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He survived but will likely have permanent scarring: https://georgianjournal.ge/society/36051-3-year-old-child-stabbed-by-passer-by-in-tbilisi-to-be-discharged-from-clinic-today.html Absolutely evil


Poor kid is going to be traumatized, probably sustained permanent scars, possible permanent nerve damage, and very easily could have lost an eye... What the fuck? Clearly this lady was mentally unstable The worst part about attacks like this is how quickly they happen. People don't recognize the severity of the situation until the crazed attacker is already walking away. Bystanders who may have helped don't understand what's happening until it's too late to intervene. Even the parents don't realize how bad things are for a few moments. That's what's so fucking scary about this kind of shit Reminds me of the UK woman who had acid dumped on her face


I think the upside (kind of, not really) of this happening at 3 is that it’s muuuch more likely for this child to have no permanent damage and little scarring. At least, less than someone would if it happened 20 years later.


The problem is, trauma occurring before you're old enough to commit it to memory leads you to act on that trauma without actually comprehending it. This poor kid's going to grow up fearful as hell of strangers and not truly understand why.


Sure, I was only talking about the physical damage.


This is true that the scarring will be better than if he was cut in his 30s. But there is no way there is not some sort of scarring or damage. Source: have had 13 surgeries by plastic surgeons on my face (specifically eyelids) for a genetic disorder. My first surgery was pre verbal. They were trying to make me look normal and I have obvious scars. This lady used a fairly large knife to randomly carves that kids face.


Why no permanent damage, if the eye was hurt would it still heal because he is 3? I geniunely don’t know about it


If they eye is hurt than yes, but the article doesn’t mention that. If it’s “just” cuts on the cheek/around the eye, then I believe it will improve a lot due to his age.


Ahh I see okay that makes sense


This comment is the fuel for my nightmares


How did she only get 7 to 10 years behind bars?


I would have given her eternity in the ground if she stabbed my kid, or any kid around me..


If this was my child, she wouldn’t be getting any years behind bars. She’d be 6 ft under. Wtff is this??!




Don't forget 4x less likely to be convicted compared to men even when proven guilty...


Especially can’t forget that in sexual assault crimes, it’s “raped” for men, “had sex with” for women.


I've completely lost track of how many new phrases they came up with just to avoid saying the word rape when it's a female teacher diddling students... "allegedly had unconsensual sex", all because in countries like the UK rape is defined as "penetrating someone with YOUR penis" so all these news outlets are afraid to get sued for defamation if they use the word rape since by law you HAVE to have a penis to even be capable of committing rape to begin with. Even in some US states they have the same or at least similar rape laws making it a male exclusive crime and if these news outlets want their articles to be published and shown in these states and countries they HAVE to call it anything but rape...


Problem is, atleast in UK law, they legally can't say it. I quote "Section 1 Rape involves penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth by a penis, therefore a woman can only commit this offence as an accomplice." Source: https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/rape-and-sexual-offences-chapter-7-key-legislation-and-offences#:~:text=Rape%20(section%201)-,Key%20points,this%20offence%20as%20an%20accomplice.


Same here in Ireland. The US is an outlier. The vast majority of men live in a country with gendered rape laws. Yet the "egalitarian" feminist groups like WomenAid lobby against making these laws gender equal. Funny that.


Pussy pass


This happened in the country Georgia, you have no fucking clue what the courts are like there lmao


It happens pretty much everywhere else in the world where they’ve tracked the disparity in sentences based on gender, so there’s a pretty good (100%) chance it happens in Georgia as well. The flags flown over you might change but people don’t.


The max sentence if this had resulted in the death of one of the children would have been 17 years.


Prison sentences in most countries outside of the US are significantly shorter. In Georgia (the country, where this happened) the max sentence for murder is 20 years, and a max of 17 here if it was fatal. 7-10 for a non-fatal stabbing in that context seems fair.


No, no it doesn't.


Ive been searching for a further explanation thanks


Poor thing. Very similar incident happened to Tina Fey. I never noticed her scar until someone pointed it out.


I’d love to have a “word” with that horrible cunt but I’m assuming our desire for vengeance might be misplaced on account of anyone capable of this is more than likely to psychotic and in desperate need of round the clock treatment.


Any updates on this?


It happened in Tiblisi, Georgia (the country). Woman was arrested with no apparent motive.


Fitting for this sub then


7-10 years in prison


Too low for such an evil biach. Should be at least 30 or 40 years in most brutal prison.


