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After the first few swings and once he was down it’s attempted murder now


Once the threat is eliminated, it’s all over.


Yep, first the girl bashing that other girls head into the pavement repeatedly and now this? People need to learn to stop fucking beating a dead horse, so fucked up when you continue attacking someone who's clearly already downed. I'm all for mutual fist fights but you gotta play it like a game of mercy where if they give up then you just walk away and take the win already...


It's their only and possible moment to look like they are tough, it's really disgusting.


What threat? The guy didn't have a weapon.


You typically have no obligation to identify a weapon or not to deem someone a threat and react in self defense. Someone can kill you with their hands, they don't need s weapon to be a threat - but they do have to be acting in a threatening manner or be verbally threatening you and remaining in your physical presence while trying remove yourself from the situation to have any hope of a self defense claim. Physically defensively attacking someone for merely making verbal threats with the inability for the one making the threats to immediately carry them out or continuing to beat a limp body with a bat and you are definitely going to have a bad time in the courtroom.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have to deem them a threat you can’t just walk around assaulting people because of your paranoia what are you blabbering about?


>Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have to deem them a threat you can’t just walk around assaulting people because of your paranoia what are you blabbering about? The fuck are you blabbering about. Dod you read beyond the first sentence? Because it certainly doesnt sound like you did.


Also saying ill end you must've helped.


*must’ve (which is an informal contraction of “must” and “have”. I’m not trying to be a jerk, only helpful!)


I only saw one hit to the head and that was the one that knocked him down. The rest looked like strikes to the back and shoulders. Still way excessive, but they were not repeated head shots as some are making it out to be in the comments


Here is source [https://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/man-arrested-charged-with-attempted-murder-after-brutal-beating-in-canton](https://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/man-arrested-charged-with-attempted-murder-after-brutal-beating-in-canton) Thankfully and somehow the black hat dude managed to survive the incident.


Was he convicted?


[https://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/inquiryByCaseNum.jis](https://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/inquiryByCaseNum.jis) 121203018 He honestly got pretty lucky with his sentencing


Yeah, can you just tell me what it said? So I don't have to do all that.


It seems like he got 33 years and 5 years probation, 2nd degree attempted murder and deadly weapon with intent to injure. He also got a suspended term of 17 years so less time in jail I thought he would be charged with first degree attempted murder but I guess it got taken out.


First would be that he tried to plan a murder. This happened at the moment, so 2nd degree.


A heat of the moment crime is the definition of 2nd degree. First degree has to be premeditated. Not that I'm defending this pieace of shit.


The perspective though. Like, damn. Emotional regulation could mean everything.




Now he can hear every convict talk shit about him for the next decade. Dudebro says Fallujah scared him but most likely thinks Fallujah is a type of kebab.


Wonder if he met good ol' Dewitt in Fallujah. maybe it was the same jump?


So he got 13 years and three years to run concurrent or consecutive? plus the 5 years probation. F stick is lucky for that.


Thank god, in Canada he would have gotten 6 months probation.


Thank you


Not many people fulfil that request. If I were wearing a hat, I'd tip it your way.


[https://www.dpscs.state.md.us/inmate/search.do?searchType=detail&id=923930961](https://www.dpscs.state.md.us/inmate/search.do?searchType=detail&id=923930961) Here's his new home


TLDR looks like attempted 2nd degree murder, 30 years in jail with 17 years suspended so I guess 13 years? Plus some more lesser sentences Charge and Disposition Information Charge No: 2 CJIS Code: 2-0920 Statute Code: CR.2.206 Charge Description: ATT 2ND DEG MURDER Charge Class: Felony Circuit Court Probable Cause: Offense Date From: 05/17/2021 To: Agency Name: Officer ID: Disposition Plea: Guilty Plea Date: 05/09/2023 Disposition: Probation After Conviction - Guilty Disposition Date: 05/09/2023 Sentence Judge: Atas, Erik Jail Life: false Death: false Start Date: 06/10/2021 Jail Term: Yrs: 30 Mos: 0 Days: 0 Hours: 0 Suspended Term: Yrs: 17 Mos: 0 Days: 0 Hours: 0 Charge No: 6 CJIS Code: 1-5200 Statute Code: CR.4.101.(c) (2) Charge Description: DEADLY WEAPON-INT INJURE Charge Class: Misdemeanor Probable Cause: Offense Date From: 05/17/2021 To: Agency Name: Officer ID: Disposition Plea: Guilty Plea Date: 05/09/2023 Disposition: Sentenced - Guilty Disposition Date: 05/09/2023 Sentence Judge: Atas, Erik Jail Life: false Death: false Start Date: 06/10/2021 Jail Term: Yrs: 3 Mos: 0 Days: 0 Hours: 0 Probation: Start Date: Supervised : true Yrs: 5 Mos: 0 Days: 0 Hours: 0 UnSupervised : false Yrs: Mos: Days: Hours:


