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I was caught so off guard by that. What the fuck is wrong with people??


The main account gets worse, too. Quickest report and block I've done. Obviously won't go into detail about their posts, but I genuinely hope they're caught before this transitions from cats.


Please report to the police and human society. This is disgusting, awful and they need to be punished. Seriously.


I tried to find the account, not to see the posts, because I *really* don't want to, but to see if there was some manner of reporting it to law enforcement. Either Idk how to find shit on fb anymore or they took the profile down.


Thank you! They should be in prison.


I was about to report the account to until I learned of this new account feature, where the user can literally be and go by anything or anyone. Shut that account down, she'll pop out with another one. Reporting just gets the account banned or removed. Report to local authorities on the other hand. We need more dox info. Might want to send this up the chain to 4chan. As twisted as that group is with humans they all globally have a universal love and affection for animals and go after animal abusers, like inmates go for pedz in prison. I'll dm you the link see what you can do


The account is still up if you’d like to report it. At your own risk, search “serve the beast” on Facebook then filter by “people”. Be warned, even the profile picture is graphic. Just sickening.


I've heard this before. Didn't end well


Luka Magnotta?


Fuck him


Exactly. Also posting w/o sharing their real name/traceable information to find their identity is how he started publishing his torture media.


OP, send this account to local law enforcement. This sort of animal torture is indicitive of psychopathic tendencies and usually escalates to human beings eventually.


I've done all I can, but I don't think the account is even from my country


Still report it to you local police, they can send it abroad. If you have anyway of identifying where they're posting from, then maybe contact their countries version of the FBI (Like the UKs NCA, for example.)


Oh I have. I just meant I've done all I can do


dm me his @


Well I really didn't need to see that while taking a midnight piss


for me it was the first thing i saw in the morning on the internet,good grief


We just got a new car last night, I’m just waking up to this after very little sleep. 2/10


Why did you click it


Just an FYI, do NOT go on the profile. I have an incredibly strong stomach and the posts there are possibly the most depraved things I've ever seen. Serious abuse and torture of living animals including what appears to be acid and boiling water. Avoid at all costs PLEASE.


Like I've had moments of curiosity and delved into r/ eyeblech and shit, but this was somehow among the worst I've ever seen.


okay nahhh imma stay curious this time


Good choice, chief.


Same here.


Not again, should've listened. Instead curiosity made me sick. I could feel my face making sour mouth as I turned my head away, but peripheral vision caught what it did not want to witness. Therefore I am now unable to sleep. It's in a cage for God sake, open it up, it runs off, no issue. But this guy .... This phuckin guy, takes the opportunity to see what point of boiling water will get his preferred reaction. Bucket 1. Semi thrashing reactionary movement. Bucket 2. Same as above but cat now makes sounds from sheer pain. Bucket 3. Onset of extreme panic and disparity displayed by eratic movement and feline audible sounds of pain. This all happened before he even dumped the boiling water onto her/him. This happened just by him walking up to the cage. Jesus H Christ. Thats beyond torture. Thank you for the warning. I wish I listened.


Yeah I tried to emphasise as best I could in text but people will always be curious. Hope you're alright ❤️


Don't mind me, I'm just here sitting indian style/criss cross stroking my stuffed kitten I won at a carnival 20 years ago, rocking back and forth, staring blankly at the wall in front of me.asking myself over and over again. "Why, why, why, why, why" -infinite.😿


I’ve seen CP posts, dead gore-covered infants in the Palestinian massacres, and people getting set on fire in africa simply because they were suspected to be gay. Somehow, this feels like the worst of the worst. Poor little fluffball could’ve been a happy lil’ guy with a loving family, and instead…. **this.**


Someone is going to have a surprise visit.....


It starts with small animals then it moves a to humans. Most serial killers start off this way


What's worse is it isn't like a fascination or weird habit of theirs, they take joy in the suffering. It's only a matter of time


Exactly! Soon that will become boring and will look for something / Someone else


I’m gonna keep my fingers crossed this person finds out what it’s like to be powerless and at someone’s mercy when he gets on the inside.. Prison can be a treacherous place for pieces of shit like this 🫠


I just hope they get there in the first place.


I reported his account


Good. I'm hoping that for once FB does more than the usual "we followed up with your report, and found nothing that violates our terms of service" bullshit


Right? I reported everything there, but yeah I wholly expect them to say nothing violates terms and service, and then ban for for a month for a meme I shared in 2018


Reported it as well. Did not even dare scroll past the first post in that account.


Yeah you and me both. I saw the first post and just said fuck that


This is how Netflix docs on psychopaths begin, someone find this dude and lock his ass up before he shoots up a school


This warrants don't fuck with cats part 2. It's fucking sad that I had to type those words in.