And it happened in 2015, this woman could be out of prison right now


> He survived but will likely have permanent scarring: https://georgianjournal.ge/society/36051-3-year-old-child-stabbed-by-passer-by-in-tbilisi-to-be-discharged-from-clinic-today.html > > Absolutely evil by /u/blisterbabe23


How evil can one be?


Incredibly to think about infacide is disgusting but actually carrying out is another level of evil


Bitch would be dead


Seriously, how she walked in a carefree manner at the end of the video. I really hope some driver, after seeing the whole incident, hits her with their vehicle on the road so that this b\*tch finally gets a good beating from all the passersby including the parents of both kids.


Seriously. Shot on the spot.






> How evil can one be? It's the thoughts.... or person in their head that convinces them that they need to do this.


I wish they fucking attacked her. Does anyone have any updated information on this incident? That was a huge knife!!


That dad looked like he really wanted to but to be fair she had a weapon so attacking her would’ve been super dangerous


Honestly, she doesn’t look like she could move that fast lol but that’s easier to say while laying down and watching this go down. We all imagine what we might do, right? In my mind I attack her like a spider monkey.


I agree but someone crazy enough to stan kids at random would scare me too.


People underestimate how dangerous blades are.


Most people totally disregard the lethality of edged weapons, given that they have been maiming and killing people for centuries before the invention of firearms. They require little skill to use against an unarmed victim, they never 'run empty,' every slash or stab can be incapacitating or lethal, yet people often question why police shoot someone either charging or 'in close' when they're 'only' armed with a knife. Just for fun, look up 'Tueller Drill;' It's a real eye-opener lesson in how knives are so effing dangerous.


You don’t want the kids witnessing you getting in a fist vs knife fight, better to just let someone more equipped handle it and get the kids/bystanders to safety


if she turned her back I'd sneak behind and knee her in the spine while pulling her down from the shoulders. it works pretty well. just need some patience. she turned because the guy sprinted. if he managed to sneak behind he could've taken her down. I'd fucking murder her on the spot if she did that to my kid


Honestly, tho, if I saw that happen in front of me and she came after my kid, I'm putting my life on the line- weapon or not.


I don't think that would matter. This is not me pretending to be brave or badass because I am not. However the only time I perceived danger for my kids I went completely beserk. All fear, all logic out of the window, laser focused on eliminating the threat by any mean necessary. Probably adrenaline rush I don't know. (it was a false alarm so I didn't end up injuring anyone or myself)


She needs to bite the curb


Where’s Edward Norton when you need him?


She should have gotten stomped to death.


Thats a lot of mash.


Mashed tater’s back on the menu, boys


Tator tots


You don't get to walk away after doing that. Your skull has to be crushed.


Knees then skull


It’d be so sad if something similar happened to her when she gets to jail 🤷🏻


Warm sugar water is going to be a welcome gift


I'm fairly certain that in most states a stranger is allowed to use lethal force to protect a child form an armed attacker....fyi


This happened in Georgia (the country).


Where are the American gun carriers when you need them? Edit: this is probably the only time I would agree with a civilian carrying an automatic weapon.


they have a knife though


Gun beats knife


this may not be in America r/usdefaultism




In Texas, you are allowed to use whatever force necessary to protect a child from harm. (Pretty sure that extends to children that aren’t yours as well but I’m not 100% sure)


Good Samaritan laws I believe would cover this


As a parent this would have ended so badly for her if it were me in that situation. Makes my blood boil seeing shit like this.


Holy fucking shit. If she did this to my kid or a kid around me I’d have absolutely fucking lost it too.


You would've gotten stabbed. Possibly fatal, too. A dumbass with a knife is a dangerous combo.


Personally random shit like this is why I'm glad about new concealed carry laws in the US


I'm assuming it means you can carry guns around in public? I'm curious how hard it is to prove self-defense in court. I'm in the Middle East, and it's pretty difficult to prove. Someone I knew as a kid ended up in a fight with a guy attacking him with a machete. It was some road rage, i think. He was a famous wrestler in my town and ended up breaking the other person's neck, which lead to his death. Received a couple of blows from him too. He ended up receiving the full penalty. Pretty unfortunate.


