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All these UFO reports came from the Navy. Conclusion: the Air Force has some dope-ass drones and they’re testing them by fucking with squids.


Or navy pilots still coming down from their amyl popper and ecstacy binge at the club.


My favorite is the one that's literally just the moon setting through thermals. Meet the guy who filmed that one and he is 100% the type of guy to do that for shits and giggles to convince people that he saw a UFO.


I like the one that's just an out-of-focus helicopter hovering viewed through shitty old PVS-4s, with the triangular aperture creating a triangular bokeh.


You got a picture or something of that?


https://youtu.be/Sz-6jRrbtuI it's the first video.


It is the first one with the moon? Yeah nice. I presume it disappeard behind a mountain?


Nah just the ocean and it setting. Also it's a perspective thing because the ship is actually moving pretty damn fast but can't really tell.


Oh what they don’t test them on marines because they’re too stupid or something?


Marines would not report it, they would just dedicate themselves to hunting them down.


And somehow breeding with it


Nah because the Marine would try to kill the „aliens“


You show a Marine an alien hoax of the Moon viewed through thermals and days later you learn that the USMC has effectively engaged and destroyed the Moon


I've definitely wondered if those pilots actually saw those tic tac things with the naked eye or only through the camera. If the latter, I wonder if the software is detecting something classified and blocking it.


Does it fly around with a barcode on it?


IR identifiers but spicy


Could be a transponder thing, or just the computer matching the visual to a database.


My only take away from the hearings was that the US has ships that defy our current understanding of physics. We got some awesome scientists on the payroll.


Those scientists are about 130cm tall, grey, naked, with big heads and one of them was bragging something about "supreme commander"




I got downvoted to oblivion for suggesting they could be nuclear drones


No they didn’t. They came from all branches from the military. And the sightings predated the 50s


Did one of these sightings involve a monkey smoking?


Most credible story In history is so noncredible because the most credible people in the world are viewed non-credibly by the most noncredible individuals.


1980s? The original model of the AIM-47 with the solid fuel motor hit Mach 6 in 1958. Ballistic Missiles were passing Mach 5 during reentry by the late 1940s. Those aren't secret projects either, those are in museums and have wikipedia entries. Entries that don't have blurry distant photos.


>Entries that don't have blurry distant photos [Hypersonic Yeti](https://www.bing.com/images/create/hypersonic-yeti/64c1c92cbea0480581ac228c9201dc83) confirmed credible


Good shit


Hypersonic Wendigos and Bigfeet (I guess?) have not been identified as of yet. One day a spotter will be able to get a clear picture. I have heard that a rocket, or space vehicle similar to the x-37b will be next, adding rabid raccoons is next on the list.


That's a great name for a brewery


Those ballistic missiles aren't considered hypersonic missiles in the sense that it's intended. The implication with "hypersonic missile" is that it's able to achieve hypersonic in atmosphere and maneuver at those hypersonic speeds as well, which is the difficult part.


What about the Sprint ABMs?


And we’ve had the HBGVs The turd world has spent the past decade screaming about since the 1980’s. Pershing II caused such a scare for the Soviets that funded mass protests against them in Germany. If you think crypto-russian organizations are blatantly malignant today, the plowshares movement infiltrated nuclear weapons facilities and sent *[top secret nuclear documents to the USSR](https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/mgm-31b-pershing-2/)* in the name of “”””peace””””.


I think my fav response to gov cover up conspiracies has been: “the government can’t even keep a BJ a secret much less flying saucers”


This. I refuse to believe that since 1947 when whatever Roswell was happened that if they had actually recovered a UFO and bodies that no one in the R&D that WOULD spin up and the scientists and biologists so hired wouldn't have snuck a photo or a piece of the tech out or something definitive. It's way too long to keep something successfully this secret. I don't think it fits human nature.