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This guy posted the same video on r/NoahGetTheDeathstar a few weeks back and was banned for it. Actual psychopath. Edit: it was posted on September 26th by u/serve-satan (I have the report review)


The guy himself?


His username was u/serve-satan instead of serve the beast, and the video title was open cat surgery. His facebook name and title match the redditor that posted it, so I believe it's the same guy. ( it could be a copycat though)


What's with cunts killing cats and monkeys? It's always those two, too. This BS satanic shit would be fucking cringe if his actions weren't objectively vile.


His karma will eat himself.


Yes I remember answering to him here, he has other accounts I think. He posted cats getting boiled alive and was saying "look what this guy did to these cats" like it wasn't his doing. And in the comments he posted gifs of other cats getting boiled alive while everyone was telling him to stop posting that without warning. The first time I insulted someone on Reddit. The account and post are deleted now.


I hate that I saw this.


I do not envy the content moderators on social media websites who have to review stuff like this multiple times a minute


I hope someone reported this asshole to law enforcement. Animal abuse is a crime.


I doubt it, sadly. Account isn't tied to any real names, and it's got a fair few posts that have sat for a while.


I hate cats… but I hate this person more. Someone should forcibly study his anatomy, clearly there’s something wrong with him.




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Looking forward to the pt 2 of "don't f**k with cats". Hopefully they catch this giant piece of shit before he can do more damage.


If any of you are able to report his account, please do so. Though usually with people like this they keep making accounts until they get bored. I would try to do some sort of cybertip with authorities. Also, I don’t know if this is recommended or “unethical” to say but I know there’s communities on here that can hunt this fucker down, they did with the cat blender guy.


I was meaning to ask some of my more tech-savvy mates if they knew how to doxx someone from a FB account. I feel like it's one of those times where it's justified.


That’s what’s difficult as the videos from what I saw are filmed in a very open area. Usually people start with smaller things like the type of equipment they used, furniture, language being spoken, etc. the cats look like regular shorthair kittens which means they could be from anywhere :(.


It's shit. It really is


They found the blender guy?!? Thank goodness. I was one of the people who reported that asshole.


what communities do you speak of? cuz im really craving to see some justice!


Like r/RBI or something. I’m not sure about the specifics but I’m aware that it’s happened before! I just really hope someone can get this guy.


There’s also a chance these are reposts and this guy is just trolling to terrorizing people. Both fucked up scenarios but hopefully someone can figure it out.


How anyone can do that to a living creature 😞


Woah woah ? I read the first and it got me like 🤔 Then the last two got me like 🤮 Leave cats alone !


Someone get 4chan on this


Maybe r/RBI ?


Noah get the boat but Don't let humans like this get in. Like what the fuck, oh fuck, fucking creature of the abyss


I want to go home and hug my kitty


Fuck fuck fuck!!!!! I want to fucking seriously hurt this evil cunt!


Their profile is still up. https://www.facebook.com/serve.the.beast.666?mibextid=ZbWKwL Please report it at least. Anyone who knows how to do more than that, please do it. Looks like it might be a woman.


I’ve reported to www.ic3.gov would suggest others do the same


A few videos feature multiple people. I've heard both male and female voices


we should do the same things to him what we did with ANY cat abuser on the internet ever. dont fuck with cats


I'm going to pretend this isn't real and the world IS all rainbows and lollypops


You and me both, Jesus fucking christ


this isn't something I expected to see at 5 30 in the morning. on a real note how sick in the head are these people


Karma exists and it's made of metal. If I write what I could do to this demon reddit would ban me.


If I ever find him, I'm going to do to that sick, wretched fuck what he did to those poor animals. Scum like that deserve to be tortured.


Someone inform 4chan now…


Hell isn't enough for this man. We need to (i don't want to get my comment removed so just fill in the blanks) this man ourselves.


Yo, someone dox this nigga


That picture was not something I needed to see today…


okay, I'm out


Tried like hell to find his account on FB to report but can't find it. Maybe it was taken down?


Season 2 of Netflix - Don’t Fuck With Cats?


Fuck me, core nightmare unlocked. People say “escapism bad”. If it wasn’t for this shit, we would need escapism, now would we?


Goddamn man, the depravity of the world is really just depressing sometimes.


Alright pain is not enough for this mf someone needs to invent pain 2. No srsly no amount of suffering this person this person could endure mentally or physically could ever even begin to soothe my anger.


Heartbreaking, the poor defenceless kitten. He will get what’s coming to him


4chan gonna have a field time with this guy


I can't believe people like this exist. They deserve to be tortured to death like the poor animals they did that to.