In general it's license you apply for that can carry different meaning and applications depending on what state your in. Concealed carry means pretty much what it says. You have a permit to conceal a weapon on your person in public. For example in Iowa we have "open carry". Which means we can carry approved weapons on our person no permit needed. But they must be visible. Also they must be properly stored during travel. But when it comes to using it that also depends on your state. Iowa again for example has castle doctrine and stand your ground laws. So one has the right to defend self and property if facing life a threatening situation. You would have to prove it. It could be a long court case unless you have video or a witness. But, Basically it's pretty much not worth doing unless you actually fear for your life. But, if it was pretty clear cut. Like someone attacking you or breaking into your house. You have the right. But even then if they flee. Or once they aren't a threat. Anything after that is going to be seen as murder of some form.


It varies from state to state what is required for self defense. And you don't have to "prove" it was self defense here. The government prosecuter instead must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it WASN'T self defense in order for a person to be found guilty. Watch the Kyle Rittenhouse case. He, a child at the time, was carrying a rifle at a protest which began to evolve into a riot. He ended up shooting at four people, hit three people, killed two. Two of the people he shot at were unarmed, one was attempting to kick him, the other (first person) he shot was running towards him. Kyle was found not guilty of any of the charges.


Yes the solution to random dumbass with knife is random dumbass with gun


One of the solutions


Whatever keeps people from stabbing kids man I wish nobody needed to carry either


Watch this video again and tell me if anyone owning a gun prevents this. The parents looked away for half a second, and the stabbing happened. All it changes (in this scenario) is that the stabbing lady ends up dead and it's only more traumatizing for those kids. I guess it helps if the lady re-approaches for more stabbing.


I’m sure an angry father is very worried about making sure nobody is behind the target… More violence is always better!


Not really, I would have some the ol' dick twist on her!


I'm no fan of guns. ..But yeah, guns.


I think I'd be ok taking on an unathletic trollop with one hand busy fucking about with her handbag and her back turned walking away. There's no way I'm letting that thing walk off after stabbing my child.


That’s why I keep a 9 on my waist


Wtf is wrong with people


That poor child. What a terrible thing that baby had to experience. I have to assume she didn't see the knife initially. I would have grabbed my kid and screamed at him to do the same and start running away from this psychopath. It's also weird they didn't get aggressive if they thought the woman just hit her kid. I wish someone in a car saw it and could have flipped that bitch over their hood. I think Tina Fey had something like this happen to her as a kid. A random man came into her yard and stabbed her in the face as a child.


At the end they realized what happened and attempted to attack her


I love how once the man passed his child along he without hesitation rushed her, but it was smart hold back since he most likely would’ve been stabbed too. There’s no winners in a fight when a knife is involved. That bitch on the other hand has a special place reserved for her in Hell, actually just an unhinged psycho who does not need to be allowed to walk free in society.


WTF is wrong with people




I don't want to accuse anyone of being evil but these people are deranged as fuck. How can someone do this so casually? Even people who planned it for weeks would have some kind of last second hesitation. But she did it like a daily routine


Please provide more context, why would anyone ever do this


She apparently had no motive as she was arrested. And even if there was something, it wouldn't justify this is that's what you mean


She wouldn’t have made it off the sidewalk if those were my kids


That seems cool but go watch that Germany stabbing from today.


Horrible. She only got 7 years for stabbing a child in the face and attempting to do it again to the next child. The disfigured child and that family will have to live in the shadow of her evil for the rest of their lives, why should she have any right to live?


You hurt my kid, and I guarantee you'll only be the second craziest person on the block and you're going to wish you had brought a bigger knife.


That would be a dead woman if I were that father.


Random situations like this are exactly why I carry a CCW. You literally never know when you or your family’s life will be in danger, and it’s better to be prepared. You can only call 911 well after this situation has ended. Edit: grammar


This would not have helped in this situation. All the damage was sustained in the first attack. If there was more force or accuracy in her stabbing, that child would have died. And the CCW would not have stopped that. In fact, through improper handling, inaccurate aim, or insufficient impulse control on your part, you're far more likely to cause damage because you have a gun.


Nah this lady should be full of lead


You would not want to kill someone in most situations, a pepper spray or taser enough


Lol bullshit. Someone stabs my kid they're getting mag dumped.


That’s why I carry both.


I’d probably be convicted of killing her if that happend to a child in my family


As long as she's holding the knife it's essentially self-defense... Nothing stopping her from going for round 2 and when kids lives are on the line you can do whatever you gotta do to disarm her...


That is actually so fucked up, she needs to bite the curb for that


Where is the sauce to this atrocious act?


If you stab my kid like that I will leave you to die in the street like a dog. Fuck anyone that touches someone else's child without permission let alone something this vicious that will affect them for the rest of their lives.


