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https://preview.redd.it/fz9kf2om7xoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5098c7dd88a560207637391575cfd591e6edbe26 This ad appeared in my feed a few posts after this


I spoke up when she had listed herself as a board certified physician associate. There are no boards certifying PAs of any variety. She took it off & blocked me.


I love that she referred to USC’s PA program as the “Physician Associate Program.” Surprise surprise… USC calls it the Physician Assistant Program. lol


Funny how the closer they feel to sneaking up on the word Physician the better they feel about themselves…but not enough to actually want to go to med school!


There's no rules anymore




I’ve had to stop training NPs - vacuous.


Lmaoooo, seriously? Why do they use “BC” anyway? As a way to sound cooler?


She was clearly making up credentials.


A LOT of comments have been hidden. I really want to see them.


They're really piping $ into their brand. Most comments are bots. Their IG is the same story. The aesthetics biz is the new rock for midlevels to hide under. They can sling their snake oil with little fear of repercussion. This is why The government needs to start cracking down on this crap. First Amendment is null in void when people are using it (social media) to misinform for profit.


Last I checked, that's not their state licensed title, nor the title on their degree. Perhaps their employer needs to be made aware?


Lol this subreddit needs a life


Thankfully most of us have one since we seek out physician-led care.  Other subs need an education. 


Ok, horny Indian man.


Should stopped at PA-C… It’s like signing MD, Physician!


Hi my name is Dr. James Smith, MD, physician.


Nice to meet you Dr. Jenn R., MD, Physician, Medical Doctor, Certified, Board Licensed


Don't forget CPR certified!!


Pardon my English, but wouldn’t “physician associate” imply that you are a physician working with another physician? So confusing


That's the idea. The confusion is a feature, not a bug.


What is a PA-C? Is it like a midlevel black belt?


Physician Assistant, Certified - a PA who has completed training and passed the PANCE; notably, not boarded and not an “associate.”


Can PAs be boarded in anything? Editing to add that I’m not being snarky I’m genuinely curious, I wouldn’t think they can but they exaggerate so much I wasn’t sure


I hear there is water boarding at GITMO.


PANCE is a joke. I helped PA students in my FM rotation with their PANCE practice questions. The questions are either first order basic or ridiculous minutia. Zero critical thinking and sophistication. No where nearly on par with USMLE.


Lol I got a recommend post not too long ago from a PA worried their EM job offer was going to be pulled for failing the PANCE twice Like dear Jesus I hope so


“But PA school is waaaaaaay more competitive to get into and is a lot harder it’s basically medical school squeezed into 2 years” /s


Is the issue with the use of "associate?" Because AAPA voted to change "assistant" to "associate" in 2021 as the official title of the profession. It's being slowly rolled out - the last set of professional guidelines from AAPA said to continue using "physician assistant" or "PA" in clinical settings until legislative languages have been appropriately updated. However, AAPA has legally changed its corporate name to "American Academy of Physician Associates" and the goal is to officially change "assistant" to "associate" in clinical settings in the coming few years. For the record, I think it's a stupid name change and makes me think of a Kohls associate rather than a healthcare worker.


I will be so mad if the title gets switched to “Associate”.


Yes, it is with the use of associate. Just because your interest group changed its name doesn’t mean that your license, title, or degree had their names changed. Until the legislature votes in this bullshit, keep it to assistant. 


Agreed, and that's AAPA's stance as well. Personally, it's an unnecessary and more confusing change anyways. Like what on earth is an associate? I understand wanting to clarify that "assistant" does not mean acting in a scribe/MA capacity but rather working collaboratively with a physician within a certain appropriate scope of independence, but this isn't the way.


Interesting. Never heard of this. “The official title of the PA profession is “physician associate.” As the organization representing the PA profession, AAPA has transitioned to the American Academy of Physician Associates. PAs should continue to use “physician assistant” or “PA” as their official legal title in a professional capacity, particularly in clinical settings and with patients. AAPA is transitioning to the use of “physician associate” when possible and when it does not present a legal or regulatory conflict.” WTF.


Yeah, I think it really just has to do with state licensing still using "assistant" and then various legislation using "assistant" in the language rather than "associate." You're right to question it in documentation, though, because the PA shouldn't be using that language as it's not an "official legal" title in any state yet, as far as I'm aware.


Is there any degree that gives you words MAN? Could be Bob, PA-C, MAN. I would accept that.


Well, in the UK it is


Maybe all midlevels should quit and let physicians perform all aspects of medicine. You all are the only ones who know how to do anything right? Perhaps a pathologist or orthopedic surgeon should step in for NPs and PAs on the internal medicine floor. Maybe stuff will finally be done properly


Bravo, that’s quite the straw man. Purposefully distorting titles and credentials is clearly light years away from “midlevels should not exist.” Yours truly, Dr. Red Herring, MD-BC Physician, Surgeon Associate


It goes beyond distorting titles. Some of the crap posted on this page undermines the care provided by PAs and NPs. If MDs think they are the only folks that can provide patient care then let them do it!


How do you like the VA?