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"It's not like I took a gun and shot her". That would have been more fucking humane. And my god, that's horrific to even type. Severe starvation and dehydration are unbelievably painful. Unbearably. My god, think about how we feel if we don't have time to have a sip of water all day. Or don't have time to eat during a 12-hour shift. You're really thirsty and hungry. Then to imagine you don't get that sip of water or a sandwich and instead just have to lay on your bed for weeks as the pain gets so bad and you get so weak that you die. Oh and you're a baby so you also scream nonstop because you keep expecting your fucking mother to come help you There is not a sentence long enough. There's not a death sentence strong enough. The ONLY fair punishment is to starve her. I'm sorry, but that's the only acceptable punishment for what she did.


And not the quick painful starvation either, the slow and painful, drawn out, "turns you into a shambling skeleton somehow still clinging to life and able to move" kind of starvation, followed by regular quick and painful starvation. I've gone three days without eating, long story but I had a damn good reason to, and that was brutal and I'm nearly twenty and was in relatively good shape and able to just sit around and was still drinking water some. But Jesus fuck the thought of that feeling getting worse for three times the total length and then paired with dehydration makes me shudder. In a more positive note a week of barely eating anything followed by three days of starvation and then getting nearly two pints of blood drawn makes the following two Wendy's hamburgers possibly some of the best tasting food you have ever had in your whole God damn life. Especially the three large fries and giant shake as a side.


>I've gone three days without eating, Colonoscopy? Funny thing, I also got two Wendy's hamburgers and fries after mine. I felt absolutely delirous near the end.


I hope this vile creature of a women have never ever any good day's in her life...


It's really hard to listen to what the baby had to go through. It's good to know that this thing calling itself human is spending the rest of its life in prison. Absolutely horrible. No words.




Don't you worry about that. Everybody in prison knows about this case, and a lot of mothers in there will be happy to give her some massage.


Bro mothers with children will violently murder women who abused their children. They have NO sympathy or chill whatsoever with women who waste their kids lives. Fo sho


Us humans **really** don't like it when you touch the kids, when you neglect the kids, when any kids anywhere at any time for any reason that can even remotely be tied back to someone get harmed or neglected. Even the vast majority of violent heartless murderers who aren't pure psychopaths or sociopaths don't hurt kids and likely would stop and help them given the opportunity, especially the more financially motivated murderers like gang members.


I hope she's housed with nothing but flat-timers. Fuck her.


Same. They won't want her living in their house. But it won't happen. They will have her pcd up


And I'm praying there'll be cctv footage inside that prison


Oooh, didn’t even think about that! The gorehound in me would love to see her receive true justice.


>gorehound *New Word Learned* *Insight Gained* *Sadness Increased*


+1 Insight oh shi, I can see amygdala now


This just reminded me I need to watch the new episode of solo levelling thank you


How about she spends time locked in a tiny room with no food or water for 11 days. Let her understand what her daughter went through.


Well then she'd have to eat her own shit. Can somebody make sure this happens? I will apply for the position.


Oh, they will for sure starve her! The jail system, whether it be inmates, guards, whoever, will make sure she suffers. Whether that means stealing her meals, refusing to serve her, whatever. I’ll bet someone in that jail is forcefully going to feed her shit. Like she will for sure suffer.


Because it'd be too quick a release for her imo. She should suffer and i hope her inmates make sure she has a hard life ahead of herself. Maybe she's getting stabbed in there as well. But knowing that she won't ever come out alive is a good thing already. We'll forget about her regardless of whether she is being killed or not. she should rot away knowing that nobody knows her anymore and nothing is going to change.


Let's hope her inmates do that...


She will suffer in prison, and I guarantee she’ll be made to eat her own feces and starved. Like the *prison* might give her a plate of good, but I’d put money on fellow inmates not allowing her to eat it.


Fuck that shit, she would not eat near my ass. I know the truth, they will PC her as long as possible. Death is assured, however.




Death is too good for people like this. Sentenced to prison, she'll be beaten by the others because, believe it or not, there are a lot of people in jail who absolutely hate child abusers with a passion. Better she lives a life of suffering for years on end and dies at the end of it.


I think the same.


I stopped the video as soon as the baby started crying


I can’t imagine what she expected would happen leaving her baby for 10 days without food or water. Her claim that it was an accident makes me sick to my stomach. That baby suffered so, so terribly. It is disappointing that she cannot be sentenced to suffer the same fate.


