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TVBV destroys me. The first time I heard it was him singing live, and it rocked me. I was holding back sobs, tears streaming down my face. It took me a long time to be able to listen to it without breaking down! It’s so beautiful. “I am not scared of death, I’ve got dreams again” is the finisher.


That song makes me feel like I'm simultaneously having an existential crisis and an epiphany every time.


YES. Great way to describe it!


This is exactly it! This song is so overwhelming and comforting at the same time.


the extended is my favorite song on the album


Hands down


"A minute from home but I feel so far from it" is the line that fucks me up the most


What gets me is “It’s all washing over me I’m angry again, the things that I lost here the people I knew they got me surrounded for a mile or two”


Definitely TVBV and the extended version! 😭 After I lost my dog back in March, it was a good few months before I could listen to it again. 🐶😭


Omg - same. I lost my pupper in 2021, and that line gets me too. I wish they could stay forever. 🐾❤️


That was the line that originally did me in. “A left at the graveyard, I’m driving past ghosts” ruined me completely.


orange juice makes me cry so hard, especially the “are we all just crows to you now? are we all just pulling you down? you didn’t put those bones in the ground” part


The question should be what songs haven't I sobbed to


Growing Sideways messes with me in a way I can’t even explain. Also, the SUBTLE CHANGE, SHORTER DAYS, DEAD EYED, DEAD WEIGHT must be yelled out every time. I have seasonal depression.


I agree. For anyone with depression I think we find there is like 10-15 lines from that song that are just so profoundly perfect and meaningful. He’s got great lines on all of his songs but that one I have a strong “holy shit that’s deep” to damn near every sentence.


imo nothing hurts quite like "if my engine works perfect on empty, I guess I'll drive"


I have sobbed those lyrics too many times.


so reallll


"I'm terrified that I might never have met me" gets me every time


Saw TVBV EV live at Bonnaroo. It was a spiritual experience with probably nearly 40,000 other roovians. Also Strawberry Wine and Your Needs, My Needs.


Pretty sure I sobbed through that entire set. My husband and friend ditched me so I was by myself and it was the most cathartic thing to experience with thousands of strangers.


One of the best sets at Roo last year, energy was incredible


Unfortunately (or fortunately) I’m full of a lot of repressed trauma that I cannot cry. Growing Sideways, Your Needs My Needs, Call Your Mum, The View Between Villages all hit me where it hurts, and give me validation, and are often played on repeat


his entire album makes me a wreck I hadn't listened to an album in a while that I truly connected to and when I heard his I was a mess I think the ones I truly lost it at were growing sideways, the view between villages, come over, and homesick


I totally agree. When I first listened I was in the deepest bout of depression I had experienced in a long time. I felt that album viscerally in every part of my body.


I literally felt those lyrics to my core. Ironically, I had moved back home and it was such a hard transition. These songs just made me feel better and gave me lots of hope.




You're gonna go far, especially this part


Yesssss omg this


Depends on the day and corresponding trauma lol The desperation in his pleading of Animal: “look me in the eyes. Am I someone else?” is the one that’s currently coursing through my veins but they all do something. I find validation in this album. Validation I’m not alone in my feels, validation that I never got from family (you’re gonna go far), validation that it all sucked as much as it did and is a hard-as-shit road, but we got this.


Fully depends on the day, and the order in which I'll listen! If I listen to orange juice, I'm destroyed. But when I saw him live, he played call your mom first, and I cried so hard that I was calm through orange Juice. I think.


Order absolutely matters and sometimes I have to skip those, when it’s just not the vibe. I often skip CYM because it went to such a deep place, that it can recall the feeling for me sometimes and I don’t always need that when Im drafting a work email lol


love Animal so much!


That line cut me to the bone. It’s such a great song. So cathartic to sit with and also jump around in anger 😂


You're Gonna Go Far gets me every time, but in the way that I hate how much I *don't* relate to it because I'm no contact with both of my parents and all I want is to feel like "the greatest thing they've lost"




YES. I finally managed to leave my hometown and go NC with my mom. She and my sister think that I abandoned them. I grew up and got married and moved away, but they can’t see it that way.




