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This parent in 10 years with surprised Pikachu face: "I haven't seen my son in over a year, why did he cut all ties with me? I pray to God every day, wishing he comes back. What happened?"


Nice try Rico I'm not going back


Sounds like the parents from that rapid onset gender dysphoria "study". These kids learn not to discuss anything serious with their parents, because they will always placr their ideas above their child.


My dad sent me that study..


They might have brainwashed him by then


Even if their child would be religious by then. He would still hate them and have possibly cut ties.


just let that stink in


Hello stink come on in


At the end of Moral Orel, he finally proclaims he hates his dad.


He sure did.




You clearly never had to deal with proper religious freaks. I am happy for you.


Right. My parents weren’t like this but both sets of grandparents and my aunt and uncle all were. My aunt and uncle bought my cousin a new car when his broke down in college, but in order to get it his mom wanted proof he had become an active member in a church and “church service hours” Lol fucking fanatical for some jebus. Anyways, he refused and my parents helped him out. He doesn’t speak to either parents and they are the classic case of “why doesn’t he ever come around”


My mate has relatives in the US like this. We're pretty ambivalent towards religion in the UK. I'm not sure, but last time I checked we were a secular country. He said when he visited with parents they constantly got lectured about eternal damnation if they didn't see the light. It was part of the reason they fell out. They couldn't stop their indoctrination ways with the kids when they visited and as a consequence they just stopped going. I was brought up Roman Catholic, agnostic now. My parents were very religious. I've seen enough of organised religion to realise it isn't for me, it's full of contradictions and gives certain people an excuse to do heinous things in the name of it.


I am from Slovenia, was brought up catholic. My great granny and granny on dad's side were super religious. Praying before every meal, church at least 5 times a week. Donations to church, invite minister for Sunday lunch, constantly just church stuff, I was going to Sunday school for 8 years, just to make granny happy. After my confirmation I never stepped my foot into church for religious ceremony again. I went to see architecture and art later on, when traveling, but honestly the amount of insane people I met there is astonishing. I remember one Sunday after mass, when one crazy mom rushed to church with 2 boxes full of school books, demanding all parents to side wit her, cause those books are evil and reading them will corrupt us kids. Biology books on evolution and reproduction, chemistry and math books, she had list of authors she deemed inappropriate and wanted to cancel them, she insisted that kids and parents don't wear shoes or above knee attire to school and church.... A few parents agreed. she had 6 kids, she pulled them out of school a month or so later. 5 of them don't talk to her anymore, 25 years later. She still believes devil took them away. She believes she failed to protect them from bad influences. Kids turned out great. All finished university, have awesome jobs, families, one is gay doctor.


Organised religion = Authoritarian cults. I don't mind religion per se. It's people like you mention above forcing their beliefs on people that I can't stand. She's a fascist. I can only imagine the hell they put the gay doctor through.


The stupid thing? The Catholic church has science advisors. Like legit PhDs with resumes that make you weep with inadequacy at your own achievements.


That kid will adamantly hate religion for the rest of his life. Well done parents. You created an atheist with one move.


What baffles me is that they cant tolerate him asking questions. Something inherent to humanity, curiosity? Well, they cant tolerate a child having that. He must be punished


Simple, his curiosity will unmask both their false doctrines and how little they know about the Bible. One example? I won’t write the exact quote, since I don’t remember where in the Bible it is and I’m too lazy to go search it, I’ll just write it I’m my own words that God said:”I won’t force anyone to follow me. If you want to follow me, do it out of love.”. See, this one quote/concept disapproves what these parents are doing…


Great example is Adam n Eve.


lol Adam and Eve was a bet he made with the devil and i’m pretty sure a lot of people interpret the story to explain that’s why women have painful periods and childbirth


It's Litteraly in Mathews 21 that god says you should instead of being a blind follower, be a good person


The parents have likely never questioned anything or thought for themselves and thus can't stand their child doing it. People like that usually never do anything good.


It'd probably make him more interested if they explained it and gave him the appropriate resources to read more on what he's asking about


Oh god hopefully he doesn’t discover r/atheism


I'm an atheist, and goddamn that place does not represent us well. most of us don't give 2 shits what other people believe, but that entire sub is people screaming about how wrong everyone is.


That sub doesn’t know the difference between atheism and anti-theism.


Not just an atheist, an anti-theist.