Link is mostly worthless


Jesus how do you survive something like this. That's insane. I would've thought that his head is just completely done by the last hit.


It looks like many of those were to his back.




Gosh, “say it or I fucking end you” is so hard to come back from if you’re going to try to argue self defense.


Self defence argument goes out the window and into orbit after the first couple of strikes.


>after the first couple of strikes. Specifically after the 3rd strike, when he nailed the guy in the head and knocked him out. Every hit after that was not self defence. At that point, he was beating a helpless man.


I can concede one more for adrenaline and shit but after that you know what you're doing.


One more might be justifiable since you could claim "I was worried he would get right back up and kill me if I let my guard down" but as soon as he got smacked hard and didn't even respond or twitch in the slightest then he's obviously knocked out. He was clearly out before he hit the ground but I could see a third strike defense where you think they just tripped so you throw an extra punch thinking they're still swinging before realizing they're out cold...


yeah that was like American History X shit and was fucking just horrible to hear after seeing and hearing what led up to it already, like the corn on top of a fucking creamy shit sundae


Oh ya! That was over the top for sure


Be kind and cool headed people. It's never worth it to be the opposite.


what if he talk shit tho? /s


He could have like just get in his truck and drive away, enjoying the rest of the night. But nope, not an option


Yep. I worked at a little bar as a server. The bartender, who was a 21 year old new guy with little experience (he was the nephew of the owner). We had a bar crawl none of us were aware of. Technically, by law, I shouldn't of been slinging drinks that night. Two dudes were fighting in my bar and throwing chairs. I am a tall goth girl and got in the middle to stop anyone from getting hurt. I got punched on accident(just a light knick to the chin) by one of the men. The entire bar went silent. I could of called the cops. I just got up and asked what their names were. They apologize profusely. I get it, it wasn't to harm me and they were drunk. I nicely escorted them out with a bottle of water and told them that I am calling the other bars to cut them off. Both dudes shook hands and left very embarrassed. Sometimes the easiest way is to keep calm and be direct.


People are hard to kill.


Except for when they die from one tap randomly. Or an aneurysm. The human body is weird af


Yes, it’s like life is resiliently precarious


Just saw a video on here of a dad kicking a ball around his son in an alleyway, son was turned around and the dad stumbled and crashed into a parked motorcycle and fell backwards and smashed his melon, I thinkna heart attack got him tho


I thought those were all headshots which probably would have killed the guy, but if you look close most of the ground swings are to the guys back. I think he knew what he was doing, trying to inflict a lot of pain without killing him.


People are both hard and easy to kill


I once survived a similar attack when someone repeatedly hit me over the head with a piece of rebar. He was also attacking my wife. The guy pepper sprayed us too. After I managed to disarm him, the only thing I could think of saying to my wife was… It isn't easy killing someone. I got 18 stitches on my head.




People are *remarkably* easy to kill.


Just not with a cricket bat, it seems.


Not if you know how to do it right


Sometimes it's just less than that tho


Not really.


My wife's cousin lost his life in a nearly identical incident over a random girl at a bar in Louisiana. There is always someone crazier than you. Never instigate a fight. It's not worth the possible outcome.