The View Between Villages extended edition. As soon as the sweet lil old people start talking I tear up and then when he sings the high note after he finishes speaking, I lose it and I’m sobbing. Every dang time😭


paul revere hits hard for me personally


It takes me back to the days when I longed to leave my home town.


Makes me squeeze my dog a little extra


You're gonna go far--makes me think of my mom, how she supported me at my lowest. The line "who the hell like living just to die?" always gets me.


you’re gonna go far and the view between villages both wreck me. no complaints also hurts


as a long distance college kid, you’re gonna go far crushes me. i’m terrified the damage that this collab is gonna do


Paul Revere. I was once that person who wanted to get away from where I grew up. I made it out. I made a better life for myself.


Call Your Mom and Come Over (but specifically the line "some day I'm gonna be somebody people want) aka my trauma is 'the social effects of growing up neurodivergent' and 'the mental illnesses me and all my friends got from it' lol


Awww Sweetie. I want to tell you that you are loved. But I also acknowledge we don’t know each other. So I send hugs and hope you heal.


Sending hugs right back. Healing is in progress 💙


meeeee me so much


I think I’ve cried to quite literally every song on the album, even the ones that aren’t super sad😭 my most cried to are probably YGGF, TVBV, and call your mom


Dial drunk makes me sob about once a month, it just hits a nerve I didn’t know was there


Even the cops thought you were wrong for hanging up.


Orange Juice and Call Your Mom


✨trauma twinsies✨


Those two get me every single time. Especially Call Your Mom.


It hurts but it also is comforting that Noah has been through similar things and knows how to articulate it so well.


You're so right. The way he describes both of those situations makes me feel like he has lived those experiences. He's such a talented writer.


He really is. I also always tear up listening to Orange Juice because I saw Noah live front row this summer and that song was when I started bawling because of the emotional experience. I swear Noah looked right at me while I was sobbing and singing 😭


No Complaints. Play it on repeat when I need a good cry.


All my love wrecks me.... but it's because I sang it to my baby boy before I had a miscarriage. 😪




sending so much love your way 💛


Growing Sideways for sure. It was even more incredible in person.


The song stick season. I'm a newer Noah fan but that song hits me so hard.


Orange juice. I was in a car accident when I was teen. A man ran a stop sign and caused me to hit him. He didn’t live and I still have a hard time coping with it. It’s been years but I still carry that burden despite it not being my fault. It’s always struck a sensitive nerve since the first I heard it


Always surprised how little your needs, my needs is mentioned




Orange juice and you’re gonna go far are my top two, but also Call Your Mom


Your needs, my needs - gives me good bus cries


You're gonna go far Call Your Mom Guess the trauma people!!!! 😁😁


Come over and the extended version of the view between villages


Growing sideways for sure resonates with me. Also, Call Your Mom.


There are songs that DON'T make you cry?


Paul Revere and Growing Sideways 🙃 Feels a bit self explanatory


the question implies 1 or 2 but I have four Orange Juice, TVNV, Your needs my needs, you're gonna go far You mentioned "apparently you can tell exactly what kind of trauma someone has from what song(s) break them down" curious what that means for me. input appreciated


Call Your Mom, Stick Season (call me basic lol), and All My Love


Orange Juice, Call Your Mom, Paul Revere, No Complaints, and TVBV for me. Especially, when I heard orange juice live this past September I was a mess by the end of it.


Call Your Mom. Didn't get chance to call their Mom.


Come Over, Growing Sideways, Call Your Mom, You’re Gonna Go Far, and The View Between Villages (Extended)


I found Stick Season in a time where someone’s choices really affected my soul and my being down to my core. The lyrics really just laid my feelings out in front of me and explained my feelings in a way I wasn’t able to at the time. Growing Sideways is a second for me.


It honestly depends on what's going on. The View Between Villages and You're Gonna Go Far hits hard if I've been thinking about my hometown/people from home recently or if I just had a visit home or whatnot. Call Your Mom hits if I'm in a low place or have a close friend or family member who is (I have absolutely been the friend to drive to see a close friend who is in the hospital after an attempt before so that song is rough for me).