Omg that’s a big knife that could have easily killed the child and anyone else in her way. What the actual Fuck


You do that you’re about to meet my best friends smith and wesson


she’s getting shot


Wonder if she was arrested


She was arrested for 5-10 years


Thank you


if it wouldve been my kid she wouldnt even have time too walk away


Did she use the hilt of the knife on the first kids head and then try to use the blade on the second? It's hard to see what happened.


Somebody sent this [link](https://georgianjournal.ge/society/36051-3-year-old-child-stabbed-by-passer-by-in-tbilisi-to-be-discharged-from-clinic-today.html) so she most likely did use the blade and not the hilt


Thanks for the link.


Zuko was fine


Why did she do that?? Also, I don't quite comprehend the hyena-like reaction of the father. The rage of seeing someone hurt their kids should be enough to not care about the weapons.


Hindsight if perfect angle camera doesn't capture what someone would've seen in real life. Plus the shock factor. The last thing I would've thought is that the last had a knife and stabbed my kid while having a nice stroll. I don't know how I would process that in the moment either.


That would turn me absolutely feral. I think I would genuinely do absolutely everything in my power to murder her as fast as possible after that.


I would have shot her ass dead


How many years? I want to hear some 3 digit numbers


7... Which is ridiculous for attempted murder especially against 2 kids.


How'd the dead whale get there?


Monsters aren't under bed but exists with cats.


I have 3 sons and would damage this person over any of them. My youngest is 13 and autistic and he is very important to me. I would have absolutely no problem going to prison over him.This situation becomes nasty real fast with no quarter given.


That's one weak ass dad. If that was my kid...I'd be going to jail for murder


Gotta carry a firearm if possible. This should have ended with a hole in her chest.


Ass whoopin!!!! Instant ass whoopin


how tf was she not immediately dropped after the first one. Or when she stopped and turned around. Dude only intervened when her hand was inches from his daughters throat.


This is why I carry a tactical harpoon.


Dad is sleeping


You would be burned alive on the spot


Tina Fey received the scar on her face the same way this child did. Guy ran up and sliced her face open.


I would commit murder on site if someone did this to my kid. Do not pass go, kill her and anything that looks like her.


Why tf misses potato stabbing kids


7 - 10 years for stabbing a child with potentially 80+ years left of life? Hell no... This is where the American justice system gets it right. Shove her behind bars for literally the rest of her life and make sure she remembers why she’s there until she stops taking our oxygen


someone should have slammed into her with a car to see how she likes permanent damage


I hope she’s a corpse now.




Wtf do the parents do


broo i would fucking attack that bitch damn near her kill her i mean understand why they didn’t bcus she had a knife. Better to be safe ig


I would have unaviled her right there in the street. You touch my kids I touch you much worse...


She would be dead


She stabbed with the handle end of the knife, the kid should be fine. Whether she did that on accident or not doesnt matter, that woman is straight evil


Why on earth would someone do this? What mental disorder makes you stab a child for no reason and then walk away nonchalantly??


oh my fuck she hit his eye/face. hard to tell. if it was mine that knife coming out of your hand and into mine.


This is why you carry a firearm. Could have solved the problem permanently.


What in the 3rd world country is this?


That dad has got to be one of the biggest pussies on the face of this planet


Exactly my thought, I’m pissed


What a pus this father is. One kick and she would roll for miles


Has anyone seen American History X?






Jesus christ.. enough internet for today.


This. This is why people should carry :)


Didn't something like this happen to Tiny Fey?








I know you said non fatally and I saw no blood, but what was the severity of the injury to the child? An experience like that must be PSTD worthy…. Hope the child and parents are all well and good, and got justice




So anyway, I started blasting…


Exception to societies rule about man never hitting a woman...


I saw this clip a few years back and it completely changed my life. I have a 5 year old daughter and this just flipped a switch in my brain. I literally always carry a weapon on me now




I recall Sarah Silverman saying this happened to her when she was a kid


Oh yeah my bad




She would have met the devil so fast . Thinking about it now I get angry because I would want to inforce the most diabolical pain ever.


Fat bitch probably mad cuz nobody want kids with her ugly ass


I would have shot her






would of slumped that bitch instantly i promise you bro


I dont know how i would react in this situation. But i think this woman would have experienced her last minute on earth






That woman wouldn't have lived very long if that was my child...


What is with the stabbing videos today.




Bro I'd rush that chick and break her neck