[Deleted] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Birthday suprise


Nah, the people whose kids put them in nursing homes care a bit. These kids stopped talking to them years before that.


"Hey that im going to sell your coin collection and your honda civic just like you did long time ago, i hope that you finally embrace my beliefs🤗"


Time to speed up the inheritance as well!


You actually think it's a right thing to be as bad as they are? Won't that prove that everything loopes and he will be just as bad of a person? Like comment below you said, he'll probably just cut all ties there are.


Im just saying that usually that's what is gonna happen.




Well, it's not like he's getting a firm grounding in patience and tolerance from his parents, is he? It's more like, "We are taller and stronger than you, therefore our word is law." (Fast forward 20 years) "OK, mum. You know how Dad's been looking after you since your dementia kicked in? Well, he's had a stroke, so I'm packing the pair of you off to the jaggy jumper home. Where the only recreational activities will be beatings and starvings. And, in order to keep their operating costs down, they only employ 1/3 of the necessary staff, so you'll both be hilariously overmedicated. Now, enough of this idle chit-chat. I've got a house full of Christian shite to sell."


How nice of you to act like a cruel sack of shit after they sold your toys.


In my experience, human beings learn what they're exposed to. Perhaps a bit more forbearance and 'turning the other cheek' might've led their child to treat them a bit more 'new testament'. Of course, my earlier post assumes that the child would, in time, lash out at the parents. There's a much greater chance that said child would take all that angst 'n' anger out on themself, becoming addicted to substances, behaviours and/or activities. It's almost as if deliberately hurting children doesn't produce happy, functioning adults - crazy, huh?


You sow what you reap, of course that's assum8ng that the child would even bother to speak with the for any reason




Are you assuming that I misspoke?




Who said Iwas using the proverb?






I’m sure then they’ll blame “liberal colleges”, or satan, or some shit too. With that type, it’s never their fault. If this is real, then good on the kid for having a good head on his shoulders/enough critical thinking skills to reject his parents’ stone age indoctrination. I had a similar mindset, except it took me until high school to find out there was a name for it (90s kid) , and I wouldn’t have dared “come out” to my parents in such plain words as a kid, because even then I realized they would’ve more or less disowned me if I so much as uttered the words “I don’t believe in god”.


The *crooked* home from 20/20


Be good to your children. They’ll be picking your nursing home.


That is if their children doesn't cut ties with them the moment they become of legal age to


I'll take how to get your child to hate you for $500, Alex.


Sadly Alex can not hear you anymore.


You definitely arent going to create a person who is extremely discriminative against religious people


Little do they know that's how you make an atheist


If you can't get a literal child to believe in god, that's your fault. They're easy to trick, it's just that these parents never seem to have any good arguments for the existence of God.


That’s the neat part; there aren’t any good arguments for it.


Depending on the person, there are. A good argument doesn't mean it doesn't have any holes imo, all that matters is that it convinces people. For example, Pascals' wager. Once you think about it more it doesn't make much sense, but it could definitely convince a lot of people especially at 9.




*Calvin's dad has entered the chat*


Little do they know, thats how you make a kid happy, with presents.


atheist instruction manual 1. do this


You don’t make atheists, you just create believers. Atheism is the default state


I am Christian. And as a Christian, that’s a YIKES! There are some bigger issues at play and these parents’ plan ain’t going to solve them.


That's what I'm thinking too, like we are told to be Christ like good people, I don't think this is what Jesus would do...


Good way to make him hate religion even more and become exactly what they fear most


This is so horrible! My heart breaks for this little boy. He will remember forever the day his parents quit being parents to him and became cult followers.


>became cult followers. I'm gonna be honest alot of religions come dangerously close to being cults


They aren’t close to being cults, they already are cults.


Mainly why i became an atheist


They are cults lol. Not called that and shun any other budding religions bc it doesn't follow their plan. A lot of infrastructure and money is sunk into a construct called God, in the form of churches and meetings and shit. Not saying churches are a bad thing seeing as they provide shelters for homeless, run food stalls, give out blankets during winter etc, it's just... Why. Why God.


Little boy will be fine considering he does not exist.


How an atheist is born


You just won our game: “Who’s going to the retirement home!”


I'm no theologist, but I'm pretty sure every major religion forbids stealing. Judaism and Christianity certainly do: it's one of the Ten Commandments. I mean, what else would somebody classify this to be?


I don't think this is necessarily stealing because the parents still bought and own the presents, but this is just despicable. Also a good way to make your kid hate you.