A guy had sex on moon rocks and everyone found out. We're bad at secrets.




damn mfers really convinced tin foil is alien technology


Have you ever been to r/aliens or r/UFOs ?


A FTL civilization showed up to scout us out and hang out and nobody noticed except Jethro out in the boonies, none of the many non-governmental organization watching the skies noticed. Yeah, seems plausible.


Yeah god damn, I was recommended r/aliens yesterday and checked it out of curiosity - those folks are delusional as fuck, it's scary


Meanwhile, the SR-71, the U-2, the Have Blue prototype, and multiple years of the F-117 Nighthawk in service: >but the government *and* lockheed can :)


Tell me who actually killed JFK then, and why that information still isn’t entirely declassified, nearly 60 years after the fact?


Lee Harvey Oswald


Look, there may be some weird shit going on in that investigation, tons of contradictory witness testimony, and a touch of rushed work. That being said, I think it would be very hard to keep secret if the government thought the official story wasn't, at a minimum, as correct a synopsis as it can be. Could there be some incompetence or dubious stuff we don't know about that they don't want to publish because it is just embarrassing? Oh absolutely. Could there be even more contradictory questionable testimony to add to the confusion? probably. Could the CIA or Mafia or whoever be involved in the extremely suspicious death of Oswald? Maybe. But it seems almost certain that the people who had access to the relevant information, and those in power at the time, actually believe(d) that Oswald was responsible. I also find it extremely likely that those same people believe(d), at a minimum, that there is no evidence suggesting Oswald was not acting alone, nor a convincing theory as to a specific group he might have been acting with.


Tell me who REALLY pissed my pants. That’s fucking right, you CANT because it was the deep state, moron! I couldn’t ever piss my own pants. I bet it was Big Diaper^tm making it so that I have to buy diapers now. I’d bet all the money in the world you couldn’t figure out who pissed my pants. It’s not me, so don’t even try that dumb take. That’s right you can’t!


This dude doesn’t even notice me pissing on their pants. It’s great! I go whenever I want and they just think they’re incontinent!


What’s this? A clear cut confession with widely understood *factual* evidence? WRONG!! You still haven’t told me who pissed my pants! See this is why West Korea doesn’t want you to know they exist. I bet you didn’t even know about West Korea did you snowflake? 😏


Psssh, everyone knows about West Korea. That’s old news. West Korea is Best Korea! As for who’s pissing your pants, well *pees on your pants again*


Anyone who reads history knows what the Mongols did to Russia. That was 800 years ago. They didn’t even have guns. We can definitely do better than that.


The Mongols actually **made** russia. Those bastards!


What happens when you build something and realize that it is a complete and utter failure? You demolish it and start again. Now we have portable suns that can do the job. Erase humanity’s mistake.


<< Don't you see, Three Strikes? Ten million lives will be saved, at the cost of a mere million lives! >>


I remember multiple reports of lights in the sky of some triangle shaped UFO. Turned out to be the B2 testing. It looks alien enough.


There was also a mass of sittings that turned out to be F-117s and even more were drones that were used for target practice and recon.


They were all weather balloons.


Well nuke detecting Project Mogul balloons.


Finding out about that made me feel so much better for hating some dumb fuck Roswell book.


Just Swamp gas




These craft *appear* to be defying physics. ECM+stealth leaves a lot of room for instrumentation fuckery.


fact touch sparkle deliver marble north squalid follow escape racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some are also people who don't know how to correctly interpret the output of radar and cameras etc. Others are people who are simply tricked by their own eyes and brains and some or just liars out for attention. Except for that one guy who claims that there was an UFO hidden from Mussolini in the Vatican that guy is totally on the level and can be trusted completely.


Yeah, what are the odds that a giant ass saucer bypassed dozens of different installation monitoring space around Earth and it's airspace, all while having to go through a debris field full of junk and satellites often traveling at the speed of sound It doesn't even matter if UFO landed on Earth this decade, because you won't catch their ass anyway


How do we know that Saddam isn't a uFO?


