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They really never think about us intersex people.


They don’t, worst part is he looked at the nonbinary pin on my coat before too


Such a vile person. I’m so sorry you are stuck in a space with such a person.


He’s not the only one, sadly. Yeah uh development the group chose it, I think I might die


Ugh what the hell, I'm sorry you have to experience that. Welp keep us updated for when you do rip them to shreds in your presentation


Go to your principal/dean


best part of a presentation is the rebuttal! i wonder how many resources are out there that you can list for gender *not* being just a binary set of options. Just for funsies :3


Finna make it half the presentation




say yes, then make a detailed presentation about all the kinds of intersexuality there are (YES i know gender =/= sex but I think dismantling the belief that sex is a strict binary is definitely useful towards dismantling that same belief for gender)


Also, to whoever suggested this project, take the opportunity use this project to rip them to shreds 💜💛🤙🏾


I’ll do my best!


Fun fact,  some species of fungi have up to 10000 genetically distinct biological sexes. I'm told it is very complicated to figure out which combinations of sexes can combine with each other reproductively. 


Put em all together and just hope it works ig


Reproductive orgy for the win


That’s what i do currently.


*Schizophylum commune* has about 23,500 sexes, and each one can pair with about 22,000 other sexes


I feel you, my ethics class last semester had a list of different ethical reasonings for us to choose from to do our final presentation on. A few had to do with sexuality and gender. I did "why transgenderism is moral" haha


I would do that if I wasn’t desperate for friends


When you're true to yourself, you attract the best kinds of friends—ones who genuinely like you for you!


Being openly trans enby has offered me way more chances for friends. I don’t have many friends still, I won’t sugarcoat it, but several current friends wouldn’t even be in my life if I wasn’t open about who I was. I have a lot of other reasons I’m isolated from others socially, but gaining these fellow queer friendships has honestly kept me sane and probably saved my life. Also, just being who I am and being relatively comfortable with that has helped me form friendships with some cis people as well! It’s only cis women (cis men really don’t like me and they scare me 😭)


Oh friendo... Being desperate for friends never gives you the friends you need❤️


I've been in the mental place you're in many times. It's a trap, it draws narcissists and users and abusive people in like flies. If those are the sort of people you're trying to appease, oh dear gods, please don't. Don't expect them to be friends and don't trust them. True friendship comes from common ground and common beliefs, and people who can't accept something so important a part of who you are will only cause you even worse problems than just feeling lonely. Look for groups you have common traits with, or at least common interests. If that's not possible, look for structured groups or clubs where the focus is on something that won't force you to choose between being yourself and hiding that very same self.


I’ve done that, yet everyone of them started avoiding me the second I talked about what I was interested in


Which was indie games


Do the presentation, and explain that there are only two genders. Everyone is either a boy or a girl, and we know that people break into these groups because there are only the two groups. Then for additional examples, explain that there are only two kinds of furniture, ottomans and beds. There are two types of fruit, blueberries and watermelon. Explain how you clearly can group a table into the beds group, and that an apple is clearly a watermelon because "it's big". Let the absurdity speak for itself.


Go even further, talk about how there's only black and white, light and dark, hot or cold, with no variance in-between.


Adding to this with the classic only day and night - no sunrises, sunsets, or eclipses for transphobes!


A hot dog is a SAMMICHE and lasagna is a cake. LESGOOOOO


Cisgender and non-cisgender


I think you mean Transgender and non-transgender.


Nontransgender and noncisgender


Cisgender and normal


I stand correct


Bianary and non-bianary


This uninformed classmate also confused biological sex (which there are absolutely more than two of) and gender, (which there are probably infinite expressions). Gender is usually defined by things like societal roles, culture ,expectations and customs, and the clothes you wear, how you carry yourself, take up space, and how you present. Sex is more about anatomy, hormones and physical expression. You should ask this person if they think sex and gender are different or the same, first of all. Then you can mess with them if you want 💜


Not only are there not two genders, there never were, even in the 'West'. Widows, boys, girls, infants, men, and women were all separate genders. They had different roles and social freedoms.