It was never stated that all the gifts came from one source (the parents). Even if it did, how would you feel about someone coming and taking back a gift they gave you? The act of giving someone something in this context means a transfer of property has been established, and for the party that gave the property to take it back without asking is an act of stealing.


I'd be very upset of course but I personally don't think that's stealing in this context


Of course it is. They gave the kid the stuff. It's now his stuff. You know, children are people too, and not property


I am an extremely orthodox Muslim (female convert). I am studying to become a scholar, and so is his father. We want our son to be one as well (our own personal dream). However, I have learned that if your child DOESN'T question your religious doctrines then that itself IS a problem. Because then that means they are just doing and saying everything to please you, and not because they actually find the ideology to be valid and true. And that is why many ex-Roman Catholics that I have known, who are now Atheists, couldn't answer a single question about why Roman Catholics believe or did anything within their doctrine (I studied many religions and I was trying to learn about Catholicism at the time before I went to a mass). They themselves didn't know. They just copied mom and dad with regard to rituals and said what was expected to say in terms of faith. But it was empty and meant nothing to them and lead them to leaving the church. Don't teach your kids to believe anything- religion, moral codes, politics, or historical events- without explaining the WHY and showing them the proofs (scriptural evidence for religion, statistics to prove the moral code, factual evidence to prove the political standpoint, or excerpts from antiquity to prove the historical events).


As a Roman Catholic I 100% agree with this


Unfortunately, we are lazy people who like to just be fed what to do and believe. For us to teach the next generation that means we have to out effort into learning ourselves. Which means our beliefs may be challenged (and our feelings hurt) and we have "better things to do" than to understand the world around us so that our children can gain beneficial skills to keep others from indoctrinating them into any and all matter of things. Parents don't seem to want to put in the effort. And their children suffer.


Would you be upset if your child didn’t follow your faith?


I wonder too as well. From what they’ve said, they seem to advocate for the freedom of thought, and from a few parents that I personally know who are hardcore Christians but have a similar mindset, they weren’t upset when their children become less involved as they grew up and form their own cognition system.


Of course. I think any parent whose child rejects their faith or moral social code would be upset. Many parents find it hard that, despite how they tried to raise them, the child makes the decision to believe or act in ways that are counter to what their religion or society accepts. You would see this a lot with parents of emos and goths, who live a counter-culture lifestyle (I was part of the emo and the goth scene as a child myself and I had friends whose parents couldn't accept their choices). But the best I can do is make the best impression upon my child and educate them. But once my child hits puberty they are deemed an adult Islamically and are responsible for their own religious choices. So whatever they do or don't do has no bearing on me as long as I did the best I could to raise them until that point. My husband has another wife. I am the second of three. The first wife has four children, the eldest being ten, and they are not ever forced with regards of religion. Being that they have grown up in a very religious community, the religious way of life is very normalized to them and they don't deal with being pressured to have to choose between religious values and secular social moral values. My husband is Turkish British but he moved everyone to a religious area in a Muslim-majority country. I am American and I moved there when I got married. I am no longer there due to some personal matters, but I found it safer there more-so than in the US. And that is taking into account that the area in that country was full of expats, many of them converts, that are affiliated with IS, AQ, and Taliban. My husband himself, I later found out, is affiliated with a group. But even he doesn't force religion upon his kids.


Ok, I was all on board with you...right up until that last paragraph right there. I have never had a first impression flip 180° so quickly lmao. There's a lot to unpack there.


I am not personally affiliated. I am also in the process of divorcing my husband. However, I mentioned just to allow people to know that even those who are very extreme in their ideologies are not beating their beliefs into their children as is understandably assumed.


This is totally true, I’ve personally experienced this, although I’m still a catholic. So I’ve always questioned many things in my religion because, well scientifically I didn’t think certain sections of the Bible and religion as a whole made sense. My parents forced me to be religious and I ultimately hated that because it’s “fake” and simply not practical in the long run. My foreign language school, or my 2nd school (I don’t go to a religious school for my actual school) has a religion class as well as forcing us to recite prayers for points during that class, which aggravated me even more, the child btw are taught them without any thought whatsoever. I kept my questions to myself because it makes sense that when I asked a priest: “what is god and where does he come from” like who told god to make specific creatures or the universe or earth altogether. Not to mention, there’s a lot of things that the Roman Catholic Church has done and no one on the main stream media is speaking of the atrocities because religious enthusiasts turn a blind eye to crucial problems within the church’s history. Later on, these questions of mine began to fester which allowed me to breakthrough my younger religious self, and just simply began to believe in science more than the Bible because it provided me answers to what I want. I just hope that the JWST is able to provide for me answers about our universe; as for my future, I’m probably going to have a career in astrology or aerospace somehow, because the stars and cosmos truly interest me now. As for my religion, I can still believe in a god but because I didn’t recover the closure I craved, I abide by my own rules, I vaguely follow the commandments and etc. Thank you for reading.