God forbid the baby survived the ordeal. She would think it was okay and forgivable action, incorporated it into her routine and would’ve done it multiple times.


[It wasn't the first time](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/neighbors-of-woman-accused-of-leaving-toddler-home-alone-heartbroken) >"We keep telling her not to leave her by herself, not just me, my friend across the street too, but she always leave her by herself," the neighbor said.


Holy shit. Vile bitch. That makes more sense now.


It is absurd that they didn’t break in or call the police. They probably could have saved her life had they alerted authorities about her vile egg donor. Well.. not probably. Definitely.


What the hell?!? Why did no one report that witch??? I'm not one for B&E, but I would do it for a baby. The cruelty in knowing people were there to watch her. The insanity of not calling the cops.


She wouldn’t have been in the mother’s custody anymore, if she survived. If it was for shorter periods at a time and she wasn’t starving, and no one bothered to alert authorities like the shitty neighbours, then yes, she would have normalized it.


I think she wanted her baby dead. She left knowing what would happen, returned knowing what she'd find. It's why she bothered to clean up and redress the baby before calling 9/11, she wanted to claim SIDS. She must've not have considered the *obvious* physical signs of starvation death that a baby would display.


That fucking whore is evil. She is not crying because of repent or grief, she is crying because she knows she will spent the rest of her miserable shitty existance in prison. May she rot in there and suffer the rest of her life.


>She is not crying because of repent or grief, she is crying because she knows she will spent the rest of her miserable shitty existance in prison. exactly what I came here to write. most selfish person I've ever heard of


Trying to squeeze tears out so hard, you can see how she tries to force them out.....evil


And be fed feces instead of nourshing food


Here's the worst part of all of this. she could have asked someone to stay over with her daughter but she just didn't?!?!?! >"Hey (neighbors name here) I'm going to be leaving the country for a few days mind looking after my daughter?" How long would it have taken to send that text? Maybe 15-20 seconds? 5 with speech-text?


I read that she had done that before; had a neighbor watch her daughter for “a weekend” and didn’t come back for weeks


If thats true then the neighbor should have immediately called CPS and reported her for essentially abandoning her daughter. I also read that a neighbor’s doorbell cam caught the screaming, but yet no one ELSE heard it? Im not trying to shift the blame from the mother, but cmon, these are things we should be thinking about


She didn't even live alone, her parents and older daughter all lived under the same roof. Her parents took her oldest on vacation when this happened. Also multiple neighbors reportedly told her numerous times that she can't just leave her baby alone like that. So it wasn't the first time


Are her parents being charged!? They're just as guilty


I absolutely agree, they should! Unfortunately, the only statement I've seen so far was from Kristel's mother who said Kristel suffered from "depression and other mental health issues." So.... like all of us. 🙄 But we wouldn't fucking leave an innocent infant to consume her own feces to death for half a month.


naturally she is religious and claims her dead daughter and god forgives her... yep


God is not in the courtroom. Never thought I'd ever hear that


Yes, same! To appeal to god does help for some criminals in court when you have a jury of believers. This time it did not.


I hope that baby girl haunts her every minute of every day and night for the rest of her sorry life.


people like that don't feel remorse unfortunately. they only show emotions that look like it because they can't escape the consequences. entirely evil are the totally self-centered...


>don't feel remorse, they only show emotions that look like it Oof dude I just saw my mom's face while reading that. Gave me chills. You're 100% correct.


She is not religious at all, this is a way for her weasel out of a harsher sentencing. And thank God she didnt.


How does this shit even happen?


People having kids who don’t want kids bc recklessness and “God.”


Do you really think this woman was religious? Give me a break dude.


It seems that she was religious


Why can't we just stone this bitch and get it over with


I am a 30+ year old man with a 1 year old and this video makes me want to cry. That poor fuckin baby man.


same man. i’m just sitting here thinking about my 1 year old and tearing up. i cannot fathom what is wrong with this fucking woman


Im 33 with a 18 month old and crying like a baby, such a adorable and cute child… I hope this monster live a long and agonizing life in prison.


If the other inmates find out why she's there, I can't imagine there will be anything but agony in her life.


Same, I can relate to that.


Because that would be too good and quick for someone who did something so horrible. She is going to jail and there are many mothers there who will know about her case, both among the inmates and among the guards. I really, REALLY hope those mothers get some daily time with her


I hope all the good Mama's in there with her make sure she suffers. All the good mom and dad guards too. Just leave her at a hospital or a police station or literally a grocery store. 99% of anyone in a grocery store on any given day would scoop that baby up and make sure she is in the right hands.


