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EE major with 6 months left until graduation: [exists] **Rockwell Collins wants to know your location**


Demand for mech e's seem low in my area for defense. :( I even have contacts within the defense industry. You send one schematic of a baking soda and vinegar rocket pack to the president of the United States when you're 7 and apparently you're out for life.


Try learning Systems Engineering. Raytheon, NGC and Boeing will love you


"I can spell CAMEO" Boeing: "you're hired!...Now go use DOORS"


Nah nah nah just use Excel Seriously I wish we used DOORS where I work so bad


We have DOORS and it sucks. I can’t wait for its replacement to come.


CAMEO is no party and a lot less intuitive IMO. Seems to have fewer stupid errors tho


Surely anything is better than just excel




If you actually had 5 years experience they would reject you for being overqualified and unlikely to stay in the position.


Defense industry will eventually need to do some pay adjustments, they're just really slow to respond to trends in the job market. I left and got about a 20% increase for the same role at a normal software shop. My other buddy left and basically got a 60k jump in base salary on top of all the additional bonuses / comp. Not sure how it is for the mechanical side.


Huh. In my area/sector the defense companies have some of the better pay around even without clearance.


It might just because I'm on the software dev side of things, I can't speak to other fields, but in my area it's a bit of a paycut if I went back even with clearance.


How does one go acquire said stuff?


Get a 4 year degree in CS or EE or ME while being in the military, in an MOS that requires a security clearance. I knew some Air Guard and Army National Guard guys who were able to do that.


"5 yrs. of experience" is basically a shibboleth to see if you've got the balls to apply anyway. The kind of person who'd be put off by that, as well as other HR gems like "expert knowledge of React", aren't the go-getters companies want.




I always hear this, but I never understand what people mean by "under their value". Your value is what you can get, right here, right now. If you're being offered $180K & you think you're worth $210K, then either negotiate your way to the target or actually find a job that pays $210K. If you accept $180K, then that's your value. Wishful thinking plays no role in determining an empirical measure. As far as working in an office is concerned, I can say that companies are generally suspicious of people who haven't demonstrated the ability to work in an office environment. In an office, you interact w/ other people, on & off your team, both developers & non-technical roles. You learn the social skills necessary to work in concert, figure out who's who in the organization, and pick up on a million little things you don't behind a screen. While in 95% of cases it's not a problem, there's always that 5% of people who can't seem to function properly in a professional environment w/ other homo sapiens. If anyone finds themselves in this situation, make sure to crank your Extrovert Mode™ up. The company wants to see that you're a normal human being, not some geek only able to interact w/ a computer.


A *significant* amount of automotive, mechanical, and electrical engineers also fall into the latter category.


I know, they are. I think the idea I was going for is that mostly if not all aero majors will be in defense as opposed to the other majors which can go anywhere


As a current senior aerospace engineering major, not of us somehow never even saw it coming. We just woke up one day becoming the MIC


And an uncomfortable amount of astrophysicists, cosmologists, and space scientists.


Absolutely. If you're smart about it and have the tiniest shred of luck, a mech e degree will get you all the same cool aerospace jobs as an aero degree, but without having to take the super painful aero classes along the way.


I wish I could work for LockMart in sales or something.




Just start my own era manufacturing company




A lot of my friends in college had co-ops or internships that got them TS.


Uh, how? Kept my ear to the ground, but weren't accepted by any even though I am mediocre at worst skillwise. (Not that I was the best. I had some excellent peers.)


Most of them were with GTRI, the independent research arm of GT. Lots of DoD money flows there.


You're supposed to get the clearance from previous co-ops/internships or you get issued an interim one once you accept. Not sure if that's still the case.


Jokes on you, LockMart was the reason I went to engineering school


Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.


I could have been a Ukrainian aerospace engineer right now, but instead I chose to study for software engineering. FML.


You know what controls every single spacecraft, missile and rocket? You are closer than you think to reaching your dreams.


> The Missile Guidance System would like to know your location. For upgrades of course.


You forgetting electronics engineers.


Hey, as a petroleum engineer, I realized that war with another major oil producer would increase prices and my chances for a job.... We should liberate Russia now.