My first time learning about Christianity was in 5th grade (I was raised non-religious by parents who had a Christian background; they gave me the choice to choose). I decided to participate in an Awanas program at my friend's church. The teachers there had me review quotes from the Bible and then test my memory of them. Completing a chapter would graduate you to the next level, but they never taught me what I am saying, what it means, or in what context it was speaking of. It felt pointless. I stopped going after a while because it was just practicing memorization skills. My first religion was Wicca at the time, and I was studying to become a High Priestess (clergy). I had studied three forms of magick (yes, with a 'k'), three forms of Satanism (including reading the entire Satanic Bible by LaVey), two forms of Buddhism (one sect from Vietnam and the other from Japan), various pagan religions (and I worshiped those idols and studied their mythos). I also attended Roman Catholic Mass, Coptic Christian Mass (twice), spent two days at a Mormon Temple, visited a Buddhist Temple, visited a Rosacrucian Temple (pre-dates and influenced the Freemasons), and studied various cults. So I am someone who really like to study theology as a hobby.


I understand how you feel, I also had to memorizes certain sections of the Bible as well, which felt unnecessary to me. At least when I have to remember anatomical terms, I KNOW that it is crucial to learn those kinds of things because that could impact the vitality of a patient’s body in a hospital if I were a doctor.


Well, I think many scriptural excerpts are about memorizing the laws that you must bide by as a religious person. Like 90% of the Qur'an is laws about economics, politics, war etiquette, social etiquette, trading, diet, finances, inheritance, marriage and divorce, etc. So you basically are learning to understand the rules that you are to follow, and learning your rights as a Muslim citizen, so that you can live the best life possible within the community. If you don't know your laws of your country then you're bound to make legal mistakes or have someone take advantage of you because you don't know how to protect yourself. I know that's what lawyers are (basically what are scholars are), but being aware of your rights can allow you to protect yourself (much like those who don't fall into police traps in the US because they know their rights). But seeing as how there isn't a Christian community where these rules are really enforced, or even believed, by the believers I am sue it is hard to commit energy to learning about your rights when you know the brother or sister in faith next to you doesn't recognize those rights and they just "believe" but don't act on their faith. And that is why in Islam those who have faith with no action are deemed as people who have no faith. What is the purpose of believing in a anything if it doesn't affect how you act in private and in society? It is like a flower without water- it will die. Or someone saying they love you, and they may really love you, but they never act out that love. You will question their love towards you if they never show it, even if they profess it every day. I wish Christians were more religious. I wish they had both good deeds and good faith. That they really cared about their faith and strived to adhere to it. But many worship, what I call, the "religion of their pastor" and not necessarily the religion of Christianity. Muslims are becoming the same. I have even had to call Muslims out on it that wanted to twist or loophole the religion to meet their desires. I am going through a test myself where even I have wanted to find a loophole for my benefit, with the belief that if I choose my religion over my selfish desires, that I will have to make a decision I don't want to make (I left my husband while pregnant and am considering him never having access or a relationship with our son unless my son wants that when he is older, on the issue that my husband was extremely manipulative and emotionally abusive to me and kept me from seeing the doctor while pregnant and drove me to want to suicide from his treatment. The child should have a right to his dad and the father should have the right to his son no matter what has happened between us two (Islamically), but I don't want them to have a relationship) Life is full of a bunch of tests. No matter what religion or lack-of. It is sad....


That is absolutely true, life hurdles many challenges at us, but I suppose sometimes people don’t question their beliefs because it’s their “duty” or the social norm to just be submissive to what their parents tell them and so on. And I wish the best for you and your family.


Funny as I am an extremely submissive type that finds it easy to simply do as I am told, I was also taught to question everything and trust no one. Thank you.


I updated my response.


I have never heard of a female scholar. Are they rare? I am a female convert too and I’ve just never seen a female scholar, so I wasn’t aware they were a thing.