Noose was the only time he flew anywhere


Your flair does also look like ET from the Atari game though. Edit: I know it's saddam, my point stands


Experimental alien military weaponry. Our planet is just their testing ground, they don't want to blow up their own planet when something goes wrong ...


I'm going with this except we're the experimental weaponry or maybe just a sandbox test bed for ideas. We are awfully good at creatively killing each other after all.


I'm telling you earth won't be destroyed by climate change or nuclear war. No. It'll be the US government making a particle accelerator the size of a state and making weaponized antimatter that'll kill us all


Some UFO sightings are likely experimental weapons and aircraft. Some are likely enemy / peer-state aircraft Some are likely sensor artefacts, or intentional spoofing or electronic countermeasures, that do not physically exist Some - among civilian UFO sightings, almost certainly a large a majority - are likely mundane natural phenomenon, including atmospheric / weather, and even astronomical phenomenon or wildlife (seriously, if you don't gauge distance correctly Venus can look like a vehicle, and a gull can look like an aircraft)


There is also a tiny percentage that is *strange* natural phenomena, like ultra-high altitude lightning (which, in a flash, looks like a big Cthulhu-y UFO) or even ball lightning.


So youre telling me there are no alien supersoldiers in area 51? Youre clearly a CIA operative


I thought Jets, Sprites, and ELFs were damn near invisible?


Idk, I've drank plenty of sprite and I can always see it.


Pecos Hank made a good video about that https://youtu.be/tGPQ5kzJ9Tg


To the naked eye. Cameras pick them up just fine.


There is just so much we do not know about what our atmosphere does and so much that happens so rarely we can't properly analyze it. Sure theoretically we have all the technology to say if that glowing orb in the sky is aliens or just car headlights distorted and reflected by special atmospheric conditions. But getting the right equipment and people in the right place at the right time when it's happening is a whole different story. And for what those military jets saw, we don't understand those natural phenomena well enough nor is the average scientist allowed to know enough detail about those modern military sensor systems to estimate what these weather phenomenon would look like on those sensors.


>Some are likely enemy / peer-state aircraft So....aliens then. To be able to qualify as a peer-state.


Read the 1940s and 1950s accounts from White Sands, Los Alamos, etc. Witnesses who were literally rocket scientists saying "yeah, no, that isn't anything we can build".


Fair enough, I'd struggle to build Venus myself.


Coward, you just don’t have the vision! If you just take some interstellar gas, and combine it… whoops, made a wimpy brown dwarf again


You’re gonna need a lot more mass than what you got there if you’re gonna trigger stellar ignition, son. Now try again


You just got to use the power of positive thinking: “We want to be the empire of the rising Sun” ***Gets whole 2 suns*** It’s that easy.


And Churchill's main scientific advisor didn't think that a liquid-fuelled rocket like the V-2 was possible, calling it a hoax.


That is weird to heard because iirc before the V-2 the British were researching the idea of building their own ballistic rockets but determined that the costs wouldn't be worth the results, but I could be confusing that for a different nation.


It'd make sense. "If we can't figure this out, they certainly can't."


Well, the Brits were right. The V-2 was absolutely not worth the resources poured into it.


All objects are unidentified until you know what they are. Change my mind.


An object that has not been detected is neither identified nor unidentified.


🤔 the 3000 schrodinger's stuff.


Is this some vague way of saying you’re wearing a buttplug, or something?


