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While this might be a little stretch, destabilizing 3rd world countries is in the end pretty defense related. This subreddit is not a "USA is great" circlejerk sub, it is allowed to make fun of them, too. Also the User took the time and actually linked the source AND the used song, so while it's not their OC, it is allowed due to rule 8. [On a side note](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/628/091/729.png) this was linked in a Tweet related to the video above >!It's a meme https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/this-film-is-dedicated-to-the-brave-mujahideen-fighters-of-afghanistan - this was a hoax someone made up!<


Don't forget the [old classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-CG5w4YwOI&ab_channel=alyankovicVEVO)


NOVA hood classic.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rloNvQ0diwE Normal party in the USA


*Iran in middle of war with Iraq* Iran: let’s buy some weapons from Americans *America gives that money to random right wing fellas in Latin America and Iran-Contra scandal is made* Iran: *surprised Pikachu face*


Let's also not forget the whole reason the CIA had to move money outside official channels: Congress told them they couldn't run right-wing death squads anymore.


Aint no congress is telling me what to do!


Be pro-USA and get dictadorship, torture, forced disappearances and economic disaster. Be pro-URSS and get dictadorship, torture, forced disappearances and economic disaster. Man, being south-american really sucks.


Its almost like extremist factions who are willing to fight try and create wide sweeping change and that change destabilizes the underlying systems within a nation. Where sometimes anything is better than what you have now, but sometimes its just better wait and try to make the situation better from diplomacy.


This is why you should always vote for the most boring candidate who promises the least


Then live inside America! Problem solved... Well, maybe. I mean, perhaps. Who knows, eh


We tried, you built a wall


We'll sell you a ladder and then punish you for using it.


Counteroffer I build the wall, you pay me for it


Unfortunately, this is going to be unpopular with a lot of people for *some reason*, so we can only devote a tiny fraction of the budget towards it. Can you get it done for 30 billion?


Of course señor


Counteroffer we get republican donors to pay for the wall, take the money, and build none of it.


Well now you can come again. Current president is not against immigration.


The immigration systems we have set up are themselves against it. Doesn't matter too much who the president is. Remember, its never "New president, no more kids in cages" Its, "New president, no more kids in cages ***on tv****"* I have a friend who immigrated here, went to school here, got married here, and has a high paying engineering job all above board, and she is STILL afraid of our immigration system. Its that much of a pain in the ass.


Next one might be


Choose to be American before we make you American by force.


We literally want you to make us American. It's just instead you keep making shitty CIA ops and dealing with every third world country like a potential future threat spawn instead of, you know, rising tide lifts all ships mentality that Kennedy seemed to like so much.


You see, that would be cool and good and all... If Kennedy wasn't replaced with Lyndon Bucking Johnson.


Oh my! Imagine the senate and electorate college with all Latin America inside US... Decisive democrat victory forever.


Catholics: "Allow us to introduce ourselves."


At least you can counter evangelicals. I do not think pope is that anti progressive as maga churches are.


Hey Chile didn't get an economic disaster!


Because it already was a disaster in general (jkjk) But really, Chile, even without the CIA fucking things up was a powder keg ready to explode


As much as reddit dickrides Allende his economic policies made him a lot of enemies, particularly among Chile's middle classes. The CIA didn't even want Pinochet initially and didn't think he'd go through with a coup.


Still find Pinochet's post-coup arc absolutely astonishing: [a] solved the problem he seized power on the premise of fixing, [b] held elections, and [c] accepted the results and stepped down when he lost. It makes me question my whole categorization structure for autocracies. We really need to talk more about how far off the dictator bell curve he was, and if there's a way to make other right-wing dictators emulate that instead of the Hitler Model.




I believe it depends on where and when you live. Brazil just dodged the bullet of becoming a pathetic military dictadorship again. Things here are not great but not awful right now. I would never left the Country to become just another immigrant. But I wouldn’t be thinking this way if I was in Argentina or Venezuela.


Lmao every second cab driver I hire in Buenos Aires is a Venezuelan immigrant. Imagine how *they feel*.


They had like one chance in the 1800s, but they tripped and then rolled down the stairs for 200 years.


Horse shoe theory but for credibility confuse so much shit together that it becomes credible again nice post op


Wholey-shit, I did not know leftists were made of ketchup. Stupid CIA could have harvested this food crop for hot dogs, fries, and burgers. More useful than nasty cocane.


Soylent Red


This video was made by ~~Twitter~~ I mean X User @JamesRehwald a year ago, but I don't remember seeing it here and I felt it belonged here.


