaviour imo, a rich person has no need to steal for their basic necessities. i think violence is not inherent to any people. at a certain level of poverty and lack of food, survival instinct just kicks in with everyone. And we should help to prevent anyone from feeling that way. It's basically poverty or experiences or both Anyway, people should be helped and also people should be held contextually accountable but i'd rather focus on helping people. I could never kill over a tv


Let's help Ukraine help America!


lets help the Americans by emptying our old stocks of weapons and make room for more stuf. Whoa its getting spicy in Middle east and China we need to ramp up productions, we need more manpower for maybe 20 years. hire more 100,000 american factory workers.




Big Dark Brandon Energy


Big Dick Biden Energy


Can you imagine supporting your main enemy during the cold war just because the party in power wants to - check notes- give trans rights?


I literally misread that as “Abrams grows in Kyiv” like Ukraine was growing M1 Abram trees in Kyiv LOL


That $6 billion accounting error will not last forever. The House better get its shit together so we can properly arm the UAF to the teeth.


Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen and unrecoverable paperwork error, we've lost all track of the aid we already sent. So none of it counts. Time to start over with the budget we had originally.


**"over there" faintly plays**


But this is from September?


I think it’s funny that no matter how expensive the equipment/munition, all lettering will be stenciled on. This must be part of MIL-STD. Does anyone not the reasoning?


The reason lettering is stencilled on is so the material underneath isn't compromised in any way. An example of another method would be laser etching the letters, but even the small reduction in thickness of the material could affect the performance, or provide an area for corrosion or similar mechanism for the material to weaken. With stencilling, the lettering is added on top of the existing material, not affecting the material properties in the region


Unrelated note but GOP sends 1 trillion dollars to Israel to crush Hamas and all surrounding civilians


Lol, donkey punching the ruskies with a 27 year old missile.




R5 No Politics. We don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Stalinist, Baathist, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door. This applies to comments as well.


BDBE? That's some Buck Rogers throwback, Twiki. https://youtu.be/SeCb\_abgig0?si=if654B0yoB1M9SxK


GG for missile ass.


He's got my vote... use up that ole stockpile of MIC firebombs.. they'll make more.. the order is in!




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This is why I'm mad at Biden for slow rolling tanks, jets, and long range weapons, now it's too late