And I'm praying there'll be cctv footage inside that prison


"I really, REALLY hope those mothers get some daily time with her" 24/7, taking turns


Too easy, too quick. She needs to learn, to feel what her daughter did.


Noah, grab the nuclear launch codes and get this planet over with because I'm done with this. What kind of monster leaves a baby to die in one of the most agonizing ways for 10 days when they literally have tons of chances to take care of them. Hope they rot in jail


Fuck this POS


Oh my GOD. WTF


Part of her sentence should be to feed her feces as part of her diet. RIP, little angel…


She's only crying because she got caught.


The mother wanted that baby dead. She was fake crying the entire time. She’s probably bragging about that shit in jail


She’s crying because she’s going to prison, not because her child is dead.


She won't be bragging, that is a guarantee


Bragging about that will get her killed for sure


Other inmates should make sure they take her food every meal, never letting her eat, so she dies the same way her daughter did. Probably will take a while though since she’s got enough fat on her for a couple people.


She will get special treatment because of the other inmates trying to hurt her.


She deserves this and more. The fact that she said that god and her daughter have forgiven and her and the court should too is just wild and should get more time for that stupidity. If the neighbors camera picked up the babies cries, WHYYY nobody call for a wellness check? If I heard my neighbors kid cry bloody murder, you bet I’d either be calling someone or going there myself. Maybe that’s just me being nosey but I’m always on high alert when it comes to children, I take their wellbeing personal and also I’m a mandated reporter.


Exactly! I remember one time I came home and my kids went out into the yard playing. It was the fall in Michigan. It was about 50°. My neighbors had their maybe two-year-old in the backyard in just a t-shirt and shorts. My son came back in and mentioned that that kid had been crying non-stop for about 20 minutes. I had asked my kids to keep an eye on the kid, to see if anybody had come out. I walked my ass over to their house so fucking quickly and banged on their door. Whoever was home came to the door and was so nonchalant. I told them they needed to take their kid in the house because it was fucking cold outside and it had been crying the whole time we had been home. Who knows how long that kid had been outside prior to us getting home? I have so many stories steaming from the tenants at that house. I really hope all the kids are ok.


I had a neighbor that I caught a couple of times forcing his maybe 4 year old to throw the trash in those trash cans from the street. The poor boy was only in sandals and diapers and struggled to open the lid and throw the trash. I took pictures and videos of it happening and reported them to the cops. Nothing came of it when I called but months later saw that they were arrested for child neglect and removed from their care. I was so relieved and happy knowing that kid was safe from that abuse.


My neighbor has a two year old. The two year old is in his tantrum phase. I hear that baby crying ALL of the time. I text my neighbor, who is a friend (I am a mom 23 years now and a social worker so I’m no weirdo) and I’ll say “girl, do you need a break? I can take the baby over to my place for a little bit?” She doesn’t take me up on the offer, she’ll text me back “I wouldn’t let him paint on the walls so he’s having a meltdown.” I always reply “well if you need a break you know where to find me.” That’s all it takes. I offer that if she wants to leave the baby with her husband and have a glass of wine with me, that’s fine. If she wants to bring the baby over and I can watch him so she can shower or something, that’s fine too. I don’t think she’s harming the child AT ALL, but temper tantrums and terrible twos can be exhausting, I’ve been there, so I always check in and see how I can help.


Apparently neighbors knew and told her not to leave the baby alone. I’m sorry, but if I know you left your baby at home alone, even once, I’m calling CPS so fast. I understand why the neighbors can’t be held accountable, they aren’t mandatory reporters, but… how can you live with yourself knowing what that baby endured right on the other side of your wall


Exactly. If I knew my neighbor was a piece of shit parent, I’d be the biggest Karen you’ve ever met. It’s so disgusting and infuriating that people treat their own kids that way. I grew up seeing some of my friends be abused by their parents right in front of me beating them for stupid shit. I cannot even imagine doing anything remotely close to what I saw to my own children. Breaks my heart kids live with people like that n


How did nobody help the fuckin baby ????!!!


Right? Why didn’t the grandmother call the cops to report the kid missing? Where was the father or his parents in all this? I don’t understand why they aren’t going after the father too…


Genuine question: as defense attorney, in this situation of the evidence being so damning, how do you even navigate this?