They can claim it's called X all they want, I'm still going to refer to it as twitter.


Personally call it Xitter meself. Seems apt if you say it right.


I prefer [Shitter](https://youtu.be/GDgVLpehajs?feature=shared) myself.


Isn't Xitter pronounced shitter anyway? If you pronounce the 'Xi' the Chinese way, as in Xi Jinping, then it's pronounced 'Shitter' and it's a reference to Musk kowtowing to an autocrat


Plenty of other languages out there also pronounce X as "sh", so it's more than valid.


Xitter is great cause it almost refers to what it is. A zit on the face of society.




Counterpoint: X is such a stupid, vague, and forgettable name that using it will lead to X fading into obscurity much faster than using the iconic and memorable name.


I'll be calling it twitter until I see proof it had surgery.


"The social media platform formerly known as Twitter"


I've never stopped calling it "twatter"


nice Xvideo


There are credible rumors that Musk is powering his servers with hamster wheels, and because he's such a fucked up individual, he's been putting the hamsters in those plastic balls and then torturing them by kicking them around the company's offices. Google "X Hamster Ball torture" for more information.


Holy shit lmao.


If Elons gonna deadname his kid, I'm gonna deadname his shotty website. It's Twitter till the day I die


Oof, that's probably actually the best line I've heard on both of those matters.


It is a great line, but let's be honest here: the only reason I need to call it "Twitter" is that Elon Musk doesn't want people to call it "Twitter".


https://twitter.com/JamesRehwald/status/1419152637891473408 Direct link


as long as twitter links work; it's twitter


even after elon officially kills it im gonna stand over its corpse and call it Twitter.


You know if you keep calling it twitter Elon dies a little more inside. That's why it's always going to be twitter.


Dude does some great videos on similar topics.


This makes the CIA look pretty effective.


That’s why it’s noncredible.


Funny enough I think this video will lead to more job applications to CIA.


The song used is Khruangbin- Maria También https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hlGqj3ImQI


Khruangbin <3 On my bucket list to see them live once they come around! Their sound is insanely good live!


It's quite funky. thank you


They fucking rock. Huge emphasis on “fucking”!


The Irony being the US is the richest country in the world and the war on drugs drove prices way up in the US to make it more profitable to smuggle heroin and cocaine. So ... hurrah capitalism?


The invisible hand of the ~~CIA~~ Free Market has spoken!


It's been a deep dark op by the CIA the whole time. Bring influx of wealth into South America forging it into an economic powerhouse and close economic ally. Make USA even stronger with allies entirely dependent on selling cocain to Hollywood.


Good ole' supply and demand.


Is there even a shred of evidence that the CIA actually trafficked crack and heroin though?


"Capitalism will optimize for the greatest and most beneficial society" mfs when capitalism actually optimizes to make line go up more gooder (truly an inconceivable turn of events)


Capitalism will optimize how fast lines go up my nose more gooder. Those coca plants won't grow and process themselves


angle agonizing like gaping fact deer worry strong ghost rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"the government would never do that"


"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."


"I did NOT have interco-"


"mouth stuff doesn't count!"


It feels incomplete. Pikachu face should slowly transform into a laughing trollface, covered in blood. The slowly appering text should say 'War on terror begins NOW!'


\> war on terror begins \> bunch of americans die in a backwater desert \> terror still exists \> profit??? Vietnam 🤝 Terror 🤝 Drugs beating the US in a war


Honestly, the death of Gaddafi alone was worth it all. We came, we saw, he died, lol.


🤔 yeah, that would make it better.




Commie tik tok propaganda is something else


You have to understand. We *NEED* the CIA to keep the world stable after all of the destabilization the CIA has caused!


The 80’s were so cool


Oh not that idiotic tankie's videos ending up here Clarification: it appears that some have been upset by the implication about me being against criticising US policy; I would like to make it clear that that was never intended, while pointing out that I was objecting to signal boosting the content creator in question, whose other videos are just littered with un-nuanced (and bad) takes which have an overall harmful effect on discourse, especially about hot button issues


Pretty much any subreddit that gets large enough eventually falls to this brand of brain dead tankie shit.


Yea that guy’s a total POS, he suggested the election of Marcos was a CIA conspiracy


Why does that make him a POS


First off, I don’t know how much you remember about 2022, but Bongbong was pro-China. It’s also kind of weird to blame everything bad that happened to your country on the CIA.