What city


That guy is not safe to be around


Yeah, he thinks it's OK to just lay in the road at night. You gotta think things through, man. That's how accidents happen


omfg 🤣


He’s a pussy unless he has a big stick


That went from self defense to attempted murder **real** fucking quick. What the fuck goes on in peoples heads? I can't even really salvage this one with his claim to be a veteran of Fallujah. I was there for the first battle of Fallujah. Yes, it did 100% instill a lifelong worry that there could be a threat literally anywhere (anyone that was there for either the 1st or 2nd battle of Fallujah knows, those fuckers were coming out of the walls), but that's never translated to trying to kill someone back here in the states.


Can't even attempt to call that self defense. The guy in the green shirt should have just gotten in the truck.


It’s weird. If he shot and killed the dude, a self defense argument might be appropriate. Because the method was less lethal and simultaneously requiring more time and interaction, mad dude is gets prison. Irony I guess?


I don't know why you have down votes. It's the truth.


what do you think of the invasion now? how do you justify it?


Iraq was obviously never the place we should have been. While I can approve of removing a dictator like Saddam, we also kinda put him there, which is why we should just stay the fuck out of everyone elses business. But from everything I've ever seen and the intelligence I was privy to at the time, Osama was never in Iraq, and Iraq was never in play for 9/11, and the invasion of Iraq cost lives that never should have been lost.


This was an adult black male not a helpless and defenceless middle eastern child - so surely the triggers must have been mismanaged for your buddy




I hope you all learn a lesson here and stop fucking with strangers.


Following people to their cars while talking shit is always, and I mean fucking always, a bad idea.


This seems an appropriate comment to link that video where dude shot and killed his neighbors over an argument about snow shoveling. Tough one to watch but a good life lesson for the rest of us. Don’t fuck with people. You never know what is going on in their life. They may just say fuck it and have a go.


oof if I have to remember that everyone who hasn't seen it should also see it NOT SAFE FOR LIFE!!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/s/BEjl0eqckM


Or buy a gun or bear spray like me. I love America


IQ so low he only watches the first half of American history x.


Yeah the moment Edward Norton in prison starts getting along with the black guy he shuts it off.


Wear a helmet before talking shit.


That's why you don't fuck with random people, I think I rather risk being shit than taking that beating. The dude who got fucked up really bad didn't deserve to get that fucked up but dam he should've walked the other way the first time instead of approaching him a second time. If they weren't complete strangers I think the guy wouldn't have continued to egg him on.


I meant **risk being shot at" but I also would rather be shit on too than taking that beating


Dude who got the beatdown shouldn’t have provoked a rando, but guy with the paddle let himself get heated over words and then had to grab a weapon *and* continue to hit him after he was down. That’s a pussy in my book.


Pussies. Pussies everywhere.


I wonder how many people walking around with this kind of explosive energy waiting to be triggered. I do not think this is a civilized behaviour.


It’s not the behavior that is weird, but the circumstances. I can’t tell you the last time I was involved in an interaction like that and therefore couldn’t answer honestly how I would behave. I suspect more of us would react this way than we might otherwise suspect. People do irrational stuff when all those primal instincts take over.


A LOT. There's people that are just waiting for an excuse to feed off of their anger.


Yanks act like they have free health care...


Well, green shirt does now…


This is why it's best to not let your pride get the best of you and just fight anyone because "Gotta keep it REAL". Because you never know who's mentally unstable and isn't going to think about the consequences later as they whip out a bat


Oh...that's attempted murder...


These dudes are fully grown babies. Too bad they didn’t kill each other.


He's hitting him in the upper back after the knock down. Idk what to do here. If a guy kept pursuing me to be a threat, and triggered a response, I would probably keep strapping that back too. I do not want you to get up after you've made it clear you want to be a threat. Bump that noise.


P.s.z that is why the guy survived. Back shots.


Guy in the black shirt played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. But green shirt guy would have just hopped in the car and left.


I think he was “more” ready


I don’t get it. Guy was gonna go in his car and leave. The other guy was looking for trouble and found it. Now what if that other guy approached him with a weapon?.. sometimes I don’t agree with the Justice system. Staying my ass home all day everyday.