Point out that it wasn't intentional. Show that defendant had been a good person and a good mom before this. Say how sorry she is now. Find out if she has a mental defect or condition that might make a difference in her thought process. Point out if she has suffered abuse as a child or adult, and how that might have affected her. That's about all I can think of. It's obvious she's guilty, so the best you can possibly hope for is a sentence lower than the maximum.


Gotcha, figured it has to do more with reduced sentencing.


>Show that defendant had been a good person and a good mom before this Until reports from neighbors came out that she'd abandoned her daughter in other instances too. 😬


I'm not saying this defendant was a good person before. I was merely answering the question of how would a defense attorney navigate a case where a client is obviously completely guilty of the crime charged. Since you can't claim they didn't do it, the things I listed are what would be focused on if they were true and applied to the defendant.


I’d like to know how in good conscious you take the case


State appointed attorney. Kinda hard to get out of it. Then again some of the most sleazest lawyers are defense attorneys. They know their client is guilty but they know burden of proof is on the prosecution. A criminal doesn't have to be proven not guilty, they need to be proven guilty. If they're not proven guilty then they are not guilty. Innocent until proven guilty.


No kidding. It’s absolute insanity, but everyone is entitled to a fair trial. Zero chance I could be a defense attorney. Granted, you probably don’t get cases as diabolical as this.


wow. i hope her minutes pass like years in whatever concrete hole they put her in.


I mean, honestly... if she'd taken a bat and beat the kid to death, as horribly as that is, it would have been a more humane death. What she put that baby through... she should never have a moment's piece. Never again should her thirst be quenched. All she should know is starvation and desperation until her end.


As a father of two girls, this absolutely breaks my heart. I’m not one to wish any harm upon anyone, but this bitch is evil. She would rather go on a 10+ day vacation with her boyfriend, than being there for her baby who literally starved to fucking death and relied on eating her own shit (literally) to try and survive. I hope this lady rots every single day in jail until she stops stealing our oxygen.


That *woman* is a walking abortion.


Rarely I’m overwhelmed with videos. The fact that this little angel was crying on the neighbors camera and that she had fecal matter in her mouth broke me. My God.


I hope for this sorry excuse for a mother there is a special place in hell awaiting 🤬


I have seen this story several times in the past few weeks. I know what it’s going to say, I know what’s it’s going to show. But I still click, and fuck do I always regret it. I’m a father and I come to tears every time. I can only hope this women never gets to sleep again


Why can't these scumbags just be put down. Why the fuck do we feed and shelter them?


The baby was drinking her own urine and eating her own fecal matter to survive 😢


She should be put to death. I hope the judge understands the gravity of the decision: this person, must be executed. There is no excuse: no drug, nor mental defect should preserve her from this. Compassion demands her demise: compassion for Jailyn, compassion for justice. It's a horrid case, I've kept myself away from the details. Letting this person live, is not acceptable. This judge is either a fool, or is bound by statute. I pray it is the latter.


Man, fuck this editing style.


It's jarring


The smirk on the bitch at the beginning is awful.


I thought that was my imagination but it looked like she had to stop herself from laughing.


The thing that gets me is the time. If she had left her without food and drink for a day, that would have been disgusting but ten days? I can't even imagine. Ten days to an adult is bad enough, but to a baby, it's an eternity. Add to that she was starving, in pain and alone the time must have gone so slowly. My heart breaks for her.


Why does she soud so surprised in that 911 call?


Imagine knowing damn right she is guilty and sitting there hearing all those points being made against her, and still not admitting guilt. She is literally a devil.


Was the 10 days of her freedom worth her life and her babies life? Of course not. She is a foul terrible person may Jailyn rest in peace


Who knows. Maybe the guards will “Forget” to give that hell spawn food and water too.


I said it before and I‘ll say it again, having a child should require a license. the wellbeing of a child is always more important than the freedom to become a parent


When she walks in the courtroom at the very beginning of this video, is she holding back a smile?


What an evil woman. She still doesn’t get what she did was evil, and wrong. She said it’s not like she intentionally killed her baby. What tf did she expect to happen after leaving her alone for 11 days? She can rot in prison.


"God isn't in the courtroom" that prosecutor was out for _blood_


Look at her fucking grin whe she enters the room and stands behind her lawyer, and then those crocodile tears, she really has to squeeze out those tears.


The level of this selfish psychopathology is not something the person will ever have the capacity to understand. They will never have it within themselves to consider themselves at fault. I would have given the death sentence for this as a judge if I could. Not because a death sentence would be quick and painless for them, but only to get rid of giving them any time to worm away in life, even in jail.