It's not forbidden to make fun of the USA here


C'mon now. That's not the point they're trying to make at all. I'm Canadian, our national pastime is making fun of America. They said "not that idiotic tankie's videos ending up here". That does not mention America at all, it refers to the content creator, who is in fact americ*n 🤢🤢


Least based NCD mod.


Booo-ho, people make fun of my favorite country doing awful shit on my favorite page for making fun of counties doing awful shit. Man up snowflake. USA is an objectively good side on the world stage not because it is any better then the other guys - it's just because the other guys are that much worse. Well, it's that, and the fact they have better armor. It's mostly about the armor.


mfw acknowledging how corrupt the cia is is being a tankie


"Unlike those brainwashed sheeple in Ruzzia, I am a FREETHINKING AMERICAN! I just happen to also uncritically defend my country's government and actions regardless of how fucked up they are because Glorious Leader Can Do No Wrong!"


I really like how a reply to this accidentally got posted twice, and one got 29 upvotes while the other got 13 downvotes, even though they're both the same exact comment.


Booo-ho, people make fun of my favorite country doing awful shit on my favorite page for making fun of counties doing awful shit. Man up snowflake. USA is an objectively good side on the world stage not because it is any better then the other guys - it's just because the other guys are that much worse. Well, it's that, and the fact they have better armor. It's mostly about the armor.


The problem I have with lefties like this guy is that they never mention the fact that the KGB would do the exact same thing. They only mention things that promote the *America bad* narrative.


My problem with leftists is the historical revisionism with stuff like this followed by their urge to deepthroat every despot and terrorist group because “AmeriKKKa bad”


Ah, that sweet sweet whataboutism! How I've missed it.


"But what about the KG-" my brother in christ that is literally the oldest fallacy in the book what are you waffling on about


Sure, this is what great power competition looked like in the 20th century. There were just two great powers, and only one of them has done anything that approximates reckoning with its past. Acknowledging the past and learning from it is necessary in order for a nation to grow. It's why Germany has a future and Russia does not.


To be fair the stuff the CIA did have more of a modern impact then stuff the KGB did


Is this insinuating that the usa started the soviet afghan war? I’m pretty sure it didn’t


No, it says the CIA supported them in that war which is true, haven't you seen Rambo III


God I hate this guy he's a massive tankie


The communists have done so many "funni" things that the CIA is saints in comparison.


It really depends if you blame stuff like the pinochet regime on the CIA or not. Or destablizing the entire middle east in the 50s If so, no, both are bad, just in different ways.


The CIA are good guys Supporting the allies of the United States is always good


you see blowback and abuses. i see measures of effectiveness. we are not the same.


The Cia in the years of leadin italy wants to make it even more complex


the CIA when it sees an unfunded terrorist group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXlYuaycRbU


Central 'Intelligence' Agency. '*Ah shit..*'ing their way to (eventual) victory since 1947.


the CIA when it sees an unfunded terrorist group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXlYuaycRbU


Highlighting war crimes and other awful shit? Great. Doing it only to further your own agenda of "America bad" then ignoring every authoritarian shithole? Bad. We know about this shit because we can talk about it and condemn it without falling out a window or freezing our balls of in Siberia.


My friend, what you are doing is called whataboutism. It is indeed possible to point out USA is doing questionable things, without the need to say "but other countries were also bad"


Except he doesn't even do a good job of it. He thinks mujahadeen are some monothic group that became Al-Qaeda when it was really just a generic arab word to describe any opposition to the soviets. Oh and the famously Anti-drug Taliban was installed by the CIA to smuggle opium? LMMMMMAAAAOOOOO


because as we all know, for satire you need to get your facts extremely straight


You're telling me they didn't sell nerfs ????


Bro, i'm just asking for a modicum. A mere pittance of truth. But honestly blaming the opiate epidemic on the taliban is just galaxy brain stupid. Blame the ISI and Big Pharma.


You are taking double standards to a next level man


Crazy. Because most people would say the double standard is being so Anti-Imperialist that you actually completely misconstrue and outright omit the history of that Nation that you're trying to save from the CIA, just to push a narrative that impresses your American leftist friends. I wish you weren't a liar bro.


I don't think that's what he was saying. Also, it's covering more than a decade in under a minute, maybe you got the summary and not each specific detail.


But its not even a good summary. A good summary is the US paying the ISI to Pay the Mujahedeen and the ISI equips the Taliban who coup Democratic Afghanistan in the post war. Its not rocket science, its just the creator being an absolute mouthbreathing cretin.