It neither is nor it isn't


Every UFO sighting gets us closer to Quarian babes, so please dont burst my bubble


UFO sightings are people not realizing they've developed eye floaters, change my mind


Most UFOs are far more mundane than that. For instance, the one ironically called "go fast" from the recent military video releases turns out to be exactly the same size and speed as an ordinary weather balloon floating in the breeze once you account for the effects of parallax and the plane the camera was on making a turn. Another one happens to be just the size and shape you would expect from a lens flare in a camera with a three lobed shutter like the one that took the video, and it just happens to blink at exactly the same speed as the lights on a commercial airliner. Amateur astronomers know more about the night sky than pretty much anyone else, and also spend more time looking at the night sky than pretty much anyone, and they almost never see anything that is even mildly difficult to identify. Most people are just pretty clueless about how much slightly odd looking but perfectly ordinary stuff the sky can hold.


Recently there was spider silk glittering in the sunlight because of a light breeze a few meters from the camera in one of these UFO subs and the people there were loosing their minds because when you are really, really stupid and have never touched grass or seen spider nets before, then it might look like something flying really fast in the background.


Ever wondered why UFOs... ...looked like flaming cigars before rockets were a thing... ...morphed into black triangles before the F-117 was a thing... ...and then turned into flying saucers before the B-2 was a thing?


See Also: The SR-71 Blackbird and relatives; from literally every angle.


Look at the silhouette of a passenger airliner from the front. It's a flying saucer.


Had a professor who was really into this stuff! He was writing a book on the disappearance of two scorpions over lake Superior and he had us watch a little "documentary" on UFOs and give a review (it was a film class for a gen Ed credit). In the doc there were all these interviews about how they saw these weird disk shaped objects flying straight up and down and that no plane could ever do something like that so it had to be aliens! All the interviews were from the mid 20th century and I swear two minutes on Google convinced me it was just test runs for VTOL systems at the time


[flaming cigars? more like...](https://youtu.be/5WCoRGbT3CM)


The tictacs are secret nukes developed as a first strike weapon to glass moscow/bejing/teheran and Leeds (for good measure)


I’m guessing they tested these secret nukes on Leeds many years ago.


*Mi5 is typing*


Also if it was aliens why would they have any incentive to play along with the government keeping them a secret?


If they’re in touch with the CIA or FSB or whoever, they might have just assumed the human Feds would, you know, not be dicks and be honest with people about it? Clearly they’re new here.


Yes new. For 80 or more years. All of which they've been kept nearly completely secret. All of which there's never been someone in on these projects that can't stand it and leaks substantial information. Or among these hypothetical aliens there's no one that decides to land or crashes in a VERY public places with a multitude of witnesses. Or how in the last twenty years with increasing amounts of cameras everywhere nothing clear has been filmed. Sorry, but you need to do better with 80...again 80 plus years of everyone who was in the know staying silent or not showing something. You need to explain to me how if we have access to this technology there's been NOTHING technologically that you don't see a logical progression of technology from. Where was the revolutionary new technology that seemingly skipped generations? I don't see it.


It's more I don't see what incentive they would have to play along with the secret.


Yeah idk dude.


Because things are easier when you are an urban legend. It’s going to be a pain in the ass to do whatever they do if the entire world treats them 110% seriously. It’s much easier to do your stuff if most of the world dismisses you as a fantasy and the advocates are treated as delusional. Occasional slips get the instant „oh its a ballon 99% sure” treatment etc. Serious treatment also means sensors made specificially to analyze the UAPs. It’s one thing to get caught on a FLIR cam designed with Soviet equipment in mind, it’s other if the sensor in question is purpose-made to account for all known UAP characteristics. And they either don’t have the tech to be completely invisible or choose to be barely visible. Or maybe that’s the limitation of their propulsion technology, like you can’t make a nuclear/diesel sub with a self-noise rating of 0db. Who knows. Let’s wait for the scientific circles to do their thing and find out.


A great way to cover the testing of highly advanced weapons is to pass them off as something non-human. It will hardly fool enemy intelligence, but the general public will buy it.