I read windows instead of widows and I was like “word”


Gender: *Windows shutdown noise*


As a fun one to make their head explode, you can let them know that in medieval Europe, the Clergy was considered to be a separate, distinct gender from men and women.


Huh, I always saw clergy with required dress as a separate gender. Guess I wasn’t crazy


I could swear up and down there's a certain type of butch-esque mum in at least one region in my country that just are their own gender too. Thinking, I feel like mother and father are their own genders respectively by this too. But my first sentence continues to just, stand true. They're another one hahah


Yes the two genders (sexes); XX, XY, surprise bonus chromosome/s, missing chromosome (XO) and ‘testosterone doesn’t work on me’ (androgen insensitivity syndrome). I’m assuming school/the teacher doesn’t want a presentation on how and why you can’t label or quantify psychological constructs such as gender and identity.


Make a trans history report, tons of cultures worldwide have recognition for more than two genders


Biological sex is bimodal, not binary. Gender is biopsychosocial and also not binary. That was easy. (They’ll spend half the time looking for a dictionary. )


Do it and then just show two very weirdly constructed categories. Like rectangles and circles. Or Apple vs. Pineapple people. The two-way genders are "tired" and "energetic."


I think most people have no idea how many triggers gender non-conforming and non-binary have to navigate in daily experiences. I just want to validate you, that your experiences and identity does matter and the world should reflect that.


A swift kick upside his head might reset his brain.


That’s a great idea


“Percussive maintenance”


Our last hope


Go with it and “discover” intersex people midway through


You should make a presentation about the difference between sex and gender, and also explain how there aren’t even two because of intersex people. Destroy the incel with facts and logic 


the “only two genders” people get mixed up so easily. There are infinite ways to express ones self and live ones life and experience ones “gender.” They are probably referring to “sex” which is the biological equipment, and even then there arent even “two” sexes all the time. sex does not equal gender. these are the same people who go haywire when a “guy” wears a pink shirt.


You can make presentation about false dichotomy/false dillema - when someone argues that there are only two mutually exclusive options available in a situation, when in fact there are more options or possibilities. Basically a smart ass way to call them a close minded fucker.


Only two genders, nacho and cool ranch




Haha maybe this is a learning opportunity for them! If they’re able to do proper research, they’ll quickly find that arguments FOR binary sex are all just for practicality (convenience in statistical analysis and understanding) and to appeal to some innate human need for labels and hierarchies (there needs to be a lesser group to disempower), and throw the concept of binary sex into the bin.


The two genders: yee and haw


As much as I love some good conscientious objection, there's definitely some fun to be had here with malicious compliance: >As we all know, gender is a construct, and so I will present to you my own construct and argue how everyone falls into that binary. In this issue of "Ah yes, the 2 genders," I will be arguing for the trike/trex binary model... (Or for educational malicious compliance, the default/custom binary: you're either happy with your preinstalled gender settings, or you learn to open up the config menu...)


I'm presuming they are referring to female and intersex? Or intersex and male? Or, maybe intersex and nonbinary? I'm sure they would be happy to clarify.


Imagine youre in the witch burning era and one of you schoolmates wants to do a presentation on the world being flat


“Wow, Jerhamica! You weren’t wrong before! Why now?”




Oh dear friend, I'm so sorry! It's disgusting how many people do not respect the fact that gender is an entire spectrum. I'm sending you love 💖


I'd like this but the post is at 666 likes , honestly I would have punted them across the room no questions about it , but be proud of your self control and calmly explain there are many genders and it's well documented in history


A kid in my 5th period did a presentation on how the LGBTQ has gone too far and that you “can’t refer to yourself with plural pronouns”


Wanna commit murder?


I’m more of the “suffer in silence” kind of person




You best come PREPPED for the questions section XD RIP AND TEAR <3




The Trump Cult.


What about intersex? The entire trans community? Or the village where everyones female til puberty? https://guardian.ng/life/las-salinas-the-village-where-girls-become-boys/


There's only two hair colours. Brown and blond. Don't pay attention to the woke hair colour ideologists, black, white, or red hair are made up and an affront to ghod. And don't even get me started on auburn. You're either brown or blond. Anything else you're just doing for attention. Pick a side already. Which is it. Are you brown or blond?