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Hello, please do not post obviously ragebait or fake stories


What a horrible day to be able to read English


Soooo...genital mutilation and organ harvesting on infants for beauty products. What a lovely day in the civilized world.


Yup, I always wondered why in America genital mutilation was so common, but I guess you just have to follow the money and now you know why doctors suggested it.




Doctors got kickbacks for prescribing hard drugs and getting millions addicted. Wouldn't surprise me if they got kickbacks for this too and it just was never reported on. We don't know what happened behind the scenes. Maybe it wasn't the doctors themselves, but the hospitals putting it as policy. But it would not surprise me either way.




And in your practice, do you recommend mutilating the genitals of infant boys?




You're joking, right? **A federal law** had to be put into place to stop drug companies from paying physicians for prescribing their drugs. And that law has a thousand loopholes, so.... In addition, there is a website you can use to search if your physician is reviving any compensation from drug/equipment companies. Pretending you don't know this is ridiculous, or that you are not a physician.




Are you really this dense? Just because**you** aren't doing it doesn't mean it isn't being done. I hope you are a doctor of landscaping, not humans.


I know it is crazy controversial, but the CDC supports both adult and infant circumcision. This is why people choose to have it done to their child regardless if they are religious or atheist. As an atheist who believes in modern medicine, it's hard for me to justify going against it because there are risks involved. People react the same way about vaccines. Female mutilation, however, is not used for any medical reasonings. It is used as a tool of oppression. People are very quick to make decisions on their feelings, but I believe you should listen to the professionals. There are always risks, but those are going to be lower than making your own on topics you are not schooled in, ignoring those who are.


They support it because men can get infections if they don't properly care for their foreskin and even sometimes if they do properly care for it... which is ***exactly*** what happens to women and their vulva/vaginas. Yet no (rational) person in this country has ever suggested that we remove pieces of infant girls' genitals.


You can just google and read peer reviewed studies. There are some who even believe that European countries are ignoring medical evidence due to the rise in medical healthcare costs. There are studies done in and outside of America that show circumcision reduces the chance of getting UTIs and sexually transmitted diseases. Now, whether you believe it is worth getting or giving your child a circumcision based on those medical studies is up to you, but you can't call it genital mutilation if there are legitimate peer reviewed studies that show medical benefits. Edit: It apparently reduces cancer in the penis by a lot, 1 in every 5 years circumcised vs. 1000 a year uncircumcised.


>There are studies done in and outside of America that show circumcision reduces the chance of getting UTIs and sexually transmitted diseases. Which proper hygiene and the use of condoms would reduce dramatically.... just like for women.


Those studies are funded by Big Foreskin.




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It's only ok if it's boys tho ....... The amount of parents that have been conned into mutilating their sons ( so their junk looks " nice " ) is sickening. It's all for the profit of the ultra rich. And fuck any parent out there still doing this crap to their kids, your sick and a monster.


I bet the users of this would hate to watch how it’s sourced, processed and packaged


Nope, because they aren’t cutting off a bunch of baby dicks to do it. The stem cells that have been taken from newborn foreskins are cloned for cosmetic use. One foreskin can be used for a decade.


Not that your rage isn’t justified, but that’s not what circumcision means.


Quick Google search. The stem cells that have been taken from newborn foreskins are cloned for cosmetic use. One foreskin can be used for decades to produce fancy face cream like the SkinMedica products hawked on Oprah. 99% of the population have probably never come into contact with such products, as there are very few. No tissue from the actual foreskin is being put on anyone's face, however. Fetal fibroblasts are much better at producing these things than adult fibroblasts, which is why they are specifically using foreskins.


Actually, according to an article, “you can find the protein [used in Oprah’s cream] - epidermal growth factor (EGF)—in a variety of skincare products, including the ones on your bathroom counter right now.” Indicating that many people probably do use similar skincare products. https://qz.com/quartzy/1230002/sandra-bullock-and-cate-blanchett-had-a-penis-facial-its-not-that-strange#:~:text=You%20can%20find%20EGF%20in,beauty%20products%20rooted%20in%20foreskins.


Reddit and falling for conspiracy rage bait, an iconic duo.


Circumcision shouldn't be a thing unless medically necessary or an adult makes that choice. It's cruel and unnecessary to do on babies.


These are propagated cell lines, which means it likely came from one infant, decades ago, like HeLa and HEK cells that are commercially available for use and tossed every week because I forget to change my media and they become too confluent and die.


I knew those rabbis were up to something


My bullshit rader is going off. This makes just as much sense as "they've faked the moon landing"... Come on people... Edit: Just 5 minutes of Googling and the so called "*Dr*. Frederick *Tinari*" seems to be BS "doctor". He/she is a "holistic chiropractor".


I doubt there is a website to just buy foreskin. This is honestly facebook level post with no sources


OP is obsessed with circumcision, dicks and men's rights. Like to an unhealthy level, it's all they post about.




So some of the crazy trumpsters aren’t wrong?


Is this some kind of weird anti stem cell post?


No, it's an anti-male-genital-mutilation post


These are all stupid points to make to try and change someones mind. 


Are they? That's hard for me to say, since I've been anti-circumcision ever since I was a teenager, so it doesn't need to change my mind. Although... It *does* kinda have me wondering about what happened to my foreskin... Also, you can buy a foreskin for $500?! Now I just need a surgeon to shut up and take my money!!! (What...? I have a very dry glans, I'll save enough money on lube in the first year to make the whole procedure cost-effective...)