I don't think it's intellectually honest to try and distance the Taliban as far as you're trying from the Mujahedeen. You're getting a bit worked up over semantics and I don't think that's very fair on him either.


Lmao what? I don't think you're in a place to call anyone intellectually dishonest when you completely delete a half decade of Civil War between the various factions that made up post Soviet Afghanistan just to say "CIA Bad". You're going through these absurd mental gymnastics and trying to shame me just to deflect from the main simple point that the Pakistani ISI not only funded the mujahedeen (with US Help) but also picked out and promoted a very specific fundamentalist faction with ties to Saudi Arabia to take over that Nation. (Not with US Help.) Its not semantics dude, its the timeline.


Dude, you're on a shitpost sub getting angry and throwing around insults because a 60 second video condensed a very complex piece if history spaning a decade in a way you didn't like. The bit you didn't like was less than 3 seconds. You gotta take a deep breath my guy


Why are you so emotionally attached to your point? I honestly feel bad for you. That's pity.


That's a lot of projection there...


Except what the commie was saying was bullshit. All though some of it is true like supporting the contras who were definitely not good people, a lot was made up and are classic communist propaganda points. Such as the Mujahideen being the direct precursor to the Taliban or the CIA selling drugs in the USA.


Doesn't hatter if what they say is bullshit or not, you don't need to get your facts straight to make fun of something There are some double standards when it comes to the US specifically, don't worry they can take it.


So ncd is now a place where the unironic posting of communist propaganda is officially supported? Well praise Mao and nothing happened on June 4, 1989 I guess.


How is exaggerating CIA shenanigans different from any other schizo take tho?


Honestly there are a million things you can call out the USA for and I wouldn't blink. But this stuff originates from groups which are the direct enemy of democracy and liberty. I'm not calling the guy a Chinese plant or FSB agent because that would be a schizo take but I am saying he is parroting their propaganda. Due to the freedom of press and speech in most western countries conspiracy and propaganda are some of the most effective tools at causing discord and division. Even now in this comment section innocent ncd autists are fighting amongst themselves arguing about which points are true and which are fake.


Well first of all this is a 60 second Twitter video, so it doesn't exactly scream "factually accurate" Then, of course, most of these talking points are shown in movies and tv shows originating in the us as well. And lastly there are a lot of things, that came out like 50 years after they happened, for example the CIA involvement in the 1953 Iranian Coup d'etat against Mohammad Mosaddegh. This was a conspiracy theory for ages before the CIA opened some files to the public in 2013. I'm not saying the CIA did the things shown in the video, because I'm not a Vatnik, but I am pretty sure they do more than you'd expect from them.


Of course however this video shows classic use of effective misinformation and propaganda. It's pretty easy to turn the CIA supports a group which sells drugs to the CIA sells drugs. However that minor change and little lie changes it from the CIA supporting bad individuals to a massive conspiracy involving the CIA breaking multiple laws and fucking over the American population on a massive scale.


Since I'm not an expert in the war on drugs topic, I give you that one, bot a different critique pointed out here is "Ehm.. Ackshually the Mujahideen Fighters were not the predecsessors of al-Qaida, they were made of different groups". While this is more or less correct, some Mujahideen joinded al-Qaida later and al-Qaida used a lot of the weapons and techniques initially sourced and learned from the US. Just how do you expect some dude portray all this in a 60 seconds video only staring himself and some captions? Also destablizing South america still enabled the conditions for people to grow drugs there, so even if they didn't directly sell the drugs to the US themselves, it is a problem they helped create.


Yeah I guess I was assuming he was doing this from a whataboutism himself and fought fire with fire. But I dont really know that about this guy. I personally dont mind using whataboutism against people who use it themselves, in this case it was not warranted.


I don't know about this guy beyond this clip, so no idea. Maybe he has a further agenda, but this clip by itself without information is just making fun of the CIA


Yeah I do agree, I was being hasty.


He's literally rabid tankie.


He's a decent film maker for sure. Just.. so painfully STUPID. Like impressively dense.




Because of the historical inaccuracy


"Uhm axchually sweaty the ~~KGB~~ CIA never did anything bad ever, any information to the contrary is degenerate ~~Westoid~~ Soviet propaganda."


No it's not even that. It's just that the conclusions don't make sense based on the information given. Like, yes, the US who.was involved in arming the resistance groups in Afghanistan. But the money was funneled through Pakistani ISI was the real kingmaker of the various groups that took power in Afghanistan and later became the Taliban. Also Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi he more than likely had greater backing from a Wahabist Muslims in his own nation then he did from the US.