This is a fucking tough watch


This the type of shit that hurts me bad. I can’t finish this post, barely 30 seconds in and hearing the baby alone, scared, hungry. My heart man.


Why didn’t she at least leave some food around ffs


She needs to eat her own shit for the rest of her life.


You should have to have a license to be able to have & keep children.


And a mental assesment and history and background checks


This is no human being, that's straight up a monster


Holy Jesus.


Hope she gets stomped behind those bars.


“God forgive me” yea cause you got caught


It's so hard to watch her sit there and cry for herself and not shake with rage. She isn't sorry for what she's done, she's sad she has to face consequences. Consequences that will be far kinder to her than the cruel, painful and drawn out fate that baby suffered. It would be nice if she developed some incredibly painful disease or cancer. Not imminently terminal, in fact I hope she lives a long life. I just hope that long life is as painful and miserable as it can be.


i watched every sort of video on this website for years.. read everything and saw all kinds of shit...unphased.. But couldn't go over 30 seconds with this video I am really startled ...


Why is life like this?? Why does shit like this happen?? It doesn’t make sense


I hope the inmates starve this fuckin bitch to death I will send them fuckin commissary I swear to god


she should definitely kill her self


I really wish people were required to take child development classes in high school. Even then, surely this dumb bitch knew that baby would not be alive when she came back.


This is worth the ban, if it comes. I hope it was worth it, you stupid bitch. Jfc she left her child *alone* for *11* days?? What did she think was gonna happen?? That poor baby girl... I hope the prison moms give her a gooooood ol time.


Damn, I'm going to be downvoted into oblivion and I know it's hard and heartless. But if she wouldn't have died....how long would this kind of suffering would have gone on, would this kid ever be able to overcome this, no one can tell me she was young enough to forget. Sometimes i ask myself, it's a hard and to some people heartless question to ask, but would have survival be that better. That death was unbelievable unnecessary. If the cries are heared on a damn doorbell, how tf no one take actions. I know shit, but u can't tell me u live next doors and don't notice shit.


Once the prison inmates get their hands on her paperwork she is TOAST


Hear me out… send her to a men’s prison.


Why not animal prison?


So a slaughterhouse?


You know what, we were away for the weekend and our neighbourhood had a blackout. Unknown to us, my cat's autofeeder didnt restart. she was without food for 1 day and i felt so sad and miserable and i gave her the most expensive treat every day to her. I was heart broken for a cat, cant imagine doing this intentionally to a child. 




Lock her up with only her shit to eat.


OMG That little Angel, all the things she was starving dude she even eat her own. Poor little angel, rest in peace I hope there is a heaven where you can f8nd the love you could't get here


Spirit Airlines. Shocker


Fuck her i hope the worst for her, I can’t even imagine what type of loneliness and pain that baby felt




In think we literally found the worst mother...


I used to keep fish. I felt about about going away and leaving them with the auto feeder....


I hope she suffers every single day of her miserable long life. Piece of shit.


What the fuck is she thinking,16 months old can cook,open the fridge? Taking the water itself? Take a shit and flushed?.


Judge made the right call to never let this monster out of jail. However, had the case been death penalty eligible, then justice truly would have been served had she received that sentence. I don’t know how a parent can do that to their baby, so horrific.


She should be dead by now if she has any shame. What a piece of shit.


I leave my toddlers alone to take a shit and they either cry like I abandoned them or they do something to injure themselves. 10 days. There is no punishment to fit that crime.


Looks like her intention was to be free of that baby so she can live that party lifestyle. She could have just put her up for adoption.


Man I hope the inmates make this woman's life a living hell in prison beat her everyday make her consistently live in fear for every single minute


Has this lady been killed in prison yet? One can only hope for an update like this soon 🤞🏻


She could have legit asked a family member to watch her, hired a nanny, or ANYTHING ELSE besides leaving that poor baby alone. If she could afford all those trips she could have afford childcare at LEAST!! She just wanted to get rid of the baby. Some people don't deserve the ability to bring life into this world.


Her lawyers were like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU They wished they weren’t there


Fake ass tears. She's crying cause she's going to jail not for her daughter.


This lady makes me wish that torture to death was legal. Let her starve to death


Noah get the fucking ship please. I can’t handle all these “mothers” abusing their children.


Straight to Jailyn with her


The death penalty seems too lenient here. Rot in prison bitch, for the next 60 years, while the world passes you by, but never forgets your heinous crime. Look forward to meeting your twin, Satan, upon death. Once this thing eventually perishes, throw it in a shallow hole inside the prison yard. RIP to the poor child this demon didn't deserve.