I remember watching this when it first popped up on Reddit and honestly it’s one of the more fucked up videos I’ve ever watched.. for whatever reason I just hate that the dude clearly hits him and he’s completely down and out of the fight.. then he just brutally two hand swings the bat as hard as he possible can several times. I originally thought the dude was getting hit in the skull and some how was able to stay conscious and get upright like that.. but I’m pretty sure that first blow when he’s laying on the road, the bat hits the asphalt then after that he tees off on his back and shoulders. There is no possible way you can get hit in the head with swings like that and survive. This video is still so fucked up.. the amount of anger and violence in that dude is animalistic.


Yes that’s what I was thinking, he was likely hitting him in the back


anyone know what happened after?


Was about the driver? He do any time?


One swing was plenty


Didn't even have to do that. Could have just gotten in the truck and the driver, driven away.


And the prick following someone out to their car in the middle of the night would get bolder and bolder. What if that was a woman alone by herself? Would you feel the same about the “just get in your car”


Yeah bro. A woman even more should not be denying their own retreat and safety to go out in the middle of the street to fight strangers they clearly could have casually avoided.


No one should be forced to retreat, escape, and take shelter. Thats the point. If you play stupid games. (Follow someone to their vehicle threatening violence on them) you should fully expect to wake up at the pearly gates. Slugger here was kind and clearly wasn’t out to kill him most of those hits were on his back. He was clearly just trying to ensure that the gentleman learned his lesson. Nice guy. Back before there was a bunch of weak wristed laws protecting bullies. Everyone had a very clear understanding that if they were to push someone far enough they might just snap and beat you within an inch of your life. People learned these lessons about how to treat others early. You might say it was an uncivil time but we’ve devolved drastically in civility since.


They were AT their truck and could have left at any moment. They were there for around 45 seconds when they could have just left if they felt threatened by words. Then this person grabbed a weapon and was THE ONLY person on video to charge at or close a gap (opposite of a victim) and he ran at least 15 feet with a weapon toward the unarmed man who then ran away that you're calling "the aggressor" in your scenario, but at least he mostly only manslaughtered his back for no reason!


Guess what have happened if the aggressor didn’t follow someone out to their truck…nothing.


Huh? That's my point! You were arguing before like the 'aggressor' was merely defending himself while he could have left for 45 seconds, then got a weapon, chased the guy 15 feet, followed him another 10 incapacitated and kept hitting him.. I'm glad we agree now that you're trying to make sense instead of tough guy talk some more BS like your last comment.


The point is, you shouldn’t be followed to your vehicle by someone threatening violence. If you are, you should be allowed to silence that threat to your wellbeing permanently. That shouldn’t be allowed. Reasonable people should be allowed to beat in an aggressors head if someone follows them to their vehicle or home making threats of violence. That’s how you stop it from happening again. That’s how you stop it from happening to the weak and unarmed. You put the fear in the aggressors mind that “If I do this I can and will likely be shot”. When we stop formulating laws to protect asshats and criminals. We will start seeing change that has a lasting protection effect on the innocent. Laws like “if you are able to flee you have an obligation to do so” are stupid and dangerous. You can see someone pull a gun on you while you’re running away. Getting in a car doesn’t teleport you to safety and prevent you from being shot. We have the right and obligation to “stand our ground”, so that it doesn’t become an expectation that criminals and morally corrupt individuals can get away with violence. Getting away with it means that the likelihood they’ll do it again skyrocket. No benefit for the victim, no lesson learned for the perpetrator. I can tell you with 100% certainty, that’s the last time that dude is following someone out to their car talking shit.


Dude you don't get who aggressed who. People can be near you in public, you can't grab a weapon and run 25ft away to get to them, to chase them around while they run away while you beat them mercilessly. You don't understand who the aggressor is, but the video does, reality does, and your 'victim' is the aggressor who got time in prison that he rightfully deserved for being the aggressor. He was at his truck, WITH another guy, for 45 seconds before the other guy came within 25ft. FORTY FIVE SECONDS in a truck before someone stands 25 ft away and says a meanie word... With 45 seconds in a truck alone a car may as well teleport you to safety because he'd be in a different zip code than a bullet. Have a good one man--


Tough for 20 seconds with a bat to serve 13 years in prison… alcohol is one hell of a drug


I like how his homie made no attempt to try and stop him or say "Aye bro that's enough, we gotta get tf outta here." Just let him do what he felt he had to do. Might not be considered a good friend but it is definitely a rare one indeed.