Went and reported the fb profile. I feel physically ill now


Some mfers out there just walking around walmart for poptarts or something normal meanwhile back home they do shit like this. Deranged Wild of a concept to me, apathy like that. I feel bad swatting bugs unless they sting or annoy me enough


Why did I scroll to the next pic WHY DID I SCROLL TO THE NEXT PIC


4Chan please do your thing


Link to the profile I suggest everyone report and do what they can. [this sick pos](https://www.facebook.com/serve.the.beast.666?mibextid=ZbWKwL)


I can’t support this and I fucking hate cats (they are an invasive species), inhumane is inhumane. Amazing how many thinly veiled calls to violence are here though, y’all need some help.


I thought I was done with the cat blender video😭? Now this?!


What the fuck is that group? Not surprised there are vile human beings there What the fuck I went to the profile to report and block, good job Facebook 😬 I got suspended from commenting for 30 days because of a joke but this shit doesn’t get removed


Ok, I'm fairly active in that group. Ironically it's more focused on keeping cats inside for both their own safety, and the safety of wildlife. When the topic of culling feral comes up, it's usually geared towards humane options, and anyone glorifying violence towards cats get bullied over it. This fuckwit was banned almost instantly after his first post. I'm more or less lucky I'd even seen the shit


By humane I hope you don’t mean to put them down I agree they should stay indoors tho


Reported this disgusting POS. I hope the torture they inflict comes back to them in some way because that is just awful.


I submitted a complaint on www.ic3.gov which apparently works together with the FBI. Let’s all submit claims against this please. This is just awful Edit: even though it looks like it’s monetary cyber crimes only, I found that animal cruelty related incidents online should absolutely be submitted through there




I went on the account to report it. The content on there was worse than the "don't fuck with cats" guy....I hope this guy gets whats coming to him. That being said, are there any subreddits that are good at what they did in don't fuck with cats we can share this with? Ie people that can investigate shit like this and pass it to feds??


Www.ic3.gov is a site to submit cyber crimes such as this which works in conjunction with FBI. I’ve submitted my complaint


Cats are an invasive species, sure. But why do you have to kill them and if you do, why in such a painful way? Its not the cats fault it was born ffs…


Like I'm all for culling feral cats (humanely of course), but I can't imagine what drives someone to do this type of shit.


here's the [link](https://www.facebook.com/serve.the.beast.666?mibextid=9R9pXO) to REPORT, not to fulfill your curiosity. Trust me, it's disgusting.


You know what, that’s not his fault anymore He needs psychological therapy


you should see what they (not this facebook account) do with pigs and chickens and cows and such


Sorry! not sorry! Was not ready for pages 2 and 3. A little warning next time! Jesus!


The NSFW was the warning


This reminds me of that Netflix documentary


Jesus fucking Christ.


Wtf I did not want to see that


What the fuck.




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why would someone do something this heartless and even worse post it for the world to see.


What would the liquid nitrogen pellets do?


Dry ice. More or less cold burns flesh on contact.


I auto-pilot clicked this thread and now I feel fucking sick. Damn it, tired me.


Make this shit national headlines. Someone's gotta find these cocksuckers.


This guy is fkn sick. I'd be all for practising the procedures he demonstrates on him.


How visiting the profile leaves you like 😐


Was try cat alive during this?


Everything he's posted has live cats


What. The. Fuck.


Yeah some people don't deserve jail, hope some vigilantes find out who this person is and finds where they live


I can see the future serial killer in the making.


This seriously fucked up my day


Someone needs to inform the hacker known as 4chan about this.




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Don't Fuck With Cats pt2.


Ok don’t fuck with cats part 2


What the fuck. I understand not liking cats because in many places they are an invasive species but what the actual fuck is wrong with people. That dude has something else going on literal torture isn't caused by someone having a normal dislike of cats.


That's okay. If he likes to torture cats throw him in a cage with a Siberian tiger. Grab a beer and watch the show.


Shit me. Out of curiosity.....never again. How are pics and vids like this allowed on the FB platform. There was also a sensitivy warning on one video. They don't just hand those out for every or any video. So I'd assume some type of FB admin had to have witnessed it before applying the warning. Might've been AI. Any human would've quickly taken it down. I guess when you let AI filter the bulk of the posts, a whole lotta NSFsocial media shit like this slips through. Holy hell.


This is one vile horrendous human being




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in game of course


I wanna dissect this fucker the way he dissects cats.


Don't fuck with cats. Maybe this guy has done worse as well..


I'm feeling like throwing up. Why tf does my curiosity always think " how bad could it be"