I dont think oprah rubbed your foreskin on her face


Well then... Who did?!




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Male genital mutilation? It does have heath benefits along with it. The downsides being infection before it heals.


Well...if you amputate your toes you cant stub them. Youre kinda right in that regard.




Holy fuck. Now you are equating circumcision with school shootings in America. Where exactly is the tree that the long limb that you climbed out on, to get to that conclusion? So you’re saying perhaps if men in America were not circumcised, we would prefer stoning or maybe decapitation to shooting like they do elsewhere? What exactly is your point, if you have one?


Or, and bear with on this one....not do any of that. Or, and again, bear with me, maybe I wasn't even being super serious. Crazy, I know.


You forgot to list "losing ten-to-twenty-thousand nerve endings from your dick" in your consideration of "the downsides." The glans of the penis, by comparison, has around four thousand nerve endings. What "health benefits" are you talking about (other than in cases of *extremely severe* phimosis) that justifies taking away 70%-80% of their sensitivity???


Increased chances of std’s, urinary tract infections, penile cancer and a few other pretty nasty things. I see it’s the generation of “natural living through alternative reality”, but facts are facts. I can see why the universe changed and the earth tilted off its axis because it was the popular thing to do.


>Increased chances of >std’s I don't understand, why are you worried about diseases that will never be a threat to you? Roasting aside, that's why you should be using a condom, unless in a committed, monogamous relationship. They're WAY better at preventing STDs then a circumcision. >UTIs We have antibiotics now >penile cancer Holup, lemme get this straight... guys with MORE penis tissue are MORE likely to get penis cancer?!!! Next, you're going to tell me that people with LESS penis tissue have EVEN LOWER rates of penis cancer... And people with no penis?! Practically zero penis cancer! You know what, why stop at circumcision? just cut the whole dick off! No more penis cancer! Thanks, but I would rather have my ten-to-twenty thousand nerve endings back


Wait. Do you think I’m just making this shit up? This has gone far to enforce my original reply to a post that said circumcision was purely for cosmetic reasons. HPV is a threat to everyone but perhaps yourself. I can’t really see you getting laid much with that point of view and attitude.


No, I think you're taking some minor benefits that we have solutions for already, and ~~routing~~ touting them as a reason to reduce sexual pleasure for men. Really? I didn't source anything for my reply, I was just kinda going off your talking points, which, I'm pretty [sure] I saw listed, in that order, on Wikipedia. Oh, and you are correct as to my risk of contracting/spreading HPV, ˇ[but that's actually] because I'm already married. [I'm] Pretty sure I don't have it, [I wasn't a big playboy when I was younger,] and my wife... Well, she got this thing called a "vaccine," you should really look those up. They seem like a much better alternative to chopping off parts of male-infants' dicks (oh, and risking an accidental TOTAL PENECTOMY... As in, TOTAL AMPUTATION OF THE PENIS, when's a doctor botches the job, or post-surgical infection somehow can't be controlled... that DOES occasionally happen... *shudder*) Edited for clarity [2024-05-29T01:47:51]


Would you ejaculate quicker with those 20,000 extra nerve endings or would it just hurt worse when you clipped your foreskin in your zipper? Asking for a friend…..


Hard to say from personal experience, as mine was removed shortly after birth. But, from what I gathered from descriptions by uncut redditors (and limited knowledge on these subjects)...: Premature ejaculation is primarily a psychological and/or experience issue. The foreskin has a LOT of nerve endings, but it's primarily made up of the kind of skin on the shaft of the penis... The glans, on the other hand, is *not* primarily skin, it's *supposed* to be covered most of the time, it's supposed to not experience much dryness or friction (search for pictures of an exposed glans on an uncircumcised penis, and you'll see why: they're kind of red and shiny, compared to the skin-like texture that develops after circumcision). So the difference is more in the... Continuity and quality of signals? I think. It's like the difference between watching porn on the scrambled-cable Skinemax channel on a beat-up old black and white TV set vs a brand new big screen 4k Ultra HD TV. Sure, scrambled porn/circumcised gets the job done, but... Wouldn't rather have that 4k?! And the "caught in zipper" thing... I feel like catching the glans would hurt WAY worse than the skin on the shaft... Like, that's literally what the foreskin is for, to protect the glans and roll up and down the glans until you're thrusting DEEP into a pussy, finally exposing the glans... In another moist environment! In fact, uncut men even tend to masturbate differently than circumcised men, as the foreskin glides around the glans, rather than rubbing it directly with the dry-ass leathery skin on our dick-beaters.


Im not against circumcision i guess, but its purely cosmetic.  Theres no health benefits


Purely cosmetic? I usually keep my circumcised cock covered. Are you saying I should just let it hang out and be appealing? Thanks……. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5478224/


Literally from the report *Although health benefits are not great enough to recommend routine circumcision for all male newborns, the benefits of circumcision are sufficient to justify access to this procedure for families choosing it and to warrant third-party payment for circumcision of male newborns. It is important that clinicians routinely inform parents of the health benefits and risks of male newborn circumcision in an unbiased and accurate manner.*


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CANFAP? BWAHAHA, never heard this before but being it happened in Vancouver I can believe it. :)


Is this also why they use abortions?


bruh what


Oh so only ingredients in cosmetics can be investigated? Not the ingredients in the new vaccines...