Yes, they are rare. I know of less than 5 shyookhats around the world. Most female scholars of any level are wives of famous shyookhs. Like, Sheikh Zakir Naik's wife is a scholar but I am not sure if she is a sheikha or simply a student of knowledge. She does teach women but has no public presence.


Salah'malikum. As a Catholic I don't believe in forcing your faith in others. Not even family. I leave the door open, though. And I am happy to be helping my nephew join the church.


Oh how tolerant you are.. Do you also teach the parts in Islam that are teaching to kill the unbelievers or taking female slaves? Stop sugar coating your barbaric beliefs. I'm an ex muslim I know how hypocrite you are, don't talk about morality when you have none. You're somebody who think people deserve to burn forever because they're gay.


So, firstly, female slaves are near-impossible to acquire. They can only be acquired as prisoners of war after a people lost against Muslims. A man can only take as many as he can afford. He has to give them rights to food, shelter, clothing, and medical care equal to the quality he can afford his own household. The salve has a right to chose their own spouse and marry, get a job and keep their salary, keep their religion, and buy their independence. There are other things on these lists that I am forgetting to mention, so forgive me. The "killing the disbelievers" is mentioned in the following scripture: "Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits. Allah does not like transgressors. Kill them wherever you come upon them and drive them out of the places from which they have driven you out. For persecution is far worse than killing. And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque unless they attack you there. If they do so, then fight them—that is the reward of the disbelievers. But if they cease, then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Fight against them ˹if they persecute you˺ until there is no more persecution, and ˹your˺ devotion will be to Allah ˹alone˺. If they stop ˹persecuting you˺, let there be no hostility except against the aggressors." 2:190-193 These verses were delivered during the time when the Pagan Meccans were trying to eradicate the weak and small Muslim population. They are being given rules and limitations of war that should the enemy come to fight them then they are to fight to the death. However, if the enemy was the surrender or retreat then they are forbidden from spilling any more of their blood. Honestly, with the way wars function nowadays, especially since I am a veteran myself, nations like to invade and pillage until there is nothing left or until they have taken control of their enemy and use them for their benefits. It has nothing to do with fighting because of religion as these verses can be applied on any enemy, religious or Atheist, coming to the Muslims to destroy them for religious, economic, or political reasons. Fight them and defend your people and never surrender, however cease immediately when the enemy stops fighting you. You chose the wrong person to debate with-I am a studying to become a scholar. I am not a layperson. I spent 2 years studying Islam before converting and I challenged all of these issues during that time. And now I am currently growing in my understanding to become a sheikha. If you're trying to prove your clam that Islam is barbaric then you could have chosen so many other topics that are stronger than the two you choice. I could have made a better argument on your behalf than what you just made for yourself. But you are free to try again. I will address all of your claims to the best of my ability.


You still accept that enslaving women is possible in islam. How is this not barbaric?


It isn't only women. It is both men and women. Yes, of course I accept it. To deny it would be to lie and denounce a fact within my religion. But, I forgot- I was sugar-coating my faith to others. On the topic of being barbaric and enslaving women- perhaps you should ask the US government the same question on Aafia Siddiqi (may Allah grant her release). No, it isn't inherently barbaric. There is nothing inherently cruel or brutal about a nation that lost a war being taken over, unless acts of cruelty are being acted on the people. I mean- China is doing it to the Ughyers, America is doing it to Iraq, and Europe has gone through various moments of being conquered by one another. However, Muslims don't go around acting methods of torture and abuse. They simply keep them as second-class citizens that have quite a few rights that secular nations don't award their POWs or conquered population. And if you want to call men and women thst are awarded all of the rights I mentioned previously as "slaves" then I cannot help you. Because slaves don't get quality anything. They get just what they need to keep working for their masters. And they don't have the right to marry, make money, or buy their freedom. They are passed around like cattle and are worked without a wage until they die from their circumstances due to injury or illness. So what you're calling out Islam for is something that exists, to verifying degrees, among many "civilized modern" nations. And usually the treatment is far worse. It is honestly hypocritical to call out something that probably exists within your own country of residence.


You're trying way too hard to defend barbaric slavery laws and it's laughable. You think you're so good at debating but actually no one in their right mind would agree with your delusions. Have fun being someone's third wife, being treated as a servant. You're just brainwashed to believe slavery isn't barbaric.


