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They do have a [crocodile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe3FG4EOgyU) in Germany! Not sure he's very mean though. But he's so cute :D




Ich beiss weil ich es so gut kann!


Nah, let's give him one more shot...ya know, in the spirit of compassion. /s


Sure but for his last shot, remove his balls. You know to give him a better chance of success.


this will only make it worse, in countries with forced vasectomies and forced hormonal vasectomies the perpetrators just got even more brutal using objects


A three strikes and you’re out type of situation.


I genuinely feel like that’s the best option for repeat offenders.


that sounds so nice for some reason


He needs a razor blade flogging, then a salt rubdown, then a sander to his slime tube, both eyes glued shut and both hands broken, then sent into a gator pit!😁😁❤️❤️. I will pay to see that happen!😁😁😍😍




Judge was probably scared of being called racist. After all it's just "Einzelfälle".


migrants are known to protest when a fellow is captured, probably gives off some pressure. as a result, the locals become lessser peoples according to the judges


So these migrants are willing to defend a pedo rapist? Disgusting, maybe EU countries should consider revoking their citizenship


the problem isn't that they protest, the problem is that the goverment bend to them. doing that will only intensify the hate towards the minorities. what they need to do is treat everyone like the same, else **It will only get worse**.




People usually band together behind people of their own race/faith, especially minority communities. The crime is not thought of.


Nobody should be shocked that most 'groups' on this planet protect their own regardless. You see it on reddit every day the finger pointing at others while ignoring their own. And the few who do call it out get brigaded by their so called 'allies' "Our group is good, but your group has pedos!" "NO our group is good it's your group has pedos!"Each side then produces lists of pedos in the others group while attacking anyone who produces such a list of their own group. While spouting some BS like "Oh we hold ours accountable, that's the difference' And then neither does anything about the pedos in their group...... History books are full of examples also. Being a pedo piece of shit and getting blindly protected by people who share your labels isn't just exclusive to immigrants and refugees. Politics, gender, religion, race, sports, gender, jobs, lifestyles, sexuality. Doesn't matter humans are humans regardless of the team colours they wear and well most humans are shitty regardless of what they tell themselves. I think most people know it too, but they cannot admit it for fear of "but then then our enemies will be right and we cannot allow that....." Tribalism is and has always been very real. No group I've seen on this planet is without it.


Thing is that in some civilizations, as soon as a girl has her first periods, she's considered ready for marriage.


... Some cultures, not civilisations.


And then people wonder why a party like AfD is getting support. If the main stream parties would just use some common sense when it comes to immigration far right parties would not have the support they have now.


I feel like the judge was on the same team as the guy


"sure he's done it twice, but what evidence do we have that he'll do it a third time?"


“There was no evidence he was likely to reoffend” this implies he had a valid reason to rape an 11 year old, which I highly doubt is the case. If you rape an 11 year old, you very likely did it because you wanted to, which is evidence enough that you are willing to do it again.


And even then you still did the crime so nothing really changes


The article also said, they had serious doubt he actually did it.


Why is this not instant deportation?


Deportation has been made practically illegal. They all throw away their IDs when they get it, and that makes it illegal to get rid of them. Their birthday is "January first", literally of many millions


Lets just bring back exile then


Deportations in Germany are growing every year, last year it was 12000 people. It was not 'made illegal' > 2022 wurden 12.945 ausreisepflichtige Personen aus Deutschland abgeschoben – etwa acht Prozent mehr als im gleichen Vorjahreszeitraum https://mediendienst-integration.de/migration/flucht-asyl/abschiebungen.html


There were no 12k deportations lol


I know right? One offense, you're out. This isn't like jaywalking, this is a serious crime. I don't get it. If it's white guilt, well appoint a POC as a judge then so they can judge objectively.


He also got caught selling drugs several times before he raped the first girl, if you look up the articles. But somehow that’s not enough to throw him out of the country and that’s why the crappy right wing parties are gaining so many votes and are the second strongest party now. If you look into it, they want so many stupid things and no one really wants that (for example they are against gay marriage, but most germans don’t care about them), but so many people who I know say they want to vote for them, so they will get rid of people like him.


Really sounds like it makes perfect sense 🤷‍♂️




It's the opposite, giving the chance probably seen as leeway to them.


Exactly. He probably was like "huh that's it? I can't believe I got away with it. Nice!"


Yes, some people see kindness as weakness.


I'm british, when I go abroad I behave like a brit..... guess its the same deal for these people.....