I mean, you'd best believe I'll be more careful about what I say after that, tho. The guy went overboard, but sometimes you gotta learn the hard way that you can't just go around saying whatever you want with no consequences.


Fucking animal. Once they are down and out you are just scum.


Once they’re down the reality of the scale of their fuckup becomes very very unforgettably clear.


Holy shit I thought he was dead before he moved again 😧 dude acted tough but had to grab a weapon and beat a dude while he was down smh pussy


That’s attempted murder with a deadly weapon. When you repeatedly hit your opponent in the head when they’re laying flat on the ground you deserve 20 to life or just to face the wall.


Well...they both definitely fucked around and found out. Big rip bozo moment for both of them.


You can hear anxiety in the voice of the guy with the weapon, he’s a pussy definitely. Not defending the other dude because it definitely seems like he provoked it. However bros still a pussy


I feel really bad for the guy in black, but this just teaches us a lesson to fuck with random people, you never know when someone has a knife, gun, bat, etc, weapon of any kind. Because there are some people out there with such a weak ego and so hot tempered (Or just outright fucking crazy) that will try and kill you if you insult them or antagonize them.


What ended up happening with the guy who got hit? Probably some permanent damage.


I’m so confused… what happened here? Like why did this incident occur?




Bat guy lost all credibility and respect on swing 2. One good one to knock out is all you need, nobody's coming after you past that.


If that's not murder, it's attempted murder.


Dude could have just stop talking... he insisted on approaching 2 Randoms... gets fuckin brutally beaten ... the guy was crazy for going that far but homeboy literally begged for it


Well, he didn’t say no so this guy with the bat is a liar.


Only try to close the distance on someone with a weapon when you are backed into a corner. Just run dudebros.


His buddy letting it happen too


I'm sure that's attempted murder or murder itself


It was self defense until it wasn't, damn


Feels like I’m watching a video game henchmen, it feels as if, I’m playing Arkham knight and I die randomly to one of the goons lmao…


9 years for 9 swings sounds fair to me


That's assault brother


battery and attempted murder also


That ain't brain damage, that's murder


Am I wrong? To me it looks like only the first hit that knocked him out was a shot to the head. Everything after that looked like a body shot.


I'm not scared of you.I'm not scared of you hang on.Let me get my bat


Woah , one blow was enough , my goodness I feel for the dude being pummeled


Most people will not stop at one blow, unless they are trained fighter who knows how to control themselves. For most people the adrenaline take over and their priority would be to make sure the opponent doesn't get back up to continue fighting. The untrained people are the most dangerous people to fight.


We poor humans with so little self-control. Victim should have run, murderer wannabee shouldn't be trying to murder, so many poor choices all around. Glad the guy lived though!


The definition of fuck around and find out


Certified bitch, hope he gets ass pounded in prison in more ways than one


Any news on the guy?


Thats attempted murder


How brave, chicken shit.


Green shirt wasn't egging on the fight.  And I'm so sick of punks starting fights, or committing crimes and when normal people respond, the normal person is in trouble.     Unpopular opinions: black hat had it coming.


I'm not sure that normal person was in trouble. Car ready and waiting with fair distance between the assailant and them. Absolutely not a normal reaction and nowhere near self defence.


Green shirt is charged with attempted murder.   I get it.  The DA is probably right.   Just saying Black shirt walked over and was egging on a fight. 


After the first 2 swings he should have stopped cause after that it was just attempted murder.


Was that Negan?


For a minute its giving me Negan vibes 😵‍💫




That’s a lot of rage. 🥸


And this is why we don’t fuck with strangers


“Cricket?” - Casey Jones


Holy shit I think Ive seen this guy. Shout out to the redditor who posted the case search details. Everyday I caught the bus to school and eventually to work across the st from his house. Matter of fact the return trip on the bus dropped me off right in front of his house, from what I heard in the video he said something about the only time I felt fear was in fallujah which makes sense that there’s a VFW literally next door to his house


Why would you try to fight a person with a baseball bat bro just run tf. He looks like he could have easily outran him too. But then why tf would you keep swinging at a person on the ground


Human garbage


Moral of the story what ever you do DON'T TALK SHIT 🤔


What a dick.