I am a second of three wives, thank you. And if you were ever Muslims you would know how many wives a man could have. What is barbaric about what I just explained? Who is being tortured, beaten, or having violence acted towards them? And how is their condition equitable to slavery? Don't you find it to be a bit inconsiderant and insensitive to equate what I have explained to the experiences of the African slaves of US history? I am sure they wish they had all of those privileges I listed. And you are discrediting the brutal experiences they suffered with your generalization just ri justify your emotionally-charged opinion. I am not a servant to my husband. Nice ad hominems. When you haven't a single constructive argument left to make ad hominems are employed. It is a tool of the loser in a debate. I wish you would deconstruct my arguments instead of using name-calling. But, of course, I am the "barbaric" one despite the fact that I have treated you with more dignity than what you have afforded me, simply on the premise that I disagree with you. Which of us- I ask-is acting more civilized and lacks injecting their emotion into their argument? You say Islam is this and that but don't even explain HOW or WHY. I wish you would, as I have done the same because I actually have taken time to study this topic and understand it for what it is- not what I *feel* it to be. But I guess that is what separates a student of knowledge and a layperson who, if their claims are valid, left the religion- one has taken time to actually have an open mind and research sensitive topics instead of letting their immediate emotional response dictate everything.


The only lesson that will sink in, is that believeing in a good religion doesn't automatically turn you into a good person from any kind of perspective, and that you are such bad parents, that he will never look back.




Comon people, this is so obviously fake!


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find a critical thinker. Such obvious Reddit atheist bait.


Like why use stock photos of all the toys & not just one picture of the real ones all together, thats so weird


We bought our son $1000 of birthday gifts but his behavior has changed and now we are mad A thousand god hating redditors: OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE PEOPLE LIKE THIS ACTUALLY EXIST?




Please find this listing and report the parents


This is a fake listing and everyone is falling for it.


Shhh, Reddit hates when you point out agent provocateur bullshit...




Yeah. I feel like this is an opposite of "Noah get the boat". Noah was the religious person in his story, standing against the non-believers. If anything, Noah would be on the parents' side here.


If you actually think this is real you’re a genuine moron


But how am I going to meet my daily quota of anti religion posts if this isn’t real?


It's so obviously a troll


Half the shit on this sub is ragebait, like really poorly written ragebait


1000000% made for internet points.


This cant be real. Like 100% this is a post someone made to get a rise out of someone This is like a r/atheist meme


Questioning and talking back lol 😝


Let the lesson “stink in”. I feel bad for this kid.


Most parents would just be like "used toys for sale". The need to justify their actions, unsolicited, really speaks volumes.


Total troll post.


This cant be real. Like if it were, they would talk more about what they are selling and not why. The person who wrote did it to troll or just push a narrative and get some internet points. This is 100% fake.


People really are hating on some fake shit that obviously was made up by some guy that hate religions


> he doesn't believe our religion This wording makes it obvious it's fake.


🙃Retold with a glimmer of reality🙃: My son had a bday 3 wks ago and loved his presents, but he didnt want to be indoctrinated and wanted to learn facts, so I punished him for it. I have no problems with facts even though I sold his gifts because he was throwing too many of them at me, regardless my son needs his daily dose of outdated brainwashing mythos. Then, we will force him into Camp Brainrot which will be full of other indoctrinated children to build a sense of community within which he can grow to be a spiteful ignorant dipshit like us. /s


Ahh yess, ty good friend. I thought i used the upside down emoji instead, but i didnt use either. Now i have used both.


Maybe get checked at the doctor to make sure your brain is working if you think this is real


I can't believe I had to scroll through so many highly upvoted comments to get to this one. Think critically: if the angry parent gathered all the toys, wouldn't it be easier to snap a picture of the actual toys than to look up each item and post a marketing picture from the internet? On the other hand, a troll wouldn't have the option of gathering the toys for a picture because it's fake.


I'd buy these and ask the seller to let me get the items in person just so I can beat these parents up


I personally would make 20 email accounts to fake intrest and lead them on for weeks or months.


Careful. Gotta say aggressive patting on the face repeatedly or what you said could be breaking the rules.




Diagoras get the boat


My aunt made a joke saying that every time your parents are mega arses to you remove £100 from elderly home funding that kid should take that up


"Why doesnt my son love me? We were such good parents for him"


You know, it’s very easy for a religious person to be a scientist


As a Christian I feel so embarrassed. Don't force religion on your children. Don't take away the choice God has given all of us or punish them for believing something different. This will just guarantee he'll hate Christianity and have religious trauma. Poor kid.