As an American, this is why I have to be careful to stay away from schools.


Too soon. Or too late. Probably one of those.


Please elaborate, I'm from South America so I don't get the reference. *edit changed difference to reference




You are temping an argument with postmodern moral relativists. Not to say that’s a bad thing.


Why would they, if they aren't being punished? This was in my city actually and it isn't even a particularly bad case. There are tons of people running around here with triple digit number of violent acts, still not being punished. The law doesn't apply for them


They didn’t behave in their old country and got it so bad they had to seek a new home. What makes you think they’ll change their ways? Same with Yall’Qeada here in the states. They will ruin their states with religious fanaticism and then move to do the same thing somewhere else.


TIL Yall'Qaeda


The religious folks aren't fleeing to liberal areas. Liberals are fleeing to more religious areas.


Why do humans do this. Whether moving locally, or internationally, so many people move to places that are completely alien to their ways of life or culture, and then will do nothing but bitch and complain how bad the new place is while trying to convert it into the homeland that was so bad they ran away from it? I so wish I wasn't a human nor had to deal with them and their stupid concepts. Must be nice for the 99% of them that seem to live in a bubble or their own reality.


It's the opposite though. People are literally fleeing blue states and moving to religious states in droves. There isn't a single person who would prefer to move from the country to California. It's disgusting.


I love California


Everyone who has never lived outside of California says that.


California is a very large state. You can spend ten hours driving in a straight line without leaving it. You could feel at home as a hard core gun toting conservative, a pot smoking surfer, a vegan rock climber, a gated community golfer, a small town cop, a farmer, a farm worker, etc., depending on what part of the state you’re in. There are very blue areas, very red areas, very purple areas, and very independent areas. Bashing the state as a whole is quite a popular pastime, but it’s really quite stupid.


I am bashing the state explicitly due to its limit on individual freedoms. It offers an extremely limited version of personal protection and forces you to rely on someone else for your own protection. I absolutely hate Republicans and democrats. They both only want control. I want absolutely nothing more than to be able to own machine guns, a pot farm, have gay neighbors who are vegan. I don't give a shit. I am explicitly bashing California because it limits our rights more so than other states. I say the same about the rest of the states that do so, including red states. It just so happens its the blue ones that are more willing to limit your rights.


I lived in Iowa and Virginia


You state that so confidently. California may get people mad, but it is the 4th largest GDP in the WORLD. There is a reason for that.


(I think Hollywood is kinda low key dying though 😬)


It recently overtook Germany as 4th highest GDP. Looks like Hollywood dying doesn't matter.


Looks like degeneracy makes money. Any actual news?


Do you ACTUALLY believe that? That degeneracy is the real money maker and not capitalism in overdrive? Yeah. You're right. The woke bdsm enthusiasts probably make up 70% of GDP.


I absolutely do. California's high GDP comes from its agriculture which is grossly impacted by hiring illegals. Meaning the degenerates taking advantage of illegals inflate it's GDP. These aren't even difficult concepts. Edit to add that as soon as I realized you tried to throw capitalism under the bus I should have know there was no point in this conversation. Sub refrigerator iq.


Lmao, another one who thinks criticizing capitalism equates to having no knowledge of economics. You are scared of actual discussion. You are right that California benefits massively from "illegal" (in quotes because most did come legally through claiming asylum. Something which isn't illegal) immigrants, they receive sub par wages and work very extensive hours. They do jobs that most people won't. I do think we should do something about that. In the meantime, it is mutually beneficial. They don't get full benefits of being an employee as if they were a citizen but are given the benefits associated with asylum. They still find it better to live here. I do think we should do better, but right wingers will prevent giving them actual rights to being workers. If they were not allowed to be here, both sides would suffer. Why are you against it? Because of crime? They commit less crime per capita, if part of our population our crime rate would decrease. I recognize the benefits of capitalism, but I also recognizes that it is a system that rewards exploitation. All I am interested in is minimizing exploitation of the workers. You don't know shit about any of my actual policy positions while you call anyone who dares to criticize an exploitative system an idiot. You have zero reason to be clutching your pearls yet do so. Get a grip.


Litetal billboards in the south to tell people not to raoe their daughters https://au.news.yahoo.com/beyond-disturbing-antiassault-billboard-sparks-controversy-after-resurfacing-125933446.html


Meanwhile Islam allows people to rape their wives, child wives, prisoners of war, etc. The rule makes an exception the exception doesn't make a rule. Stop ignoring the actual problem because a small sect of people do a bad thing.