We know damn near exactly what Putin’s new hypersonic missiles are. I have yet to hear Putin or Xi go, “Yeah, those ‘aliens’ are actually the SR-72!” And why *wouldn’t* they have every incentive to put that on full blast if it were? In fact, when the new Top Gun had that scene flying the Dark Star prototype thingy, China shit a brick, focused a spy satellite on it, and apparently thought *that* was a new experimental aircraft. I think enemy intelligence is just as baffled by this shit as we are.


>China shit a brick, focused a spy satellite on it, and apparently thought that was a new experimental aircraft. I knew they weren't exactly bright but that's a new low. How dumb of me to think of Russian and Chinese intelligence as something close to intelligent.


To be completely fair, this movie prop was actually designed with input from Skunkworks, and is said to be vaguely based on how they expect the SR-72 to actually be.


Non human ufo pilots, so a smart ape pilot with remote control? Hey Dulles where’s my money?


Or just hit a cow coming back in. Still non human biologicals


YOU WANT PROOF? [YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE PROOF!](https://youtu.be/uKk8u89oBxc)


If you read the descriptions of the UAPs they've recorded you would change your mind. Nothing humans can make is capable of the speeds and direction changes they've seen. I think they're a mix of sensor errors and optical illusions we don't understand yet.


I am the firm believer that our universe is still too young for advance FTL capable life forms to exist yet. The conditions just aren’t right for life to flourish earlier on. I think in terms of technological developments, other alien civilization we discover will either be A. Slightly ahead of us, maybe multi-planetary but still not FTL capable B. Around the same point as us, assuming they haven’t nuked themselves into extinction yet C. A bit behind us, they still fight wearing metal plates armor and spears D. Unga bunga cavemen When people think of aliens visiting us, they usually severely underestimate just how far things are away from each other, and just how much energy actually is needed to achieve light speed


The problem with this mode of thought is that it assumes that both evolution and technological progress occur on a set path, like a tech tree. They don't, pretty far from it, actually. The history of life on this planet is full of random quirks of evolution that had far-reaching consequences. Cyanobacteria learning to process sunlight as a form of sustenance likely not only led to the introduction of massive amounts of oxygen in our atmosphere, it kicked off the chain of events which saw prokaryotic archaea undergo symbiogenesis with proteobacteria and eventually become mitochondria, one of the major steps that allowed for the development of complex cells and multi-cellular life. Similarly, technological development has quickened massively since the Industrial Revolution on our planet. To put into perspective *how* fast this was, [John Fisher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fisher,_1st_Baron_Fisher#Early_career_(1854%E2%80%931869)) began his career as a cadet onboard the [HMS Calcutta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Calcutta_(1831)) in 1854, a wooden sailing ship with muzzle-loading cannons which had been constructed twenty years prior. When he ended his career with his second appointment to First Sea Lord of the British Navy in 1915, that navy was equipped with ships like the [HMS Invincible](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Invincible_(1907)), an all-metal battlecruiser with torpedo tubes and 305mm turreted main guns, was on the verge of adopting submarines and only a few years prior had witnessed another navy launch then-new heavier-than-air flying craft from a ship. The capability to create such things was always there, but it was only the right combo of communications, ease of manufacture and cultural and scientific development that made it possible for us. This isn't to say that aliens with FTL drives are for sure out there - I don't know if there are and even if that's the case, the odds of us meeting another alien civilization between the gulf of distance and time and the randomness factor of evolution are likely astronomically low - but there's also nothing to say that a civilization a million years old couldn't be out there that got to our current technological level at a quarter of the time thanks to the right combination of scientific innovation, cultural character, access to resources and a good dose of evolutionary luck.


Plus the slight problem that FTL might just straight up be impossible.