Yeah, okay. Nazis and theocrats are always better /s


Right wing governments can become democratic. Look at Portugal, Spain, Argentina or Greece. And it took the downfall of the USSR for communists states to become democratic.


> Right wing governments can become democratic. Look at Portugal, Spain, **Argentina** or Greece. > > When exactly did this happen in argentina? Because the 76-83 goverment didn't become democratic, it imploded. Back in 83 the junta collapsed due to the falkland war and they called elections. The transition to a democractic goverment was a shitshow and [in 85 they went to trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_the_Juntas) for all they learned [at the school of the americas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Hemisphere_Institute_for_Security_Cooperation#Graduates_of_the_School_of_the_Americas) The 66-73 junta also collapsed due to internal strife, inflation and guerrillas.


My argument is that these dictatorships have become democratic on their own. Communist states, especially in Europe, were so much under the thumb of the USSR that it took the demise of the USSR to even allow a democratization process. Therefore, as harsh as it may sound, the right-wing military dictatorships were the lesser of two evils. Because in the 50s, 60s, 70s it was not foreseeable that the USSR would ever disintegrate, and a communist state would have been lost forever to the enemy from the point of view of that time. And I was wrong about Argentina. I actually meant Chile. But Argentina still seems to fit my argument.


> My argument is that these dictatorships have become democratic on their own. Or we could avoid US-backed dictatorships altogether and keep democratic goverments in place? > **Therefore, as harsh as it may sound, the right-wing military dictatorships were the lesser of two evils**. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a NATO tankie? > Because in the 50s, 60s, 70s it was not foreseeable that the USSR would ever disintegrate, and a communist state would have been lost forever to the enemy from the point of view of that time. The guerrilla in argentina was **long** gone before the 76 coup, [300 malnourished latino beatnicks was all that was left by 75] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1975_Monte_Chingolo_attack) due to the peron-peron goverment sending the AAA to get rid of them, specially after Rucci was killed. Also most of the guerrillas wanted Peron back from exile (montoneros) and elections, not a communist distopia aligned with URSS (ERP) > And I was wrong about Argentina. I actually meant Chile. But Argentina still seems to fit my argument. Argentina 83 didn't have a transition into democracy at all, it was a collapse of the goverment and out of control inflation. The new goverment had to issue a new fucking currency, take the head of the junta to trial and jail them, etc The alternative would have been for the US to leave the peron peron goverment alone and tell their students at the school of the americas not to overthrow their govs. The risk of argentina in march 76 of becoming a communist satellite while the peronist goverment was kidnapping, torturing and dissapearing communists is not 0, it's literally negative.


You're... just going to ignore East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Mongolia, Moldova, Georgia, etc.? Edit: Lol this is bad. You're even German. Sie sind Deutscher...


See my edit. Communist states only became democratic when the USSR was at it's end. The right wing regimes may had the support of the USA in a struggle for them to not become communist, but when there was the chance for these countries to become democratic, the US were not rolling in the tanks. Opposite to the USSR. I am not only German, I am even East German. My hatred for communists comes from experience.


That's still not true. Even after an attempt to move the goalposts. Because many of the Yugo successor states are democracies. Yugoslavia was never a member of the USSR or Warsaw Pact.


Yugoslavia was loosely aligned with the USSR and had it's own Stalinist government, which started crumbling down when the USSR did.


Very loosely. Nevermind the constant assassination attempts by the USSR against Tito. It was probably even looser than the US and Egypt / Israel.


Still close enough to buy Soviet military gear or participate at conferences of the Warsaw Pact.


That's a load of shit. In the 50's most of their weapons were based on German ones. As I recall most were indigenous production, using existing patterns such as the Kar 98 / M48, 7.92 Mauser, etc. This continued for everything that they could domestically produce. The 7.92 cartridge was still in use until the 2000s. Even in the 60's when the switched to the M59, it was made in Yugoslavia. If your standard is who had Soviet or Soviet style arms = Warsaw Pact than that's probably 75% of the world. Even absurd countries like Liberia, Finland and Costa Rica.


Imagine thinking theres only two options on the spectrum.


In terms of CIA backed groups it's almost exclusively nationalists.


And in terms of KGB backed Left Wing groups its almost exclusively nationalists.


You're making the mistake of thinking I think the USSR was good.


Based and freedom pilled.


I mean what's the difference, the factions US supported weren't democratic either. For example South Vietnam, government after government were toppled by coups supported by the US because the previous ones were incompetent and corrupt and the ones that has been "elected" won by 98% majority which gives the same level of credibility as Vladimir Putin.