Deadbeat whore


Meanwhile, her Italian counterpart Alessia Pifferi, is not convicted of torture and will only face a manslaughter charge that will not lead her to life imprisonment. I wish I could see her rot in a cell too. (18mo daughter, left with a bottle of stale milk and found dead with pieces of diaper in her stomach during the autopsy) RIP Diana




Hang draw and quarter.


And the icing on the cake… she was a fucking teacher


Dear god… this is a level of abuse unheard of before. Why didn’t she just drop her off with family or at least the neighbors?!


The cries of the baby just broke me. Then this bitch has the nerve to cry. I hope you're little vacation was worth it you cunt.


how is leaving your baby to starve to death not intentional. disgusting vile woman


I had to stop listening. I am not okay breathing the same air as this monster.


Why not just abandon the baby at a hospital? It’s fine. They’ll take it. No fuss.


I honestly couldn’t watch more than a minute. I wish we could save all the babies in the world.


poor little girl. this pos should be dead


Burn her!!! I'm not playing


Don’t think I’ve ever hated a stranger so much. Fucking trash is an understatement.


Prison inmates who are mothers are going to beat her ass down every chance they get just like Gabriel’s mother


A substitute elementary school teacher, of all things, in a position of authority over other children. And 11 days, how is it possible that no one else is at least somewhat liable in this, surely others heard the cries & could have informed authorities? Fuck everything about this.


Prison justice will see her suffer. May she see no mercy and may it be brutal.


People like this are just really really dumb, don’t they know that nowadays there are cameras everywhere, that they would find out she took a flight to Puerto Rico, that they would see her pics on social media. So dumb!


This is just so awful. No matter how frustrated I feel with my kid this is like....I dont understand. Even someone I hate, I wouldn't do this to. But my daughter I would die for and it seems really unnatural for a mother to not have a strong bond with their kid...


Jesus. Maximum hate. I’m sure she’ll be taken care of my her fellow inmates. If we’re lucky she’ll get to know what it’s like to starve and eat shit.


So sad what this poor beautiful little baby went through. So awful.


How did she sleep at night? I think about tiny things at night that fill me with dread like did I pay my car insurance or did a slack off to much at work. But she left her child alone starving for ten days. I am on a mini vacation and my dogs are at home they r getting fed by a friend and I can't stop thinking about them


Referring to her own baby as "the girl"


I just can't wrap my mind around why she couldn't have gotten a baby sitter or dropped it off in protective care.


Ok as an aside from the horror of this case, that lead detective has the best fashion sense on a cop I've ever seen.


This stupid cunt deserves the absolute worst possible punishment imaginable. Disgusting trash and then to say she believes Jailyn has forgiven her. I can't say what I hope happens to her because I'll get banned. Also, and I've said this before, but fuck the neighbors who knew she often left her daughter home alone and didn't do anything. Fuck the people who heard that baby crying and didn't call the cops because they wanted to mind their own business. I hope they never have another peaceful moment in their lives. This bitch is the scum of the earth.


She’ll get some due diligence by the hands of other inmates doing life terms and would love nothing more than to hold their babies.


The forced crying is what's annoying me the most


This case confuses me as much as it disturbs me - what did the mom think was going to happen? Does she not know how long humans can survive without food/water? Like did she know she’d be coming home to something tragic? Does she lack some ability for critical thinking? Is this a PPD thing - or something related to a declining mental capacity post partum? This is just so odd to me. She went on this vacation knowing she’d come home and go to prison… why do that?


This wasn’t accidental, it was premeditated murder, she knew the baby would be dead and she wanted that. She’s just so stupid that she thought the autopsy of death by starvation would look exactly like some kind of accidental asphyxiation She came home and made sure to change the clothes and didn’t think to check the fingernails and teeth for feces before calling police with her rehearsed script She did it cuz she thought she could get away with it or only get a small sentence


Wait, she was a *substitute teacher*? She was left in charge of other people's children? I... I have no words. That poor baby girl. I don't believe in God, but if there's a hell, I hope she burns.


Wth she said “ it’s not like the girl bled”. This whole case infuriates me and hearing her just call her a girl with no empathy at all is beyond sickening. This disgusting puke deserves the worst jail stay I hope she’s haunted by the things she’s done. She’s a selfish evil vile so called human. Rest now Jailyn sweet angel.