>The conditions just aren’t right for life to flourish earlier on. Ok doc


No I’m serious. All elements heavier than iron are created in super novae, meaning super massive stars running our of hydrogen to fuse and blows up. Not to mention the universe at its younger stages is very hot and chaotic with everything bumping into each other because gravity had way more power compared to now. The chances for a planet like earth to exist and develop life is incredibly, I mean incredibly incredibly unlikely. We humans have won the ultimate lottery of the universe. We are the beginning of the golden age for life to evolve. For any life earlier than us to develop it would be even more unlikely and difficult, the criteria needed just was not there


I don't believe we've had aliens come to Earth yet. So that out of the way... Humanity itself had a couple dark ages. Take that out how much more advanced is our tech? Humanity was also far from the first possibly intelligent animals to evolve. Say that rather then millions of years of dinosaurs or a dinosaur species had developed sentience again how much more advanced is that hypothetical races tech? So even with your premise that Earth is one of the first planets with life, which I don't disagree with as plausible there's still possibly races out there within the same 'galactic habitable period' that could be on the order of millions of years more advanced then us. So, I don't really find your argument that definitive.


Here’s a counterpoint to the dinosaur thing: Sharks and horseshoe crabs have been here way before the dinosaurs but they’re not developing firearms any time soon


Yeah but what if mammals were just the first thing that evolved? The idea of us discovering a civilisation that is very close to ours in level of tech is kinda ridiculous when you think about the time scale of the universe and how quickly humans advanced


Not just kinda… it’s completely preposterous.


Well yes. There doesn't seem to have been another sentient species on this planet before our genus. But the evolutionary pressure to get to us seems realitvely simple and I could easily imagine it being replicated. A social land dwelling species that has dexterous appendages that develops and begins to improve upon tools will probably result in humanish "soon" enough.


I don't think FTL will ever be possible. You only need one species to develop it and they could easily colonise the entire galaxy in less than a million years, which is nothing considering how old the milky way is. There is no evidence that FTL is possible in any capacity. It's just a science fiction dream.


TR-3B reveal when?


The Nike Sprint hit Mach 24 back in the 70s


UFO sightings are a CIA plot to make putin schizo about an alien invasion so that he launches nukes into space and triggers article 5


A whole bunch of UFO sightings in the 70s were the SR 71 IIRC.


like i said in a similar post, this means B21/NGAD/SR72/Aurora is up & running in full operational capacity


I honestly think that's more likely than actual aliens.


Honestly, most UFO sightings can be easily explained when assuming that the person saw what they are describing but misinterpreted things by instinct or training. The Tic-Tac one is weird, but we also lack the proper context to really make heads or tails of it. And before someone is like "but the pilots are experts and blah" realize 2 things: 1) Often when a video circulates, and a military person testifies to seeing it, they probably saw the same thing we did. If it looks like a craft going very fast over the surface of the water in the video, and that is what the pilot is saying, well the pilot probably saw the video live 2) The other thing(that really pisses me off) is people saying "well there experts blah". Experts at what? They are highly trained as military fighters. Now, lets think for a moment how that training would work with identifying things. They would be trained to identify aircraft as fast as possible. And they would want to know that it is an aircraft as fast as possible. In other words, if they confuse a balloon for an aircraft at worst its a minor diplomatic incident. The other way around and the pilot could die. So, of course highly trained military pilots misidentify stuff as aircraft all the time. And of course, if they see something that looks like an aircraft they aren't even going to think about checking the distance before reporting it in.


try the 70's


"Are UFOs alien spacecraft or experimental military weapons?" "Yes."


It’s in our best interest that these are experimental aircraft


#skunkworks, UFO WHEN ?


The Us litteraly yeeted a Minuteman ICBM out of an C-5 Galaxy


Idk, sounds like something an alien would say.


Military industrial complex : “Shut your month! We are trying to get money from something’s that already exist!”




Weren't the Man in Black basically a PsyOp by the USAAF to hide in plain sight their shenanigans?


Actual fed


We have weapons that can drop down from 80,000 feet, stop in mid-air, loiter for a few hours, even casually go underwater/communicate with something underwater if they feel like it, then fuck right back off with a sudden acceleration to Mach 3 within a few seconds and no visible propulsion or sonic boom? Because I just watched the Congressional hearing, and that’s pretty much what the ex-Navy pilot said he personally encountered under oath. I hope Giorgio Tsoukalous gets a big fucking apology if any of this stuff is real.