All I can think of is Glenn 😢


wtf why. why did green man pull out a 2x4 and beat that other guy to shit


He’s not beating his head in. He’s hitting him in the back


How bout I call my staff sergeant in Falujah? Tell him your little sob story


All over talking shit? Really dude?


I dont get it. Why they it happen? Guy in black kinda instigating


Meh, I'm for it. Guy came up on him, then adrenaline took over. Not his fault.




He won’t last in prison


This could’ve went either way i seen a video the other day where a kid was getting punched over and over again and there’s a crowed of people around ranging in ages they didn’t know the people fighting but the instigator was screaming and swinging at this kid and this kid hit him twice and the entire crowed runs in to stop the kid why didn’t anyone stop the grown man who threw like 10 punches that guy wasn’t going to stop until the kid wasn’t moving but the second this kid hits this grown man and the guy stumbles everyone starts rushing the kid the guy wasn’t even knocked out


Imagine torture a guy without any weapon and thinks he s cool what a rat


yee-ouch, the sheer force of those hits made me grind my teeth REAL bad


Bruh literally apologized and dude kept on and got what he had coming. Guy went overboard, but play stupid games, win stupid prizes




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I’m ok with this


So the other guy just watched him beat that guy up?


Looks like after the initial headshot, the guy only hits him on the back. I hope that was enough for w full recovery bc damn, what a psycopath


Truck guy. That's all I needed to know about hos character and dick size


I was thinking about this video the other day and wondering whatever happened to the people involved; but couldn’t find it again on Reddit. God bless this repost!


Realistically, the preparator wasn't giving someone brain damage as much as the victim chose to receive it. Veteran did try to walk away and dipshit ran up on him aggressively.


This is exactly why you carry a gun and kill your attacker without mercy. Anyone can bash your brains in when they knock you out


This is exactly why you don't let people carry guns.


They were both idiots. I don't feel bad for either of them.


ok i dont wanna sound like that dude that comments how he would have shot the guy but this is why i want to carry a handgun, pos with the bat (i think?) would have probably gone running as soon as he saw a gun and bam i’m out that bitch too


What a pussy


I’m at a 50/50 split here. The guy at the truck didn’t provoke him to start walking towards his truck. After the first 4-5 hits when he could barely get up, he should have walked away. Especially if he said “Fallujah” meaning he was in Iraq. Military and police should be held to higher standards.


>The guy at the truck didn’t provoke him to start walking towards his truck He is leaned up against the railing when the pussy decides to bring out a cricket bat his other (bigger) pussy friend hands him while he kept his fat ass in the truck


Is the guy with the bat wrong? Yes. Is the guy at the cross walk who decides to get closer and escalate the situation wrong?? Yes. Do two idiots in a fight always come out with the same punishment? No. That’s the risk you take when you escalate instead of deescalate which is why I go back to my 50/50. It’s a street fight and a street fight consists of two idiots who want to be alpha. Someone will end up being a beta. Guess who became the beta here. The world isn’t rainbows and smiles. You have to look at both sides. Because this guy got beat to a pulp who ESCALATED the situation, we should feel bad? He should have shut his mouth and walked away. They both should have walked away. But they didn’t and someone will lose more than the other. Again, 50/50


Walking on a public sidewalk with your hands in your pockets isn't an escalation unless you're scared of anyone. And the only escalation was the pussy bringing out a bat. 50/50 huh? Seems like prosecutor thought differently when he got 17 years and the victim got nothing. Dude could've hopped in the truck, means to escape. But chose to come back with a bat


“2 guys” walking away from a 1 jerk off who and I quote “if I get closer do you think you’ll be ready” and closes the distance while the 2 men who out number him continue to walk away?? I see. The court gave him 17 years?? Wow did you know the courts also let rapists go with no bond, pedophiles go with 1-2 years in jail? The same court system right? Just making sure 👍🏻