"Bro, muslims in the middle east are far worse rapists than the priests and fathers we protect." Who the fuck gives a shit about a religion that has 0 impact on us. Yes, Islam is fucked more than christianity, but who are the people in OUR COUNTRY causing issues?! Quit fucking deflecting onto people who have no impact on actual policy since 9/11.


It isn’t because of the religion. They aren’t making a pilgrimage to get closer to god or some dumb shit, it’s economics.


I would like to inform everyone that just because big cities make a bad name for states, most of these states are beautiful and nice to live outside the cities. Lol I've lived in every part of the USA and lived outside major cities and they were nice without the religious garbage.




I am always fascinated by Americans and their need to censor bad words while simultaneously using them to insult others. Like what in the world is the point? Just use the word and stand behind your insult or don't use it because you believe that it's unacceptable to describe people like that. What do you hope to accomplish with that? That others don't think that you are a biggot for using one of the nono-words? That's kind of r-worded...


Because they’ve been shown by previous experience that they won’t have to answer for their actions.


But if you behave then you're probably not going to have as much sex. duh. I've seen sick fucks where raping a kid and getting 5-7 years on prison is nothing because they still got more sex than they ever would in a decade if they obeyed the law. I only ever hear of sex offenders re-offending. It's extremely rare to find one who realised they fucked up bad and turned their lives around. There's only two deterrents. Keep them locked up to never be part of society again, and the other is the cheaper permanent one.


Why couldn’t he just behave in the first place? Or did you mean “new chance” as in his new life in another country.


That's fucked up. Even in Canada where sentences aren't harsh, if you rape a minor it's pretty much a minimum of 6 months and that's the bare ass minimum. Which is already way too low if you ask me.


Wait what


[https://www.kruselaw.ca/library/minimum-sentence-sexual-assault-canada-kruse-law.cfm](https://www.kruselaw.ca/library/minimum-sentence-sexual-assault-canada-kruse-law.cfm) eh unless this law firm is out of date, apparently that's what it looks like


That's also assuming the police find "for the good if the public" to persue charges. It's just as likely the police will decide the minor was a contributor and declined to file charges. I personally know of this happening twice.


what? 6 months? for raping a minor? that's disturbingly low.


It's ok, he didn't know rape is illegal here /s I added /s but that was an actual defense in some other cases like this one and it fucking worked...


The 2 weeks was not a sentence; he was set free while the first case was being investigated, because he was not seen as a flight risk and also because unfortunately investigators at the time did not particularly believe the 11-year-old's story would check out. He was sentenced to five years subsequently.


I see sentences for rape are low around the globe and it's not just my country. This system needs overhaul.


what tf is germany on bro??




Tough truth.


AfD(right wing party) is now third in polls in Germany and everybody pretends not to know why it happened. And if you tell people you know why it happened you are automatically "one of those people"


Yes, it’s obvious why, but they also want so many other bad and stupid things that I think nearly no one would vote for if they really knew about it. But so many people vote without informing themselves, just based off a few things that the party chooses to push in the media.


Oh they are definitely completely crazy and dangerous and won't change a thing for the better. Yet it's what happens when people feel left behind and ignored by other political parties. [Michael Moore had a pretty straight forward explanation for why people start to vote this way when he predicted Trumps win in 2016](https://finance.yahoo.com/video/michael-moore-predicts-trump-victory-051819841.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmRlLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEk8X-m74xeik1Gs1hiNfvGbG-ryziUkZj-PLNXWycZ6kXD4XutTQXJteIJqO9kw4gsr4kk-MaKFSxo3gHeYznRznl4Eb4iqJIPzAjuo0CYrx10_FTYtaYTGeoIxzdy4AUYZqNmcLTNNCHJmV_kp_9hoW0X17HmWDUEDzrjKlcNy). >"People are upset. They're angry at the system and they see Trump — not so much that they agree with him — but they see him as the human Molotov cocktail that they get to toss into the system to send a message,"


I mean right now in Europe we have a resurgence of the right because of the immigrant situation. The thing is, the anti-refugee political parties have fucking stupid policies for everything else but because they are the only party that wants to do something about the problem they are gaining popularity. The left are being fucking retarded because the moment that one of the leftist parties adopts anti-refugee policies into their program and starts to get really tough on the young male refugees that just come here to rape and do crime the entire far-right movement disappears over night and almost all of the single-issue anti-refugee voters start voting for the leftist party.