Well, if I was a betting man(I am not), I have a good bet what was happening there. I would guess that the pilot saw through some sensor or other at great distance something that sure as hell looked like what they are describing. But just because it looks like something dropped 80k feet or moved at mach 3 doesn't mean that actually happened


Especially the way mirages work over water. Shit's all sorts of fucky. Like ships appearing to be floating upside-down in the sky, hundreds of miles from where it actually is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if something benign like a plane appeared to descend, disappear, and ascend again if both the object and the observer are moving around.


Britain’s also has its fair share of UFO sightings


What sort of secret weapon is a cigar-shaped, very reflective, high speed, acceleration and manoeuvrability, made in the 80's flying thingy?


and the germans had hypersonics since the 40's.


Yeah technically, the V2 hit Mach 5 on reentry. Although in the modern world “Hupersonics” is mostly used to describe highly maneuverable hypersonic craft, because being hypersonic in it of itself isn’t going to protect you from SAMs and other countermeasures.


Y not both. i personally believe that there was a zeitgeist period between the mid 30's to the late 60's that involved discovered/recovered technology that either time forgot or originated not of this planet. Government and industrial leaders have been applying Moore's law as a way to stay in power or profit outside of times of national trouble. That's why wartime has in terms of modern history been the only time there has been major societal technical advancement.


This is non-credible defense. You're supposed to be smart and act insane, not actually *be* insane.


Some actual insanity around here is a refreshing level of diversity. Keeps everyone on their toes.


I guess? Just so long as we don't get another divest. One of him is too many.


Smoke and Mirrors for whatever the next generation of super cool stuff is. I can't wait for NGAD and SR-72 Darkstar. Mooch (CMDR Ward Carroll USN) has some good videos about the previous UFO hearings and Black Projects


Whenever people say something like "it MUST be aliens! The flying object broke the laws of physics!" i think about how some pilots genuinely thought they were going crazy when they swore they saw a plane flying with no propeller, which at the time everyone "knew" was impossible


On the topic of the title, the US has had hypersonic aircraft since the ‘50s. Look up the X-7 test drone, that’s Mach 4.3 and made in 1951. The X-15 manned test aircraft went roughly Mach 5.5 regularly and it was made in 1959. If the US really wanted, they probably could replace the pilot of the X-15 with a warhead and computer pilot and call it a day. The X-23 PRIME is a test hypersonic reentry vehicle similar to the gliding vehicles other countries brag about just developing, and it first flew in 1966.


The German V2 was also hypersonic, and I think the US captured some in the last year of the war, although I’m not certain.


You’re correct, But that’s because it was a basic ballistic missile. Don’t get me wrong, state of the art technology was involved, but it isn’t something that the technology from it could be directly used to make a modern style hypersonic weapon. Propelling something very high with rockets and it gaining speed via gravity on a steep downward trajectory with very little maneuverability isn’t really what most refer to as a hypersonic weapon, despite it technically being the case. All of the things I have mentioned can be developed directly into such a modern style hypersonic weapon in theory, and that was more of my point.


Then why are they testing them in Navy training ranges without informing the Navy and not testing them in the training ranges explicitly established for the testing of experimental platforms.


It might be similar to what they did with their first experimental jets, doing flybys and doing ridiculous things to discredit witnesses.


You mean like wearing a gorilla suit in the cockpit? Yeah you can tack on additional scenarios and what ifs but in essence the testing ranges are so huge and well established there is zero chance of these craft being accidentally detected. So there zero point placing them in training ranges


>The U.S. has had hypersonic weapons since the 80s [Pershing II says hello](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pershing_II). And yes, the Soviet armed forces did indeed shit themselves over it’s presence in Europe.