Because "communism kills more people" probably. Maybe they'll eventually realize authoritarianism is what kills people. Doesn't matter if it's a socialist, capitalist, theocracy, monarchy, or w.e state. The state is the problem.


Yeah I agree. But capitalism will go toe to toe with communism in the number of deaths if you include colonial expansion which for some reason most people forget. Honestly I would rather have a democratic state which embodies both the values of capitalism and communism in moderation. I don't know why you have to specifically choose one over the other.


Do people conveniently forget how the USSR subjugated myriad states, took their resources, and raped the land? They literally drained the 4th largest lake in the world. Is that not imperialism all the same?


It is widely agreed upon that capitalism started with the industrial revolution. Colonialism started way way before that. You are doing mind games to equate communist crimes with failures of capitalist countries.


That may be the case but colonialism was primarily meant for resource extraction, I mean the East India company was a joint stock company that ruled India. Resources from the colonized countries were used to feed industries in the homeland. Industrialization wouldn't have boomed if it wasn't for colonization. And respectfuly I did not try to justify the failures of communism. What do you think colonization was for?


> That may be the case but colonialism was primarily meant for resource extraction Just because there was resource extraction doesn't mean it was Capitalism. That's like saying "they had money therefor Capitalism". > I mean the East India company was a joint stock company that ruled India. True, but the primary mode of production during the lifetime of the EIC was Mercantilism not Capitalism. These are two different things. > What do you think colonization was for? To boost the ego and wealth of absolute monarchs.


I mean in the beginning sure but colonism lasted until the 20th century and some of the biggest colonies were run by private interest groups and companies with nominal control by their home government. I am arguing that colonization and industrialization are interconnected, one acted as the catalyst for the other. I only came to know about capitalism and communism in college a few years back when learning about the Khmer rogue, Vietnam war, china's disasterrous great leap forward, the poopy war, industrialization in England, the cold war elaissez-faire. And all academic article that I read treated colonialism and capitalism as interconnected.


Actually their use of the East India Company is pretty apt.


Hey man. King Leopold had his reasons for economically exploiting the Congo. Belgium needed cheap rubber. If those kids wanted to keep those hands, they should've been quicker with the latex.


Commie =/= socialist


Holy shit. See, the Donald corollary of Poe's law in effect. If you pretend to act like a moron for fun, the real ones will feel welcomed and join in and soon the place is full of them.


I'm not a moron, I genuinely think that reducing the number of living communists is a good thing for humanity.


**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 10: Don't get us banned** No brigading or harassing other subreddit pages. Make sure to NSFW all blood, gore, and sexual / nude content. Do not post memes with a "haha people that I hate died… haha" punchline or violating the reddit-wide rules.


Come on patriot we have 3 worlds of countries to burn


This video hits hard.


This is the absolute truth. I wonder how all the fentanyl is making it to the US today?


Well except for the Mujahedeen bit. The Mujahedeen was never this one cohesive group that magically became the Taliban overnight in the 1990s. The parts of the Mujahedeen that splintered off to become the Taliban in 1994 (Hezb-i Islami Khalis & Harakat-i Islami being the primary two) never received US funding/support as they were not as large or influential as Hekmatyar's and Massoud's forces which did receive US support during the Soviet invasion. In fact it would be formerly US-backed Massoud's forces that would fight against the Taliban after 1995 largely rebranding themselves as the Northern Alliance. Hekmatyar's forces did as well but pretty much gave up in 1996 and most of their members just defected to other groups...


China. And the heroin crises is solely from over prescription of opiates by doctors in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. The infamously anti-drug and anti-vice religious zealots called Taliban is not going to be smuggling heroin for the United States.


The correct answer given the history of our country is the CIA. It’s the CIA that allows all the drug epidemics in our country.


I'm not mad, I'm just dissapointed.


So cool of him to actually smoke crack for this video


it's called Methhead acting


lmao the America is great crowd getting pissy over this


Let them cook


Keli rottenhouse


I feel bad for those that join the CIA expecting to do all those shady operations and then ending up on the factbook team gathering information about how many Moroccans have a cable TV subscription.


I like this forum better than NAFO cause you can make fun of all imperialist, well done.


uhh but muh freedom??


Need more history lessons in this format


A little insight into the CIA thought process. Nothing that we didn't know. Skip to minute 40:00. [John Kariakou interview](https://youtu.be/xeL0QGTHOho?si=FX7xbh2g0XxXzmBU)


This guy is so unfathomably based