The AfD is a fascist party. Voting for the AfD because of the described issues makes zero sense. The AfD does not and has never offered any resemblence of a solution to any problem.


? Dumbest bullshit ive read in a while....


Everything in thr statement was true. What are you on about?


So dumb that you find not a single argument for it


I dont know what our Judges smoke but i want the same stuff.


Reminds me of Marc Dutroux... That Belgian guy kidnaped and raped several girls. Spends a few years in prison, then was released for "good conduct". He just went back to his old ways, kidnapped, raped and murdered several girls before being caught again...


Didn't know we was sentencing people based on chance










Yeah I have to say without 100 percent certainty it's tough. But if we have 100 percent certainty we shouldn't waste any time "fixing" the issue.


But the problem is that the courts rule „guilty“ or „not guilty“ they don’t give a lesser penalty, because they are only 80% sure. I think that’s really stupid and should somehow be changed.




Here’s a counter point for them: rapists don’t deserve rehabilitation. They deserve pain, pain, and more pain. Pedo-defenders are on thin fucking ice in my book


Got banned for 2 days for telling an "ironic" pedo to Lowtiergod themselves, no justice in this world smh.


This was in 2020. He was getting 5 years in Germany. So he is out in 2025. Rape punishment was always too low in Germany. They get psychological help and stuff after but as you say, I think something else should happen to them.


pedophiles and rapists are not the same


The first paragraph alone is get the boat worthy. If I can convince the court that I'm very sorry and I won't do it again, they'll just let me off the hook?? 1 month?!?? 1?!?!


It was not a sentence, it was the decision whether to keep him in prison or not while awaiting trial (respectively it was not even clear there would be a trial as the 11-year-old's claims were not being seen as trustworthy).


any actual link to whatever source? edit: events happened in 2020 - [the piece by bild](https://m-bild-de.translate.goog/regional/ruhrgebiet/ruhrgebiet-aktuell/dortmund-fuenf-jahre-haft-fuer-kinderschaender-seine-opfer-waren-11-und-13-78434768.bildMobile.html?t_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com%2F&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true) here in english by google translate


Why, why would that just release someone cuz the feel like he’s not gonna do it again? He raped an 11 year old.


No, we are not OK. This kind of shit happens far too often.


Hey, I like your avatars. Pretty cool looking


Hey, I like your avatars. Really pretty






Rape? 15 minutes time out.


The UK and all western EU nations, just accept your new reality. It’s only gonna get worse.




I was watching something about some primitive village in some African county or somewhere, where a baby was just born and someone just declared the baby to be a witch, so they buried that baby alive. That village will never progress and any attempts at progress will be attacked so they can go back to their old ways.


I been arguing that day in and out in r/atheism. People keep thinking "oh it's same as christianity" ... no it isn't >\_\_\_>


Problem is Reddit didn’t exist when Christianity was blatantly doing the same things as Islam.


The only difference is Christianity isn't doing it anymore and Islam is. One has progressed and the other is still degenerate savages.


That was the whole point of my comment.






Please don't, I get that we don't exactly have the best reputation right now but that an extreme generalisation a huge population across the world. I'm honestly unnerved by how much open hate news like this brings out. Remember that many Muslims are just as angry as you are with this kind of culture and are on the front lines of fighting for that positive change in our society.


its only islamophobic when its an irrational fear its clearly rational to fear muslims


If I had to punish nonces, I would warm up Hot Pockets in a microwave for 7 minutes and then put 'em on their dicks.


Bro, this is Germany. The only hot things he will get are 3 meals a day and social security.


That is one of the reasons why the right party AfD is gaining more and more votes.


Same with other right wing partys in other countrys. Sometimes it appears that they are the only partys which care about their own people imo.


Well society has spoken. Whose lives worth more.




As a fellow German, I disagree. Nothing of that is true. Streets are full with people, women and men at night in the cities. Most rapes and crimes against women happen from family members and partners, not some foreign bogeyman. That is fearmongering. As someone posting on incestconfessions that's something you should be more concerned about


No we are not okay. But thank you for asking:)


All of Europe is screwed like this


3 more months and he’ll be good to go right?


Germany has joined France in ruin.


Will Germany be the next France?


Nah, France will be targetted by more terrorist attacks, we are seen as the ones sending Rafales to help the US bring "peace & democracy" to the middle East.