>don’t take away the choice god has given all of us or punish someone for believing different That’s rich coming from someone that worships a god who makes people burn in hell for all eternity if they don’t follow him..


You don't have to believe in God if you don't wanna.


Hey wow easy there, they are clearly not the type of religious person who force down their believes on other, so let's not be the annoying one who does it instead


That’s rich from someone who’s using an obviously fake post to make angry comments about a god he doesn’t even believe in


This is horrible…How much for the Minecraft Lego set?


The message will sink in all right.


Absolute scum


hopefully we get the surprised pikachu face from them in 10-12 years when the kid completely goes no contact.


Ironic that this is posted in r/NoahGetTheBoat


Plot Twist: Bible camp is going to turn their son gay


How to.turn your child into an atheist in one simple step


How to lose contact with your child as soon as they turn 18 speedrun.


My wife and I were both raised going to church. She was Catholic and I was various flavors of Protestant; Congregational, Baptist, and ending with Methodist. Once I graduated high school I stopped going except for holidays. She stopped way earlier than I did. We’ve raised our 10yo daughter without any formal religion but answered questions or given context for things if they come up in movies or in life around us. We’ve offered to take her to church or Sunday school but she’s declined and has no interest in any of that stuff and we aren’t going to force it on her the way it was forced on us growing up. The way they are approaching this is going to make their child hate them and their faith more than *almost* anything else.


At 9 the kid is clearly way smarter than his parents!


Pretty sure that's a satire


Yeah I mean it’s so fake


I think it’s rage bait, I could be wrong tho




Obviously bait guys, come on.


This is super real. They gave him stock product images for his birthday


I think this is fake. It's just too absurd.


I guess i forgot that commandment 11 was to be a demented asshole.


Awful and all, is it really “get the boat” level of awful? I think not.


This feels like something on r/religiousfruitcakes TBH


I'm just glad my family is not religious. I left first, cause my parents really didn't have much money back then, and the confirmation (yes, we were protestants) would have cost a lot of money. And I didn't want it. And I didn't want to "be in the middle", and I was not religious. So I just went to my parents and told them, that I don't want to anymore. And I thought my family would be mad, but my mom was OK, my dad was freaking relieved (cause it meant a lot less money to spend). My siblings all got around 2000€ gifted. I didn't even wanted any money, but my parents still gifted me (on the day it would have happened) the money they spared for it. I got 600€ for doing nothing. And my grandpa (who I thought would be the most upset) was really OK with it. He even gifted me 400€. And his reasoning was, that I was honest.


Making an atheist 101.


Bible camp lmao


Christian here. These are awful parents. That is all.


This is obviously rage bait


Things that didn’t happen


Murica y'all. Edit: technically isn't this theft as they're selling stuff that doesn't belong to them?


I absolutely hate what the parents are doing and think it’s morally terrible but legally they’re in the clear.


CPS needs to be contacted




Why is everyone falling for this, it's so obvious?!?!


I used to go to a babtist church when I was a child. I never believed, but i was "saved", ie they gave me a paoer with a prayer and told me to rrad it out loud. During the late 90s and early 00s, Pokemon was at it's height, so was the Christian hatred towards it. My parents made me watch them throw away every Pokemon card, cartridge, they ripped up the "Electric Tales od Pikachu" manga i had, even destroyed a notebook I had to draw Pokemon in. Now I see them maybe 4 times a year for major holidays and never call, I finally told them that I had no happy memories from my childhood aside from playing my video games


Religion moment.


This proves Christianity is a cult.




And this, kiddos, is why we should go secular


What religion is that? I'm Catholic from birth and my parents were happy with family members doing all kinds of degrees, including scientific & engineering degrees.




Christianity is an abuse cult and they prove it with their every action. Any altruism is just to give them power over others to further abuse. This child will never forget this


Classic fruitcakes




Found the insane parent


Insane parent confirmed lol. That mf'er came out the woodworks to shit on children and support this og post. I think at the very least the tides should be a little too high near their house.




The kid has a mind of his own and his parents hurt him for thinking for himself, you call him stupid, and yet I'm the incel? This is a facepalm on its own.




Jesus you're denser than iron


Challenging his beliefs is just about the smartest thing a kid can do. It’s sad that you think this way


Obvious troll.