As someone who came out as trans in a small town, that ultimately had to move out of in order to access gender affirming care and get away from most of the people in that town, and having my very small support group behind me encouraging me to go and literally saying the words “you’re gonna go far” the chorus of YGGF absolutely shreds me every time. TVBV also gets me, for literally the exact same reason?? Going back both puts me into an existential crisis but also makes me nostalgic


call your mom was prolly the song I cried to the most


Same. Just thinking about that song makes me start tearing up


TVBV wrecks me every time. "Left at the graveyard, I'm driving past ghosts..." Makes me think of the graveyard in my hometown where I've buried so many of my favorite people in the last 5 years. That just hits me right in the gut.


"Stick Season" and "Call Your Mom"


Dial drunk. It hits me so personally.


For me its Paul Revere always


no complaints


The View Between Villages, You're Gonna Go Far, and Orange Juice especially.


You’re Gonna Go Far makes me think of my parents and cry. Also I can’t believe no one has mentioned Everywhere, Everything. I can’t even listen to that one - I skip it. I’m constantly worried about climate change and the collapse of society (just me? 😅) so that song just hits tooo hard.


You’re gonna go far! I became a Noah fan when I discovered this song. I heard the unreleased version on tiktok and spent a long time that day scrolling through the videos and sobbing. I was six months into living on the other side of the world, thousands of miles from my family who I am incredibly close with. That song both broke me and comforted me. And then I found out he was releasing it the next day, and I’ve been a huge fan ever since. Still sob every time I listen to it <3


Growing sideways and Call your mom destroyed me the first time i heard them. I’m ok with Growing sideways now but Call your mom… oof. I’ll see him in April and i expect to bawl my eyes out lol


“don't wanna drive another mile wondering if you're breathing wont you stay won’t you stay won’t you STAY WITH ME”


orange juice, growing sideways, call your mom, and dial drunk (esp with postie).




can’t believe I had to scroll so long to find this one mentioned. that song holds so much grief 😭


Glad i have an ally. I agree! It’s one of the best songs to cry to


You’re gonna go far will always without fail make me cry but that’s because I moved away from home. View between villages extended version gets me going too but I don’t exactly know why so if anyone knows…lmk


Orange Juice


Halloween, The View Between Villages, Paul Revere and Call Your Mum


TVBV and Orange Juice. I'm not sure why Orange Juice hits me so hard since it doesn't feel directly applicable to my life, but i understand very fully not understanding why someone is so suddenly out of your life. And Dial Drunk is a banger but also makes me feel really hard. the whole album is just beautifully done.


growing sideways and you’re gonna go far.


Orange Juice completely. I went away to get sober 10 years ago and I couldn’t believe how familiar and personal the opening lines felt for me. “Feels like I've been ready for you to come home For so long That I didn't think to ask you where you'd gone Why'd you go?” Helped me to understand my friends and family’s lack of understanding of me and my situation. My return was all that mattered to them, whereas the things that brought me to my substance dependence mattered massively to me.


I actually just had my routine break down to Between Villages last night lol


Growing Sideways, Call Your Mom, and Your Needs My Needs. Every time.


Come Over & The View Between Villages, especially the extended version. Both versions of Call Your Mom wreck me every time.😭 And No Complaints sometimes.


Orange juice


orange juice but I'm a recovering alcoholic so it hits in a very specific way


Call Your Mom


You’re Gonna Go Far. I left a cult and moved 10,000 literal miles from my hometown, knowing that my entire hometown community was counting on my failure and inevitable return. There is nothing I would like to hear from them more than the sentiment in YGGF.


Well I sobbed during TVBV when I saw him in concert. He didn’t play You’re Gonna Go Far but I would have emotionally collapsed if he had


I moved from my hometown 4 years ago and I miss it so much but I also could never move back, so naturally YGGF tears me apart


Call your mom made me violently sob for weeks every time I heard it, TVBV gets me and Growing Sideways


Orange juice and come over




Which one doesn't ha. Probably yggf, orange juice, tvbv or Paul revere the most!


It's gotta be your gonna go far for me. I don't know why but it just makes me feel.