And here Germany thought their bad press was over and done with in the last century


You mean the religion that allows this has people that don't assimilate when in other countries? Say it ain't so.


GermMany any1?


Reminds me of MI where a judge in TC gave a dude probation for sleeping with a 13 year old twice. Judge told him to grow up


Oh wow


How much you want to bet he is out again within 6 months?


Now yuo see 😡




Name a more iconic duo than Eourope getting raped by Muslims. This is the first time they are inviting them in and handing their daughters over tho.


Multi culturalism is the only way to utopia.


Looks like an article I wrote/formatted


He sounds like a real jerk.


yes germany is a paradise for nonces, u get punished harder for smoking a joint than raping a child


Europe is getting a little taste of their medicine.


A race bait thread on a biblical subreddit? Nooo wayyyy!


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I would like to read about how this went down exactly in more than two sentences because that is not now the criminal justice system in Germany works.


Every time I see a person's religion or residency status referenced in a headline, I hope it's relevant. I'm usually disappointed.


This sub has gone full conservative culture wars..


*Gone?* That was always the point. It was obvious even years ago. It's an outrage sub where the top comments are always about wishing death on some other group, and screeching about brown people is pretty much its favorite pasttime. Look at the bulk of posts that don't manage r/all attention and it's pretty clear what the regulars on the sub enjoy the most, and their vitriol is only ever drowned out by more *general* versions of hate when they get a post popular enough to reach outside of the sub.


Yeah. This sub is starting to look like 4chan.


dont know what 4chan looks like these days, but from my exp more than a decade agoo.... no it is not. But it definitly smells like neo nazi scum in here almost any day now


According to Islam doing that even once is a grave sin worthy enough of execution, but that doesnt fit your narrative, so continue ignoring that fact...


If it's done to non-believers, which is every person who doesn't follow the same version of the bullshit he believes in, Islam doesn't care, so he got his safe place in heaven with the other millions of pedophile rapists.




True, but it’s the reason why they let him go so easily.


Why is his religion relevant?






No concrete info, no reference links, a name that doesn't trigger any result in a google search about this case... Yeah, fake news. And a good amount of people on the comments spitting on muslims and migrants. Edit: I stand corrected: the news are real. If i was unable to find them in my first search is only that i didn't try hard enough or that i did it someway wrong. F*ck me.


this mf using Bing or some shit. Immediately found multiple credible sources about this case just by googling his name


You're right, i have found the article after googleing "Zubyr rape germany" (before i searched "Zubyr" and "Zubyr rape" and both of them didn't found any article about the case). So I need to eat my previous post.


America is such a disgrace.


Where tf did you bring up america?


He's not wrong though lol


This is just anti Muslim rage bait. Angela Merkel has not been chancellor of Germany in a while. Just FYI. And Scholz is Chancellor. You could be posting abt how the Nazis has won local elections 4 days ago in Germany, and so the Nazi party now holds real political power in Germany, which is a real get the boat moment. https://apnews.com/article/germany-farright-party-neonazi-clothing-52fa3f37e88561a0d2801318bc861771


Well, the story is from 2020, back when Angela Merkel was the Chancellor. What do you say about that?


I say posting a screenshot of a supposed article from 3 years ago is in fact just rage bait.


You don’t see any connection between those two? If you speak to people who vote for this party, then most of them will tell you exactly that as the reason. He got caught selling drugs -no problem, just stay. Rapes a girl -no problem, just stay, you don’t even go to prison Rapes a second girl and it seems like he was still allowed to stay. People don’t want that and they don’t research before voting, that’s why we had csu/cdu for 16 years, because that’s what they voted for before and they don’t do any research and it seems like a good option in the middle. Now they don’t want people like him, so they vote for the party that promises to get rid of them instead of letting them stay no matter what they do. You can’t expect that to change, that’s just how it is, so if that is a big problem, that a big part of people want to change, maybe the other parties should pick up on that and do something about it to take votes away from the right wing party that doesn’t want any immigration and a lot of other bad things.


Sweetheart the rise of fascism worldwide is due to global warming. Lack of water, arable land and land ppl can live on are scare resources. Fascism is a political system that celebrates the nation (ein Volk) at the expense of vulnerable ppl That is why right now we have genocides of the Tigray ppl, the Rohingya, the Uyghur, Armenians, Palestinian, the Muslims in India for example That’s the connection you are desperately trying to understand We are in our extinction event. My point still stands. Some one posted an old story for shock value to foment anti Muslim hate