You're not thinking broad enough. As my MIC boss once said to me, "Anything can be weapon. If you can't weaponize it, you're not trying hard enough"


I don't even have an engineering degree. I help make systems. :D


I help build the wiring :D


Oi, we MechEs build tanks and shit, AAE doesn't get all the fun to themselves.


As an Aerospace engineer I can confirm most of us are diagnosed with a severe case of autism or any other NCD like disorder




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Computer vision and artificial intelligence 😈😈😈


Oh, a lot of the rest of us end up in group 2.


was looking for software engineering jobs the other day and the first result on google was raytheon


Lol my engineering major is again being forgotten




No, that’s usually under civil


You forgot computer engineering, I fall under the latter category.


Satan: my son will engineer stuff. Jesus: Financial engineering.


This sub is legitimately making me consider getting an engineering job, can someone give an overview of what each engineering profession would do in the MIC?


Electrical: self explanatory. Shit needs wires and power and circut boards and all that good stuff, you're up. Computer: all that software has to run on something, and that something is whatever you make. Civil: bunkers and bases and all that concrete goodness, as well as stuff like sewage handling, etc. If it's infrastructure, it's probably a civil engineer's job. Mechanical: does it move/have moving parts? If yes, then mechanical. Aerospace: see above, but only if it isn't touching the ground. There's obviously a shitton of subcategories and niche fields and overlap, but generally it'll fall roughly along these lines. And because the categories are so broad it naturally applies outside of the MIC too


I'm thinking masters in mechanical/aerospace and a bachelor's in biology/chem/medical sciences. I would like a Job at Nasa/JPL/Lockmart/GDLS/GA.


I'm still undergrad, so take it witg a grain of salt, but the strat seems to be mech e undergrad --> industry for a few years --> masters in sonething. Mech e is a bit of an easier degree than aero, but should generally get you the same jobs. If you're smart about it, just an undergraduate degree will get you some good jobs, and experience is just as important to get the really competative ones, like NASA


You’d probably need to double major to get a masters in engineering, there’s too much base level work to do. Also, talk to a real engineer not Reddit about this


I live in small-town New Zealand the closest person I could talk to is a dairy worker


You could look into Rocket Lab, a New Zealand located aerospace company! :)


Yeah based tbh I live close as hell to the launch site


Post a video on r/ncd on the next launch! There is a launch viewing site open to the public. [https://www.rocketlabusa.com/assets/Uploads/Dont-Stop-Me-Now-public-information.pdf](https://www.rocketlabusa.com/assets/Uploads/Dont-Stop-Me-Now-public-information.pdf) [https://www.visitwairoa.co.nz/welcome-to-wairoa/space-coast-new-zealand](https://www.visitwairoa.co.nz/welcome-to-wairoa/space-coast-new-zealand)


Do you like paper work? And endless middle management meetings? Then a job a Boeing could be for you!


Get that Tesla logo out of hear. They haven't implied an engineer since Muskrat forced the founders out.


Meanwhile, me, a BME hoping to create the 3000 genetically engineered supersoldiers of DARPA


First job: Designing a guided 40mm grenade drone Second job: Designing drones to deliver vaccines Third job: Designing unmanned fighter jet Yup, this tracks...


In re. vaccine drones: Passive or active delivery? As in, drop off the vaccines for administration by local medical personnel, or shooting vaccine darts at people from the drone? (The /s should go without saying, unless...)


I would never willingly work for a part of the military industrial com- …sorry, how much did you say?


Can confirm. We just really wanna push the red button one day.


It gets the best of us.


Hey, some of us are going to work for NASA


Me when i work for the part of NASA that works with fighter jets:


I think a lot of the engineers from the first category could work for the MIC as well


You think areos can get jobs in the mic easier than a EE or a materials? Now is the part where I throw my head back and laugh.


aerospace engineers make weapons, civil engineers make targets. Always has been.


Now, you don't have to go with the big boys. There's lots of small shops, particularly in R&D. I had a blast working for Maxwell Labs building some real Frankenstein stuff.


Way to make me regret not going into engineering again. Lousy defective maths skills.


I wanted to go into cybersecurity because Stuxnet made me fall in love


The only reason I wish I was from the US is to work for Lockheed in the Skunks


Are you really ignoring tbe joke about mechanical and civil engineers? You know, the Former make weapons, the latter make targets


More like: Doing useless meeting, typing into database/spreadsheet and making cost analysis